- Purpose
- Scope
- Legislative Context
- Supporting Documents
- Definitions
- Actions
- Determining Eligibility for Refunds and Liability for Unpaid Fees
- Refunds for Course Cancellations
- Refunds for VET Courses at Certificate IV Level or below
- Examples
- Refunds for VET courses at Diploma level and above (including courses eligible for VET Student Loans)
- Examples.
- Refunds for Accredited and Non Accredited Short Courses
- Refunds for Withdrawal in Exceptional Circumstances
- Refunds for Deceased Students
- Refunds not included elsewhere
- Administrative actions for crediting tuition and material fees
- Applying For a Refund
- Assessing and Paying Refunds
- Refund Appeals Process
- Remission of HELP Debt (VET Student Loan)
- Responsibility
- Implementation and Communication
- Forms/Records Keeping
This procedure outlines the administrative processes for determining a student’s eligibility for a refund and subsequent payment or fee adjustment, relating to VET/TAFE students.
This procedure applies to all VET students, current VET applicants, or former VET students at Federation University, both full fee paying and government supported students.
This procedure is in accord with the:
- Higher Education Support Act 2003
- VET Student Loans Act 2016
- VET Student Loan Rules 2016
- Skills First Program – Dual Sector VET Funding Contract
- Skills First Program – Guidelines about Fees
Term | Definition |
Census Date | The deadline by which a student enrolled in a VET Student Loan (VSL) course must take certain actions, such as withdraw from a unit(s) or a full course without financial penalty. A census date applies to each unit. |
Course | A series of units of vocational education and training, or the modules of a VET accredited course that combine to become a qualification from an accredited Training Package or skill set. |
Course Commencement Date | The date of first scheduled training for the first unit towards the completion of the qualification in which the Eligible Individual has enrolled. |
Credit (of fees) | Removal of financial liability due to dropping an enrolled unit or reversal of a material fee |
Credit balance | Excess payment resulting in a credit balance on the student’s financial account |
Eligible student | A student who meets the eligibility criteria. |
Fee For Service | Accredited or non-accredited short courses, usually delivered for commercial purposes. |
Full Fee-Paying Student | A student who is ineligible for a Government Subsidised Place (GSP) or a student enrolled in a fee for service course. |
Government Subsidised Place (GSP) | A VET place for which the Victorian government makes a financial contribution through the Skills First Program. Only eligible individuals can access a GSP. |
Material Fee | The cost of materials and other incidentals purchased by the University and provided to the student, such as tools for trade, equipment, uniforms, textbooks, excursions, etc. |
Skills First Program | Governing body for Further Education and Training. |
Student |
Technical and Further Education TAFE | TAFE institutes are Government funded Registered Training Organisations RTO that offer Vocational Education and Training (VET) relating to a specific industry or occupation. |
Tuition Fee | Enrolment fee for a unit determined by the University for Full Fee-paying students and Government Subsidised Place eligible students. |
Unit | Is the unit of learning in a VET qualification and includes assessment requirements and the specification of the standards of performance required in the workplace as defined in a training package or accredited course. |
Vocational Education and Training (VET) | Consists of different training products including qualifications, units of competency, skill sets (apprenticeships and traineeships) or accredited courses. VET qualifications include but are not limited to Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Certificate I - IV, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Skills Sets and short courses. |
VET Student Loans (VSL) | Australian government loan program to assist eligible students enrolled in approved higher level vocational education and training (VET) courses to pay all or part of their tuition fees. |
Actions required to meet this procedure are outlined in the following sections:
A student’s eligibility for a refund will depend on the timing and reason for their withdrawal as well as the type of course that they were enrolled in.
A | Refunding students for course cancellations | Course area/Student HQ/Student Finance |
A. | Refunding students who withdraw | Course area/Student HQ/Student Finance |
B. | Refunding material fees | Course area/Student HQ/Student Finance |
C. | Liability for unpaid fees after withdrawal or cancellation from course | Student |
- Eligible for refund: A student is enrolled with a course commencement date of 1 February and formally withdraws on 25 February. A full credit of tuition fees is issued and the student is eligible for a refund as the withdrawal occurred within 4 weeks (28 calendar days) of the course commencement date (excluding any graded units).
- Not eligible for refund: A student is enrolled with a course commencement date of 1 February and formally withdraws on 10 March. The student is not entitled to a credit of tuition fees or refund as the withdrawal occurred more than 4 weeks (28 calendar) days after the course commencement date.
A. | Refunding students who withdraw | Course area/Student HQ/Student Finance |
B. | Refunding material fees | Course area/Student HQ/Student Finance |
C. | Liability for unpaid fees after withdrawal or cancellation from course | Student |
- Eligible for refund: A student is enrolled in a Diploma course and has a census date of 3 March for an enrolled unit. The student formally withdraws from the unit on 3 March. A full credit of tuition fees is issued and, where the student has a VET Student Loan, they will not incur a debt for the withdrawn unit as the withdrawal occurred on the applicable census date. If the student paid upfront they will be eligible for a refund.
- Not eligible for refund: A student is enrolled in a Diploma course and has a census date of 3 March for an enrolled unit. The student formally withdraws from the unit on 3 April. The student is not entitled to a credit of tuition fees, adjustment to their VET Student Loans debt, or a refund as the withdrawal occurred after the census date.
A | Refunding students who withdraw | Course area/Student HQ/Student Finance |
A | VET Student Loans students withdrawing after the census date | Student |
B. | All other VET students withdrawing after the 4 week withdrawal date | Student |
A. | Applying for a refund for a deceased student | The personal legal representative of the Deceased Estate |
A. | Assessing other refund applications | Student Finance |
A | Crediting material fees | Course area/Student HQ/Student Finance |
B. | Crediting tuition fees | Student HQ/Student Finance |
A. | Refunding a credit balance | Student |
A. | Assessing refund applications | Student Finance |
B. | Payment of refunds | Student Finance |
C. | Unclaimed Refunds | Student Finance |
D. | Credit Balances | Student Finance |
The following appeals process is a separate application from the Remission of HELP Debt application for VET Student Loans students.
A. | Appealing a refund decision | Student |
In special circumstances, a student can apply to have their HELP debt re-credited (known as remission of debt).
A. | Eligibility | Student |
A student may be eligible for remission HELP debt for a unit if:
Applications for a remission of HELP debt can be submitted up to 12 months after:
B. | Applying for remission of debt | Student |
C. | Assessing | Student HQ |
D. | Review and appeals | Student |
There is no charge to the student for a remission of debt application or review of decisions, other than review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. A student seeking a review will not be victimised or discriminated against for:
Under section 71 of the VET Student Loans Act 2016, an application for re-crediting can be made within 5 years after the census date for the unit, or the part of the unit, concerned, or within that period as extended by the Secretary. The (VET Student Loans) Secretary may re-credit a student’s HELP balance in relation to special circumstances if the course provider:
- Chief Financial Officer (as the Approval Authority) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
- Head, Financial Operations (as the Document Owner) is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Chief Financial Officer.
The VET Student Refund Procedure will be communicated throughout Federation University via:
- an Announcement Notice under 'FedNews' on the University's website and through Federation University's Policy - 'Recently Approved Documents' webpage to alert the University-wide community of the approved Policy;
- inclusion on the Federation University Policy, Procedure and Forms website; and/or
- distribution of e-mails to Head of School / Head of Department / University staff; and/or
- documentation distribution, eg. posters, brochures.
Title | Location | Responsible Officer | Minimum Retention Period |
Refund Request Form (Domestic Student) | Student Finance records / Finance Refund File |
Manager, Student Finance TAFE Manager, Financial Services |
7 years |
Remission of Debt Application Form | Student HQ | Manager, Student HQ | 7 years |
Request for Adjustment / Refund Appeal | Student Finance records | Manager, Student Finance (TAFE) | 7 years |
Withdrawal Form | Student HQ | Manager, Student HQ | 7 years |
- Refund Application - Domestic Student (PDF 978.3kb)
- Remission of Debt Application Form (PDF 230.5kb)