Global Partners and Community Engagement Policy

Policy code: GC2076
Policy owner: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement)
Approval authority: Vice-Chancellor and President
Approval date: 09 July 2024
Next review date: 06 December 2027


This policy mandates the Global Partner and Community Engagement operations and governance for Federation University Australia in accordance with the Federation University Act 2010, Statute, and Regulations.

This policy supports the Federation University Regulations and must be followed in conjunction with supporting procedures, operating manuals and work instructions. This policy must be followed in conjunction with supporting procedures, operating manuals and work instructions.

Reconciliation statement

As a leading Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) organisation, Federation University is deeply committed to embedding reconciliation and Indigenous matters throughout all areas of the University. Our key policy areas will complement and engage with our RAP and several Indigenous strategies in across the University.

Anti-Modern Slavery Statement

Federation University Australia acknowledge that modern day slavery and the exploitation of an individual’s rights and freedoms is a complex global issue. We are committed in doing our part to identify and prevent instances of modern slavery in all forms.

Policy statement

(Note: definitions throughout this Policy can be accessed via the Policy Glossary which is currently under development)

Global Partner and Community Engagement is concerned with the development and maintenance of high-quality partnerships, both globally and domestically. It ensures the appropriate engagement and management of Partner Providers, Agents, and Affiliated institutes to promote and enhance the University.

Community engagement is crucial to the operation and success of the University, with appropriate procedures in place to determine the appointment of Ambassadors, drive Foreign Interactions and guide the award of Emeritus and ongoing engagement with Alumni of the university. The University’s commitment to community engagement is also driven by ethical sponsorship and fundraising activities.    

1. Global engagement and education

Federation University is committed to Global Engagement and education opportunities for students. This includes internationalisation of our approach, engagement of international students and associated agents and partnerships with partner providers within, and outside, Australia. Federation University Australia has a regional focus, but its ongoing future is dependent on accessing global knowledge and expertise, collaborating with universities and research institutes throughout the world, and accessing international student markets.  

All interactions across the University are maintained within the Australian Foreign Arrangements Scheme. As a publicly funded university, Federation University is a government entity under the terms of the scheme and is bound by the requirement to notify the government of certain foreign agreements.

Supporting documents 

1.1 Internationalisation

Federation University is committed to the development and integration of internationalisation in the University’s strategy, organisation, diversity, culture, and governance.

Internationalisation applies to and integrates across; curriculum content and development; research and scholarship; student orientation and experience; staff and staffing; commercial and service delivery; and a guiding context of our work and values in the University. This approach provides an explicit recognition of the overarching academic context; regulatory framework for quality and partnerships; and the scope of the business environment the University operates in.

Internationalisation encompasses a set of actions and domains with a borderless focus. Internationalisation requires an integration of an international dimension into all we do and is the University’s response to the globalisation of education training and research.

Federation University Australia international strategic purpose is to internationalise the University by:

  • Developing University staff and students as global learners and citizens.
  • Preparing graduates to perform capably and sensitively in international and multicultural societies.
  • Encourage staff to develop as international researchers and to deliver teaching and training at international standards.
  • Facilitate collaborative links between international communities, especially those located in regional areas.

The internationalisation of the University will provide:

  • Access and equity to international students studying and researching with the University on-campus, off-campus and off-shore.
  • Internationalisation of the curriculum and student experience.
  • International collaborations in education, training and research.

1.2 International students through partner providers

Federation University aspires to be a university of choice for international students, across a range of markets. International students can be self-recruited or assisted through the services of International Education Agents. The provision of services to international on shore and offshore students is mandated through legislative and regulatory requirements. Procedures and operations manuals supporting this policy provide specific detail and relevance.

Affiliated institutes and partner providers

Partner Provider organisations operate within Australia, and in overseas locations. Partner Provider contracts are negotiated and monitored for ongoing performance, with an expectation of teaching delivery excellence. Partner providers must adhere to a wide range of quality assurance processes, both onshore and offshore to maintain legislative and regulatory compliance and achieve the highest quality of education for enrolled students.

Supporting documents

International education agents

International Education Agents are often the first point of contact between prospective students and the Australian international education industry. The University is therefore committed to ensuring its agents, and the agents of its Partner Providers, act ethically and appropriately when recruiting students to study Federation University courses. The University will conduct audits on Partner Providers’ which will include monitoring activities of agents. 

Supporting documents 

2. Community engagement

Community engagement is crucial to the success of the University. Exceptional achievements and contributions to a field or community may be acknowledged through the conference of honorary awards.

Active cooperative and collaborative relationships with the wider community are encouraged through course delivery, research, and community organisations. Sponsorship, fundraising and philanthropy offer additional opportunities for University involvement in communities.

2.1 Honorary awards

The Honorary Doctorate is the highest recognition the University can bestow. Nominations for the award of Honorary Doctorate may be for any person distinguished by eminence in public service or cultural achievement or in service to the University or its communities. Honorary degrees will only be awarded in recognition and celebration of eminent achievement at the highest levels.

The award of Fellow of the University Award will be limited in number and is conferred in recognition and celebration of distinguished service to the University at the highest level. For service to be considered as distinguished, the service must be well beyond the normal expectations of the person’s former role or association with the University.

The honorary title of Emeritus Professor is prestigious and awarded to honour any former Professor of the University who has made a distinguishing contribution to teaching, research, scholarship, the arts or with outstanding service to the University.    

Supporting documents 

2.2 University ambassadors

Federation University recognises, through an appropriate title, those people who are not University staff members but who can contribute in a significant way (academic or non-academic) to the development or enhancement of the University or the community. This may be for a specified tenure by appointing them an Ambassador of the University, and appointees may be appointed to an academic or non-academic role. 

Supporting documents 

2.3 Vice-Chancellor's Fellows

Vice-Chancellor’s Fellows are appointed by the Vice-Chancellor to provide a thought leadership role and act as an informal ambassador in a strategic area of focus for the University. The nomination of Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow is designed to establish a mutually beneficial formal relationship between a highly regarded individual within their area of expertise/discipline and the University to contribute to the University's mission in their area of expertise. Vice-Chancellor’s Fellows are appointed on an honorary basis, generally for a fixed period.

Supporting documents 

2.4 Alumni

The University encourages fulfilling, lifelong and active engagement with its Alumni. The Federation University Australia Alumni Association applies to the following members of the community:

  • for graduates of Federation University Australia, University of Ballarat, the Gippsland Campus of Monash or any predecessor institutions or an antecedent institution;
  • past students of the Federation University Australia or an antecedent institution who have completed a non-award short course;
  • individuals who have successfully completed a subject, unit or module of any Federation University Australia course (including current students);
  • current or former staff members of Federation University Australia or an antecedent institution; and
  • Friends of the University, including current and past Council members, Honorary Doctorates, etc.

Membership is lifelong for all graduates of the University and its predecessor institutions.

Supporting documents 

2.5 Fundraising and philanthropy

Federation University Australia Foundation manages funds and monies received from bequests, donations, endowments, and gifts. Funds raised provide scholarship opportunities for students.

All philanthropic gifts received by the University , including its Teaching Schools, Research Office, Administration Portfolios, the Federation University Australia Foundation (the Foundation) and subsidiary entities are protected, accurately and processed in a timely manner, whilst documented and reported accurately in accordance with Financial Management Act 1994

Supporting documents 

2.6 Sponsorship

Sponsorship provides the University with an opportunity to create meaningful, impactful, and long-lasting partnerships and transformative collaborations with employers, industries, governments, and community organisations. Sponsorships are used to maintain and enhance the University’s corporate image and identify its role as a good corporate citizen. Limited funds are made available annually for this purpose.

Requests may come from individuals, groups, and organisations for financial or other assistance, in return for the promotion of a service provided by the University or in some way increasing public awareness of the University.  Requests may be for sponsorship, support, prizes, and assistance from a wide variety of organisations, schools, community groups and individuals.

Requests for sponsorship must fit within our sponsorship objectives. In addition, budgetary constraints can limit our involvement with sponsorships. All requests must be applied following the appropriate procedures.

Supporting documents

Modification history

Original issue Current version Review date Details
06 December, 2022 06 December, 2022 06 December, 2027 Consolidation of existing Policy Documents to a revised overarching Policy for Information Management that includes a living suite of support documents to better reflect currency and best practice of University Operations.

Policy governance responsibilities and communications

All documentation within the Governance Framework will be communicated throughout the University including, but not limited to, internal communications such as FedNews, VC Comms, staff emails, staff inductions and documentation distribution. Policy Document owners are responsible for identifying and managing information-related risks and issues for their assigned information entities and for escalating these to Approval Authorities accordingly. Owners of policy documents are accountable for their respective procedures, manuals and work instructions in alignment with their position descriptions and Performance Review Development Plan (PRDP) cycles.