Research Integrity Advisor Procedure

Policy code: RS2103
Policy owner: Director, Research and Innovation
Approval authority: Provost
Approval date: 23 July 2024
Next review date: 23 July 2027


This procedure outlines the appointment process and role of Research Integrity Advisors, as required by the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.


This procedure covers appointment and role of all Research Integrity Advisors, irrespective of University department or function.  Research Integrity Advisor roles apply to all research and research training activities carried out by University staff and students, including:

  • All staff, including sessional staff, currently employed by the University (including those involved in research external to the University);
  • Former staff members who conducted research while employed by the University;
  • All Honorary staff, Adjunct staff and volunteers associated with the University;
  • All students, including past students of the University who engage or have engaged in research and / or research related activities. 


Term Definition
Advisee An individual or group of individuals seeking advice from a Research Integrity Advisor or the Research Integrity Office.
Breach A failure to meet the principles and responsibilities of the Code. May refer to a single breach or multiple breaches.
Conflict of Interest A conflict of interest exists in a situation where an independent observer might reasonably conclude that the professional actions of a person are or may be unduly influenced by other interests. This refers to a financial or non-financial interest which may be a perceived, potential or actual conflict of interest.
Consultation Meeting of an advisee and Research Integrity Advisor, either in person, online, via email or any other method of communication.
Research The concept of research is broad and includes the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies, inventions and understandings. This could include synthesis and analysis of previous research to the extent that it is new and creative.
Researcher Person (or persons) who conducts, or assists with the conduct of, research.
Research Integrity Integrity in research includes a commitment to the search for knowledge and understanding, to the recognised principles of research conduct, to the honest and ethical conduct of research, and to the honest and open dissemination of results.
Research Misconduct A serious breach of The Code which is also intentional or reckless or negligent.
Research Integrity Advisor (RIA) A person or persons with knowledge of the Code and institutional processes nominated by an institution to promote the responsible conduct of research and provide advice to those with concerns or complaints about potential breaches of the Code.
RIO Research Integrity Office
The Code Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
VCST Vice Chancellor’s Senior Team


The University has assigned the following roles and responsibilities associated with the Research Integrity Advisor role:

  • All staff hold the responsibility that if concerned that a researcher has not acted in accordance with the Code, to take action in a timely manner, in accordance with The Code and the Research and Research Training Policy.
  • Research Centre DirectorResearch Centre Directors nominate suitable research active staff to fulfil the role of Research Integrity Advisor in each of their respective Centres.
  • Research Integrity Advisor (RIA) – An RIA is appointed within each Research Centre. An RIA must be a person with knowledge of the Code and University processes who will promote the responsible conduct of research and provide advice to those with concerns or complaints about potential breaches of the Code.
  • Research Integrity Office (RIO) – Research Services staff with responsibility for management of research integrity at the University.

Appointment of a Research Integrity Advisor

RIAs are nominated, trained and supported by Federation University to promote the responsible conduct of research by providing advice on research practices and researcher responsibilities, as well as advice to those with concerns or complaints about potential breaches of the Code.

1 Call for RIA nomination


Centre Directors

The RIO requests Centre Directors to nominate a Research Integrity Advisor from their Centre.
2 Consultation with potential RIA nominee Centre Directors

Centre Directors consult with possible nominees to determine willingness and suitability for the role.

As per the NHMRC Research Integrity Advisor’s Guide (p. 1), nominees should be people with research experience, analytical skills, empathy, good communication skills, knowledge and understanding of the institution’s processes and the Code. They also will have familiarity with accepted research practices in general, and, where possible, practices that are discipline-specific.

3 Nomination Centre Directors Centre Directors informs RIO of their RIA nomination.
4 Receive and review nomination RIO

The RIO confirms that the nominee meets the requirements for Research Integrity Advisors and has completed Federation University Research Integrity training.

Consideration will be given to diversity of RIAs across the University, including but not limited to discipline areas, gender, ethnicity, campus location.

5 Induction training


RIA nominee

The RIO provides the appointee with RIA induction training.

The RIA has opportunity to seek further information about the role.

6 Making an appointment


Pro Vice Chancellor Research

The RIO (on behalf of the Pro Vice Chancellor Research) sends nominee an appointment letter.

Appointment is for a period of three years, subject to ongoing review by all parties.

7 Accepting the appointment Nominee The nominee accepts the offer in writing
8 Additional training specific to Research Integrity Advisors RIA The appointed RIA is required to complete ARMS Research Integrity Advisor training, as notified by the RIO.
9 Undertaking duties and promoting compliance Appointee

The appointed RIA is required to:

  • attend regular RIA network meetings and engage in professional development (facilitated by the RIO);
  • promote responsible research conduct, including providing training;
  • provide advice to researchers as required/requested; and
  • keep relevant records.
10 Promoting the role of RIAs RIO A list of appointed RIAs and their contact details will be displayed on the University’s Research Integrity website.

Consultation with a Research Integrity Advisor

RIAs provide impartial advice and guidance to those with questions about any aspect of responsible research practice. Anyone with a concern that a breach of the Code may have occurred and would like advice is encouraged to discuss the matter with any RIA before submitting a formal complaint.

1 Making an appointment Staff member/student seeking advice

Any person wishing to seek advice from an RIA should contact them via email to make an appointment.

Advisees may seek advice from their Centre RIA or any other RIA across the University.

2 Providing advice RIA

During the consultations, the RIA must provide advice in relation to responsible research practice.  This may entail referring consultees to other resources in the University or external to Federation University if appropriate. It is not the role of the RIA to assess or investigate the matter further.  If it is believed that a concern may constitute a breach of the Code, it should be referred immediately to the RIO, following steps outlined in the Research Integrity and Misconduct Procedure.

RIAs must treat all consultations as confidential and maintain confidentiality of any sensitive information received in their role as a Research Integrity Advisor.

If the RIA believes they have a conflict of interest, they should refer the advisee to another RIA or to the RIO.

3 Assisting with formal complaints, if required



Should an individual wish to make a formal complaint, the RIA must follow, and advise the complainant to follow, the steps outlined in the Research Integrity and Misconduct Procedure.

Research Integrity Advisor Record Keeping and Reporting

RIAs should keep a record of all formal discussions and advice given.

1 Keeping records RIA

The RIA must keep a record of all discussions they have in their role as RIA.  

These records must be kept in a safe, secure location and disposed of in accordance with Federation University record keeping policies.

2 Reporting to the RIO RIA A report on these discussions must be provided to the RIO as requested, and at least annually.


Research Integrity

The Provost has overall responsibility for ensuring that research is carried out in accordance with The Code, this Document and accompanying Procedures.

Others who have responsibility for ensuring research integrity compliance include:

  • Director, Research and Innovation
  • Federation University Australia Research Committee
  • Deans
  • Research Centre Directors
  • Research discipline leaders
  • Research Services


The Research Integrity Advisor Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  1. an Announcement Notice under ‘FedNews' and through the University Policy - ‘Recently Approved Documents’ and ‘Policy Search’ webpages to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure; and
  2. inclusion on the University's online Policy Library.