Ambassador of the University Procedure

Policy code: CG1521
Policy owner: Director, Strategy, Governance and Office of the Vice-Chancellor
Approval authority: Vice-Chancellor and President
Approval date: 12 June 2024
Next review date: 09 June 2026


This procedure exists to recognise, through appropriate title, those people who are not University staff members but who can contribute in a significant way (academic or non-academic) to the development or enhancement of the University, or to the University community or its objectives, for a specified tenure


This procedure applies to Ambassadors of the University appointed by the University Council


Ambassador of the University: Is an individual appointed by the University Council in accordance with this procedure and its associated policy, who is not a current University staff member or student or member of the University Council, who is deemed to be able to contribute in a significant way to the advancement of the University, or to the University community or its objectives, for the duration of his/her tenure.


The principles of merit selection and equal employment opportunity as per the University’s Recruitment and Merit Selection Policy are applicable when recommending Ambassador of the University appointments.

Recommendation for Appointment

The Vice-Chancellor will recommend to the University Council the appointment/reappointment of an Ambassador of the University

The recommendation must consist of:

  • a memorandum outlining the reason for the appointment and the contribution that the individual can make to the University, together with a brief assessment of the individual’s qualifications and experience;
  • a Curriculum Vitae (including the contact details of the individual);
  • a proposed period of appointment (in accordance with the Ambassadors of the University Policy); and
  • whether the appointee will be supervised by the Vice-Chancellor or to the Chancellor (depending on the nature of his/her role).

Approval of Recommendation

The University Council will be responsible for approving the appointment of an Ambassador of the University

Once the appointment is approved, the Vice-Chancellor or his/her nominee must forward the recommendation for appointment to People and Culture.


A All appointments will be confirmed through a letter of invitation issued by People and Culture outlining the terms and conditions of appointment and must be accepted in writing by the appointee. Vice-Chancellor/University Council
  1. Will be appointed by the UniversityCouncil, upon the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor;
  2. Will report to the Vice-Chancellor or the Chancellor depending on the objectives of the appointment;
  3. Will usually be appointed for an initial period of three (3) years;
  4. Assess eligibility to have his/her appointment renewed for one (1) further period of up to three (3) years;
  5. Will hold the title “Ambassador of the University” only for the duration of his/her appointment;
  6. If the Vice-Chancellor approves, have his/her name added to the official listing of University staff;
  7. Must not, by reason of the appointment, be or become a member of any School, Section, the Academic Board or the University Council or itsstanding committees or vote in any University elections;
  8. Required to comply with University policies, procedures and legislation as a condition of his/her appointment;
  9. Accorded the normal rights and privileges of a University staff member;
  10. May represent the University in professional forums, conferences and seminars;
  11. Entitled to nominate the University as the host institution for the purpose of research applications, with the University administering any grants and associated staff appointments, provided any publications resulting from the research appropriately name and recognise the University;
  12. May terminate their appointment in writing to the Vice-Chancellor at any time; and
  13. May have their appointment terminated in writing by the Vice-Chancellor at any time.
B Re-appointment of Ambassador Vice-Chancellor/University Council
  1. Appointments may be renewed for a further term in accordance with the Ambassadors of the University Policysubject to the continuing contribution of the appointee and based upon the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor.
  2. To recommend renewal of an appointment, the Vice-Chancellor must provide a memorandum to the University Council outlining the way in which the person has contributed to the University and will continue to contribute to the University (during his/her reappointment) for approval.
  3. The following sections - Approval of Recommendation and Appointment apply to a reappointment.


The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for making recommendations to the University Council for the appointment/reappointment of an Ambassador of the University.

The University Council has the responsibility for the appointment/reappointment of an Ambassador of the University.

People and Culture has the responsibility for the preparation of necessary documentation to formalise an appointment.

The Vice-Chancellor or the Chancellor (as nominated as part of the appointment process in Recommendation for Appointment), has responsibility for overseeing the Ambassador of the University appointee for the duration of his/her tenure.

The Vice-Chancellor, or the Vice-Chancellor’s nominee, is responsible for the review and implementation of the Ambassadors of the University Policy and Ambassadors of the University Procedure.

Forms/Record Keeping

Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Letter of invitation and acceptance of appointment by nominee People and Culture Director, People and Culture In accordance with Public Records


The Ambassadors of the University Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  1. an Announcement Notice under ‘FedNews' on the ‘FedUni’ website and through the University Policy - ‘Recently Approved Documents’ webpage to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure;
  2. inclusion on the University's online Policy Library; and
  3. notification forwarded to Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Vice-Presidents and all Heads of School and Heads of Department.