HDR in Partnership Procedure

Policy code: RS1934
Policy owner: Dean, Graduate Research
Approval authority: Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research
Approval date: 11 March 2025
Next review date: 29 June 2026


This Procedure outlines the process undertaken to establish and award a Higher Degree by Research course in partnership. It includes both joint and cotutelle awards.


This Procedure applies to all Higher Degree by Research candidature applicants, candidates, persons with supervisory or administrative responsibilities for research higher degree students, Graduate Research School and the Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation).

Legislative Context

Policy Base

•   Regulation 5.1 - Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Masters Degree by Research and Professional Doctorates.


Term Definition
Cotutelle award Award made in partnership with another institution, wherein the candidate is jointly enrolled in both institutions and receives a testamur from both institutions on completion of the course.
DVC (RI) Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
Enrolment The process by which a person, having received a written offer of a place, shall enrol by lodging with the Vice-Chancellor a duly completed form of enrolment signed by both the applicant and the course coordinator or person of equivalent authority [University Statute 5.2].
Joint Award Award made in partnership with another institution wherein the candidate is jointly enrolled in both institutions, with one institution taking the lead role in overseeing the candidate’s progress. The candidate receives one testamur on completion of the course.
MOU Memorandum of Understanding



Higher Degrees by Research in partnership

The University will offer Higher Degree by Research awards in partnership with suitable partner higher education institutions.  These awards include:

  Cotutelle type award Joint award
Enrolment Simultaneous enrolment in a higher degree by research at Federation University and an approved higher education institution overseas. Both institutions oversee the candidate’s progress. Simultaneous enrolment in a higher degree by research at Federation University and an approved higher education institution within Australia or overseas. One institution is designated as lead in overseeing the candidate’s progress.
Thesis submission The candidate will submit one thesis for assessment by both institutions. The candidate will submit one thesis to the lead institution.
Examination Subject to satisfactory completion of all agreed award requirements, the candidate will be examined at each institution. Subject to satisfactory completion of all agreed award requirements, the candidate will be examined at one institution.
Award of degree Subject to satisfactory examination, a degree will be awarded to the candidate by both institutions. Subject to satisfactory examination, the degree will be jointly awarded to the candidate by the two institutions.
Testamur The candidate will be awarded two testamurs, one from each institution. The candidate will be awarded a single testamur bearing the crests of both institutions.
Graduation Two graduation ceremonies. One Graduation ceremony.

The DVC (RI) has overall responsibility for overseeing Higher Degrees by Research in partnership awards.  To establish a joint award course, the following must be met:

  • The research study course proposed at the partner institution must be approved by Academic Board on the recommendation of Research Committee. 
  • If the partner is an international institution, the Higher Degree by Research course must comply with the Offshore Quality AssurancePolicy if applicable. 
  • The international partner institution must be approved by the Vice Chancellor (or delegate) and University Council As per Delegations – Tenders, Contracts Policy. 

In order to be a partner an international institution must:

  • Be of good standing.
  • Offer courses of comparable standard to those offered by Federation University Australia.
  • Have appropriately qualified staff.
  • Have facilities, equipment and physical resources of the appropriate standard for the carrying out of the Higher Degree by Research.

A Memorandum of Understanding between Federation University Australia and the partner institution should be prepared concerning the awarding of a joint or cotutelle Higher Degree by Research.

Steps Who is responsible? Comments
1. MOU between institutions outlining terms and conditions of joint award signed by governing bodies of both partners.


Legal Office

MOU signed first to indicate intent to offer HDR in partnership.  HDR in partnership may be only part of scope of MOU.
2. Nomination of partner institution for offer of higher degree by research in partnership (Cotutelle or Joint Award). DVC (R&I) Formal nomination specifically in relation to HDR in partnership.  Normally, review of suitability would have been completed informally by this stage.
3. Review of suitability of courses, staffing, and resources of nominated partner. Graduate Research School Formal review of suitability.
4. Proposal for joint award prepared. School/DVC (RI) If the proposal for HDR in partnership is at the instigation of a School then Dean or nominee would prepare the proposal which would be approved by the DVC (RI) prior to sending to Research Committee via RHDSC.  If the proposal for HDR in partnership is at the instigation of the DVC (RI) then RS would prepare the proposal which would be approved by the DVC (RI) and relevant School prior to sending to Research Committee via RHDSC. 
5. Proposal for joint award approved by Research Committee and Academic Board. RHDSC/Research Committee/Academic Board  


Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation)

The DVC (RI) has overall responsibility for HDR in Partnership awards.

Research Committee and Academic Board

Research Committee and Academic Board are responsible for approving an application for a partnership program.

Graduate Research School

Graduate Research School is responsible for undertaking a formal review of course suitability

Legal Office

Legal Office is responsible for negotiating and finalising the Memorandum of Understanding between the University and the partner provider.


The HDR in Partnership Procedure will be communicated throughout the University via:

  1. an Announcement Notice under ‘FedNews’ website and through the University Policy - ‘Recently Approved Documents’ webpage to alert the University-wide community of the approved Policy;
  2. inclusion on the University Policy, Procedure and Forms website; and/or
  3. distribution of e-mails to Head of School / Head of Department / University staff; and/or
  4. documentation distribution, eg. posters, brochures.
  5. Other - please describe


The HDR in Partnership Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  1. Information Sessions; and/or
  2. Training Sessions; and/or
  3. Other - please describe

Records Management

Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Memorandum of Understanding - related to final product/research outcomes Legal Office   Permanent
Memorandum of Understanding - not related to final product/research outcomes Legal Office   Temporary - 7 years from date of contract expiry
Proposal for Joint Award Graduate Research School DVC (R&I)