Academic and Research Leadership and Appointment Procedure

Policy code: PC2060
Policy owner: Director, People and Culture
Approval authority: Vice-Chancellor and President
Approval date: 15 March 2024
Next review date: 25 October 2024


The University aims to be a first-choice employer and destination for students in each of our communities we serve, embedding a values driven and talent-focused culture, ensuring contribution and commitment to the candidate and employee experience.

Our recruitment and appointment decisions are aligned to the strategic goals and priorities of the University. They will support our values of inclusion, innovation, excellence, empowerment and collaboration as outlined in Federation’s Living Values Charter. As Australia’s leading regional University, we will recruit and appoint talented people who will continue to transform lives and enhance communities; ensuring a strong and sustainable university for all.

Appointments are made on the principles of merit and achievement relative to opportunity, ensuring adherence to equity and equal opportunity employment.

Academic and Research leadership appointments support the leadership and academic development of an Institute or Centre/Group through the management of academic, research, leadership and administrative responsibilities.

The purpose of this procedure is to outline the appointment process of an internal appointee to an academic leadership position. In the event an external candidate is identified for Academic and Research Leadership, the continuing and fixed-term recruitment and appointment procedure must be adhered to.


This procedure applies to the appointment of continuing and fixed-term academic and research leadership staff at our campuses, sites, and centres of the University.


For further definitions, refer to the University’s Recruitment and Appointment Policy and the Federation University Australia Union Enterprise Agreement 2019–2021.

A further list of definitions specifically relevant to this procedure is included below:

Term Definition
Academic and Research Leadership Appointment:

An appointment that holds leadership, management and administrative function and includes and includes Institute positions of Director, Industry Cooperation, Director, Learning and Teaching, Research Adviser and Discipline Leader and Research positions of Director, Research Centre/Group, and Associate Dean.


Conflict of interest within a recruitment process

A conflict of interest occurs where a person’s personal interest could improperly influence, or may appear to improperly influence them when making a work-related decision/s as outlined in the University’s Managing Conflicts of Interest Procedure.

A conflict of interest exists whether it is:

  • actual, it currently exists;
  • potential, it may arise, given the circumstances; or
  • perceived, members of the public could reasonably form the view that a conflict exists, or could arise, that may improperly influence the performance of their duties to the University, now or in the future.

Where an actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest occurs within the Recruitment and Appointment process, the following steps must be undertaken.

Committee Members

Where a potential conflict of interest exists (or may exist at some time in the future) the committee member must declare that conflict of interest in writing to the Chair of Committee. 

It is at the discretion of the Chair of Committee, in accordance with relevant policies and procedures, to determine if the disclosure may impede the committee member’s impartial decision making and advise People and Culture of the declaration.

Chair of Committee

Where a potential conflict of interest exists (or may exist at some time in the future) the committee member must declare that conflict of interest in writing to the Director, People and Culture. 

It is at the discretion of the Director, People and Culture, in accordance with relevant policies and procedures, to determine if the disclosure may impede the Chair of Committee’s impartial decision making.

The University is committed to ensure that no undue advantage or disadvantage occurs as a result of the existence of a personal relationship.  Staff members should access the Staff Code of Conduct Policy for further information.

In the event that a potential conflict of interest has been disclosed and that disclosure is not considered a conflict by the delegated approver, upon deliberation at shortlisting and after interviews, the committee member will be the last person to provide their preferences, and must also be disclosed on the selection committee report.

Identification of requirement for an academic leadership position

The Dean/Executive Dean, in consultation with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and/or Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) and the Institute/Centre leadership team (where relevant), will determine the requirement for the following academic and research leadership positions, within the portfolio:

Academic Portfolio Research and Innovation Portfolio
  • Director, Learning and Teaching
  • Director, Industry Cooperation
  • Research Adviser
  • Discipline Leader
  • Director, Research Centre/Group
  • Associate Dean

Prior to recruitment, approval is required by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and/or in consultation with Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation).

Recommendation and approval of appointment

Generally, existing staff will be appointed to an academic or research leadership position. Recommended appointees must be able to demonstrate alignment and commitment to the University’s Living Values Charter, and the duties and responsibilities of the relevant position description.

Where more than one existing staff member is identified, the Dean/Executive Dean/Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor may compile a Selection Committee, with the composition of the panel to be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and/or Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) or nominee.

Where a Dean/Executive Dean/Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor determines there are no suitable internal candidates for the appointment, the Dean/Executive Dean may commence an external process in accordance with the continuing and fixed-term appointment procedure.

The Dean/Executive Dean/Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Institute/Centre/Group leadership team will commence the appointment of a staff member to a vacant or newly created academic or research leadership position.

The table below provides a summary of the process for academic and research leadership positions:

Director, Research Centre/Group Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor recommend a successful candidate Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) on recommendation from the Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
Associate Dean Dean to recommend a successful candidate in consultation with Centre leadership team Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) on recommendation from the Dean.
Director, Learning and Teaching Executive Dean to recommend a successful candidate in consultation with Institute leadership team. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) on recommendation from the Executive Dean.
Director, Industry Cooperation Executive Dean to recommend a successful candidate in consultation with Institute leadership team. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) on recommendation from the Executive Dean.
Research Adviser Executive Dean to recommend a successful candidate in consultation with Institute leadership team. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) on recommendation from the Executive Dean.
Discipline Leader Executive Dean to recommend a successful candidate in consultation with Institute leadership team. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) on recommendation from the Executive Dean.

An appointment to an academic leadership position may be made for an initial fixed-term period of up to three years with a further term of three years if required.

Offer to successful appointee

The Dean/Executive Dean will complete the Selection Committee Report. People and Culture will then issue a letter to the successful candidate confirming the details and the duration of the academic leadership appointment.

Re-appointment to an academic leadership position

Academic and research leadership appointments may be renewed at the conclusion of the initial fixed-term period.

Two months prior to the conclusion of the period of the academic leadership position, People and Culture will seek confirmation from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and/or Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), whether the academic leadership position will be renewed and associated terms.

Once advised, People and Culture will issue a letter to the appointee, confirming the details of the position and the duration of the appointment.

Supporting Documents

All university policies and procedures

Related Items

•      Applicant Information via Careers at Federation University website.


The Vice-Chancellor and President is ultimately responsible for the implementation of the Policy and Procedure.

The Chair of the Selection Committee is responsible for ensuring adherence to Policy and Procedure, and making appointments based on an applicant's merit, free from bias and unlawful discrimination.

The Director, People and Culture is responsible for:

  • the development of the Recruitment and Appointment Policy and Procedure;
  • monitoring recruitment and appointment activities and addressing inconsistencies in the implementation of the Policy and Procedures; and
  • overseeing the provision of support and advice on the Policy and Procedure.


This procedure will be communicated throughout the University community via:

1.   A FedNews announcement and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the University’s Policy Central website.

2.   Distribution of emails to Deans / Directors / Directors / Managers / University staff.

3.   Documentation distribution, e.g. posters, brochures.

4.   Notification to Schools.


This procedure will be implemented throughout the University via

1.   An Announcement Notice under 'FedNews' on the ‘FedUni’ website and through the University Policy - ‘Recently Approved Documents’ webpage to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure; and

2.   Inclusion on the University's online Policy Library.

3.   Information and training sessions advertised via FedNews and provided by People and Culture to Deans/Directors, Directors and Managers.

Records Management

Document Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Recruitment Request Form and Approval People and Culture Director, People and Culture Seven years after contract has expired
Additional Recruitment/Contract Renewal Information People and Culture Director, People and Culture Seven years after contract has expired
Selection Committee Report People and Culture Director, People and Culture Seven years after contract has expired
Reimbursement of Re‑location Expenses People and Culture Director, People and Culture Seven years after contract has expired