University Research Centres (URC) Procedure

Policy code: RS1346
Policy owner: Director, Research and Innovation
Approval authority: Provost
Approval date: 28 November 2023
Next review date: 29 June 2026


This procedure describes the process for establishing, operating, monitoring and terminating approved research centres at Federation University.


This procedure applies to all staff involved in University research centres of which there are two types:Research Groups, and University Research Centres.

This procedure refers specifically to Federation University Research Groups and University Research Centres, and does not include externally funded, collaborative research centres such as Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs).

Legislative Context

Federation University Australia Act 2010


A complete list of definitions relevant to this procedure is contained within the University Research Centres (URC) Policy.

A further list of definitions specifically relevant to this procedure is included below:

Term Definition
Research Group Area of research significance within and/or across Schools
University Research Centre Area of research strength within and/or across Schools


1. Completing and submitting an Application for Designation/Renewal as a Research Group

An application for designation/renewal as a University Research Group can be submitted for consideration at any time.  The following process must be followed, in consultation with the office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation):

A. Prepare application Proposed Research Group

Include the following information:

  • Proposed name of the Research Group
  • Proposed name of the Director(s) of the Research Group
  • Other proposed members of the Research Group, together with summary curriculum vitae for all proposed participants
  • Track record of proposed Research Group researchers (grant funding, HDR completions and publications) over the preceding 3 years
  • Demonstration that the proposed Research Group meets the criteria for University Research Centre designation
  • Proposed governance structure and reporting lines within the University
  • An explanation of how the formation of the Research Group will add value to the School and University including proposed research performancetargets in research income, HDR completions and publications.
  • Brief strategic outline detailing the approach the Research Group proposes to use to meet the proposed research performance targets, and to develop and foster capacity within the Research Group
  • A description of linkages with any external organisations and industry
B. Submit application Proposed Research Group The completed and signed application must be submitted to the Provost
C. Review application Provost

The decision to establish or renew Research Groups will be made by the Provost after consideration of an application for establishment or renewal and acting on advice from:

  • Academic Board
  • Relevant Deans

Research Groups will normally be established for a period of 3 years.

2. Completing and submitting an Application for Designation/Renewal as a University Research Centre

An application for designation/renewal as a University Research Centre can be submitted for consideration at any time.  The following process must be followed, in consultation with the office of the Provost:

A. Prepare application Proposed University Research Centre

Include the following information:

  • Proposed name of the University Research Centre
  • Proposed name of Director(s), University Research Centre, together with a summary track record and a curriculum vitae
  • Other proposed members of the University Research Centre, together with summary track record and curriculum vitae for all proposed participants (grant funding, HDR completions, and publications)
  • Demonstration that the proposed University Research Centre meets the criteria for University Research Centre designation
  • Explanation as to how the formation of the University Research Centre will add value to the University’s or School's Strategic Research Plan.
  • Proposed governance structure and reporting lines within the University
  • An Operational Plan covering 5 years that includes targeted performance criteria and annual budgets.  This plan will include a revenue budget for existing and committed research projects and grant funding for the next 5 year period, as well as a cost budget covering all resourcing, infrastructure and staffing requirements for the University Research Centre for the next 5 year period. This plan should also covering resourcing and facilities requirements and any funding commitments of the Schools, as well as any additional requested support from the University.
  • References and support from within the Federation University research community, peer industryresearchers etc.
  • Linkages with any external research organisations and industry
B. Submit application Proposed Research Centre The completed and signed application must be submitted to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation)
C. Review application Vice-Chancellor

The decision to establish or renew a University Research Centre will be made by the Vice-Chancellor after consideration of an application for establishment or renewal and acting on advice from:

  • Academic Board
  • Provost
  • Relevant Deans
  • Ad hoc advisory group(s), as appropriate

University Research Centres will normally be established for a period of 5 years.

3. Review, renewal or disestablishment

Research Groups

The decision to continue or close a Research Group may be made at any time by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation) acting on advice from the Associate DVCs who will include with their recommendation(s) the recommendations of the School Board(s).

A Research Group will be considered terminated at the end of the 3 year term unless the Research Group has an application to be renewed as a Research Group approved within that period.

University Research Centres

The decision to continue or close a University Research Centre may be made at any time by the Vice Chancellor acting on advice from the Provost who will include with his/her recommendation the recommendations of the Academic Board.

A University Research Centre will be considered terminated at the end of the 5 year term unless the University Research Centre has had an application for renewal as a University Research Centre approved within that period.

4. Annual Reporting Requirements

Research Groups

Each Research Group must provide by the 1st of August in each year after they have received formal designation as a Research Group, an annual report reviewing their activities in the previous calendar year (i.e. January to December) including their performance against the proposed targets in their approved application:

  • Academic staffing
  • HDR enrolments, HDR completions (number, RTP weightings and  time to completion), HDR withdrawals (e.g. numbers, timelines of HDR candidature, etc)
  • Research revenue
  • Publication performance
  • Impact and engagement

The annual report must be endorsed by the appropriate Dean(s) and submitted to the Provost who will make available an annual report on the performance of research centres of the University to the Academic Board, Vice-Chancellor, and Council.

If the Research Group had not received formal recognition prior to June 30th in any particular year then an annual report for the remainder that calendar year will not be required to be reported in the following year. The first annual report that is due must however include a review of the activities of the Research Group back to the date that formal recognition was received by that Research Group.

University Research Centres

Each University Research Centre must provide by the 1st of August in each year after they have received formal designation as a University Research Centre, an annual report reviewing their activities in the previous calendar year (i.e. January to December) including their performance against the proposed targets in their approved application:

  • Academic staffing
  • HDR enrolments, HDR completions (number, RTP weightings and  time to completion), HDR withdrawals (e.g. numbers, timelines of HDR candidature, etc)
  • Research revenue
  • Publication performance
  • Impact and engagement

Annual reports for University Research Centres must be endorsed by the appropriate Dean(s) and submitted to the Provost who will make available an annual report on the performance of research centres of the University to the Academic Board, Vice-Chancellor, and Council.

If the University Research Centre had not received formal recognition prior to June 30th in any particular year then an annual report for the remainder that calendar year will not be required to be reported in the following year. The first annual report that is due must however include a review of the activities of the University Research Centre back to the date that formal recognition was received by that University Research Centre.


  • The Approval Authority responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure – Provost
  • The Document Owner responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Provost – Director, Research and Innovation
  • Administration support for the maintenance of this procedure as directed by the Director, Research and Innovation – Research Integrity & Policy Coordinator


The University Research Centres (URC) Procedure will be communicated throughout the University community in the form of:

1.      an Announcement Notice via FedNews website and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the ‘Policies, Procedures and Forms @ the University’ website to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure;

2.      distribution of e-mails to Head of School / Head of Department / University staff; and/or

3.      documentation distribution, eg posters, brochures

4.      Notification to Schools


The University Research Centres (URC) Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

1.      an Announcement Notice via FedNews website and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the ‘Policies, Procedures and Forms @ the University’ website to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure;

2.      inclusion on the University Policy, Procedure and Forms website;

3.      targeted emails to Deans, Head of Schools, Associate Deans of Research, and Directors of Research Centres; and

Records Management

Document Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Applications Office of the DVC (R&I) DVC (R&I) 7 years
Annual reports Office of the DVC (R&I) DVC (R&I) 7 years