Scholarships and Grants Procedure

Policy code: ST1987
Policy owner: Director, Student Services and Registrar
Approval authority: Chief Learner Experience Officer
Approval date: 22 March 2024
Next review date: 16 May 2026


To enable Federation University Australia current students to achieve academic success through the provision of timely equipment and financial supports.  This procedure provides a framework for the development, administration and management of all Federation University Australia scholarships and grants.


This procedure applies to all Federation University staff who promote, administer, award and disburse scholarships and grants.

This procedure does not relate to fee deferment processes or TAFE fee instalments, concessions and exemptions.

Legislative Context

  • Federation University Australia Act 2010
  • Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act)
  • Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA)
  • The Tertiary Education Quality and StandardsAgency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act) – establishes TEQSA as an agency who regulate using the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards)


Term Definition
Institute Federation University Australia has a number of Academic Organisational Units click here for details
University legislation includes the Federation University Australia Act 2010, University Statutes and Regulations

Payment or benefit made on the basis of criteria established by the

University. An award could include prizes, scholarships, bursaries, student grants and University Awards

DFAT Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (administer the Australia Awards Program

A voluntary transfer of money or property to the University by way of

benefaction where no material benefit is received by the donor

eCOE electronic Confirmation of Enrolment issued to overseas students confirming their course of study.
Emergency Financial Aid Emergency Assistance provided to a student in the form of vouchers or payment of small debts in cases of extreme need (with a maximum of $200 per academic year).
ESOS The Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Grant Financial or other aid provided for a student on the condition of financial need, geography or demography.
International Student A Federation University Australia student with overseas citizenship studying on a FedUni campus under a Student Visa issued by DIBP
Scholarship A Scholarship is financial or other award provided for a student on the condition of academic merit or equity basis.
Scholarships Office

The single channel through which Federation University Australia's funded bursaries, grants and scholarships are administered and a central agency for the promotion, administration of external scholarship opportunities. The Scholarships Office:

  • Provides advice and assistance within the University to develop scholarship and grant applications for funding bodies;
  • Works with Schools to develop targeted support for students, ie discipline specific items or equipment;
  • Promotes and markets bursary, grant and scholarship opportunities to potential and enrolled students;
  • Manages application and administration processes on behalf of Schools and the Foundation.
  • Provides advice and assistance to students preparing applications for support and/or referral to other appropriate supports
  • Manages the disbursement of bursaries, grants and scholarship funds and equipment to students; and
  • Prepares evaluations and meets reporting requirements.


1. Establishing internally funded scholarships & grants

  Activity Responsibility Steps
 A. Sourcing funds SGG
  1. Identify, review and make applications to the University and to external providers and donors for funds
  2.  Strategise funding allocation for broader student attraction, retention and success initiatives.
  3. Source funding from governments and agencies for boarder program and cohort support i.e. Commonwealth Scholarships
 B. Preparing budget estimates Director of Student Services and Registrar
  1. Submit projected estimates prior to end of calendar year for university funding and as per requirements for external funders
  2. Maintain budget estimates for scholarships and grants for this purpose
D New Scholarships Scholarships Governance Group
  1. Call out to Institutions for scholarship submissions (with strategic framework outlined)
  2. Assess submissions / confirm approvals / notify Institutions
  3. Ensuring that students are aware of scholarships that are being offered, and any criteria that are relevant to the student applying on Federation University’s website.

2. Applying for Scholarships and Grants

  Activity Responsibility Steps

Considering basic eligibility criteria

Domestic (including migrant, refugee and CALD) students

International Students

Scholarships Office

International Admissions


Advancement Office

  1. Domestic, migrant, refugee and CALD students must be enrolled in a program of study at a VET, course at a Higher Educationlevel at a Federation Universitycampus or online to be considered for awards
  2. Students must meet the following criteria to be considered for a scholarship or grant.
    • Enrolled as a Higher Education Undergraduate or Postgraduate (including Honours) for a minimum of a 2 years consecutively at a Federation University campus in Australia
    • Be in receipt of a Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) for a course of study as a Higher Education Undergraduate or Postgraduate at a Federation University campus in Australia
    • Hold a valid International Student Visa for the period of study for their program (VET) or course HE
    • Be a full fee-paying student not in receipt of any fee relief from Federation University or other third-party source.
  3. International students who are ineligible to apply for Federation University Australia International Scholarships or Grants include:
    • Federation University partner provider students
    • International students on Exchange/Study Abroad programs
  4. The following international students are ineligible for a grant but may be considered for a merit-based scholarship:
    • Articulated students who are in receipt of fee relief
    • Employer/government sponsored students
B. Enquiries  Applicants
  1. Direct all enquiries to Scholarships Office via the enquiry portal
C. Registering Online for Scholarships and Grants  Applicants
  1. Access the Scholarships and Grants Application portal.
  2. Future students are required to create new account on Scholarships and Grants application portal.
    • Current students to access the system via student credentials.
D. Advising applicants of receipt of application Scholarships Office
  1. Applicants are notified automatically via the Scholarships Portal.
E. Adhering to closing dates Scholarships Office Applicants
  1. Additional information received after the closing date will not be accepted by the Federation University Scholarships Office unless special circumstances exist and prior arrangements have been made by the applicant with the Co-ordinator, Scholarships.  Application closing dates to be clearly displayed on application portal and communicated to applicants.
    • Late applications cannot be accepted

3. Assessing Applications

  Activity Responsibility Steps
A. Assessing applications for scholarships and grants

Scholarships Office


Advancement Office (When suitable)

  1. Ensure the applicant’s registration provides information to determine priority for assistance for courses.
  2. Applicant’s responses to the questions in the Program Eligibility Form(PEF) form determine the points that are assigned to each applicant. The scoring algorithm considers both the financial and personal circumstances of the applicant in determining levels of economic, social or geographical disadvantage and priority for assistance.   
  3. All information provided will be done in a way to protect the confidentiality of information about all students in accordance with the Information Privacy Procedure.
B. Making offers Scholarships Office
  1. Offers are to be made to students for scholarships and grants based on their application only.
  2. Additional information may be required to assess for scholarships,  and grants as identified by the funding body or donor. Any additional information will be clearly stated on the website page relating to the scholarship,  or grant to ensure a transparent and consistent process for all applicants.
  3. Additional information will be directed to the  Scholarships Office via the enquiry portal
C. Selection Panel Assessment

Scholarships Office


Advancement Office (When suitable)

  1. Convene panels when the selection of the candidate is the reserve of another area of the University.
    1. NOTE: Scholarship office provides all other areas of application management and payment.
  2. Invite nominated staff from Scholarships Office to be on the Selection Panel (but it is not a requirement).
  3. Provide Selection Panels with a ranking matrix which is consistent and reflect the criteria in the application to make their determination. 
  4. Store this information securely for applicant feedback and/or appeals.
  5. Advise Scholarships Office once the Selection Panel has confirmed the recommended list to arrange awarding/payment as required.
D. Equity based scholarships Scholarships Office
  1. Applications are reviewed and ranked based on hardship.
E. Merit based scholarships Scholarships Office
  1. Applicants are reviewed based on application data.
  2. Applications are ranked based on academicperformance. i.e. GPA, ATAR
F. Emergency Financial Aid Counselling /Scholarship Office
  1. Funds are intended to provide immediate relief from unexpected one-off expenses which, if not paid, will have a detrimental effect on the student’s wellbeing. Need will be assessed by Counsellors or the Scholarship Office. Vouchers of between $20 - $200 can be provided, up to a maximum of $200 per academic year.

4. Awarding Scholarships and Grants

  Activity Responsibility Steps
A. Awarding scholarships and grants Scholarships office
  1. Ensure all processes and decisions made on the awarding of scholarships and grants is consistent with and adheres to the University’s Fair and Transparent Decision-Making Guidelines
  2. Award Scholarships and grants based on the completion of the  application alone.
  Ranking and additional information  
  1. Additional information may determine a ranking of need where limited awards are available therefore the awarding of scholarship and grants may be determined also by:
    • Program Eligibility Form (PEF) score
    • Evidence of need as provided by applicant
    • Additional information i.e. references / referee support
  Advising awardees  
  1. Formally advise Awardees by email  
  2. Advise students who are unsuccessful in their application for a scholarship or grant via email.

5. Reviewing Decisions

  Activity Responsibility Steps
A. Reviewing decisions

Coordinator, Selection and Scholarships

Director of Student Services and Registrar

  1. Individuals who are dissatisfied with a decision may lodge a request for a review of the decision with the Coordinator of Selection and Scholarships via email.
  2. Individuals who remain unsatisfied with the outcome or reasons provided may contact Student Advocacy for advice on their options to appeal the decision with the Dean of Student and Registrar or make a complaint via the Student Complaints and Concerns website.
  3. Reviews will be conducted as needed by the Coordinator of Selection & Scholarships
  4. Students will be advised of the outcome of a review within 5 business days of the review being submitted
  5. Appeals are conducted monthly by the Director of Student Services and Registrar
  6. Students will be advised of the outcome of the appeal no later than 10 business days after the monthly appeal lodgement
C. Providing student support Scholarships Office
  1. Advise the student how their information will be used and shared at the time of registration
  2. Make referrals to other Federation Universitycourses and services when additional needs are identified.
  3. Seek consent from the student for a referral to be made. 
  4. Record consent on the Scholarships and Grants Application Portal.
  5. Offer Case management and / or coordination with other program areas when required by funding bodies i.e. Australia Awards.  Additional supports may include:
    • Visa extension application support
    • Meeting ESOS requirements for international students
    • Arranging travel

6. Managing Funds

  Activity Responsibility Steps
A. Disbursing funds

Student Finance

Scholarships Office

  • Scholarships Office records details of each payment into the Scholarships and Grants Payment Register.
  • Record Type of Payment, amount and date to be paid.
    • NOTE: Payments closed at midday on each Monday. 
    • Seek confirmation from Student Finance (via Scholarship Payment Approvals Teams space for permission to begin entering the payments into My Student Centre (MySC).
  • Enter external file upload into the MySC by post transaction and completing the refund section once permission has been given by Student Fees
  • Notify Student Finance once all payments have been entered into MySC.
  • Update Scholarships, and Grants central records by adding the date on which the payments were completed.
  • Obtain authorisation by the Coordinator, Selection and Scholarships
  • Return to Student Finance by Wednesday of the same week.
B. Acquitting funds

Scholarships Office

Student Finance

  •  Align Acquittal of program and funding expenditure with relevant Federation University’s Finance Policy and Procedures, consistent with the guidelines provided by funding bodies.
  • Maintain supporting documents for acquittal i.e. Applicant registers
  • Finacial Services to provide Statement of Income and Expenditure to attach to acquittal report.
C. Reporting progression and completions  Scholarships Office
  1. Provide reports to:
    1. Funding and donor bodies
    2. Foundation
    3. Scholarships Governance Group
    4. Federation UniversityInstitutes and portfolios
    5. Federation University finance
D. Program Budget management

Scholarships office

Student Finance

  • Ensure budget in Scholarship Application Portal reflects budget set by Financial Services
  • Any changes/amendments are recorded in the Scholarships Application Portal

7. Evaluating program funding

  Activity Responsibility Steps
A. Evaluating funding activities Scholarships Governance Group
  1. Review impact of program funding by:
    1. Demand (recruitment of student numbers) & take up of offers across type
    2. Student comment, feedback via social media, survey
    3. Retention & Success data
  2. Scholarships office Provide reports to:
    1. Funding and donor bodies
    2. Foundation
    3. Scholarship Governance Group
    4. Federation Universityinstitutes and portfolios.
    5. Federation University finance

8. Incorrect awarding/Recovering funds

  Activity Responsibility Steps
A. Evaluating funding activities

Scholarships Office

Finance Services

Coordinator, Selection and Scholarships

  1. In the instance where a student is awarded incorrectly
  2. Coordinator is notified
  3. Student is contacted via email
  4. Invoice is raised with Financial Services to recover funds

9. Publishing and promoting all University Scholarships and Grants

  Activity Responsibility Steps
A. Build in Scholarships Application Portal (SMA)

Scholarships Office

Scholarships Governance Group(SGG)

  1. Receive request to build new program
  2. Build programs to specifications
B. Maintain Master list Scholarship Office
  1. Maintain list of programs including budget, eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, links to application portal.
C. Update Website Scholarships Office
  1. Scholarships Office to ensure website is accurate and contains up to date information.
D. Marketing & promotion

Scholarships Office

Marketing Recruitment

Student Communications

  1. Scholarships Office handover to Manager, Marketing Recruitment and StudentCommunications with full listing of endorsed scholarships and grants, including links to each in SMA. 
E. Promoting scholarships

Scholarships Office



Graduate Research School

International Student Recruitment

Student Communications

  1. Work with Marketing, Graduate Research School, International Student Recruitment, Student Communications and Foundation to promote scholarships.
  2. Consider marketing opportunities such as:
    • Events i.e. Open Day, enrolment day, market stalls
    • Face to face communication
    • University website
    • Agent newsletters and alerts
    • Student newsletters and emails
    • Advertisements
    • Banners
    • Social media
    • Presentations
    • Federation University Guides and program flyers
  3. Share Scholarships information with PR team to develop media release and social media.


  • Chief Learner Experience Officer, as the Approval Authority, is responsible for monitoring implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
  • Director, Student Services and Registrar, as the Document Owner, is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Approval Authority.


The Grant and Scholarship Procedure will be communicated throughout the University via:

  1. An announcement via FedNews website and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the Policies, Procedures and Forms located on the Federation University Australia website
  2. Communication distribution Associate Deans at each School / key University staff for scholarships.
  3. Reference in documentation relating to individual , grants and scholarships, e.g. weblinks, brochures.


The Federation University Australia Scholarships, Bursaries and Grants Procedure will be implemented by all staff within the Scholarships office, Student Connect and any University staff with promotional or administrative responsibilities for bursaries, grants and scholarships.  Key staff will be informed of the procedure via;

  1. information sessions; and/or
  2. training sessions; and/or
  3. orientation training for new staff

Forms/Record Keeping

Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum retention period
Finance. Acquittal of funds Legal Office University Solicitor Temporary – Destroy 7 years after enrolment has expired.
Establishment / Management of Scholarships / Prizes, including establishment / foundation papers, recipient register Scholarships office Manager, Scholarships Permanent – transfer to PROV when administrative user has concluded.
Identification and selection of grant funding opportunities Scholarships office  Manager Scholarships Temporary – Destroy 2 years after action completed
Successful applications made by the University for grant funding from a Government or Non-Government source Scholarships office  Manager Scholarships Temporary – Destroy 7 years after action completed
Unsuccessful applications made by the University for grant funding from a Government or Non-Government source Scholarships office Manager Scholarships Temporary – Destroy 2 years after action completed

Application / Selection Process – Successful Applicants

Includes –

KickStart Registration Form, Supporting Documentation, Selection Panel Assessment, Notification of Outcome

Scholarships office Manager Scholarships Temporary – destroy 7 years following completion of delivery of scholarship / prize to the applicant

Application / Selection Process – Unsuccessful Applicants

Includes –

KickStart Registration Form, Supporting Documentation, Selection Panel Assessment, Notification of Outcome

Scholarships office Manager Scholarships Temporary – destroy 12 months following date of decision.
Administrative arrangements for the delivery / presentation of scholarship / prize Scholarships office Manager Scholarships Temporary – Destroy when administrative use is concluded
Reports – progression and completions Scholarships Office Manager Scholarships Temporary – Destroy 5 years after administrative use has concluded
Finance, Acquittal of funds Legal Office University Solicitor Temporary – Destroy 7 years after enrolment has expired.