Enrolment Withdrawal (TAFE) Procedure

Policy code: ST1029
Policy owner: Director, Student Services and Registrar
Approval authority: Chief Learner Experience Officer
Approval date: 02 January 2024
Next review date: 05 March 2024


This procedure describes the TAFE (VET) sector administrative process for withdrawing a student from a complete program or individual unit/s.


This procedure applies to all TAFE (VET) units and to all staff involved in withdrawing a student in the following circumstances:

  • Withdrawal from a complete program or individual unit/s.
  • Student initiated withdrawal.
  • Non-negotiated absence withdrawal.

Legislative Context

  • Federation University Australia Statute 2021
    • Part 6 - Division 1 - Student Admission
  • Federation University Australia (Students) Regulation 2022
    • Part 2 - Admission to become a student
      • Division 1 - Selection
      • Division 3 - Enrolment


APT: Academic Progress Tracker.
Campus Solutions: Federation University Australia’s student management system.
CAN: Commonwealth Assistance Notice is provided after census date to students who defer fees through the VET Student Loan program.
Census Dates: The census date is the deadline by which students enrolled in a VET Student Loan program must take certain actions, such as withdraw from a unit/s or a full program without financial penalty. A census date applies to each unit.
Skills First Program The Skills First Program, governing body for Further Education and Training, www.education.vic.gov.au
Program: A series of units of vocational education and training, or the modules of a VET accredited program that combine to become a qualification from an accredited Training Package or skill set.
Unit Is the unit of learning in a VET qualification and includes assessment requirements and the specification of the standards of performance required in the workplace as defined in a training package or accredited course. In Campus Solutions ‘unit’ may be replaced with ‘course’.
VET Student Loan: Australian government loan program to assist eligible students enrolled in approved higher level vocational education and training (VET) program to pay all or part of their tuition fees.


Withdrawal from a complete program or individual unit/s


Student initiates withdrawal.


Conduct interview with student regarding withdrawal from program or unit/s.



School Representative

Obtain feedback from student as to the reasons for withdrawal and refer student to services offered by Student Connect, if necessary.
1b. Non-negotiated absence withdrawal. School Representative

Contact student via written correspondence to ascertain whether they wish to be withdrawn or reason for their absence.

Included in this correspondence must be a statement in relation to VET Student Loan programs and census dates. A student enrolled in a VET Student Loan program needs to withdraw, in writing, prior to census dates to avoid incurring the debt.

Where a student's enrolment is cancelled after the census day for the course, the cancellation will not take final effect for at least 28 days, to allow the student to initiate grievance procedures

Where a grievance has been initiated by the student, the final cancellation will not take effect until the grievance has been resolved. 

Fees for the course, or part of the course, will not be refunded where the withdrawal is initiated after the census date.

If the student has not responded by the advised date or the student indicates they wish to withdraw from the complete program or individual unit/s commence withdrawal process.


All withdrawals must be reported within the year of scheduled commencement in training AND no later than the two (2) months from the point of withdrawal as per VET Funding Contract.

2. Enter withdrawal details on student's APT, set status to 'PEND' and print withdrawal form. School Representative

To ensure we meet our reporting and contractual requirements to Skills First:

  • Withdrawals with participation must include actual hours claimed. This cannot be the full unit hours. Evidence of participation must support the hours claimed.
  • Withdrawal can be for a complete program or individual unit/s.
  • Include material fee refund, if applicable.

To determine the actual hours attended/delivered use the following calculation formula:

Calculation of with participation (WP) hours:

SCH/unit duration (in weeks) x number of weeks delivered = WP hours.

If the above formula is not used in the calculation of WP hours, Schools must show how WP hours were calculated on the withdrawal form.


If not entering the withdrawal details directly into the student management system, the withdrawal form must be authorised by the school representative, including all relevant information and materials fees refund amount, if applicable.

3. Student to authorise withdrawal. School Representative / Student

Student must either sign the withdrawal form or advise of their intention to withdraw in writing.

Written authorisation must be attached to the withdrawal form.


The School must keep a record of documentation advising the student that they will be withdrawn from complete program or unit/s if they do not respond to written correspondence by the date advised.

As per the VET Funding Contract enrolment changes must be endorsed by the individual.

Student signature (and date signed) is required in cases where a refund may be payable.

4. Withdrawal of an apprentice or trainee. School Representative/ATOM Support Team If an apprentice or trainee withdraws from a program, the school immediately notifies ATOM Support team of written confirmation from student/employer. ATOM Support team to communicate withdrawal with the Apprenticeship Network provider and the employer within two weeks as required by the 2023 Guidelines About Apprenticeship and Traineeship Training Delivery.
5. Withdrawal of students under 17 years. School Representative

If a student stops attending training with the University and is still under 17 years, the University must notify the relevant Regional Office of the Department and (where applicable) the students previous Victorian school that they are no longer attending training.

Regional Office contact details as follows:

North East


North West


South East


South West


6. Withdrawals for VET Student Loan approved programs. School Representative

Students must be provided with clear information on how to withdraw from a unit of study including information on individual census dates to avoid being liable for fees

  • A VET provider must not have a financial, administrative or other barriers that would result in a student not being able to withdraw from a VET unit of study on or before the census date.
  • Student must either sign the withdrawal form or advise of their intention to withdraw in writing prior to the census date to ensure they do not incur the debt.
  • Should the students circumstances change the provider will allow a student to re-enrol into an approved course they have previously withdrawn from.
7. Send printed withdrawal form to Student HQ. School Representative
  • Has the student signed the withdrawal?
  • Has the student provided an e- mail or some other form of written authority to withdraw them from the program or unit/s?
  • Withdrawal forms must be submitted to Student  HQ within 5 days of the school receiving and processing them in Campus Solutions.

Assess withdrawal to determine eligibility for refund of material and tuition fees.

Enter withdrawal details in Campus Solutions and file withdrawal form.

Student  HQ

Assess student's eligibility for a refund in accordance with the VET (TAFE) Student Refund Procedure.

  • If student is eligible for a refund of their material fees scan withdrawal form and forward to Student Finance.
  • If a VET Student Loan program and the student withdrew prior to census date, but the withdrawal is processed after census date Student HQ to notify Data and Reporting and Student Finance.
  • Full Program withdrawal - scan a copy of the withdrawal form to graduate@federation.edu.au to initiate the issuing of a Statement of Attainment, if applicable.


  • The ChiefLearner Experience Officer (as the Approval Authority) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
  • Director, Student Services and Registrar (as the Document Owner) is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Approval Authority.
  • Specific responsibilities are included in Actions.


The Enrolment Withdrawal (TAFE) Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  1. an Announcement under 'FedNews' on the FedUni website,
  2. the University Policy - 'Recently Approved Documents' webpage to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure, and
  3. inclusion on the University's online Policy Library.

Forms/Record Keeping

Item Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Withdrawal Form
Student HQ Manager Student HQ 7 years after enrolment has expired