Document Currently Under Consultation
Current Status: Under Review 20 January 2025
- Purpose
- Scope
- Legislative Context
- Definitions
- Actions
- Summary
- Eligibility to Appeal
- Valid Grounds for Appeal
- Lodging an Appeal
- Processing and Considering an Appeal Application
- Preparing For and Conducting the Appeal Hearing
- Making Appeal Decisions
- Notifying Students and Internal Reporting of UAC Decisions
- Appealing Externally to the Victorian Ombudsman
- Notifying Department of Home Affairs(Immigration) for International Students
- Supporting Documents
- Responsibility
- Promulgation
- Implementation
- Forms/Record Keeping
Federation University is dedicated to providing students with access to effective and high-quality learning, teaching and research opportunities for Australian and International Students.
As part of the University's commitment to its student's learning, this procedure aims to provide a fair and just learning environment by ensuring access to appeals processes that provide for the following:
- Procedural fairness;
- transparency and accountability;
- appropriate confidentiality for students;
- the provision of regular procedural review; and
- the enhancement of the appeals process and outcomes.
This procedure applies to all academic related appeals for both the Higher Education HE and Vocational Educational Training (VET) Sectors at local and partner provider campuses (both on-shore and off-shore) and locations including students who are enrolled in online mode (ODL).
Appeals the University Appeals Committee will consider are:
- Special Consideration
- Final Grade
- Academic Misconduct
- Exclusion or Suspension from Course
- Rejection of Leave from Studies Application
- Credits into Courses
- Adverse Decisions
Regulation 2.2 - Appeals Committee
Statute 5.3 Assessment | Final Grade
Statute 5.3 - The Schedule Part 1 | Special Consideration & Examinations
Regulation 6.1 - Student Discipline
Statute 5.5 - Unsatisfactory Progress
Statute 5.4 - Exclusion for Reasons of Unfitness
Statute 5.2 - Entry Quotas, Admissions and Enrolment
Regulation 5.2 - Entry Quotas, Admissions and Enrolment
Federation University Australia Act 2010 (External link)
Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Commonwealth)
Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Commonwealth)
Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (VIC)
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Commonwealth)
Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000
Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (VIC)
Freedom of Information Act 1982
Academic Board: | The Academic Board is the principal academic body of the University |
Agency: | Includes the Victorian Ombudsman, the Privacy Commissioner, the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission or Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (for International Students in relation to the Education Services for Overseas Students Act(“ESOS”). |
Appeal: | Means an escalation step which may be open to a Student if the Student is dissatisfied with an adverse decision, or perceives an adverse outcome, and an Appeal may be an Internal Appeal or an External Appeal. |
Committees: | Means a committee appointed under University Legislation and may include an Appeal Committee or a Student Discipline Committee. |
Student Appellant: | The Student submitting an Appeal. |
External Appeal: | An appeal to an external Agency against a Final Decision of the University. |
Final Decision: | A written decision communicated to a Student where any rights of Internal Appeal have been exhausted. |
Internal Appeal: | An appeal to a Staff member or Committee from a decision (other than a Final Decision) made under a University Procedure, Legislation or other process that prescribes a right of Internal Appeal. |
International Student: | A person holding an Australian student visa, enrolled in a CRICOS registered course, as a Student of the University, studying on shore in Australia. |
Legislation: | Means the Federation University Australia Act (2010) and the University Statutes and Regulations. |
Principles of Natural Justice: | Means general procedural fairness in decision making. More information about this can be found in the University Fair and Transparent Decision Making Guidelines. |
Privacy: | Means information protected under the Information Privacy Act (VIC) in accordance with the University’s Information Privacy Policy. |
Procedures: | Means University Procedures published on the University Policy website. |
Respondent: | A person who must respond to the Appeal on behalf of the University. |
School Decision: | A decision made by a School within the University, through its School based Committee or Dean of School. |
Staff: | Any person who is an employee of the University at the time of the Appeal and this includes full-time, part-time, sessional or casual Staff. |
Student: | Any person enrolled as a student of Federation University Australia. |
Support Person: | Means an observer (who is not a lawyer) who accompanies a Party during the Appeal. |
University: | Means Federation University Australia. |
Working Day: | Monday through to Friday but excluding days which are designated as University holidays. |
- In order to appeal to the UniversityAppeals Committee (UAC), students must:
- Be eligible and have valid grounds (see below).
- Lodge their appeal correctly (see below).
- The UAC will advise the student whether they have grounds for appeal and if so, conduct a hearing.
- The UAC will advise the student of the hearing’s decision.
- The UAC’s decision is final and the student may not appeal to the University again but if they believe the decision is unfair, they may lodge a complaint with the Victorian Ombudsman.
- Students who wish to complain to the Victorian Ombudsman must do so within 10 working days of receiving the notification of the UAC decision and provide the University with evidence that they have done so.
- If the University does not receive that evidence, it will action the UAC decision which may mean expulsion for the student. If international students are expelled, the University is required to inform the Department of Home AffairsImmigration that the student has not achieved satisfactory progress which will have consequences for those studying on a Student Visa.
To be eligible to appeal to the University Appeals Committee:
- The student must be currently enrolled or have been granted an approved leave of absence. An appeal from a non-enrolled student will only be considered at the Chair’s discretion.
- The student must have previously appealed to the Dean of School/Executive Director of Federation TAFE and received written notification from the Dean/ Executive Director of Federation TAFE that their appeal has been dismissed.
- In the case of Higher Degree by Research students, students must have received written notification of the outcome of a School Examination Committee or Show Cause process.
- Appeals must be lodged within 10 working days of the decision being appealed against. If an appeal's timeline is over a period when the University is closed (e.g. Christmas shutdown) the appealing student will be advised in writing that either the timeline for lodging paperwork is still enforced or the timeline extended due to University closure. Late appeal applications to the University Appeals Committee will only be accepted at the discretion of the Chair.
- Students must submit their appeal via the University Appeals Committee Appeals Form (see Forms section) and attach all relevant paperwork (including a copy of the Dean/Executive Director’s Appeal dismissal/rejection letter where applicable).
A student may lodge an appeal to the University Appeals Committee on the following grounds:
- New evidence and/or
- Irregularity of procedure
1. New evidence
New evidence is new information not known to the student and/or the decision-maker at the date of the decision being appealed, (or which the decision maker was unable to take into consideration at the time of the original decision), which becomes apparent after the date of that decision.
New evidence may include compassionate and compelling circumstances beyond the control of the student that have an impact on the student’s capacity and/or ability to progress through a course. The following are some examples of what may be considered compassionate or compelling circumstances and what factors the UAC will take into consideration.
Example | Factors UAC will consider |
Serious illness or injury, where a health professional certificate states that the student was unable to attend an exam or submit an assignment by the due date. | If a student appeals on the basis of health issues during the semester and failed to apply for Special Consideration, the UAC will not consider the appeal unless there were exceptional circumstances as to why the student was not able to apply for Special Consideration. |
Bereavement due to loss of a close family member such as a parent or grandparent at the time of an exam, thesis submission or assessment due date. | The UAC will investigate if Leave from Studies or Special Consideration was applied for at the time of a loved one passing and if not why. A death certificate is also required to be submitted, even if this documentation has been submitted to the University, with the University Appeals Committee Form for the appeal to be considered. |
Major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel and this has impacted on studies | Counselling report or other relevant documentation will need to be submitted with the University Appeals Committee Form to assist in the consideration of the appeal. |
A traumatic experience which could include but is not limited to:
These cases require evidence in the form of police, or psychologist's, or counsellor’s reports. The evidence must be submitted with the University Appeals Committee Form to assist in the consideration of the appeal.
2. Irregularity of Procedure
Irregularity of procedure in the recommending and/or making of the decision made against a student may include:
- There is evidence that the decision was made on the basis of personal bias, conflict of interest or ill will;
- There is evidence of a breach of relevant University legislation (a statute or a regulation) in the handling of the decision making;
- There is evidence that the assessment by the decision maker who made the adverse decision against you did not comply with the criteria in the Unit Description Higher Education or Unit Outline (VET);
- There is evidence the assessment by the decision maker who made the adverse decision against you did not comply with University policies and procedures regarding the assessment.
A. | Seeking assistance to lodge an appeal | Student |
Student Advocacy
Phone: 03 5327 6105 Email: Executive Officer, University Appeals Committee Phone: 03 5327 6139 Email: URL: |
B. | Lodging an appeal | Student |
Students must:
A | Acknowledging an Appeal | University Appeals Committee (UAC) Executive Officer (EO) |
B. | Gathering evidence and creating Case Summary | University Appeals Committee (UAC) Executive Officer (EO) |
C. |
Establishing Grounds for Appeal
Chair UAC UAC EO |
Please Note: For appeals where the student has been excluded, the Dean of School/ Executive Director of Federation TAFE is to be sent copies of all correspondence to students by the Executive Officer to the University Appeals Committee or nominee. |
A | Preparing documentation for the hearing | UAC EO |
B. | Forming the University Appeals Committee and members’ responsibilities | UAC Chair/Members |
C. | Conducting the Appeal Hearing – General Principles | University Appeals Committee/Student |
D. | Conducting the Appeal Hearing - Process | Chair, UAC |
A | Making appeal decision | UAC |
A. | Notifying the student | UAC EO |
B. | Reporting UAC decisions | UAC EO |
Sends the following:
C. | Reporting to the Department of Home Affairs Immigration for international students studying on a Student Visa | International Compliance | See below |
A | Lodging complaint with the VO – general information | Student |
B. | Notifying University of Complaint | Student |
C. | Notifying the Legal Department | UAC EO |
D. | Teaching and supervising during VO Appeal | University |
A. | Notifying Department of Home Affairs Immigration | International Compliance |
Where a student visa holder, whose enrolment is excluded:
The University must notify Department of Home Affairs (Immigration) of the student not achieving satisfactory progress. This will have consequences for international students in respect to their student visa. |
- Academic Misconduct Procedure
- Fair and Transparent Decision Making Guidelines
- Higher Education Deferral or Leave from Studies Procedure
- Deferment, Suspension or Cancellation of a Student's Enrolment (ESOS Specific) Procedure
- Information Privacy Procedure
- Staff Code of Conduct
- Student Appeal Procedure
- Appeals to the University Appeals Committee Form (PDF 491.1kb)
- Chief Operating Officer (as the Approval Authority) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
- Head of Legal (as the Document Owner) is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Approval Authority.
This procedure will be communicated throughout the University via:
- an Announcement Notice in FedNews.
- ‘Recently Approved Documents’ webpage to alert the University-wide community of the approved policy/procedure.
- Inclusion on the University Policy Library:
- Links on the University Appeals Webpage
- Distribution of e-mails to Deans of School, relevant University staff including staff at partner providerlocations.
The Appeals to the University Appeals Committee will be implemented throughout the University via:
- Presentation to Academic Board
- Training Sessions and workshops for School Appeals Officers and relevant support staff; and/or
- Consultation and/or presentation sessions to relevant staff at partner providerlocations.
Title | Location | Responsible Officer | Minimum Retention Period |
Appeal Form to the UAC | University Appeals Drive | Executive Officer, UAC |
15 years: Appeal Upheld 7 years: Appeal not Upheld (dismissed) |
UAC Appeals Database | Academic Secretariat Drive | Executive Officer, UAC |
15 years: Appeal Upheld 7 years: Appeal not Upheld (dismissed) |
UAC Appeals Outcome Report - Academic Board | Academic Secretariat Drive | Executive Officer, UAC |
15 years: Appeal Upheld 7 years: Appeal not Upheld (dismissed) |
UAC Appeals Outcome Report (School specific) - School Board | Academic Secretariat Drive | Executive Officer, UAC |
15 years: Appeal Upheld 7 years: Appeal not Upheld (dismissed) |