Transfer Between Teaching Locations Procedure

Policy code: AG1472
Policy owner: Dean, Quality and Accreditation
Approval authority: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global, Engagement and Quality)
Approval date: 13 January 2025
Next review date: 11 June 2024


To provide a Procedure for onshore international students and University and Partner Provider staff in relation to applications by students to transfer their full course enrolment between University's teaching locations.

Students applying to change registered CRICOS providers (to a non University partner provider) should refer to the Transfer between Registered Providers Procedure.


This Procedure relates to all international students that have been issued with a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) to study at the University. This is irrespective of where the course/qualification is delivered onshore.


Term Definition
Application for Transfer Between Teaching Locations An application by a Student for Transfer Between Teaching Locations.
Campus Teaching location owned and managed by the University.
Commencing Student Student enrolled/enrolling in their first semester of study at the University.
Compassionate and Compelling

Compassionate and/or compelling circumstances are generally those beyond the control of the student and which have an impact upon the student’s course/qualification progress or wellbeing. These could include, but are not limited to: 

  • Serious illness or injury where a medical certificate states that the student was unable to attend classes;
  • Bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents;
  • Major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel when this has impacted on the student’s studies;
  • A traumatic experience which could include but is not limited to:
    • Involvement in, or witnessing of a serious accident;
    • Witnessing or being a victim of a serious crime when this has impacted on the student. (Note these cases should be supported by police or psychologist reports).
  • Where the registered provider was unable to offer a core, pre-requisite, or requisite unit/module.
Continuing Student Student who has completed their first semester studies and enrolled/enrolling to continue their studies at the University.
CoE Confirmation of Enrolment - A document provided electronically which is issued by the University to intending international students and which must accompany their application for a student visa. It confirms the student’s eligibility to enrol in the course/qualification of the University, at a specific teaching location.
Cross Institutional Enrolment When a Federation University student studies at another university in Australia for one or more individual units/modules.
Cross Provider Enrolment When a Federation University student studies at another Federation University teaching location for one or more individual units/modules.
HE Higher Education. Students studying in a higher education course by coursework or research.
Immigration Department of Home Affairs
Nominated Officer University staff member in the case of students enrolled at and attending a University campus; or in the case of students studying at Partner Provider sites the Nominated Officer is the Campus Manager / Director (or nominee).
Offer International Student Offer Letter and Acceptance Agreement or Deed of Variation as applicable – Legal binding document that outlines the conditions of enrolment. Must be accepted by the student prior to a CoE being issued.
Partner Provider Educational institution providing units and courses/qualification of the University through an education agreement.
PRISMS Provider Registration and International Student Management System.
Course Course of education and training for HE. Defined as Course in the ESOS Act.
Qualification Qualification of education and training for VET. Defined as Course in the ESOS Act.
Student International student enrolled in a University course/qualification at a University campus or at a Partner Provider.
Student Counsellor or Equivalent Includes a student counsellor/student support officer/advisor or welfare officer appointed by the University and working at the University or, in the case of Students studying at a Partner Provider, a student counsellor/student support officer or welfare officer appointed by and working at the Partner Provider.
Teaching Location Where Federation University course/qualifications are delivered.
Teaching Location, Current Teaching location where a student is currently studying their University course/qualification.
Teaching Location, New Teaching location where a student is applying to transfer, to continue their studies in a University course/qualification.
University Federation University
VET Vocational Education and Training
Working Day Monday to Friday excluding public holidays.

Criteria for Applications

The University is entitled to determine the circumstances in which it may allow a student to transfer between teaching locations.  Where a student requests a transfer to another teaching location the University or its nominated officer will assess the request for transfer against this procedure:

  1. Students must co-operate with the University staff member or its nominated officers and attend any interviews or other appointments scheduled for them in respect to the application. If required, the meeting between the student and staff member is to be held within three days of student lodging the application so as to not delay the student's transfer if approved.
  2. Applying to Transfer Between Teaching Locations does not preclude students from the requirement to enrol on time. Non enrolment will not result in a Transfer Between Teaching Locations application being approved; it will result in the student being reported to Immigration via PRISMS for failing to enrol.  Students applying to transfer to a new teaching location must complete the Application to Transfer Between Teaching Locations form. Do not complete the Application to Withdraw from All Studies form.
  3. There can be no outstanding fees remaining on the student’s account. All outstanding debts must be cleared from the student’s account prior to application to transfer is submitted.
  4. Students to successfully apply to transfer to another Teaching Location, must demonstrate compassionate and/or compelling circumstances justifying the transfer. (Refer: Definitions)
  5. Compassionate and/or compelling circumstances may be demonstrated by providing sufficient specific detailed information with relevant supporting documentation to support the Application.

The University will not approve of a transfer where:

  • The student is a commencing student at a Federation University campus; or
  • The student has applied to transfer to a teaching location within the same city in Australia; or
  • If requested the student has not met with a staff member at the Current Teaching Location (academic or course co-ordinator, or student counsellor or equivalent) to discuss their application; or
  • The documents provided by the student do not, in the view of the University's or its nominated officer's view provide adequate grounds to justify the transfer.

A student who is applying to transfer to a new teaching location due to a required units in their course/qualification not being offered at their current teaching location should apply for a cross provider enrolment; not a change to their teaching location. If a required unit is not being offered at any teaching locations, the student may apply for cross institutional enrolment at another higher education provider in Australia.


Applying for and processing Transfer Between Teaching Location applications

A Applying for Transfer Between Teaching Locations Student

1.    Students wishing to transfer must complete, sign, date and lodge the Application to Transfer Between Teaching Locations form at the office of the Nominated Officer at their current teaching location. Applications must be lodged prior to the 1st day of enrolment for the applicable term (orientation week). This can be done in person or via email (See supporting documents for form).

2.    Students must attach to the Application to Transfer Between Teaching Locations form as part of the application:

  1. A letter detailing the reasons for the request to transfer to another teaching location and how the student will benefit from the transfer; and
  2. Where applicable a copy of the documentary evidence referred to in the letter of the application e.g. if for family reasons – evidence of the relationship. Refer: Criteria for Applications, Item 5). Failure to present evidence may adversely affect the outcome of the application; and
  3. Written approval for the change from the scholarship body if a sponsor is paying the tuition fees.
B Receiving application for Transfer Between Teaching Locations Nominated Officer (current teaching location) 3.    Application is date stamped by the current teaching location if a paper form is submitted. If the application is not date stamped, the University will consider the application lodged as per the date the student signed the form unless there is evidence that the student submitted the form at a later date.
C Assessing application for Transfer Between Teaching Locations Nominated Officer (current teaching location)

4.     If deemed appropriate, students will be asked to meet with a staff member at their current teaching location (academic or course coordinator; or student counsellor or equivalent) to discuss the application within 3 working days of lodgement of application.

5.     Students will be notified within 5 working days of lodgment of the outcome of the application.

6.     The nominated officer will complete the Application to Transfer Between Teaching Locations form.

  • If the application is approved, it will be conditional on the student being issued with an Offer for the new teaching location. The student will receive a copy of the signed form to take to the new teaching location for it to be uploaded into StudyLink.
  • Students whose application for Transfer Between Teaching Locations is not successful will receive a copy of the application form signed by the nominated officer at their current teaching location along with written notification advising them why the application was not successful along with information regarding the opportunity to appeal. Students have the right to appeal the decision (Refer: Appeal provisions).
D Processing approved Transfer Between Teaching Locations

New teaching location / International Admissions


New teaching location / International Admissions

International Student Compliance / Student HQ / Partner Liaison Officer

7.     The new teaching location will arrange for the student to be assessed for an Offer at the new teaching location. This will be done in StudyLink. The new teaching location cannot issue an Offer or enrol the student without the student providing the Application for Transfer Between Teaching Locations form being approved by the current teaching location’s nominated officer or the appeal form approved by the Coordinator, International Student Compliance.

8.     Students who do not receive an Offer for the new teaching location will remain enrolled at the current teaching location.

9.     The student will sign the Offer for the new teaching location and submit to new teaching location.

10.   The new teaching location will sign the Transfer Between Teaching Locations form and upload it to StudyLink in addition to sending an email to International Admissions to confirm the request.

11.   On acceptance of the Offer and the Transfer Between Teaching Locations form being signed by all applicable parties, International Student Compliance will update the student’s CoE in PRISMS and forward the new CoE and Transfer Between Teaching Locations form to Student HQ (campus students) or the Partner Liaison Officer (partner provider students) for processing in MySC.

E After transfer to new teaching location New teaching location / Student

12.   The new teaching location will check if the student received a warning or unsatisfactory academic progress letter not yet leading to exclusion or suspension, and if received will put in place an intervention strategy.

13.   Students who have been notified by their School of unsatisfactory academic progress which may lead to being excluded or suspended from their course are still required to go through the unsatisfactory academic progress appeal process (if lodged by the student) even if the student’s transfer to the new teaching location is approved.

Appeal provisions

A Appealing outcome of Transfer Between Teaching Locations application Student

1.     If a student does not agree with the decision as to whether or not to grant their transfer, or believes the decision was not made in accordance with this Procedure, the student has the right to appeal the decision within 5 working days to the Coordinator, International Student Compliance. In this event, the student must maintain enrolment at their current teaching location until the appeals process is completed.

2.     The student must complete the form, Application for Transfer Between Teaching Locations, Appeal (Section 1)and submit it the Nominated Officer at their current teaching location.

3.     The student may access the Student Advocacy support service for assistance with the appeal.

B Receiving appeal for Transfer Between Teaching Locations Nominated Officer (current teaching location)

4.     Appeal is date stamped by the current teaching location if a paper form is submitted. If the appeal is not date stamped, the University will consider the appeal lodged as per the date the student signed the form unless there is evidence that the student submitted the form at a later date.

5.     The Nominated Officer will complete Application for Transfer Between Teaching Locations, Appeal (Section 2).

  1. If the appeal is not supported by the Nominated Officer, Application for Transfer Between Teaching Locations, Appeal (Section 2) and a copy or original of the student’s Application for Transfer Between Teaching Locations form and accompanying documents to the Coordinator, International Student Compliance within 2 working days of receipt of appeal application.
  2. If the appeal is supported by the Nominated Officer, the Nominated Officer will complete and approved the original Application for Transfer Between Teaching Locations form which will be provided to the student to take to their new teaching location. (Refer: Applying for and processing Transfer Between Teaching Locations application, Item 6)
C Assessing appeal for Transfer Between Teaching Locations Coordinator, International Student Compliance

6.     The Coordinator, International Student Compliance will facilitate the appeal process and formally respond to the student and the Nominated Officer at the current teaching location, the result of the appeal within 5 working days of the receipt of the appeal.

7.     If the appeal is successful, the Coordinator, International Student Compliance will forward the student’s Application for Transfer Between Teaching Locations form to the current teaching location and the student to be provided to the new teaching location for assessment for an offer (Refer: Applying for and processing Transfer Between Teaching Locations application, Item 7).

8.     If the appeal is unsuccessful, the Coordinator, International Student Compliance will issue the student with a letter advising them of the reasons for not granting the transfer.

An appeal will not be approved if it results in the student enrolling outside the approved enrolment period.

D Appealing decision externally Student 9.     If a student is not satisfied with the result of the appeal process, the student has the right to access the external appeals process at minimal or no cost through the Victorian Ombudsman.
Transfer Location fee
A Providing list of students approved to transfer between teaching locations Current teaching location

1.     To assist with the administrative costs involved with an international student changing teaching locations, a Transfer Location fee will be paid by the new teaching location.

2.     The current teaching location will forward a list of students’ names, ID numbers and new teaching locations to the Coordinator, International Student Compliance by the last day a student can withdraw without financial penalty. Lists received after the date for the current semester will not be processed.

B Assessing list of students approved to transfer between teaching locations Coordinator, International Student Compliance / Student Finance

3.     The Coordinator, International Student Compliance will forward the list to Student Finance who will raise an invoice against the new teaching location for the total transfer location fee to be paid including GST. The new teaching location must make full payment of this invoice within 30 days.

The Transfer Location fee will be calculated as follows:

  • Commencing student: 25% of tuition fee for 8 units (120 credit points)
  • Continuing students who has completed one semester at current teaching location: 25% of tuition fee for 4 units (60 credit points)
  • Continuing students who has completed two or more semesters at current teaching location: Flat fee of $2,000.00*

*Transfer fee is waived if units the student is enrolling in for completion of they course are not offered at their current location in the current semester. Cross provider enrolment may be appropriate.


  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Global, Engagement and Quality (as the Approval Authority) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
  • Dean, Quality and Accreditation (as the Document Owner) is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Approval Authority.
  • Policy Editor/s: Coordinator, International StudentCompliance, Manager, International Admissions


This procedure will be communicated throughout the University community via:

  1. A FedNews announcement and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the University’s Policy Central website.
  2. Distribution of e-mails to Head of School / Head of Department / University and Partner Providerstaff.


This procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  1. A FedNews announcement and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the University’s Policy Central website.
  2. Staff induction sessions.
  3. Training sessions.

Records Management

Application to Transfer Between Teaching Locations Student File Nominated Officer (current teaching location) 7 years after date of completion or withdrawal
Copy of Application to Transfer Between Teaching Locations outcome letters Student File Nominated Officer (current teaching location) 7 years after date of completion or withdrawal
Application to Transfer Between Teaching Locations Appeals Student File Coordinator, International Student Compliance 7 years after date of completion or withdrawal
Application to Transfer Between Teaching Locations Appeals outcome letters Student File Coordinator, International Student Compliance 7 years after date of completion or withdrawal