- Purpose
- Scope
- Legislative Context
- Definitions
- General
- Part A: Academic Misconduct
- Part B: General Misconduct
- Student Misconduct Committee Hearings
- Recording and Implementing General Misconduct Sanctions
- Supporting Documents
- Responsibility
- Promulgation
- Implementation
- Records Management
- Annexure A - Summary of Student Misconduct process
This procedure supports the Federation University’s Regulations (Students) 2022 by detailing the process for reporting, investigating and managing incidents of Academic Misconduct and General Misconduct by students. It aims to ensure incidents are dealt with consistently, fairly and transparently.
This procedure applies to all Federation University students including all Academic Divisions and those studying vocational education and training programs and with Partner Providers, in all situations or activities related to their roles at the University. Such situations and activities may extend beyond University campuses and day-to-day activities e.g. placements, field trips, conferences, events and functions, student senate/club/volunteer activities and University on-campus and off-campus residences.
Matters of research integrity and misconduct, including those relating to Higher Degree by Research students, are dealt with in accordance with the Research and Research Training Policy and the Research Integrity & Misconduct Procedure.
Where there is suspected misconduct that relates to sexual harm or discrimination, staff are required to consult with Student Equity and Inclusion who will advise if the suspected misconduct is to be dealt with under this Procedure.
- The Tertiary Education Quality and StandardsAgencyAct 2011 (TEQSA Act)
- Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021
- Australian Skills Quality Authority Standards for VET Regulators (2015)
- Federation University Australia (Students) Regulations 2022
Nothing in this Procedure affects any other right or remedy which the University may have against the student under other University legislation, other legislation or at common law. The student may also have other right or remedy under legislation or common law.
Term | Definition |
Academic Cheating Service |
Means the provision of work to or the undertaking of work for students, in circumstances where the work:
Academic Integrity Officer | The officer of the relevant Student’s Academic Division or, in the absence of such an officer, the member of staff with responsibility for administration of a relevant course or unit. |
Academic Misconduct | Has the same meaning as prescribed in the Federation University Australia (Students) Regulations 2022, and as set out below under ‘Academic Misconduct’. |
Academic Staff | The member(s) of staff at the relevant Academic Division. |
Code of Conduct | Means a code of conduct issued by the University including the University Student Code of Conduct Guidelines. |
Divisions |
Means a division of the University including:
Former Student | Any person previously enrolled as a student in a unit or course of the University. This includes full-time, part-time, block-mode or distance education students, VET students and those enrolled at Partner Providers. |
General Misconduct | Has the same meaning as prescribed in the Federation University Australia (Students) Regulations 2022, and as set out below under ‘General Misconduct’. |
Hearing |
Institute |
Means an institute of the University including:
Member of the Public | In addition to its natural meaning, this term includes prospective students and former students of the University. |
Partner Provider | A third-party provider who has entered into an agreement with the University to deliver all or part of a unit or course to students. |
Principles of natural justice |
Means general procedural fairness in the handling of a complaint that involves all the following elements:
Sanction |
Means a sanction for Student Misconduct as set out in regulation 52 of the Federation University Australia (Students) Regulations 2022, and includes any of the following:
Senior Officer | An officer of the University community in a senior position as detailed in the University Statute and Regulations. |
Staff | Includes any person who has an employment contract with the University on a full-time, part-time, sessional or casual basis, or those employed through a contract for services. |
Student | Any person enrolled as a student in a course or unit of the University. This includes full-time, part-time, block-mode or distance education students, VET students and those enrolled at Partner Providers. Student may also include a former student (as definition above). |
Student Integrity Officer | The officer who administers the University’s complaint processes and acts as the Executive Officer for the Student Misconduct Committee and online complaints portal (excluding staff complaints or grievances). The Student Integrity Officer can be contacted at Student.Integrity@federation.edu.au. |
Student Misconduct | Means general or academic misconduct by a student. |
Student Misconduct Officer | The officer employed by the University whose responsibilities, in accordance with University legislation and procedures, include initiating, coordinating and/or conducting an investigation into alleged Student Misconduct. |
Support Person | Means a person who accompanies a party to a complaint during any stage of the procedure. May be internal or external to the University and should not be a qualified legal practitioner unless approved by the University. |
Working Day | Means an ordinary business day of the University (excluding weekends, public holidays or days on which the University is officially closed, e.g. Christmas close-down). |
Refer to Annexure A for a summary of the Student Misconduct process.
The persons responsible for decisions under this procedure are set out in the tables below.
Where a student is under the age of 18 years, the parent/guardian of the student will be notified of the alleged misconduct and must be present at a hearing.
All students have the right to a support person during any stage of the student misconduct process. The support person may be internal or external to the University and should not be legally trained, or if they are, not be acting in any legal capacity, to represent them during the student misconduct process. A support person is primarily an observer and may speak where invited to do so by the person responsible for conducting the relevant meeting or discussion.
If a student identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, they have the right to an Aboriginal Success Support Officer as an additional advocate.
A student, whose capacity for self-advocacy is impaired, has the right to an advocate of their choice who is not legally trained, or if they are, who is not acting in any legal capacity, to represent them during the student misconduct process. The right to an advocate speaking on behalf of a student at a hearing must be approved by the Chair.
The University has a number of services available to students who require academic or general support. Further information is available at Current students.
All persons involved in the Student Misconduct process, including the support person, must maintain confidentiality and only discuss the Student Misconduct with persons who need to know in order to assist in the resolution of the Student Misconduct, during the student misconduct process. This responsibility extends to the Student, their Support Person and any advocate representing the student. Failure to maintain confidentiality may result in disciplinary or other action under the applicable University Statue and/or Regulations. This does not prevent any party from discussing the matter with any confidential support service including academic coordinators, course coordinators, student advocacy or student misconduct officer, and/or aboriginal representatives if they have any concerns or queries.
Public interest disclosures, including reports about the improper or corrupt conduct of University officers (within the meaning of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012), must be made to the Independent Broad-based Anti- Corruption Commission (IBAC). Further information regarding public interest disclosures can be found in the University’s Protected Disclosures Procedure
If a person reports Student Misconduct anonymously, the University might be limited in the actions it can take to resolve it. If the person does not provide relevant and current contact information, the University may not be able to provide a response to the complainant.
Every report must be made in good faith and must include all relevant facts to assist the University to resolve it. The University is committing to making a genuine attempt to resolve reports of Student Misconduct. Inappropriate language and behaviours, or misuse of the Student Misconduct process, may lead to additional disciplinary action.
This procedure will be applied in a consistent and fair manner.
The University will not tolerate retributive actions or the victimisation of a person who raises a concern or report in good faith.
The University does not have a defined time limit for the making of a report, however, each report should be made as promptly as possible. In the case of current and former students, the report must relate to issues arising from the period of the student’s admission to, or enrolment at, the University.
The University will respond to an allegation of misconduct within ten (10) working days of receiving a report of academic or general misconduct or a referral to the Student Misconduct Committee. The student will be notified of the hearing details, including date, place and time. In instances where a preliminary investigation is warranted, this timeline may be extended at discretion of university.
Historic reports of misconduct can become difficult to fairly and accurately resolve and, in some circumstances, the University may determine that a report has been submitted too late to be considered and acted upon.
If a student behaves in a disruptive, disorderly, offensive, unsafe or threatening manner while on University premises, or while using University facilities and services or while engaging in University activities, the student may be excluded from University premises, using University facilities and services or engaging in University activities immediately and for a reasonable period, as determined by an Authorised Officer of the university.
If a student has engaged in serious General Misconduct or a student’s conduct or presence otherwise poses a risk of injury or damage to any person or property or to the interests or to the reputation of the University, a senior officer may, immediately and without a Hearing:
- exclude the student from the University premises indefinitely or for a specific period as determined by the senior officer; and
- suspend or terminate the student’s enrolment.
The senior officer will give written notice to the student of the decision as soon as reasonably practicable setting out the reasons for the decision. If the senior officer is reasonably satisfied that it is appropriate or necessary in the circumstances, an exclusion may be expressed to take effect immediately and, if so expressed, shall take effect immediately, even if the written notice cannot be given to the student concerned.
Academic Misconduct is where a student:
- in relation to an examination or assessment:
- cheats, for example, where a student falsifies or misrepresents data or results; uses or possesses any unauthorised or prohibited information, books, notes, paper or other materials;
- engages in Plagiarism, for example, where a student copies from or otherwise uses the answer of any other person engaged in the performance of the same or comparable component of assessment or permits any other person to copy from or otherwise use the student’s answer;
- colludes with another person, for example, where a student without authorisation, materially contributes to a student’s work or accepts such contribution from another person;
- fails to comply with examination or assessment rules or directions, for example, where a student deliberately resubmits in whole or in part one's own work for another assessment item;
- engages in other conduct with a view to gaining unfair or unjustified advantage, for example, where a student purchases or obtains assessment materials from commercial services or other individuals;
- uses Artificial Intelligence (including but not limited to ChatGPT/other GenAI tools) without authorisation and attribution. Guidelines related to the use of AI can be found here.
- gives or provides one’s own work to someone else without authorisation;
- forges or falsifies documents to gain for the student, or for any other person, any academic advantage or advancement to which the student or that other person is not entitled; or
- sells assessment materials to entities or individuals.
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A | Reporting Academic Misconduct |
Any Member of the Public Any member of staff |
At any time, a staff member, student or a member of the public may report a student or former student for suspected Academic Misconduct in accordance with the following:
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
1. | Investigating misconduct | Academic Integrity Officer (or nominee) |
The Academic Integrity Officer (or nominee) will investigate the Academic Misconduct in accordance with the following:
2. | Notifying the student | Academic Integrity Officer (or nominee) |
The Academic Integrity Officer (or nominee) will notify the student in accordance with the following:
3. | Response from Student | Student |
The student may respond to the Academic Misconduct Report in accordance with the following:
4. | Hearing | Academic Integrity Officer (or nominee) |
Hearings will be conducted in accordance with the following:
5. | Outcomes of Hearing | Academic Integrity Officer (or nominee) | The Academic Integrity Officer (or nominee) will advise the student of the outcome of the hearing in accordance with the table set out below - Advising Student of Hearing or Student Misconduct Hearing Outcome. |
6. | Referral to Student Misconduct Committee Hearing | Academic Integrity Officer (or nominee) |
7. | Appeal to Student Appeals Committee | Student |
A student may apply to appeal a decision in accordance with the following:
Incident | Semester | Year | Possible Outcome | Record Keeping – Offence title | Details |
Incident 1 | Semester A | Year A | Upheld |
First Offence Tracked in FDL. |
Year A | Dismiss |
Should not be listed in FDL. Institutes should retain the record of the allegation within SharePoint to ensure record retention requirements are met. |
Incident 2 | Semester A | Year A | Upheld |
First Offence Tracked in FDL. |
Regardless of the nature of Incident 1 or 2, this is considered the First Offence. This provides more flexibility to the student as part of their learning corrective behaviour.
Year A | Dismiss |
Should not be listed in FDL. Institutes should retain the record of the allegation within SharePoint. Institutes should retain the record of the allegation within SharePoint to ensure record retention requirements are met. |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
1. | Providing Academic Divisions reports to Academic Board |
Academic Integrity Officer Directors, Learning and Teaching Chair, Learning and Teaching Quality Committee |
2. | Monitoring Academic Misconduct trends across the University | Academic Board |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
1. | Recording a decision or Sanction | Academic Integrity Officer (or nominee) |
Academic Integrity Officer (or nominee) will record a decision, or the sanction as follows:
2. | Implementing a Sanction – suspension or exclusion | Student Services and Registrar |
If the Student Misconduct Committee has determined a sanction of suspension or exclusion:
3. | Implementing a sanction - other | Relevant Institute or Department |
General Misconduct is wide-ranging and can include behaviour where a student:
- fails to comply with a Code of Conduct;
- while on University premises, using Universityproperty, facilities or services or engaging in University activities:
- commits an offence;
- engages in conduct which causes the University to be guilty of a crime;
- intentionally or recklessly causes injury to another person;
- engages in improper behaviour, including:
- harassment;
- threatening or intimidating behaviour;
- use of abusive or offensive language;
- disorderly behaviour;
- breach of the peace;
- access, display, download, upload or broadcast of offensive material;
- acting in breach of laws or rules of conduct relating to smoking, alcohol consumption, use of drugs, gambling, occupation health and safety or discrimination;
- intentionally or recklessly causes damage to, or commits theft of University property or property on university premises;
- interferes with or improperly or unsafely uses University property, facilities or services;
- interferes with University teaching or learning activities;
- engages in conduct which is detrimental to the reputation of the University;
- engages in a pattern or sequence of conduct which places substantial demands on University resources, vexatiously or without proper justification;
- forges University documents or documents submitted to the University;
- offers a bribe or other improper inducement in relation to the provision of University services or the performance of the functions or duties of University staff;
- falsely claims an identity, qualification, prior learning or experience;
- falsely uses a title;
- acts in breach of a University statute or regulation relating to conduct;
- engages in a breach of copyright; or
- incites another person to commit general misconduct.
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
1. | Reporting General Misconduct | Staff member (academic, professional or Partner Provider) |
At any time, a staff member may report a student or former student for suspected General Misconduct in accordance with the following:
Note that if you are a student or member of the public and have concerns regarding the behaviour of another student, the appropriate way to raise this is via the online complaints portal. |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
1. | Investigating misconduct | Student Misconduct Officer (or nominee) |
The Student Misconduct Officer (or nominee) will investigate the General Misconduct in accordance with the following: On receipt of a written report regarding general misconduct, the Student Misconduct Officer will consider the report and make any enquiries necessary. The Student Misconduct Officer may then:
Refer the allegations to the Student Misconduct Committee (refer to step 6 for criteria): The Student Misconduct Officer will make arrangements necessary in relation to the hearing, including fixing a time, date, and place for a hearing to occur to hear the allegations against the student. |
2. | Notifying the student | Student Misconduct Officer (or nominee) |
The Student Misconduct Officer (or nominee) will notify the student in accordance with the following:
3. | Response from Student | Student |
The student may respond to the general misconduct report in accordance with the following:
4. | Hearing | Student Misconduct Officer |
Hearings will be conducted in accordance with the following:
5. | Outcomes of Hearing | Student Misconduct Officer or nominee | The Student Misconduct Officer (or nominee) will advise the student of the outcome of the Hearing in accordance with the table set out below - Advising Student of Hearing or Student Misconduct Hearing Outcome. |
6. | Referral to Student Misconduct Committee Hearing | Student Misconduct Officer (or nominee) |
7. | Appeal to Student Appeals Committee | Student |
A Student may apply to appeal a decision in accordance with the following:
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
1. | Receiving a report of Misconduct | Student Misconduct Committee Executive Officer |
2. | Consideration of report | Student Misconduct Committee Executive Officer and Chair of Student Misconduct Committee |
The outcome of the report consideration will be provided within seven (7) working days of the decision being made.
3. | Confirming details of hearing | Student Misconduct Committee Executive Officer |
4. | Response from student | Student |
The student may respond to the Notice of Hearing and report of misconduct in accordance with the following:
5. | Hearing | Chair of the Student Misconduct Committee |
Hearings will be conducted in accordance with the following:
To ensure culturally appropriate proceedings, a member of the Aboriginal Education Centre or an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person must sit on the committee when an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student is going through the process of a misconduct hearing. |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
1. | Confirming Sanction without a hearing being conducted by the Division | Student Misconduct Officer (or nominee) |
Student Misconduct Officer (or nominee) will confirm the Sanction as follows:
2. | Advising Student of outcome following a Hearing by the Division. | Student Misconduct Officer |
3. | Advising Student of outcome following a Student Misconduct Committee Hearing | Student Misconduct Committee Executive Officer |
Within seven (7) working days’ of a Student Misconduct Committee Hearing, the Student Misconduct Committee Executive Officer will notify the student of the outcome via email. The outcome letter will outline the details of any appeal rights the student may have should they wish to appeal the decision. |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
1. | Appealing a decision made by a Student Misconduct Committee Hearing | Student |
A Student may apply to appeal a decision of the Student Misconduct Committee in accordance with the following:
Federation University Regulations (Students) provides detailed sanctions for findings of student misconduct. If the decides that’s student has committed student misconduct, the decision may be made to apply one or more of the following sanctions:
- Reprimand or caution
- A course of corrective action
- A course of counselling
- Suspension for a specified period
- Deny access or impose conditions on attendance to use of University premises, facilities and/or activities
- Require the student to refrain from contact
- Re-submission in whole or part of an assessment, examination, or research
- Disallowance or amendment of a mark or grade
- Failure of a unit or course of study
- In the case of research, possible sanctions as allowed by the Australian Code for Responsible Conduct of Research
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
1. | Recording a decision or Sanction | Relevant staff member (e.g. Executive Officer to the Student Misconduct Committee, Student Misconduct Officer or nominee) | Staff to file decision notice and any meeting minutes taken throughout the process in relevant folder on staff’s respective SharePoint site. |
2. | Implementing a Sanction – suspension or exclusion | Student Services and Registrar |
If the Student Misconduct Committee or Senior Officer has determined a sanction of suspension or exclusion:
If a senior officer has determined to exclude the Student from the University premises indefinitely or for a specific period or terminate a student’s enrolment:
3. | Implementing a sanction - other | Relevant Institute or Department |
Where an alternative sanction has been issued, the Student Misconduct Officer or nominee (Institute or Department level hearings) or the Executive Officer to the Student Misconduct Committee (Student Misconduct Committee hearings) will notify the relevant area of the University.
- Academic Governance Policy
- Students and Support for Students Policy
- Academic Integrity Procedure
- Student Appeal Procedure
- Regulation 51 – The Student Misconduct Committee
- Academic Integrity Officer (AIO) – Roles and Responsibilities Guidelines
- Academic Misconduct Flowchart
- TEQSA Academic Integrity: Guidance Note
- 1_Academic Misconduct Notification Letter Template (DOCX 29.8kb)
- 2_Academic Misconduct Hearing SDC Notification Letter Template (DOCX 23.0kb)
- 3_Academic Misconduct Hearing Details Confirmation Letter Template (DOCX 31.0kb)
- 4_Academic Misconduct Penalty Confirmation Letter Template (DOCX 24.8kb)
- 5_Academic Misconduct Hearing Penalty Upheld Letter Template (DOCX 20.4kb)
- 6_Academic Misconduct Hearing Penalty Dismissed Letter Template (DOC 36.5kb)
- 7_Academic Misconduct Hearing SDC Referral Letter Template (DOCX 23.1kb)
- Academic Integrity Officer - Roles & Responsibilities (PDF 276.9kb)
- Academic Misconduct Determination Guidelines (PDF 269.3kb)
- Academic Misconduct Pre-Hearing Appeal Form (DOCX 84.8kb)
- Academic Misconduct Report_Hearing Outcome Form v1.0 (DOCX 86.4kb)
- Artificial Intelligence Guidelines (DOCX 192.5kb)
- General Misconduct Sanctions Matrix (DOCX 89.7kb)
- Misconduct Report Form (PDF 1169.4kb)
- Work instructions for assessing and reporting academic misconduct (DOCX 170.2kb)
- Chief Learner Experience Officer (as the Approval Authority) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
- Director, Student Services and Registrar (as the Document Owner) is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Approval Authority.
This procedure will be communicated throughout the University via:
- A FedNews announcement and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the University’s Policy Central website.
- Distribution of e-mails to Executive Dean of Institute/Dean of the Global Professional School, VET/CEO Federation TAFE, University staff.
- Documentation distribution, eg. posters, brochures.
- Notification to Institutes/Schools/Federation TAFE
This procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:
- A FedNews announcement and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the University’s Policy Central website.
- Staff induction sessions.
Title | Location | Responsible Officer | Minimum Retention Period |
Misconduct Report Form and associated paperwork where allegations are proven and the Student is permanently excluded or expelled from the course or institution. | Student Services and Registrar | Chair, Academic Board | 15 Years after final decision. |
Misconduct Report Form and associated paperwork where the allegations are proven and the Student is penalised or sanctioned (including temporary suspension) but is not excluded or expelled. | Student Services and Registrar | Chair, Academic Board | 7 years after final decision. |