Student Support and Orientation for International Students Procedure

Policy code: ST1581
Policy owner: Director, Student Services and Registrar
Approval authority: Chief Learner Experience Officer
Approval date: 24 October 2024
Next review date: 31 August 2026


Standard 6 of the ESOS National Code 2018 requires the University and our partner providers to support the University's international students in adjusting to study and life in Australia, to achieving their learning goals and to achieving satisfactory progress towards meeting the learning outcomes of their course

Registered providers must:  

  • Give overseas students information on, or access to, an orientation course about living and studying in Australia, including information about safety on campus and while living in Australia;  
  • Offer reasonable support to overseas students, irrespective of their place or mode of study, at no additional cost to the overseas student;  
  • Have a critical incident management policy; and  
  • Ensure there are sufficient staff, in addition to academic staff, to support and advise overseas students who request assistance. 

The procedure mandates operational responsibility for actions under the National Code. The information provided to students and source of information is not limited by the procedure. 


This procedure applies to all staff and University activities where they relate to all international students that have been issued with a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) to study at the University. This is irrespective of where the course/qualification is delivered onshore.

Legislative Context


Official Point of Contact/Student Contact Officer(s) The individual (or team) required under legislation as the primary contact point for International Students. At Federation University this is International Student Advisory (or Partner equivalent).
Critical Incident A traumatic event, which is likely to cause extreme physical and/or emotional distress involving the University, its staff and/or students.
Critical Incident Team The dedicated group within the University responsible for the strategic management of critical incidents. 
CoE Confirmation of Enrolment - A document provided electronically which is issued by the University to intending international students and which must accompany their application for a student visa. It confirms the student’s eligibility to enrol in the course/qualification of the University, at a specific teaching location.
CRM The University’s Customer Relationship Management system
The Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act The legislation that regulates the University’s responsibilities in educating International Students.
International Student A student enrolled in a Federation University course/qualification at a University campus or at a Partner Provider teaching location on a Student Visa (Subclass 500).
Offer International Student Offer Letter and Acceptance Agreement or Deed of Variation as applicable – Legal binding document that outlines the conditions of enrolment.
Orientation date Date set by the University to provide students with wellbeing, services and academic information required for student success prior to the commencement of semester.
Course Course of education and training for HE. Defined as Course in the ESOS Act.
Qualification Qualification of education and training for VET. Defined as Course in the ESOS Act.
Teaching Location Where Federation University course/qualifications are delivered.


Preparing International Students for life and study in Australia

A Maintaining ‘ International Students Advisory’ webpages International Student Advisory/Partner campus equivalent
  1. Conduct twice-annual review of (and Partner campus equivalents) for accuracy.
  2. Benchmark with industry.
B Coordinating post-CoE, pre-Orientation communications International Student Advisory/Partner campus equivalent and Student Comms team
  1. Establish Orientation dates 12 months prior to each intake, in consultation with Institutes and other stakeholders.
  2. Communicate Orientation dates to International Admissions for inclusion on Offers and CoEs.
  3. Develop targeted communications to prepare students for arrival, including (but not limited to):
    • Cost of living;
    • Housing options and accommodation;
    • Airport transfer;
    • Opening bank accounts;
    • Packing lists & customs requirements;
    • Local area information;
    • Orientation and enrolment information.
C Project-managing  International Orientation courses International Student Advisory/Partner campus equivalent
  1. Facilitate face-to-face and online orientation sessions that meet and exceed ESOS requirements.
  2. Arrange for expert guest presenters from within/external to the University.
  3. Ensure that information is presented in a culturally-competent and accessible format.
D Ensuring that all International Students, including late arrivals, can access a comparable Orientation International Student Advisory/Partner campus equivalent
  1. Facilitate additional catch-up sessions each semester for students unable to attend on Orientation date.
  2. Ensure all information is also available electronically and actively provided to students.

Facilitating access to required academic information


  • Academic progress, attendance requirements and rules
  • Monitoring course/qualification progress
  • Course, placement and assessment information
  • Study assistance programs
Institute staff
  1. Make available via (as appropriate):
    • Orientation presentations;
    • Moodle;
    • University website;
    • Direct email.

Facilitating access to required non-academic information including:

  • Student support services and contact officer(s)
  • External support services
  • English language support programs
  • Deferring, suspending or cancellation of enrolment by University
  • Changing contact details and communication expectations
  • Health, emergency services and safety information including 24hr Emergency Number
  • Critical Incident Management – International Students Procedure
  • University facilities and resources
  • Employment Rights and Consumer Affairs
  • Student rights and responsibilities
  • University and external complaints and appeals processes
  • ESOS framework
International Student Advisory/equivalent Partner department
  1. Make available via (as appropriate):
    • Orientation presentations;
    • Moodle;
    • University website;
    • Direct email;
    • Orientation pack.


Providing tailored support for enrolled International Students

A Acting as the Official point of contact/Contact Officer(s) for International Students International Student Advisory (or equivalent service at Partner Provider locations)
  1. Ensure Contact Officer(s) retain up-to-date knowledge of internal and external support services and University processes.
  2. Provide contact details of Contact Officer(s) to students at Orientation and throughout their study (including details of the 24hr Emergency Number).
  3. Act on all student contact within 2 business days, where practical.
  4. Maintain confidentiality in line with University Privacypolicy, and communicate scope/limits of confidentiality to students.
B Ensuring sufficient student support personnel to meet the needs of the international students enrolled with the institution Director, Student Services and Registrar/Manager, International Student Services
  1. Conduct and align with industrybenchmarking on support staff/student ratios.
  2. Ensure support staff receive appropriate specialist training and professional development in supporting international students.
C Ensuring all services are accessible and culturally-responsive for international students International Student Advisory/Manager, International Student Services
  1. Provide introductory Cultural Competency resources to services and staff groups.
  2. Provide ESOS training to staff who interact directly with international students.
  3. Provide key materials in students’ home-spoken languages.
  4. Ensure student access to interpreting services if required.

Ensuring currency and staff/student understanding of Critical Incident Management - International Students Procedure

A Maintaining Critical Incident Management - International Students Procedure Manager, International Student Services; Critical Incident Team
  1. Regularly review procedure in line with requirements.
  2. Ensure operational currency and alignment with other University policies/procedures.
B Communicating Procedure to International Students International Student Advisory/equivalent Partner department
  1. Summarise procedure in Orientation presentations.
  2. Provide links to full procedure in electronic format.
C Operationalising Procedure Director, Student Services and Registrar/Partner Provider/Manager, International Student Services or their nominee
  1. Ensure staff at all levels understand the steps and responsibilities of the procedure through corporate induction.
  2. Provide additional training for front-line staff.


  • Chief Learner Experience Officer (as the Approval Authority) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
  • Director, Student Services and Registrar (as the Document Owner) is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Approval Authority.


This procedure will be communicated throughout the University community via :

  1. A FedNews announcement and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the University’s Policy Central website.
  2. Distribution of e-mails to Dean of School / Dean of Institutes / Head of Department / University and Partner Providerstaff.


This procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  1. A FedNews announcement and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the University’s Policy Central website.
  2. Staff induction sessions.
  3. Training sessions.

Records Management

Copies of all Orientation presentations and materials The University’s approved IT Storage system (SharePoint) Team Leader, International Student Advisory/Partner equivalent 3 years for Audit purposes
Case notes of support provided The University’s approved case note system (Point and Click) Team Leader, International Student Advisory/Partner equivalent 7 years