Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Workforce Procedure

Policy code: PC1577
Policy owner: Director, People and Culture
Approval authority: Chief Operating Officer
Approval date: 08 November 2023
Next review date: 01 November 2026


This procedure aims to assist the University to meet its objectives under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Workforce Strategy 2018-2020.

It aims to provide a clear process to enable progress within FedUni towards substantive equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in employment outcomes spanning classification types in a variety of areas and in a diverse range of occupations across the University and to ensure that there are opportunities for renewal and career development.


This procedure applies to the recruitment and merit selection, induction, professional development, career planning and retention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and employees.

This procedure supplements the University’s existing, Recruitment and Merit Selection Procedure, Induction Procedure, Performance Review and Development Program Procedure and Professional Development Procedure.

Legislative Context

  • Racial DiscriminationAct (Cth) 1975.
  • Racial and Religious Tolerance Act (Vic) 2001.
  • Equal Opportunity Act (Vic) 2010.
  • Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities (Vic) 2006.
  • Workplace Relations Act (Cth) 1996.
  • Higher Education Support Act 2003.
  • Indigenous Student Success Program Grant Guidelines 2017.
  • Federation University Australia Act 2010.


A complete list of definitions relevant to this procedure is contained within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Workforce Policy.

A further list of definitions specifically relevant to this procedure is included below:

Term Definition
Aboriginal Peoples Persons who are and identify themselves as being an Aboriginal person and is accepted as being an Aboriginal person by the community in which they live or have lived.
Confirming Aboriginality Ensuring that an applicant that has applied for an Identified or Targeted Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander position is of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander decent, that they identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person and that they are accepted as such by the community in which they live or have lived.
Cultural Competency – Introduction Training Training to promote employee’s understanding of the cultural differences between themselves and employees from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and backgrounds.
Deadly Careers Expression of Interest Register A repository of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander resumes of potential applicants for vacant positions held electronically in People and Culture.
Delegated Officer An employee of the University who is responsible for approving actions at stages of the recruitment and merit selection process.  The person delegated will depend upon the type of position being filled. (Refer to Delegations – Contract, Financial, Staffing and Tender Policy as Authorised by the Council of the University).
Identified Position An applicant has to be an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person in order to be eligible for applying or being the incumbent of the position.
Induction The University orientation program that provides specific employment related information for new employees.
Key Selection Criteria The skills, knowledge and experience required to perform the duties and responsibilities of the position.
Media Means of communication that widely reach people, in particular, radio, social media, newspapers and magazines, and other mean relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Mentoring A developmental partnership through which a senior staff member of the University or an appropriate external person shares knowledge, skills, information and their experiences to foster the personal and professional growth of another employee.
Merit Selection Selection based on merit is where the best possible match is made between qualifications, knowledge, skills, abilities and relevant experience of the applicants, and the selection criteria in the position description.
Targeted Position Positions that have been targeted to increase the number of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander employees within the University.  An applicant must be able to confirm Aboriginality in order to be eligible to apply.
Professional Development Plan The Professional Development Plan documents the goals, strategies and resources for training and development during the performance management cycle.
Referees Professional people or Community Elders who can provide feedback about an applicant.
Supervisor A staff member who has designated responsibility for managing and overseeing the work and development of other staff.
Sourcing Channels Different media and techniques to attract applicants to the University.
Special Measure/s Section 12 of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, allows the University to impose reasonable restrictions on eligibility criteria on the basis that the measure is ‘promoting or realising substantive equality for members of a group with a particular attribute’.
Torres Strait Islander Peoples Persons who are and identify themselves as Torres Strait Islander people and are accepted as Torres Strait Islander people by the community in which they live or have lived.
Policy Administration Management System (PAMS) The University approved centrally controlled policy repository policy library which is the authoritative source for all University-wide policies and procedures, accessible through the FedUni website policy portal.
Review A formal, comprehensive review of a policy or procedure conducted by the Policy Sponsor for the purposes of establishing the need for amendment (major or minor) or further development.


1. Targets and Governance

The University recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment outcomes are a whole-of-University responsibility and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples need to have a presence across the academic and professional workforce, and be able to aspire to, and achieve positive employment outcomes based on ability and passion.

The University will establish a percentage based workforce employment target to contribute to closing the gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people spanning across all levels working towards national population parity and ensure an appropriate governance structure is implemented and maintained.

A. Increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people spanning across all levels and professional classification types across the university campuses by 2.5% by 2023. VC, DVCs, COO, Deans and Directors

1.     Aim to increase general/professional positions to 2.5% by 2023.

2.     Aspire to recruit one Indigenous senior management position or equivalent.

3.     Schools and Directorates have embedded Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment objectives and targets in their annual plans and are accountable for the recruitment and retention of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander employees.

B. Increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in academic and/or research positions by 0.5% by 2023. VC, DVC’s and Dean

1.     Aim to increase academic/research position/s to 0.5% by 2023.

2.     Schools and Directorates have embedded Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' employment objectives and targets in their annual plans and are accountable for the recruitment and retention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees.

C. Establish and maintain the University’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workforce Advisory Committee. Director, P&C

1.     Establish and maintain the University’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workforce Advisory Committee to oversee and review the University’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Workforce Strategy, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Workforce Procedure.

2.     Composition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workforce Advisory Committee to include reasonable attempts to ensure at least 50% of committee members are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

2. Cultural Inclusion and Cultural Safety

Ensure that the University is a supportive, culturally safe, sensitive and inclusive environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees that creates a sense of community and promotes the University as an employer of choice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

A. Research, Develop, Implement and Review Cultural Inclusion and Safety Strategy and Training.



1.     2019 research and develop cultural inclusion and safety strategy and training.

2.     2020 implement and review cultural inclusion and safety strategy and training.

3.     2021 review and evaluate cultural inclusion and safety strategy and training.

4.     face to face cultural competency training sessions offered to all staff with the aim of offering four face to face sessions per year.

5.     Develop and implement online cultural competency training.

6.     All RAP action group members, senior executive, managers, supervisors and immediate colleagues of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees are required to undertake face-to-face cultural competency training.

7.     80% of all new staff to complete online cultural competency training.

8.     80% of all staff to renew cultural competency training every three years.

B. Culturally Safe and Work Environment. Schools/Portfolios/Directorates 1.     Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment can assist manager/supervisors to increase culturally safe and supportive work environments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff. This includes providing mentoring, referrals to training and advice regarding cultural safety and awareness.
C. Develop, provide and maintain professional development training sessions for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees to increase cultural safety and professional development.



Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment

1.     Develop and provide four training sessions annually and provide support for time release for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to attend.

2.     Review to be completed and outcomes reported to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workforce Advisory Committee.

D.   Promote leave provisions available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees to participate in cultural and ceremonial activities and obligations including other leave entitlements. Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment

1.     Ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff have participated in an Induction with Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment within four weeks of commencing. induction to include leave provisions for cultural and ceremonial activities and obligations.

2.     Promote leave provisions to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff prior to dates of significance including but not limited to Reconciliation and NAIDOC week.

E. Celebrate all-important Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural events across the University and its campuses and provide opportunity for all staff including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees to participate.



1.     Dates of significance to be promoted and celebrated through all areas of FedUni.

2.     Activities undertaken are reported to P&C and RAP Committee.

3. Community Engagement and Outreach

The University will continue to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff are able to participate fully in the life and affairs of the University. This can only be achieved through building and maintaining strong relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the whole of community. In addition, shared projects and initiatives that benefit the whole community, are jointly and collaboratively governed and communicated through deeply engaged partnerships.

A. Develop relationships and continue to build links and engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.




1.     Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representative on Academic Board.

2.     All staff are encouraged to participate in significant community events.

3.     All staff are encouraged to participate in significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dates and events.

B. Engage with and represent the University on relevant community boards, committees and consultative groups.

Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment


1.     Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees are encouraged to engage and represent the interests of the University on relevant committees and consultative groups.
C. Build links and relationships with employment, education and training networks.

Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment


1.     Relationships and links are strengthened by attending meetings and participating in discussions with employment and training providers including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community stakeholders and forums.
D. Promote the University as culturally supportive and raise awareness of employment opportunities. P&C

1.     Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders which include staff, students and communities are represented, consulted and contribute to the planning, implementation, review and evaluation of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy to meet national parity.

2.     Promotional material to feature Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in academic and professional positions.

3.     Establish community engagement initiatives.

4. Employment Opportunities and Recruitment

The University will actively recruit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through a variety of culturally appropriate methods while being open to creating opportunities where appropriate by utilising Special Measures, section 12 of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010. This will include the utilisation of cadetships, traineeships, graduate academic and teaching programs.

A. Advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Workforce – Professional Staff Recruitment Process. Director, P&C

1.     The Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment will be provided a weekly report of pending vacancies.

2.     Prior to advertising, the Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment will advise People and Culture and the recruiting area if any candidates are suitably qualified for the position. Advertising of the position will not take place until any referred candidates have been considered.

3.     Candidates will have five working days to prepare an application. This time may be extended by agreement between the recruiting area and People and Culture.

4.     Applications invited and received that meet the key selection criteria will be interviewed by the selection panel.

5.     Where an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidate is considered for a position, the merit selection panel will include the Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nominee.

6.     In situations where the recruiting area believes five days cannot be included in the recruitment process due to an urgent requirement to fill a vacant position, written justification must be forwarded to the Director, People and Culture. The Director, People and Culture will then consider if the Advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment process is to be applied.

7.     The merit selection panel will be consistent with the process of a ’targeted position’ as outlined in this procedure.

8.     If the merit selection panel determines that the candidate is suitable, an appointment will be offered in accordance with the definition of a ‘targeted position’.

9.     If the panel recommends the candidate is not appointable, the Chair of the merit selection panel will provide written justification to Director, P&C for the decision.

10.  If accepted by the Director, P&C as not an appointable, People and Culture will proceed with advertising the vacant position.

11.  When advertising a vacant position in this case, the following wording should normally be used:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are strongly encouraged to apply.

B. Advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment – Academic Staff Recruitment Process. Director, P&C

1.     The Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment will maintain a register of potential Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates for academic positions.

2.     The Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment will advise Director P&C, and relevant Schools of potential Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander academic staff for consideration.

3.     Schools will advise, Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment of relevant academic employment opportunities, either current or forthcoming, including casual and sessional positions, where unit content has a significant part of or all directly relate to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culture.

4.     Where there is no current vacancy the Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment will facilitate contact between the candidate and the relevant school.

C. Promote and advertise current employment opportunities through appropriate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander information platforms and community links.


Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment

1.     Build an Expressions of Interest register of potential Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and actively target and match suitably qualified and/or experienced Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people against suitable vacant positions.

2.     Create Expressions of Interest register for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates on FedUni Careers, Current Opportunities Page.

3.     Promote Identified and Targeted positions through Koori Mail, Indigenous Times and other appropriate information platforms.

4.     Build relationships and links with local community members through attending meetings and participating in events including AIME, KAOS, LAN, LAECG, Wurreker and local community meetings and Career Expos.

5.     Promote employment opportunities to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander undergraduate and postgraduate students.

6.     Provide support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who would like assistance in preparing a job application.

D. Confirming Aboriginality. P&C

1.     If an applicant applies for a position that is an Identified or Targeted position or a position as part of the Advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Process applicants must confirm their Aboriginality.

2.     An applicant can confirm Aboriginality by either of the following methods:

a.     Providing a certificate or paper confirming Aboriginality from a recognised Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cooperative or Land Council with a common seal: or

b.     Present a signed statutory declaration as follows:

I am a person of [choose, Aboriginal; or Torres Strait Islander; or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person] descent;


I identify as an [choose, Aboriginal; or Torres Strait Islander; or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person]; and

I am accepted by the _____________ [choose, Aboriginal; or Torres Strait Islander community] as an [choose, Aboriginal; or Torres Strait Islander; or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person].

I declare that this information is true and correct at the time of submission.

3.     It is also important to take into account the history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia and the impact of past social and political developments and contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues which may prevent some applicants from being able to demonstrate and confirm Aboriginality. In these circumstances, the Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment may explore alternatives that can confirm Aboriginality.

E. Identified Positions. P&C

1.     Ensure positions in which a significant part or all of the tasks and duties are associated with the development, delivery and/or implementation of policies, projects and/or unit/courses or services relating to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people and culture are normally deemed as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander positions.

2.     The University will exempt identified positions under Special Measures, section 12, 28 and 88 of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 in which only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can apply.

3.     The overwhelming majority of positions in the, Aboriginal Education Centre shall be identified as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander positions.

4.     The Manager, Aboriginal Education Centre and the Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment will remain as identified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander positions.


Identified Positions.

Key Selection Criteria.


1.     Identified Positions will include the following Key Selection Criteria:

Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and cultures; and

Demonstrated ability to communicate with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

2.     The above Key Selection Criteria are designed to assess an applicant’s capacity to perform the duties and responsibilities of the Identified Position as it relates to the delivery of service to Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander people and communities.

3.     Depending on the duties and responsibilities of Identified Positions, specific cultural knowledge and/or skills may also be required and these should be reflected in the Key Selection Criteria of the positions.

For example, a research position may require interaction with a specific Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community or a lecturing position may require a particular language.


Identified positions.



1.     Identified positions will be advertised with the following inclusion:

In accordance with the University’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Workforce Strategy; and under Special Measures Section 12, 28 and 88 of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010; the University has designated this position as an Identified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Position. Only Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people are eligible to apply.

2.     Identified positions to include in the Key Selection Criteria in the position description:

Willingness to Promote the University Positively.


Identified Positions.

Composition of Merit and Selection Panel.


1.     At least one member of Selection Panel for Identified Positions must be an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person with confirmed Aboriginality and be an active member of the local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community.

2.     The merit selection panel will also include the Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nominee.

3.     Shortlisted candidates to be given the selection panel questions up to 20 minutes prior to an interview being conducted.


Identified Positions.



1.     For Identified positions two referees will be required however at least one reference must be obtained from an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person for the preferred applicant.

Specific comment should be sought on their ability to meet the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural knowledge and understanding specific to the key selection criteria.

J. Targeted Positions. P&C

1.     The University’s aim is to reach national parity for the employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people which is currently 3%. To achieve this, and to ensure employment spanning all classification types and levels across University campuses; the Director, People and Culture may designate Targeted Position/s for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to apply for. This action would constitute a special measure under section 12 of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010.

2.     Targeted Positions do not need a specific key selection criteria as required for Identified Positions as Targeted Positions would not normally directly relate to the delivery of services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, communities and culture.

3.     The merit selection panel will also include the Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nominee.

4.     Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander shortlisted candidates to be given the selection panel questions up to 20 minutes prior to an interview being conducted.


Targeted Positions.



1.     Targeted Positions will normally be advertised with the following inclusion:

In accordance with the University’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Workforce Strategy, Policy and Procedure and under Special Measures Section 12 of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010; the University has designated this position as a Targeted Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Position. Only Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people are eligible to apply.

L. Research and develop a range of targeted recruitment programs that aim to increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employee representation to 3%FTE, spanning all professional classification types and levels across University campuses.   1.     Research and develop other recruitment programs.
M. Maintain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traineeship program with a minimum of four traineeships in operation at any one time. P&C 2.     Four Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traineeships positions are in operation at any one time and centrally funded by P&C to increase completion and retention rates of trainees.
N. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees who successfully complete a traineeship to be given preference to fill a suitable vacant position, provided they have the qualifications, knowledge, skills and/or experience to undertake the position. P&C

1.     Completed trainees are supported to gain suitable employment within the University.

2.     Trainees are supported throughout their traineeship to ensure they gain the right skills, knowledge and qualifications to uptake other positions within the University.

5. Retention and Staff Development

Ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees are retained by providing a cultural inclusive and safe working environment, providing the necessary support, recognition and are supported through professional development and career progression strategies.



Ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees are provided with the necessary support to perform their required key responsibilities.


1.     All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander appointees will participate in the University induction process as well as an induction with the Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment.

This is to assist in transition to the University community by providing information on employment matters (e.g. entitlements as per the Federation University Australia Union Collective Agreement 2015–2018 and the Victorian TAFE Teaching Staff Multi-Business Agreement 2009), professional development, and support network, mentoring program and other relevant University processes and activities.

B. Professional development plans, incorporating career progression strategies are developed and implemented for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees.


Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment

1.     In consultation with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander employee, the supervisor will develop and implement a Professional Development Plan incorporating career planning for the employee which will be reviewed on an annual basis as part of the Performance Review and Development Program.

2.     All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees will be provided with information on and access to relevant training and professional development opportunities.

3.     All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees will be supported to participate in relevant activities of cultural or ceremonial nature in accordance with clause 53.2 in the Federation University Australia Union Collective Agreement 2015 – 2018.

4.     An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander professional development and staff network to be developed with four sessions a year to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees in their transition into the University community and increase cultural safety. It is also an opportunity to explore other opportunities offered by the University that can enhance employment experience and career development.

5.     Explore how we can achieve a better equilibrium of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff across seniority levels. Internal Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff be included in the Advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Workforce process.

C. Recognise and celebrate the achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees. VC/ P&C / Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment

1.     Explore and create an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Outstanding FedUni Staff Award, nominate outstanding staff through Wurreker Awards, nominate outstanding eligible staff through the Victorian Training Awards.

2.     Recognise, celebrate and promote success stories at every given moment through appropriate means including articles in local newspapers, Koori Mail, Indigenous Times, Newsletters, FedNews and other appropriate channels.



All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees will be provided with ongoing support within the University community and their employment generally. 

Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment

1.     All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees will be offered the opportunity of mentoring by a senior member of staff outside of their immediate work area or an agreed external mentor.

2.     Mentoring opportunities will also be sought with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in similar positions at other universities and/or organisations and/or community bodies.

3.     All internal mentors will be required to attend the cultural competency - introduction program specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.

4.     Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment to provide culturally appropriate mentoring and support, and, where required will meet regularly with the employee and supervisor, and act as an advocate/mentor for both parties.



Develop Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and Supervisor/ Manager feedback using both qualitative and quantitative data.

  1.     Develop and seek feedback annually to develop strategies to understand and address problems experienced by both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and Managers/Supervisors and data.
F. Exit Interviews. Coordinator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment 1.     Exit interviews will be conducted with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and the data will be analysed in order to develop and implement strategies to address problems experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and to increase retention rates.


  • This procedure will be approved by the UniversityCouncil.
  • The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for ensuring the effective implementation the Procedure.
  • The Director, People and Culture is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Procedure.


  1. an Announcement Notice via FedNews website and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the ‘Policies, Procedures and Forms @ the University’ website to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure;
  2. distribution of e-mails to Deans and Deputy Deans, Schools/Portfolios/Directorates;
  3. documentation distribution, e.g. posters, brochures; and/or
  4. notification to Portfolios/Schools/Directorates.


The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Workforce Procedure will be implemented throughout Federation University Australia via:

  1. an Announcement Notice under 'FedNews' on the University website and through the Federation University Australia Policy - ‘Recently Approved Documents’ webpage to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure;
  2. inclusion on Federation University Australia's Policy, Procedure and Forms website;
  3. memorandum from Director, People and Culture to Senior Management of University; and/or
  4. incorporation into Recruitment and Merit Selection Policy and Recruitment and Merit Selection Procedure Training conducted by People and Culture.

Records Management

Document Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Selection Panel Reports People and Culture Director, P&C At least 12 months.
Referee Checks People and Culture Director, P&C At least 12 months.
Professional Development Plan

School / Directorate

Final to People and Culture


Final Copy - Director, P&C

At least 12 months.