Student Code of Conduct

Policy code: CG1941
Policy owner: Director, Student Services and Registrar
Approval authority: Chief Learner Experience Officer
Approval date: 21 June 2024
Next review date: 16 November 2025


The Student Code of Conduct outlines the standard of behaviour expected of students and gives clarity about students' rights to be treated fairly and respectfully. It is written to assist students to understand their responsibilities and obligations and provide guidance on how to behave in a way that supports a fair, safe and positive university environment.


This Code of Conduct guideline applies to all enrolled students of the university (including those on leave of absence) at any location and for any mode of study whether on campus, online, at a partner institution or on international or national placement.

The university community includes all students, staff, visitors to campuses and members of the public who are interacting with Federation University either in person, in writing or online.

Legislative Context

This Code of Conduct supplements the following Federation University statutes and regulations:

  • Federation University Australia (Students) Regulations 2022
    • Part 5 - Student Misconduct

Guidelines Statement

Federation University is committed to the lawful right to freedom of speech, whereby students have a genuine voice and feel safe to challenge ideas and stimulate discussion.

Federation University is committed to providing a positive, safe and fair learning and working environment for all students, staff and the broader university community. All members of the university community are responsible for creating and upholding standards and behaviours of inclusion, safety, honesty and respect.

Expectation of Behaviour

Students of Federation University must:

  1. Communicate respectfully with all members of the university community refraining from offensive, discriminatory or aggressive behaviour or language in person, by phone, in messages, in writing and online including social platforms.
  2. Respect university property and the property of the university community, including intellectual property, refraining from damage or theft.
  3. Conduct their studies with honesty and integrity, and not engage in fraudulent behaviour, plagiarism, contract cheating or collusion.
  4. Respect the privacy of other students and staff and not access, copy or share private information or confidential university information.
  5. Treat all members of the university community with respect and not engage in bullying, threatening or harassing behaviour either in-person or online OR coerce or incite another person to engage in those behaviours.
  6. Uphold principles of equity, respecting the diversity of the university community and not behave in a discriminatory way against any person or group on the basis of disability, gender, race or cultural background, religious or spiritual belief, sexual orientation or physical appearance. Discriminatory behaviour can include behaviour in-person, comments made in class and written in academic papers, in email, message or online platforms including social media.
  7. Not engage in sexual harm. Sexual harm includes sexual harassment and sexual assault and can include threatening, controlling, stalking behaviour or image-based abuse (sharing of intimate images without consent).
  8. Not engage in criminal activity or commit an unlawful act while on university premises or in connection with university activities.
  9. Act in accordance with university legislation, policy, guidelines, procedures or rules that apply to students. These may include academic policies or rules relating to accommodation or use of university services or facilities.

Consequences of breaching the Student Code of Conduct

Acting in a way that breaches the Student Code of Conduct can result in student disciplinary action as Academic Misconduct or General Misconduct.

Each matter will be treated individually, but behaviour that places members of the university community in danger, such as threats, stalking, sexual harassment, assault (including sexual) or for behaviour that may be criminal in nature may result in immediate exclusion from university activities.

Actions that the university may take include:

  • Giving a verbal or written reminder about expected behaviour
  • Seeking a meeting as an informal resolution to discuss inappropriate behaviour and request to adhere to agreed outcomes (agreed future behaviours)
  • If the behaviour is considered Academic or General Misconductreferral to the Dean or Student Discipline Committee to hold a misconduct hearing
  • Following a hearing, the university may:
    • Give a formal warning or reprimand in writing
    • Require a written behaviour agreement (to not engage in harmful behaviour)
    • Require the student to undertake training
    • Exclude the student from university activities
    • Suspend the student from studies for a period of time
    • Terminate the enrolment of the student
  • In cases where behaviour may be criminal, the university may report to police or support a victim to report to police.

Advice, Support and Fair Process

Students have the right to a fair process, to support and advice, to timely communications and to be kept informed about their matter. A student can request and has the right to:

  • Information in writing about their matter
  • To be kept informed about their matter
  • Respond to their matter and provide their view of the events
  • To know timelines and when decisions may be made
  • To receive advice from the Student Advocacy (note this may be via phone or video conference if the student has been temporarily excluded from campus)
  • To bring a support person to meetings or to a misconduct hearing
  • To access the University’s Counselling Service (note this may be via phone or video conference if the student has been temporarily excluded)
  • To appeal a decision


  • Chief Learning Experience Officer(as the Approval Authority) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this guideline.
  • Director, Student Services and Registrar (as the Document Owner) is responsible for maintaining the content of this guideline and scheduling its review as delegated by the Approval Authority.


The Student Code of Conduct Guidelines will be communicated throughout the University via:

  1. A FedNews announcement and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the University’s Policy Central website
  2. Distribution of e-mails to Head of School / Head of Directorate for cascading to University staff; and
  3. Distribution to Student Senate members