Affiliate Institutes Guidelines

Policy code: CG1308
Policy owner: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement)
Approval authority: Vice-Chancellor and President
Approval date: 27 October 2023
Next review date: 09 June 2026


This Policy provides a framework for the development of affiliations between the University and selected institutions, organisations and entities.


This Policy applies to University staff, members of Council and any committee or other body established by or constituted under University Statutes and Regulations and members of the Affiliate Institute.


Affiliate Institute: An institution, organisation or entity with which the University has formed an affiliation for the purposes of cooperation and collaboration in teaching, training, research and related academic activities.

Policy Statement

The objectives of the University as specified in its Act include:

  • The development of excellence in teaching, training, research and scholarship;
  • The provision of a wide range of courses and units of study;
  • Participation in commercial ventures and activities;
  • The fostering of the general welfare and development of enrolled students; and,
  • The development and provision of educational, cultural, professional, technical and vocational services to the community and of persons living and working in Central and Western Victoria.
  • Ensure Compliance with DFATregulations for any overseas affiliations before negotiation commences.

The University believes that the pursuit of these objectives can be enhanced by developing mutually beneficial affiliations with selected organisations, institutions and entities which have a regional, national and/or international profile and whose objectives provide complementarity with the University.

The University will benefit from such affiliations via the promotion and encouragement of:

  1. teaching of both undergraduate and post-graduate students of the University, including co-operative education and training programs;
  2. research amongst such students;
  3. co-operative research programs;
  4. sharing of specialist and/or major items of equipment and facilities; and
  5. the extension of the University's awards and courses to new markets.

The affiliated institution will benefit via:

  1. involvement of the University's students;
  2. co-operative research programs;
  3. access to the University's specialist and/or major items of equipment, laboratories, library, etc.;
  4. co-operative educational and professional development programs and access to the University staff as consultants, advisers and training specialists; and
  5. access to the University's educational offerings and intellectual property.

Terms and Conditions of the Affiliation

The Vice-Chancellor and the Chief Executive Officer of the affiliating institution shall develop recommendations on the specific terms and conditions of the agreement of affiliation. Such an agreement must be ratified by the University Council and the equivalent body in the Affiliated Institute.

Nothing in any affiliation agreement should limit or restrict in any way:

  1. the necessity for a student who is a candidate for a degree, diploma or certificate of the University and who is obtaining tuition, research, industrial, practical or other educational experience at the Affiliated Institute to comply with all rules, regulations and conditions for the award of that degree, diploma or certificate and in particular:
    1. that the candidate shall be required to enrol with the University before taking out the award;
    2. that the candidate shall be subject to the rules and conditions of the University and the appropriate School;
    3. the general authority of the Head of the appropriate School to supervise the research and teaching of any unit, course or program;
    4. the right of the University to appoint as an associate or principal supervisor of a post-graduate student a member of the staff of the University. Where a member of the staff of an Affiliated Institute is appointed as an associate supervisor of a post-graduate student, the University shall appoint such member of staff to an appropriate Honorary position for the term of the post-graduate study;
  2. subject to 2(a)(i) to (iv) above:
    1. the requirement that the affiliated institutions, and where appropriate the candidate, must collaboratively determine the nature of the candidate's research, industrial or practical activities while located at the Affiliated Institute:
    2. the authority of designated supervisory staff in the Affiliated Institute to direct the day-to-day activities of the candidate.

Any affiliation agreement should provide for:

  1. members of staff of the Affiliated Institute to hold honorary appointments in the University, subject to the University's terms and conditions for honorary appointments and with the consent of the Chief Executive Officer of the Affiliated Institute;
  2. members of staff of the University to hold honorary appointments in the Affiliated Institute, subject to the Affiliated Institute's terms and conditions for honorary appointments and with the consent of the Vice-Chancellor;
  3. the shared use by staff of the equipment and facilities of the affiliated institutions, under such conditions as are determined by the Vice-Chancellor and the Chief Executive Officer of the Affiliated Institute;
  4. terms and conditions for the ownership of copyright, intellectual property, patents, etc. that may arise from joint activities between the University and the Affiliated Institute.

Terms and Conditions for the Offering of University Units, Courses and Programs by Affiliated Institutes

Students may attain University awards through study at Affiliated Institutes by:

  1. completing approvedunits, courses or programs offered by the Affiliated Institute and being granted appropriate credit, in accordance with the University's policies, towards a University award or course;
  2. completing the prescribed University units for the award through study at the Affiliated Institute under conditions prescribed in these guidelines; or
  3. completing a combination of (a) and (b).

An affiliation agreement may provide for the Affiliated Institute to offer the University units, courses and programs provided that:

  1. the units, courses and awards have been approved by the Academic Board and have the agreement of the appropriate School;
  2. students pursuing such units, courses and awards are subject to all the rules and academic regulations of the University;
  3. students follow the curricula and syllabi and meet the academic standards set by the University and approved by the Academic Board;
  4. all academic assessment of students including the setting, marking and moderation of all examinations are conducted in accordance with the policies and practice of the relevant School and Academic Board;
  5. the academic leadership within the Affiliated Institute is approved by the University; and
  6. the promotion of units and courses, the administration of student enrolments and the implementation of University academic regulations are conducted within the University's policies and procedures and with the University's approval.

Nothing in the affiliation agreement should limit or restrict in any way the rights of the relevant Head of School or any other University officer in the conduct of their University responsibilities to monitor and oversee the delivery or administration of a University unit, course or program.


The appropriate nomenclature to be used by the Affiliated Institute is:

Name of Organisation

Affiliated Institute of the University

The University logo is permitted to be used by the Affiliated Institute in association with the above nomenclature.


The University Council is responsible for ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions of the Guidelines. The Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Corporate Services is responsible for the maintenance and review of the Guidelines. University Legal Services have responsibility for facilitating the drafting, signing and registration of the agreement. Ensuring all requirements of DFAT are complied with before commencement of negotiations, as well as during and after the negotiation process. Update details on DFAT register of the agreements. Advice International Quality Manager of any changes to affiliates entered on DFAT at the time of change.

Legislative Context

  • Federation University Australia Act 2010
  • Federation University Australia Statute 2021
  • Federation University Australia (Operations) Regulations 2022
  • Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021
  • Australia’s Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020 - Part 2—Negotiating and entering core foreign arrangements Division 1—Simplified outline of this Part.
  • Australia’s Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020 - Division 2—Negotiating core foreign arrangement
  • Fact sheet 4 - Australian Public Universities – Accessibility
  • 220420 FAQs - Australian Public Universities
  • Australian Foreign Regulations (State and Territory Arrangements) Bill 2020 - Revised Explanatory Memorandum

Associated Documents

  • University Policies, Procedures and Guidelines