Space Management - Operations Manual

Policy code: OG2093
Policy owner: Executive Director, Transformation, Assets and Commercial
Approval authority: Chief Operating Officer
Approval date: 28 November 2023
Next review date: 13 September 2024


Federation University Australia is committed to the appropriate utilisation, allocation and management of space in support of the teaching and research goals and objectives of the University.

As the University’s physical space is a valuable asset, this Operations Manual endeavours to maximise efficiencies of use through effective facilities management strategies and sustainable planning for all its current and future operations.

This Manual also mandates operational activities and assigns responsibilities to support its implementation. This Manual will ensure that all space resources are managed and used effectively and efficiently to support Federation University Australia’s strategic objectives and to optimise capital and operational investment in its facilities. All space allocation or reallocation is to be in support of the University and individual Campus Master Plans.


This Manual applies to all physical spaces owned or operated by the University and utilised by members of the University’s community whether for learning and teaching, research, administration or other operational purposes.

This Manual does not apply to properties managed or utilised by partner provider organisations or Technology Park properties.

2. Legislative Context

  • Federation University Australia Act 2010
  • Statutes and Regulations
  • Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic)
  • Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 (Vic)
  • Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth)
  • Work Health and Safety Act 2011 No 10 (NSW)
  • Work Health and Safety Act 2011(QLD)
  • Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015
  • Tertiary Education Facilities Management AssociationTEFMA Inc. – Space Planning Guidelines
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992
  • Disability Services Act 2006 (QLD)
  • Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW)
  • Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA)
  • Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic)
  • Workers Compensation Act 1987
  • Workplace Injury and Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998

3. Definitions

Term Definition
Allocation Includes the initial allocation of new space, reallocation of existing space, allocation of additional space or conversion of allocated space from one use to another.
Authorised Security Officer University approved security personnel.
Non-teaching space Area or space not scheduled for timetabled classes which may be used for meetings, events, training or other activities.
Room bookings

Higher Education and TAFE timetables

Ad hoc bookings – any bookings that are not included in the timetable e.g. training, meetings, events.

Security Management Staff employed by the University to manage security operations and security personnel.
Space Teaching, circulation and workspaces which may be teaching or non-teaching space including office space, flexible open space and activity-based space.
Space management

Refers to both strategic and operational management of physical space:

  • Strategic – all activity up to and including the acquisition and commissioning of University space;
  • Operational – all activity associated with the allocation and utilisation of University space including booking, timetabling and maintenance.
Teaching space Area or space used for learning, teaching, research and other related activities.
TEFMA Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association – representing facilities management in the Australasian tertiary education sector.
Timetables Scheduling of learning, teaching and research activities including assessments and examinations.
University premises All land and buildings owned, leased or occupied by the University.
Usable Floor Area (UFA) The floor area within all habitable areas but excluding common use areas such as shared corridors, lifts, stairs and service ducts.
BEIMS Works and Maintenance Management System

4. Operational Statement

4.1 Principles

This Manual provides the following set of guiding principles for the oversight and strategic management of the allocation of space within the University which support core educational and research functions while maximising the return on the University’s investment.

Principle Demonstrated by:
The University acknowledges its obligation to provide safe and healthy working conditions for its staff, students and associated members of its community
  • complying with all relevant legislation and regulations governing the health, safety, welfare and personal hygiene needs of staff, students and other members of the University’s community
  • ensuring all amenities and facilities within the University’s working and learning environments are safe, pose no risk to health and fulfil the expectations of the University’s community
All University space is developed, maintained, managed and controlled centrally by Property and Infrastructure to support the strategic objectives of Federation University Australia
  • aligning the design and use of campus spaces with the University’s charter, values and strategies
  • utilising space efficiently to minimise the University’s capital outlay, facilities operating costs and carbon footprint
  • optimising the efficient and flexible use of space across the University through planned, consistent, effective and professional space management
  • recognising academic freedoms and freedom of speech in managing the use of its facilities with reference to the Academic Freedom and Freedom of SpeechPolicy 2021
  • conducting, analysing and reporting on periodical space utilisation audits in accordance with the TEFMA Space Planning Guidelines
The University will design, develop, configure and allocate space in line with the University’s commitment to provide innovative and dynamic learning and work environments
  • ensuring that appropriate planning and space management considerations are applied prior to commencing new programs or recruitment of new staff
  • providing space for staff and students of appropriate quality that meets all regulatory compliance, health and safety and other applicable standards
  • ensuring organisational purpose aligns with space allocated and understanding that space allocation may be subject to change to meet changing organisational needs
  • enhancing flexible, high quality learning and teaching, research and engagement
  • supporting efficiency of workplace operations to increase organisational performance
  • ensuring the design of new buildings, refurbishment and furniture allocations are undertaken in accordance with this Manual
The University timetables and room bookings are constructed in accordance with agreed usage standards and scheduling processes
  • assigning, allocating and administering University space to ensure best use and effective resource utilisation
  • utilising all available weekly days and hours to enable optimal use of teaching spaces
  • reviewing space/room frequency reports in line with utilisation targets
  • flexibly accommodating strategic and operational space allocation applications particularly in relation to competing priorities and ad hoc requests
The design and installation of physical space signage will be undertaken in accordance in accordance with the Branding Policy and Procedure
  • ensuring all proposed internal and external signage follows correct consultation and approval processes
  • reviewing current internal and external signage to ensure it recognises and reflects the University’s approved branding image

5. Actions

5.1 Allocating space - University staff

In 'Building an Efficient Organisation' (Strategic Goal 5) the University optimises staff space through a blend of open plan staff work areas and bookable group and conferencing spaces.

A. Determine availability of appropriate workspace prior to recruiting for new positions Manager in consultation with Space Management Office
  1. Manager to consult with Space Management Office to ensure that there is sufficient and suitable space prior to advertising new positions.
B. Determine specific requirements Manager in consultation with staff member
  1. Where possible, check for specific needs of the staff member e.g., accessibility – refer to relevant legislation, building codes of Australia and related Federation University Australia policies and procedures.



Assess Request Space Management Office
  1. The Space Manager is responsible for the initial assessment of applications for the allocation of space and change to the substantive function of space.
  2. After receipt of a correctly completed application, the Space Manager will:
    • consult the applicant’s organisational unit about its needs and requirements.
    • assess the available space and possible solutions to the applicant’s space requirements.
    • identify and consult with all affected stakeholders.
  3. Consider appropriate size range for single occupancy offices and other spaces – refer to Space Management Guidelines (subject to overall availability of space and other strategic and/or operational requirements and limitations)
  4. In the case of an application for change to the substantive function of space, after completion of initial assessment and consultation the Space Manager will refer the application to the applicable Directors for consideration.
  5. The Executive Director, Transformation, Assets and Commercial may refer the matter to the Space Management Committee for review & determination (if strategically significant or large scale).
D. Review Request Space Management Committee
  1. Review information and provide determination or provide recommendation to Senior Management Team (if space management committee decide referral is warranted)
E. Notify applicant of outcome Facilities Services
  1. As soon as practicable after determining or being notified of the determination of an application, the Space Manager will:
    • inform the applicant.
    • inform all stakeholders consulted during the assessment process; and
    • commence the relevant processes to action change.

5.2 Allocating space - Higher degree by research (HDR) students

In 'Making A Positive Impact'(Strategic Goal 3) the University supports strategically focussed research themes and priority areas that link with our educational offerings through quality research facilities.

A. Request office space Research
  1. Co-ordinator, HDR or authorised representative requests additional HDR student space via PULSE.
B. Allocation of space Space Management Office
  1. Allocate a shared area as per the Space Management Guidelines, to be assigned by the DVCResearch or authorised representative as required
  2. Provide 24-hour access to open space, if required.
C. Relocating student Research and Space Management Office
  1. Relocate student if staff office- type accommodation has been allocated which is subsequently required for newacademic or professional staff member.

5.3 Provision of additional space - student classes (Higher Education)

In 'Offering a High-Quality Student Experience' (Strategic Goal 2) the University ensures vibrant physical learning spaces, both formal and informal.

A. Request learning space Dean of School or Executive Director, TAFE
  1. Applicant requests learning space for new, expanded or changed delivery of programs in a timely manner
  2. Applications for learning space must address all questions on the Space Request form.
B. Assess request Space Management Office
  1. The Space Manager is responsible for the initial assessment of applications for the allocation of space and change to the substantive function of space.
  2. After receipt of an application, the Space Manager will:
    • consult the applicant’s organisational unit about its needs and requirements.
    • assess the available space and possible solutions to the applicant’s space requirements.
    • identify and consult with all affected stakeholders, including Timetabling.
  3. In the case of an application for change to the substantive function of space, after completion of initial assessment and consultation the Space Manager will refer the application to the applicable Directors for consideration.
  4. The Executive Director, Transformation, Assets and Commercial may refer the matter to the Space Management Committee for review & determination (if strategically significant or large scale).
C. Review Request Space Management Committee
  1. Review information and provide determination or provide recommendation to Senior Management Team (if space management committee decide referral is warranted)
D. Notify applicant of outcome Space Management Office
  1. As soon as practicable after determining or being notified of the determination of an application, the Space Manager will:
    • inform the applicant.
    • inform all stakeholders consulted during the assessment process; and commence the relevant processes to action change.
E. Schedule space Timetabling Team Leader
  1. Timetabling will add or modify the spaces in the timetabling system as per the Timetabling Procedure.

5.4 Provision of additional space - Meeting rooms and other ancillary space

In 'Becoming a University Workplace of Choice' (Strategic Goal 4) the University nurtures excellent communication and a positive organisational culture by providing both formal and informal meeting spaces of high standard.

A. Request for space Applicant
  1. Applicant makes request for additional meeting or ancillary space to Space Management Office
  2. Applications for space must address all questions on the Space Request form.
B. Assess request Space Management Office
  1. The Space Manager is responsible for the initial assessment of applications for the allocation of space and change to the substantive function of space.
  2. After receipt of a correctly completed application, the Space Manager will:
    • consult the applicant’s organisational unit about its needs and requirements.
    • assess the available space and possible solutions to the applicant’s space requirements
    • identify and consult with all affected stakeholders, including Timetabling.
  3. In the case of an application for change to the substantive function of space, after completion of initial assessment and consultation the Space Manager will refer the application to the applicable Directors for consideration.
  4. The Executive Director, Transformation, Assets and Commercial may refer the matter to the Space Management Committee for review & determination (if strategically significant or large scale).
C. Review Request Space Management Committee
  1. Review information and provide determination or provide recommendation to Senior Management Team (if space management committee decide referral is warranted)
D. Notify applicant of outcome Space Management Office
  1. As soon as practicable after determining or being notified of the determination of an application, the Space Manager will:
    • inform the applicant.
    • inform all stakeholders consulted during the assessment process; and
    • commence the relevant processes to action change.
E. Notify applicant of outcome Space Management Office
  1. As soon as practicable after determining or being notified of the determination of an application, the Space Manager will:
    • inform the applicant.
    • inform all stakeholders consulted during the assessment process; and
    • commence the relevant processes to action change.
F. Schedule space Timetabling Team Leader
  1. Timetabling will add or modify the spaces in the timetabling system as per the Timetabling Procedure.

5.5 Scheduling space - University use

In 'Building an Efficient Organisation' (Strategic Goal 5) the University fosters evidence-based decision making to create an efficient and effective timetable to support quality student delivery.

A. Request space for a class or meeting etc. Applicant
  1. Book space as per the Timetabling Procedure.
B. Space allocated Timetabling
  1. Timetabling allocates a space as per the Timetabling Procedure.

5.6 Scheduling space - External organisations

In 'Making a Positive Impact'(Strategic Goal 3) the University builds strong community relationships through sharing our facilities.

A. Request for space External organisation
  1. Contacts Campus Life to request space for an activity
B. Space allocated Campus Life
  1. Liaises with the external organisation and books space(s) as per the Timetabling Procedure.

5.7 Conducting periodical space utilisation audits

In 'Building an Efficient Organisation' (Strategic Goal 5) the University promotes an efficient and sustainable learning environment through informed decision making and analytics based on utilisation.

A. Define audit scope Space Management Office
  1. Refer to the current edition of the TEFMA Space Planning Guidelines.
  2. Prepare audit scope document that includes a list of rooms to be audited (including location types and capacities details), budget and staffing requirements.
  3. Confirm audit dates and periods.
  4. Determine utilisation targets.
  5. Prepare a communication plan.
B. Audit Preparation Space Management Office
  1. Allocate/appoint audit staff
  2. Advise appropriate areas of the University of Space Audits being conducted according to communication plan.
  3. Areas to be advised should include schools, security and timetabling.
  4. Brief staff (at least two weeks prior to the audit) advising of room assignments, shifts and duties.
  5. Teaching space inductions conducted (where required) for audit staff that are required to enter specialist teaching spaces.
C. Conduct audit Audit staff
  1. Carry out space occupancy audit on allocated space on a shift basis for the audit period to assist with the management of those spaces.
  2. Minimise disruption to class as much as possible while moving through the room as required to ensure accurate count.
    • Count to take place from within 10 and 45 mins of class starting time (to cater for late starts and early finishes)
    • Record student numbers in attendance each hour on supplied audit record.
  3. Collection of feedback from staff and students is not required. Any issues are to be directed to the Scheduling Analyst.
D. Preparation of data analysis report Space Management Office
  1. Prepare spreadsheet to record data and collect results.
  2. Carry out data analysis in the following categories as a minimum based on the period where the audit was conducted:
    • Total number of rooms audited.
    • Total number of timetabled/ casual room bookings.
    • Percentage of timetabled/ casual room bookings with no attendance.
    • Space utilisation by room.
    • Space utilisation by space type (audited); and
    • Space utilisation by space type and day
  3. The sections of the report above should be divided into timetabled use and non- timetabled use (e.g., casual bookings) and reported in two time periods: day sessions (8.30am – 6.30pm) and evening sessions (6.30pm – 9.30pm).
E. Distribution of final report Space Management Office
  1. Final report and findings should be distributed to the following staff as a minimum:


    • Chief Operating Officer
    • Manager, Strategic Scheduling.

5.8 Modifying/Refurbishing existing non-learning space

In 'Becoming a University Workplace of Choice' (Strategic Goal 4) the University nurtures a positive organisational experience by providing fresh and vibrant working environments.

A. Prepare a business case University personnel/Property and Infrastructure
  1. Property and Infrastructurecan assist University personnel, if required, in the preparation of a business case addressing how this will meet the University’s Strategic Plan Goals.
  2. Obtain Manager’s signature
  3. Submit approved business case to Property and Infrastructure for consideration
B. Review business case Property and Infrastructure
  1. Review the application/ business case in relation to the following factors:
    • Strategic Plan goals achieved.
    • asset condition and functionality.
    • energy efficiency / sustainability
    • statutory codes, regulations and guidelines
    • budget; and
    • timeframe
  2. Business case is added to prioritisation list if required

5.9 Modifying/refurbishing existing space

In 'Becoming a University Workplace of Choice' (Strategic Goal 4) the University recognises the need to improve and modify facilities for staff that may require that staff move either temporarily or permanently to accommodate changes.

A. Notification of office move Space Manager
  1. Space Manager notifies the staff member that they are required to move location
B. Relocate to another office space Staff member
  1. Complete PULSE request in advance of move
  2. Pack computer and office equipment for transfer to new location

5.10 Charging for space

In 'Building an Efficient Organisation' (Strategic Goal 5) the University may recover costs from external organisations to invest in future growth and development.

A. Invoice for space use Financial Services
  1. Space charges only apply to external users and are covered under individual lease/license or user agreements.
B. External group ad hoc bookings Campus Life
  1. Invoice to be raised for space use (venue hire) and any additional charges

5.11 Asset management

In 'Building an Efficient Organisation' (Strategic Goal 5) the University requires all staff to take responsibility for the care and protection of assets by maintaining vigilance and caution.

A. Safeguard assets All Staff
  1. All staff are responsible for the security, care and protection of university assets.
  2. Every person who utilises the property of the University should do so with utmost care and consideration and in a manner which ensures the property will be subjected to the minimum wear and tear and safeguarded against theft and damage.
  3. University assets may only be removed from university premises with appropriate approval.
  4. Steps must be taken to limit the risk of loss or theft including keeping offices locked when unattended.
B. Report damage/loss All Staff
  1. Theft, loss or malicious damage of university assets should be immediately reported to the Police.
  2. The matter should also be reported to the Dean or Director of the School/Section along with the Associate Director Financial Accounting & Systems and Insurance Officer.
  3. The matter should also be reported to Campus Security

6. Supporting Documents

7. Responsibility

  • The Chief Operating Officer, as the Approval Authority, is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this Manual.
  • The Executive Director, Transformation, Assets and Commercial, as the Document Owner, is responsible for maintaining the content of this Manual as delegated by the Approval Authority.
  • Associate Director, Projects and Asset Services is responsible for the administration support for the maintenance of this Manual as directed by the Document Owner.
  • The Space Management Committee is responsible for providing advice to Senior Management on space-related matters as requested.

8. Promulgation

The Space Management - Operations Manual will be communicated throughout the University via:

  1. A FedNews announcement and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the University’s Policy Central website.
  2. Distribution of e-mails to relevant University Staff and Stakeholder.
  3. Inclusion in the University's online Policy Library.
  4. Notification to Schools and Institutes.

9. Implementation

The Associate Director – Projects and Asset Services (under the Chief Operating Officer) is responsible for the development, compliance, monitoring review and operational implementation of this Manual.

Regular audits will be undertaken by Property and Infrastructure to monitor compliance with the Manual with the strategic direction of the University, regulatory obligations and plans.

10. Records Management

Document Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Occupancy Database Sharepoint Space Management Office

Originals should be retained by the Space Management Office

Copies can be disposed of once the administrative use has concluded.