VET Work Based Training and Practical Placement Requirements Procedure

Policy code: AG1906
Policy owner: Director, Co-operative Placements
Approval authority: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement)
Approval date: 22 November 2024
Next review date: 10 March 2024


Work Based Training and Practical Placement (WBT/PP) opportunities are an important component of employee engagement and skills development in a variety of VET and VCE learning and teaching environments. This procedure and its associated documents are necessary to clearly define the University's Federation University holistic approach in the delivery and monitoring of WBT/PP programs.


This procedure relates to all students undertaking WBT/PP requirements as part of their VET or VCE study program.

This procedure does not apply to:

  • A VETDSS program delivered as part of a third partyagreement with a Secondary School which undertake the training and assessment;
  • The University training its own staff; and
  • Apprentices and trainees employed under a training agreement.


Term Definition
DET Department of Education and Training Victoria
Work Based Training/Practical Placement (WBT/PP): An assessable component of a qualification, designed to provide students with the opportunity, and the means, to apply skills and knowledge obtained through the study of their qualification in a supervised and authentic environment.
Structured Work-based Learning (SWL) On-the-job training during which a student is expected to master a set of skills or competencies, related to a course accredited by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) or the Australian Skills Quality Authority ASQA and undertaken as part of either the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
Work Based Training/Practical Placement Agreement (WBT/PP Agreement) A written agreement between a training organisation (for example Federation University) and an appropriate employer and a student. It includes work observation and other forms of workplace learning. This also includes Clinical Placement.
Host Employer/Placement provider (Host) Workplace providing work based training/ practical placement learning environment to Federation University student.
Host Employer Supervisor (HES) The key contact person employed by the host employer organisation who will act or organise appropriate supervision for the student during the WBT/PP arrangement.
Work Based Training/Practical Placement  Liaison Officer (WBT/PP Liaison Officer) An external staff member purposely employed by the University, to act as a facilitator between the University's WBT/PP Supervisor, the Host Employer's Supervisor and the student in the WBT/PP arrangement.
Work Integrated Learning Coordinator (Federation University Coordinator) A Federation University staff member who is responsible for the coordination of students in WBT/PP arrangements within a Federation University approved program or course for Federation TAFE.
WBT/PP Uni-Trainer & Assessor
(Federation University -Trainer & Assessor)
A Federation University staff member who is responsible for the academic progress and assessment of students in WBT/PP arrangements particular to a Federation University approved program or course for Federation TAFE.


To comply with this Procedure, the following steps must be completed.

(See supplementary steps required for Interstate or International Placements and placements Applicable to Students Under 18 Years)

Applicable to All VET and VCAL WBT/PP (additional specific VCAL requirements listed in Under 18 of age section)

1 - Inform Staff and Student of Requirements

1 Ensure Course Finder identifies any work placement arrangement requirements that must be undertaken as part of the program. Program Manager

Course Finder must provide details of any work placement arrangement requirements and the expected duration of placements.

The Training and Assessment Strategy must include the placement hours as part of the qualification requirements.

2 Identify practical placement requirements on marketing materials including any industry specific requirements, e.g.: Working with Children and/or Police Checks and Immunisations. Program Manager Course Finder information must make reference to any industry requirements for students to undergo Police and/or Working With Children Checks.
3 Inform teaching staff of practical placement requirements. Program Manager
  • Training & Assessment
  • Strategy
  • Unit / Qualification Outline
  • Induction Sessions etc.

2 - Establish Terms

1 Liaise with industry to identify potential host employers. Program Manager / WIL Coordinator
  1. The University's approved student placement system to be updated and maintained with details of host employers.
  2. Ensure host employers are aware of their responsibilities relating to the provision of a learning environment to Federation University students.
2 Determine suitability of potential host employer, including supervision and occupational health and safety requirements. Program Manager In consultation with Health, Safety and Wellbeing representatives and WIL Coordinator, identify placement requirements.
3 Placements that involve third party delivery of training and assessment. Director of Skills and Education Delivery /Program Manager Ensure that the arrangement adheres to the requirements outlined in the Third Party Delivery of VET Assessment and Training Procedure.
4 Conduct risk assessment of placement conditions. Program Manager Refer to:
Practical Placements OHS Checklist and Flowchart.
5 Conduct site visit for pre-placement risk assessment (HIRAC review) if placement conditions are identified as high risk or if this is the first time students have been placed with this host employer. Program Manager Liaise with Health, Safety and Wellbeing Unit.
If Host Employer is an accredited body and/or regularly undergoes independent accreditation then a pre-placement risk assessment would not be necessary. A copy of the accreditation should be obtained and kept.
6 Ensure students receive work health and safety training prior to commencement of placement. Program Manager

Refer to:

  • Curriculum / Training Package requirements (most recent)
7 Discuss scope for reasonable adjustment for students with disabilities. Program Manager

Where a student identifies themselves as having a disability and requests assistance, the student, placement coordinator, and University Disability and Learning Access Officer (DLAO), if appropriate, should:

  • ensure an accurate assessment of the requirements of the placement and the student's ability are made;
  • determine how the learning outcomes of the placement may be achieved while accommodating the needs of the student; and
  • discuss the information that will be provided to the host employer about the student's disability and who should provide it.
8 Determine hours of placement, payment and format of agreement with host provider. Program Manager / WIL Coordinator

The recommended maximum duration for placement is 240 hours in total, with a maximum of 38 hours total worked in any one week.

If the hours of placement of the program exceed 240 hours ensure that the requirement is supported by a national accredited training package/State approved curriculum or regulatory/professional body mandate.

Records detailing the reasons for any decisions to require a student to undertake more than a total of 240 hours, or more than 38 hours per week must be kept.

Hours where the student will be treated as a volunteer or paid member of staff need to be clearly identified.

NB: No payment is required for placement hours (New Secretarial Order under section 5.4.20 ETRA 23 December 2010 - effective from 1 January 2011) but can still be made at the discretion of the host.

If the Host wishes to use an alternative format of agreement to the Single Placement Agreement or Organisation Placement Agreement templates a request for legal services will need to be sought from the Legal Office.


Complete Placement Agreement in consultation with the Legal Office.

The Agreement must contain the following information:

  • the rights obligations and duties of the employer, the RTO and the Eligible individual;
  • the names of all students to which the practical placement agreement pertains;
  • the relevant skills required as part of that qualification to be developed, reinforced and/or assessed during the practical placement, for each student;
  • the location and address of the practical placement of each student;
  • the start and finish dates, the total length of the Practical Placement expressed as hours, and the maximum hours per week; and
  • signatures of the students, the employer the University.
  • program of study
  • clarification of any payments
Director of Skills and Education Delivery, TAFE / WIL Coordinator

The agreement should take the form of the Single Agreement, or separate Student Agreement and Organisation Agreement. For overseas placements the Overseas Agreement should be used.

If the Host wishes to use an alternative format of agreement to the Single Placement Agreement or Organisation Placement Agreement templates a request for legal services will need to be sought from the Legal Office.

The Program Manager must ensure that any practical placement is sufficient and appropriate to meet the vocational outcomes as described in the relevant Training Package.

10 Retain Host placement information. Program Manager / WIL Coordinator Copies of any contracts, risk assessment or accreditation documents must be uploaded electronically on the University's approved student placement system to allow access to this information by all staff involved in arranging work based training and practical placement.
11 Provide students with pre-placement briefing. Trainer & Assessor

Refer to:

  • Curriculum/Training Package requirements
  • VET & VCE Student Placement Information
  • Medical Consent Form.
12 Ensure students have obtained necessary pre-placement checks. Trainer & Assessor / WIL Coordinator

Students are responsible for obtaining and paying for the cost of the Police Check and/or the Working with Children Check.

The University will check to ensure that the student has obtained the necessary clearance and is under no obligation to provide a placement to a student who have not obtained a Police Check and/or Working with Children Check by the date specified.

13 Provide all parties with a copy of the Practical Placement Agreement prior to commencement. WIL Coordinator To meet the requirements as set out in Guidelines issued by the Department of Education and Training, Victoria, all parties to the agreement must receive a copy.
14 Establish processes for recording student attendance on a University approved attendance record, and reporting non-attendance. Trainer & Assessor / WIL Coordinator

Start and finish times should be verified by work- place supervisor. The University must hold a copy of attendance record for audit purpose. For international students refer to:

  • Monitoring Course Progression Procedure
15 Establish processes to liaise with student and workplace supervisor to monitor student progress. Trainer & Assessor Students should be given a copy of the VET Student Placement Information which includes information on the Victorian Child Safe Standards.

3 - Monitor Progress

1 Monitor student placement according to qualification requirements. Trainer & Assessor Refer to VET Assessment Procedure and any specific guidelines.
2 Undertake assessments, as required. Trainer & Assessor
  • Assessment is the responsibility of the University.
  • Any assessment undertaken during WBT/PP must be assessed by a University assessor.
  • Placement supervisors must not assess students on behalf of the University unless they have the required qualifications.
3 Provide students and host employer with an opportunity to provide feedback at conclusion of placement. Trainer & Assessor All feedback collected must be recorded and demonstrate how it was planned, gathered, analysed and actioned.
4 Reporting of injuries whilst on placement. Trainer & Assessor

The host employer is required to notify the University of any incident resulting in injury to a student whilst on placement.

Upon notification of an incident, the designated trainer / education manager must complete an Injury Report Form

5 Submitting Worker's Claim for Compensation. Head - Health, Safety and Wellbeing / WIL Coordinator Upon notification of an injury to a student whilst on placement, the Head - Health, Safety and Wellbeing will, where applicable, liaise with the Host to ensure that the host and University's Work Claim for Compensation form is completed and signed by all parties and submitted to the GCU Workers Compensation (Victoria).

Structured Workplace Learning (VCAL Students)

1 Ensure that the Department teaching staff are familiar and up to date with the requirements of SWL. Including the particular requirements of the Ministerial Order 723 - Structured Workplace Learning Arrangements (Non-School Providers) and the correct forms for VCE SWL Program Manager / Trainers & Assessors

Refer: Education and Training and Reform Act 2006, Ministerial Order 723 - Structured workplace Learning Arrangements (non-School Providers)

This Order applies to all VCE Students and Overseas Students undertaking structured workplace learning.

2 Age prerequisite - Structured workplace learning arrangement for VCE may only be entered into where a student is: of or over the age of 15 years; and undertaking an accredited Senior Secondary Course; and the arrangement is for the purposes of training as part of that Accredited Senior Secondary Course. Program Manager refer: Ministerial Order 723 clause 5.1

Maximum Number of Days and Hours of SWL - A student under an SWL arrangement must not work hours outside the direction of the Ministerial Order 723 Clause 11. In particular:

- Not between the hours of 11.00pm and 6.00am

- Not beyond the number of hours in a day which are normal working hours for a standard shift in which the Employer is engaged

-Not beyond a time which is ten hours before the start time of a placement day, or school day which the student is expected to attend.

Program Manager / Trainer & Assessor

In accordance with the Ministerial Order the total number of structured workplace learning days for a student must not exceed 40 days during each academic year and 10 days during each school term.

Refer: Education and Training and Reform Act 2006, Ministerial Order 723 - Structured workplace Learning Arrangements (non-School Providers) Clause 10 & 11


Develop and deliver appropriate information to employers, students and parent groups in regards to SWL.

In particular information on the requirements of Ministerial Order 723 Clause 16 and 17 in reference to travel and accommodation arrangements.

- The student or the parent (where the student is under 18 years of age) will be responsible for the Student's transport to and from the workplace

- Prior consent for Student undertaking vehicle travel with the Employer and/or Supervisor and completion of the correct SWL Travel and Accommodation Form

- if a Student is required to stay at accommodation other than their normal residence for the purpose of the Arrangement, the student or Parent is responsible for making suitable arrangements and must complete the correct SWL Travel and Accommodation Form.

- Where the student is under the age of 18, the parent is responsible for the control and care of the Student at all times where the Student is not under the care of the Employer, or any other person.

Program Manager / Trainers & Assessors

Refer: Education and Training and Reform Act 2006, Ministerial Order 723 - Structured workplace Learning Arrangements (non-School Providers) Clause 16 and 17

Refer to the following documents published by the Victorian Department of Education and Training:

Students should be provided with information on the Victorian Child Safe Standards, Federation TAFE Bullying Prevention Guidelines and the University processes in dealing with any issues.


Inform students in the correct use of all documentation including any SWL Booklets.

For all VCE arrangements, only the current SWL forms prescribed by the Ministerial Order 723 must be used in respect of all arrangements in Victoria or in a reciprocating state.

Copies of completed forms must be retained for 5 years. However, if the industry to which the arrangement relates, includes potential exposure of the student to scheduled carcinogenic substances and/or other hazardous substances the completed SWL forms must be kept for 30 years from the date the student last worked at the employers workplace.

Trainer & Assessor / Program Manager

Refer: Education and Training and Reform Act 2006, Ministerial Order 723 - Structured workplace Learning Arrangements (non-School Providers) Clause 18

VCE SWL Forms:


Making and Varying an Arrangement -

A student may be placed with an employer for structured workplace learning as part of the student's education if the CEO, the employer, the student and the parent (where the student is under 18 years of age) have made an arrangement.

An arrangement may only be varied or amended, in writing signed by each of the Head of School, the Employer, the Student and Parent/Carer/Guardian (where under 18 years)

Director of Skills and Education Delivery, TAFE / Trainer & Assessor / WIL Coordinator

Copies of the completed SWL arrangement documentation must be provided to all parties to the arrangement.

A copy of the arrangement documentation must be kept in the University's file for each student undertaking SWL.

Refer: Education and Training and Reform Act 2006, Ministerial Order 723 - Structured workplace Learning Arrangements (non-School Providers) Clause 13


Cancelling an Arrangement - A SWL arrangement may be cancelled at any time by written notice from:

a) the CEO (DVC (VET)) to the employer; or

b) the employer to the DVC (VET),

which is issued to both parties.

DVC (VET) / Program Manager / WIL Coordinator

The WIL Coordinator must be notified of any cancellations of SWL arrangements.

Refer: Education and Training and Reform Act 2006, Ministerial Order 723 - structured workplace learning arrangements (non-School Providers) Clause 14 for the full details pertaining to cancelling and arrangement.

8 The minimum rate of pay for a VCE student engaged under a SWL arrangement in Victoria is $5.00 per day. For the avoidance of doubt, an employer may elect, but is not required to make a payment to a student that is more than that minimum payment. Program Manager / Trainer & Assessor

Refer: Education and Training and Reform Act 2006, Ministerial Order 723 - Structured workplace learning arrangements (non-School Providers) Clause 15 for further details.

No payment is to be made to a student engaged under an arrangement if the SWL placement is with a Commonwealth Department or a body established under a Commonwealth Act.

The student may choose to donate back their payment to a charitable or not-for-profit organisation.

Interstate or International Placements

1 Confirm activities are identified on Annual Activities Report. Director of Skills and Education Delivery, TAFE / Program Manager Notify Chief Financial Officer if proposed practical placement is beyond the activities identified on Annual Activities Report.
2 Identify country / state or territory placement requirements for the students, including OH&S requirements. Director of Skills and Education Delivery, TAFE / Program Manager In consultation with Legal Office and Health, Safety and Wellbeing.
3 Identify insurance and WorkCover arrangements for student and host employer with Finance and OH&S. Director of Skills and Education Delivery, TAFE / Program Manager NB: VRQA insurance arrangements do not cover placements undertaken outside of Victoria. As such specific alternative arrangements will need to be made and communicated to all parties.
4 Inform DVC (VET) of potential interstate or international placements. Director of Skills and Education Delivery, TAFE / Program Manager Inform DVC (VET) of potential interstate or international placements prior to placement commencing.
5 Online delivery of training involving interstate or overseas placement. Director of Skills and Education Delivery, TAFE / Program Manager Ensure that any online delivery to eligible individuals undertaking industry or practical placement interstate or overseas does not exceed 50% of the total scheduled hours.
6 Non-attendance of international students. FedUni Trainer & Assessor

Host Employee is required by contract to notify university of non-attendance of international students.

Where such non-attendance is notified the Head of School/Associate Director must be informed.

Unsatisfactory WBT/PP Performance

WBT/PP Termination

When it is agreed by both the University and organisation that a student's performance in the workplace is seriously inappropriate and/or jeopardises the welfare or safety of clients, staff or student:-

  • The student's placementwill be immediately discontinued.
  • A Not Satisfactory (NS) will be assigned for the placement component.
  • After consideration of the circumstances and obtaining documentation from both the organisation and the student, the University will determine whether the student may be permitted with, extra supervision and support, to undertake work placement again.

Unsatisfactory WBT/PP Performance

A student who has not demonstrated competency in all modules / competencies connected to the placement will need to repeat the placement in a different organisation following consultation with University staff.

The University will determine whether the student will be required to undertake supplementary work in theory units related to the placement to assist with successful completion. The University will work with the student to identify supervision arrangements and supplementary work to support the student in the second placement attempt.

Students must achieve a Satisfactory S in the repeat placement to demonstrate Competency in the relevant units attached to the placement.

Maximum Repeat WBT/PP Opportunities

A student will not be assigned more than one repeat workplace experience during a module / unit of competency enrolment period. Should a student not complete the required tasks on placement, after undertaking a repeat placement, they will be graded CN for the relevant units of competency.

Supporting Documents

  1. Monitoring Course Progression Procedure
  2. VET Assessment and Training Procedure
  3. Federation TAFEBullying Prevention Guidelines


  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement) (as the Approval Authority) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
  • Director, Co-operative Placements (as the Document Owner) is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Approval Authority.
  • The specific responsibilities are identified in the action sections of this procedure.


The VET Work Based Training and Practical Placement Requirements Procedure will be communicated throughout the University via:

  1. an Announcement Notice under ‘FedNews’ website and through the University Policy - ‘Recently Approved Documents’ webpage to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure;
  2. inclusion on the University Policy, Procedure and Forms website; and
  3. distribution of e-mails to Head of School / Head of Department / University staff.


The VET Work Based Training and Practical Placement Requirements Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  1. Information Sessions;
  2. Training Sessions; and
  3. Other.

Forms/Record Keeping

Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
OHS Checklist and Flowchart Federation TAFE WIL Coordinator 7 years after contract has expired
Agreements Federation TAFE WIL Coordinator 7 years after contract has expired
Medical Consent Forms Federation TAFE WIL Coordinator 7 years after contract has expired
Attendance Record Federation TAFE WIL Coordinator 7 years after contract has expired
Files Notes / Contact Recording Health, Safety and Wellbeing Head - Health, Safety and Wellbeing for extended retention period post incident If incident reported, destroy 15 years after incident
VCE SWL Arrangement Forms (standard SWL Arrangement) Federation TAFE (Student's File) Program Manager / WIL Coordinator 7 years from last date of Arrangement employment
VCE SWL Arrangement Forms (Scheduled Hazardous Environment - SWL Arrangement) Federation TAFE Program Manager / WIL Coordinator 30 years from last date of arrangement employment