- Corporate Governance Policy
- Global Partners and Community Engagement Policy
- Research and Research Training Policy
- Forms
- Printable PDF Version
- Purpose
- Scope
- Legislative Context
- Definitions
- Eligibility criteria
- Actions
- 1. Nominations
- 2. Reviewing, selecting and shortlisting nominations
- 3. Notifying of decision
- 4. Preparing for conferral event
- 5. Selecting academic dress
- 6. Creating citation, testamur/certificate
- 7. On the day of Graduation
- 8. Post event actions
- 9. Accessing recipient entitlements and privileges
- 10. Revoking an Honorary Award
- Supporting Documents
- Responsibility
- Promulgation
- Implementation
- Records Management
This procedure describes the process through which the University will receive nominations and confer honorary awards of: Honorary Doctorate, Fellow of the University, and Emeritus Professor.
The Honorary Doctorate is the highest recognition the University can bestow. Nominations for the award of Honorary Doctorate may be for any person distinguished by eminence in public service or cultural achievement or in service to the University or its communities. Honorary degrees will only be awarded in recognition and celebration of eminent achievement at the highest levels.
The award of Fellow of the University Award will be limited in number and is conferred in recognition and celebration of distinguished service to the University at the highest level. For service to be considered as distinguished, the service must be well beyond the normal expectations of the person’s former role or association with the University.
The honorary title of Emeritus Professor is prestigious and awarded to honour any former Professor of the University who has made a substantial and distinguishing contribution to teaching, research, scholarship, the arts or with outstanding service to the University over a significant period.
This procedure applies to all members of the University community.
Current elected representatives in government in Australia at Local, State and Federal level and current staff, students or members of committees of the University or persons being remunerated by the University are not eligible to be awarded an Honorary Doctorate or appointed as a Fellow of the University.
- Applicants cannot nominate themselves for an Honorary Award.
- No feeswill be payable for admission to any honorary degree.
- Federation University Australia Act 2010
- Federation University Australia Statute 2021
- Part 8 - Awards, Titles and Honorary Degrees
- Federation University Australia AcademicRegulations 2022
- Part 4 - Academic Dress
Term | Definition |
Council | Council is the University's governing authority and is responsible for the direction and superintendence of the University. |
Emeritus Professor | Title recognising a retiring and (in exceptional circumstances) resigning Professors who have made a distinguishing contribution and given outstanding service to the University over a number of years. |
Fellow of the University | The award of ‘Fellow’ recognises distinguished services to the University and means Fellow of the University (honoris causa) with Fellow FedUni as the post nominal. |
Honorary Awards | Honorary Doctorate; Fellow of the University; Emeritus Professor. |
Honorary Doctorate | The University Council may admit honoris causa to any honorary degree, any person distinguished by eminence in public service or cultural achievement or in service to the University or its communities, whether or not the person has graduated at a university |
University legislation | Includes the Federation University Australia Act 2010, University Statutes and Regulations |
The University formally and publicly recognises outstanding contributions or achievements in the following three categories:
Honorary Doctorate
Recognises and celebrates eminent achievement at the highest levels, with the following criteria:
- exceptional service to the University, usually over a sustained period of time, and/or
- distinguished contribution to a relevant discipline or branch of learning, and/or
- exceptional record of service to professional and/or public life.
Fellows of the University
Recognises the contribution of individuals to the University and to the community, with the following criteria:
- has served as an exemplar to staff and students of the University through demonstrating leadership and initiative or distinction in a field of endeavour, and/or
- has rendered sustained and distinguished service to the University and/or
- has a professional standing within the community.
Emeritus Professor
Recognises retiring and (in exceptional circumstances) resigning Professors who have made a distinguishing contribution and given outstanding service to the University over a number of years.
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Nominating a candidate | Any University staff member including members of Council |
B. | Receipt of nominations | Council Secretariat |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Preparing nomination for consideration | Vice-Chancellor’s Office and/or Council Secretariat |
B | Consider and endorse recommendation/s | Governance & Strategy Committee |
C. | Approve the recommendation/s | Council |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Notifying successful nominee/s | Council Secretariat |
B. | Willing to accept the offer | Nominee |
C. | Unwilling to accept the offer | Nominee |
D. | Advising others | Council secretariat |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Confirm ceremony dates | Graduation Office |
B. | Provide relevant award documentation | Council Secretariat |
C. | Confirm desired Graduation Ceremony event with recipient | Corporate Events Team |
D. | Event preparation |
Corporate Events Team Comms Team Graduation Office |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Sourcing appropriate dress | Graduation Office and award recipients |
Honorary doctorates Academic dress is a maroon bonnet with gold silk cord and tassel and an Oxford style gown of maroon light weight woollen cloth with gold satin facing and sleeves and a maroon wool cloth hood lined with gold satin Fellows of the University Academic dress as per Honorary Doctorate gown and bonnet without hood Emeritus Professors Academic dress of highest degree |
B. | Source gown measurements | Corporate Events Team |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Review and finalise citation | Comms team |
B. | Draft and proof testamur | Graduation Office |
C. | Printing and provision of testamur/certificate and citations |
Graduation Office |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Arrival | Corporate Events Team/support from VCO |
B. | Deliver citation | Vice-Chancellor or nominee |
C. | Conferring the award |
Council |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Website updates | Council Secretariat |
B. | Internal notifications | Council Secretariat |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Attending functions | Corporate Events Team |
B. | Using the relevant title | Recipient |
Note: The recipients of honorary doctorates are not permitted, under the Australian Qualifications Framework (Second Edition, January 2013), to use the title ‘Doctor’
C. | Accessing privileges | Recipient |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Rescinding an award | Council |
Vice-Chancellor and President, as the Approval Authority, is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
- Director, Strategy, Governance and Office of the Vice-Chancellor, as the Document Owner, is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Approval Authority.
The Honorary Awards Procedure will be communicated and implemented throughout the University via:
- An Announcement Notice via FedNews and FedEngage.
- On the Federation UniversityPolicy Central ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure.
The Honorary Awards Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:
- An Announcement Notice via FedNews and FedEngage.
- On the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the ‘Policies, Procedures and Forms @ the University’ website to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure.
Document Title | Location | Responsible Officer | Minimum Retention Period |
Honorary Award Nomination | The University’s approved records management system | Council Secretariat | Permanent |
Fellows of the University Nomination | The University’s approved records management system | Council Secretariat | Permanent |
Titles of Emeritus Professor Nomination | The University’s approved records management system and Workday |
Council Secretariat People and Culture |
Permanent |
Report to Council | The University’s approved records management system | Council Secretariat | Permanent |