Naming of Buildings and Facilities Procedure

Policy code: CG1963
Policy owner: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global, Engagement and Quality)
Approval authority: Vice-Chancellor and President
Approval date: 11 March 2025
Next review date: 09 June 2026


Federation University Australia has a long-standing practice of commemorating important events and acknowledging individuals or organisations that have made significant contributions through the naming of its buildings, facilities or other spaces which provides a highly visible and enduring honour or for a specified time. This policy provides a consistent and transparent framework to address the philanthropic, honouring and/or functional naming of buildings and facilities owned and operated by the University

This procedure provides a consistent and transparent framework and process for the naming of buildings and facilities owned and operated by Federation University Australia.


This procedure applies to all buildings, facilities and other spaces on all campuses.

Legislative Context

  • Federation UniversityAct 2010


Term Definition
Benefactor A person (alive or deceased), company or organisation that contributes a monetary or other benefit (such as a donation or gift) to the University
Bequest A gift provided by way of a Will
Chancellor’s Circle A benefactor recognition program with the specific purpose of acknowledging bequests and major donors of the University.
Buildings and Facilities All property, buildings (including discrete parts of buildings that are identified externally), spaces, amenities and large items of equipment owned by Federation University Australia (covering all campuses)
Donation (also Gift) A voluntary transfer of money or property to the University by way of benefaction where no material benefit is received by the donor
Contribution Financial and non-financial assistance provided to the University in the form of a grant, subsidy, co-payment or other type of contribution
Donor Any person or organisation making a donation to the University
Endowment A donation made with the intention that funds are invested to ensure ongoing support for beneficiaries from the investment earnings
Federation University Australia Foundation (the Foundation) The University body charged with the active promotion of philanthropy and management of donated resources for the advancement of the University. The financial accounts of the Federation University Australia Foundation are managed by the Foundation Office; the Advisory Board of the Foundation works with University staff in actively promoting donations to the University
Foundation Federation University Australia Foundation
Foundation Office Staff have responsibility for managing the University’s relationships with donors and prospective donors
Naming Right The naming of a building, facility, academic position or Scholarship in honour of an individual or organisation, or in recognition of financial contribution or support, or recognition of other significance to the University, such as Indigenous recognition
Philanthropy The desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes
Property Any gift or donation which is not in the form of cash
Recognition Actions taken by the University to recognise the generosity of donors, individually or collectively or to recognise other people/matters of importance to the University
Sponsorship A contribution in money or kind with expectation of benefit to the sponsor, such as naming rights, promotion and public recognition


1. Confidentiality and Privacy

All personal information collected in the course of recognising individuals and/or organisations for their significant contributions to the University or public life or benefaction to the University will be treated as strictly confidential and are not discussed with individuals or their families prior to consideration by Council – refer Information Privacy Policy.

2. Conflict of Interest

No University staff member should receive a private, personal benefit as part of or in association with, any naming rights proposal – refer Conflict of Interest Policy.

3. Naming of Buildings and Facilities

Federation University Australia may name University buildings, parts of buildings, rooms or other distinct areas of a campus to recognise:

  • Significant contributions to the University
  • Significant contributions to public life;
  • Significant benefaction to the University; or
  • Significant importance to the University.

Proposals for the naming of buildings and facilities should be prepared according to the Actions following.

4. Proposal requirements - significant contribution or importance to the University or public life

A. Review ‘naming’ criteria Proposer
  1. Conduct an analysis to ascertain that the proposal is:
    • consistent with the University’s values
    • recognising outstanding contributions or importance and balances the significance of the building, facility or other space being named with the contribution made
    • at least two years later than the retirement or resignation, if the individual was previously an employee of the University
    • will not impose or imply conditions that would limit the University’s ability to carry out its operations fully and impartially
B. Seek approval Proposer
  1. A proposal to name in recognition of distinction must have the written approval of the person to be recognised.
  2. If the person is deceased, approval should be sought from the person’s family however if there is no family, this should be noted in the proposal and the naming process should proceed as per Activity C – Prepare proposal. If the deceased person is Indigenous and if there is no family, the Indigenous community should be consulted on appropriate wording.
C. Prepare proposal Proposer
  1. Include all relevant details in the proposal, including:
    • Duration of the proposed naming
    • The terms or basis of the proposed naming, if any
    • The possible impact of the proposed naming on the University’s name, reputation or other interests
    • The appropriateness of the person, organisation or body being commemorated in relation to the area of the University proposed to be named
    • Appropriate consultation
  2. The proposal submission should also include details of how the proposed named is to be identified or interpreted on the building, facility or other space – refer Action 6 Signage
  3. Other details which should be covered within the proposal include:
    • information that will enable an understanding of the proposed identification method
    • responsibility for installation
    • funding of any physical work
    • a program with proposed completion and unveiling dates
  4. A statement addressing any specific requirements
  5. If the person is deceased, approval should be included from the person's family or if the deceased person is Indigenous and if there is no family, approval should be included from the Indigenous community.
D. Submit proposal



  1. Submit the completed proposal to the Vice-Chancellor and President
  2. Following due consideration, Council, on behalf of the University may reject any request or proposal for naming rights
  3. Council consideration should take into account overall diversity balance within building names.
  4. Council consideration should take into account if the proposal includes an Indigenous Australian name or wording, appropriate community and University consultation must be undertaken
  5. Only after Council has approved the naming of a building, facility or other space may a public announcement be made on behalf of the University
  6. If approval is not given, the proposer will be advised accordingly
E. Notification



  1. Once approval is given, a formal letter will be sent to the individual or organisation notifying of the outcome of the naming process.
F. Register



  1. Once finalised, any naming of building or facilities should be added to the Naming of Buildings and Facilities Register.

5. Proposal requirements - significant benefactions to the University

A. Review ‘naming’ criteria Proposer
  1. Conduct an analysis to ascertain that the proposal:
    • is consistent with the University’s values
    • will not impose or imply conditions that would limit the University’s ability to carry out its operations fully and impartially
B. Seek pre-approval Proposer
  1. The proposal submission offering naming rights as recognition to prospectivebenefactors must be submitted to the Council prior to making the offer to any prospective benefactor
  2. Consideration may be given to naming the building, facility or other space directly after the benefactor or the benefactor may be recorded as a sponsor under a functional title
C. Prepare proposal Proposer
  1. Include within the proposal:
    • Details of how it could be included in an official fundraising campaign plan (signed off by the Vice-Chancellor and President)
    • The names of all prospective donors being offered naming rights and specific area/s to be named
    • Details of all conditions regarding the naming rights including:
  • Amount of benefaction
  • The duration of naming rights offered in each case
  • Suggested wording of the naming rights; and
  • Size and design of the signage
D. Submit to Council



  1. Submit the completed proposal to Council’s Secretariat
  2. Following due consideration, Council, on behalf of the University may reject any request or proposal for naming rights
  3. Council consideration should take into account overall diversity balance within building names.
  4. Council consideration should take into account if the proposal includes an Indigenous Australian name or wording, appropriate community and University consultation must be undertaken
  5. Only after Council has approved the naming of a building, facility or other space may a public announcement be made on behalf of the University
  6. If approval is not given, the proposer will be advised accordingly
E. Notification



  1. Once approval is given, a formal letter will be sent to the individual or organisation notifying of the outcome of the naming process.
F. Register



Once finalised, any naming of building or facilities should be added to the Naming of Buildings and Facilities Register.

6. Fixed term or temporary naming

A. Prepare and submit proposal Proposer
  1. A proposal may be prepared and submitted to Council which recommends issuance of naming rights for a length of time less than the life of the building, facility or other space, depending on the reason for naming and the nature of the location
B. Recognise sponsorship Marketing
  1. A proposal may be prepared in recognition of sponsorship for a pre-determined period of time
  2. An agreement may be negotiated between the sponsorship donor and the University
  3. Any agreement will specify that no direct financial or commercial advantage will be sought from the association of the donor’s name with the building, facility or other space

7. Signage

The newly named building, facility or other space dictates the requirement to provide signage or other interpretation to identify it.

A. Use of the logo Marketing
  1. Seek clarification on the proposed use to ensure that the University’s corporate image protocols are followed
B. Proposed signage Marketing
  1. Follow the University’s signage practices and design standards in relation to brand and visual identity referring to the Campus-wide Wayfinding Guidelines:
    • Interior signage only is to be used for newly named spaces within buildings and must be complimentary with the design elements of any existing signage and/or furnishings
    • Only building identification signs are permitted on the exterior of buildings
  2. In instances where signage practices and design standards are not applicable, alternate proposals will be considered on merit

8. Removal (de-identifying) or replacing a name

A. Prepare proposal to remove or replace Proposer
  1. While the naming of  a University building, facility or space is generally considered to be permanent, consideration for its removal or replacement may be required if:
    • The agreed period of the naming right has expired (eg sponsorship agreement)
    • The building or facility is to be demolished or discharged from its present use
    • The existing name does not adequately reflect the status or naming opportunity for the building, facility or other space
    • The individual or organisation after whom the building, facility or other space has been named comes into disrepute

9. Transferring a name

An existing approved name may be transferred or reinterpreted onto a new building, facility or other space to maintain campus heritage if the existing location substantially changes eg is removed, demolished, modified or redeveloped in a manner not in keeping to the ‘name’.

A. Develop and submit proposal to transfer Proposer
  1. Investigate whether the proposed new location matches with the status/prominence of the original location, considering:
    • Relevance and appropriateness
    • That the name/location is easily distinguished
    • Timing of change
  2. Develop and submit a proposal to Council which includes sufficient detail to enable full consideration within proposed timeline for the name transferal

Supporting Documents


  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global, Engagement and Quality) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes, and scheduled review of this procedure.
  • Head of Legal is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global, Engagement and Quality).
  • Head of Legal is responsible for the administration support for the maintenance of this procedure as directed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global, Engagement and Quality).


The Naming of Buildings Procedure will be communicated throughout the University via:

  • An Announcement Notice via FedNews website and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the ‘Policies, Procedures and Forms @ the University’ website to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure.


The Naming of Buildings Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  • An Announcement Notice via FedNews website and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the ‘Policies, Procedures and Forms @ the University’ website to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure.

Forms/Record Keeping

Document Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Personal information sourced in relation to naming of buildings, facilities and other spaces Council Head of Legal Destroy when administrative use has concluded

Proposal applications

-        Unsuccessful

-        Successful

Council Head of Legal

Destroy Twelve months from decision date

Destroy Seven years from decision date

Sponsorship agreements Council Head of Legal Destroy Seven years after agreement has expired

Proposals to remove, replace or transfer

- Successful

- Unsuccessful

Council Head of Legal

Destroy Seven years from decision date

Destroy Twelve months from decision date

Naming of Buildings and Facilities Register Council Head of Legal Permanent

Application outcome notification and correspondence

- Successful

- Unsuccessful

Council Head of Legal

Destroy Seven Years from decision date

Destroy Twelve months from decision date