Timetabling Procedure

Policy code: ST2020
Policy owner: Manager, Strategic Scheduling
Approval authority: Chief Operating Officer
Approval date: 03 July 2024
Next review date: 22 August 2026


This procedure will ensure coordinated and consistent timetabling practices of teaching activities and casual bookings of space across all areas of the University in order to facilitate the timely production of the annual University-wide timetable.

This procedure outlines how the University intends to achieve coordinated and consistent timetabling practices of teaching activities and casual bookings of space across all areas of the University in order to facilitate the timely production of the annual University-wide timetable.

The procedure aims to produce a University timetable that is equitable, effective and complete to ensure a high quality student experience whilst responding to the needs of the schools and maximising efficient use of space and resources.


This procedure applies to the scheduling of all teaching activities (timetabled and non-timetabled) and the casual bookings of teaching and meeting spaces at all Federation University Australia campuses.

This procedure does not cover:

  • Teaching activities and casual bookings at Partner Provider Organisations; and
  • Spaces that are only used for external bookings.

Legislative Context

  • Statute 1.4 The UniversityYear and Timetables
  • Federation University Australia Act 2010
  • Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992
  • Tertiary Education Quality StandardsAgency (TEQSA) Threshold Standards 2011
  • Tertiary Education Facilities Management AssociationTEFMA Inc – Space Planning Guidelines


Term Definition
Auto enrol Also known as linked classes. Used in my Student Centre to ensure when a student enrols in one component they are automatically enrolled in the linked component. For example students enrolling into Tutorial/01 must also enrol into Practicum/01.
Auto-scheduling Timetabling use the auto-scheduling feature to schedule all classes in bulk. Classes are scheduled at once based on the constraints entered during the data collection phase (e.g. staff unavailability, location preferences etc.). 
Campus Refers to the campuses administered by Federation University Australia at which the teaching of the unit is conducted.
Casual room bookings An ad-hoc booking of a University space such as teaching or meeting space that are not reflected on the official University timetable.
Class A timetabled or non-timetabled teaching activity, such as a lecture, tutorial, workshop etc. scheduled for a unit in a particular teaching period or semester into which Higher Education students enrol.

An occurrence of two or more teaching activities that share one or more resources (such as locations or staff) that are scheduled at the same time or which overlap.

Student Clash - The occurrence of students enrolling in two classes scheduled at the same time. Class timetables are setup to avoid clashes of core units and as many elective unit combinations as possible.

Coordinator, Courses A professional staff member responsible for supporting Course Coordinator’s with the management of courses.
Core unit A unit that is specified in the course structure as mandatory for the award.
Unit A subsidiary element of a course; a single subject comprising part of a course.
Unit Component The different aspects of a unit which shows how a unit offering is delivered. E.g. lecture, tutorial, practicum etc.
Unit Offering The different campus and semester combinations where the unit is offered.
Unit Coordinator An academic with overall responsibility for the design, delivery and assessment of a unit of study.
Draft Timetable The timetable is a work in progress and all classes are not completely scheduled. Classes are available for viewing by staff on the web timetable system. Staff also have the opportunity to make changes to the draft timetable without Dean and DVC approval.
Education Manager A TAFE staff member responsible for the overall management of a course or range of courses.
Elective unit A non-compulsory unit which may be undertaken as part of a student’s course of study.
my Student Centre The Student Management System used by Federation University Australia. Also known as Campus Solutions. This system is where all students’ record information is stored and where students enrol and Higher Education students receive their individual timetable.
Non-Timetabled Class A class into which students are required to enrol in my Student Centre where there is no timetabled component. E.g. unit is delivered online.
Course A course of learning based on a curriculum, training package, units/units of study, or structured workplace learning that leads to an award listed in University Schedule 5.1.
Course Coordinator An academic responsible for the overall management of a course or range of courses.
Course Structure An approved structure which the student is required to study in order to complete their award. The course structure should contain the order and where the student must complete their studies (year, semester and campus). It also must specify which units are core, elective or form part of a major or minor.
Provisional Timetable The timetable is a work in progress and all classes have now been scheduled.  Classes are available for viewing by staff on the web timetable system. Staff also have the opportunity to make changes to the provisional timetable (if possible) without Dean and DVC approval.
Publication of Timetable The timetable is published on the web timetable system for both students and staff, and populated in my Student Centre ready for the students to enrol when enrolments open.
Rested When a unit offering is not required as a timetabled or non-timetabled class for a specific year but may be required in future years.
Scheduling Groups Groups of classes which determine the order that classes are scheduled. Timetabling then use the auto-scheduling feature to schedule all classes in bulk. The classes are then scheduled based on the preferences collected by school staff during the data collection phase (e.g. student structure combinations, staff unavailability, location preferences etc.) 
Scheduling Portal A portal within the Service Now system which allows staff to view Scheduling Services information and submit requests (such as timetable change requests) for the Scheduling Services team to investigate and action.
Scheduling Services A department within Student Support Services responsible for the operations of both timetabling and examinations.
Space Audit A snapshot or capture of the space details in a building or structure to evaluate the accuracy, efficiency, and utility of spaces.
Specialist Teaching Space A space designed for specific teaching and learning purposes (e.g. scientific laboratory, clinical laboratory, dance studio, gym etc.)
Standard University Teaching Hours

The standard hours for all teaching activities. For FedUni this is Monday – Friday between 8.30am and 6.30pm. Teaching outside of these hours is required to be requested or approved by the relevant school. All classes will commence on the half hour, in multiples of one hour blocks unless; travel is required, setup and pack up time is required or, a class ends on the hour and there is another class of similar setup within the same room that can be scheduled back to back.

All classes must finish at least ten minutes prior to the end of the allocated time for that class. The class to follow should use the ten minutes as set up time.

Student set A set of activities within a course structure which must be scheduled to avoid clashes in student’s timetables.
Teaching Space Any room or combination of rooms used to conduct teaching activities.
Teaching Staff Academic or TAFE staff with teaching responsibilities.
Teaching Week Pattern The weeks or period of time where the teaching of the unit is being delivered.
Team Leader, Timetabling Responsible for the coordination of all timetabling activities, including the delivery of the University Higher Education and TAFE timetables.
TEFMA Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association. TEFMA represents facilities management in the Australasian tertiary education sector. TEFMA provides benchmarking in performance against other Universities.
Term The period of time for the delivery of a unit in which students enrol and are charged fees. Terms include semesters, trimesters and non-standard terms such as Summer, Winter and Spring.
Timetable Schedule of Higher Education and TAFE learning and teaching activities.
Timetable Data Collector A system used to collect staff unavailability and unit timetable and non-timetable delivery requirements (including: unit component size, teaching week pattern, teaching staff (if known), location preferences) from the school during the data collection phase of the timetable.
Timetabling Officer Responsible for the administration, development and maintenance of the Higher Education and TAFE timetables and casual room bookings using the Universities timetabling systems across all University campuses.
Timetabling System A system called Syllabus Plus used for the scheduling of timetabled and non-timetabled teaching activities and the booking of non-teaching events in teaching and meeting spaces.
Web Room Booking The online casual room booking system used to make an ad-hoc room booking that is not reflected on the official university timetable.
Web Timetables An online system which allows both staff and students to view scheduled timetable information for a specific department, unit, location, course of study or staff member.


Each of the procedures below, details the activity which must be conducted in accordance with the timetabling principles referred to in the Timetabling Policy.

1. Development and Publication of Annual Higher Education Timetable

A. Preparation for opening new timetable database. Team Leader, Timetabling
  1. Development of timetable timelines.
  2. Update timetabling communication plan.
  3. Create new timetable database by rolling over timetabling database from previous year.
  4. Cleanup timetable data.
B. Finalisation of course structures and unit offerings for forthcoming year. Course Coordinators / Coordinator, Course
  1. Ensure any new courses or unit offerings have been approved according to the Approval of NewAward Programs Higher Education procedure and timelines.
  2. Complete/update course structures including core, major, minor and elective units for each campus that each course will be offered at according to the timetable timelines.
    • This data should include timetabled and non-timetabled units and units offered in course structure from other faculties.
    • This information is critical to ensure all unit offerings are timetabled to allow students to receive a clash free timetable.
  3. Provide a list of staff who are required to update and confirm unit delivery requirements in Timetable Data Collector.
C. Reviewing unit offerings, entering and validating courses structures. Team Leader, Timetabling / Timetabling Officers
  1. Enter new/updated timetabled and non-timetabled unit offering data based on course structures provided by faculties into the University’s timetable system.
  2. Enter and validate course structure combinations based on course structures provided by each faculty.
  3. Update staff access in Timetable Data Collector.
D. Data collection training and assistance Team Leader, Timetabling / Timetabling Officers
  1. Provide training and assistance to faculty staff during the data collection phase, including:
    • Updating data collection instructions for faculties;
    • Run drop-in / training sessions;
    • Timetabling Officers located in each faculty; and
    • One-on-one sessions for faculty staff that request assistance.
E. Collection of staff unavailability. Academic Staff / Head of School
  1. Academic staff submit their staff unavailability for the forthcoming year in Timetable Data Collector.
  2. Head of School confirms/declines submitted staff unavailability in Timetable Data Collector.
F. Collection of unit offering delivery requirements. Unit Coordinator / Course Coordinator   
  1. Update and confirm timetabled unit delivery requirements in Timetable Data Collector, including:
    • unit component size;
    • Teaching week pattern;
    • Teaching staff (if known);
    • Location type; and
    • Any additional comments
  2. Confirm non-timetabled unit offerings.
G. Review of unit offering delivery data. Timetabling Officer / Course Coordinator
  1. Timetabling follow up unit delivery data with faculties that are not confirmed in Timetable Data Collector. This data will then be confirmed, rested or removed.
  2. Course Coordinator to review and approve unit delivery data which was confirmed by unit Coordinators in Timetable Data Collector.
H. Development of timetable Team Leader, Timetabling / Timetabling Officers
  1. Review of unit offerings and unit component sizes.
    • Timetabling will review and update (if necessary) unit offering and unit component sizes confirmed in Timetable Data Collector based on current courses structures and enrolment numbers from the previous year.
  2. Creation of class activities and entering of class constraints based on information supplied from staff in Timetable Data Collector and from meetings with faculty staff.
  3. Creation of non-timetabled classes based on information supplied from faculties.
  4. Finalisation of course structures. Ensuring all unit offerings in the course structure are confirmed.
I. Pre-scheduling activities. Team Leader, Timetabling  / Timetabling Officers
  1. Creation and allocation of student sets based on course structure information provided by faculties.
  2. Perform pre-scheduling checks e.g. identifying classes that cannot be scheduled etc.
  3. Creation of scheduling groups.
    • Determines the order that classes are scheduled. Timetabling then use the auto-scheduling feature to schedule all classes in bulk. The classes are then scheduled based on the preferences entered by faculty staff during the data collection phase.
J. Schedule draft timetable. Team Leader, Timetabling / Timetabling Officers
  1. Schedule lectures, specialty classes and once off classes using auto-scheduling feature.
  2. For classes that cannot be scheduled, timetabling will consult with the faculties to negotiate other possibilities.
  3. Draft timetable released for review and amendments.
K.       Review of draft timetable. Course Coordinators (or delegate) / Timetabling Officers   
  1. Faculty staff review classes scheduled in draft timetable on web timetable system.
  2. Faculty staff request changes to the draft timetable through meetings with timetabling or by raising a request to timetabling through the Scheduling Portal.
  3. Timetabling amend classes scheduled in draft timetable based on consultation with faculties.
    • If the timetable amendment cannot be accommodated, Timetabling will negotiate other possibilities with the staff member that has made the request.
L.       Schedule all remaining classes (provisional timetable). Team Leader, Timetabling / Timetabling Officers
  1. Schedule all remaining classes using timetabling auto-scheduling feature.
  2. Consult with faculties regarding classes that cannot be scheduled.
  3. Provisional timetable released for review and amendments.
M.      Review of provisional timetable. All faculty staff / Timetabling Officers
  1. Faculty staff review provisional timetable on web timetable system.
  2. Faculty staff request changes to the provisional timetable through meetings with timetabling or by raising a request to timetabling through the Scheduling Portal.
  3. Timetabling amend classes scheduled in provisional timetable based on consultation with faculties.
    • If the timetable amendment cannot be accommodated, timetabling will negotiate other possibilities with the staff member that made the request.
N.      Entering and validating integration data. Team Leader, Timetabling / Timetabling Officers
  1. Turn on and test timetabling system and my Student Centre integrations in test systems.
  2. Validate and update data errors in the timetabling system and my Student Centre production systems.
  3. Test and validate test integration data.
  4. Turn on timetabling system and my Student Centre integrations and scheduled tasks in production systems.
  5. Test and validate production integration data.
O.      Set size reserves, hide classes, set auto-enrols and confirm non-timetabled classes. Timetabling Officers & Course Coordinators
  1. Timetabling send a list of timetabled and non-timetabled classes scheduled to Course Coordinators for final verification.
  2. Course Coordinator identifies classes that are required to be hidden, have reserves set or require enrol-enrols set.
  3. Timetabling set reserve sizes for identified classes in my Student Centre based on information provided by faculties.
  4. Timetabling set auto-enrols for identified classes in my Student Centre based on information provided by faculties.
  5. Timetabling ‘hide’ identified classes (set to tentative) in my Student Centre and timetabling system.
  6. Timetabling add newly identified non-timetabled classes to timetabling system.
P.       Publication of Higher Education timetable. Team Leader, Timetabling
  1. Publication of Higher Education timetable.
    • Timetable will be published one week prior to the opening of continuing enrolments.
    • Once published, the timetable will not be amended unless there are exceptional circumstances or for the reasons outlined.
Q. Enrolling into my Student Centre All faculty staff / Timetabling Officers
  1. All Higher Education Timetabled and on-timetabled teaching activities must be scheduled in the timetabling system regardless of location.

2. Higher Education Post Publication Changes

The timetable will be published one week prior to the opening of continuing enrolments.

Once the Higher Education timetable has been published, the timetable will not be amended unless there are exceptional circumstances or for the reasons outlined below:

Changes to the timetable after publication must be kept to a minimum as students use the timetable to make enrolment and class allocation decisions that best fit their academic interests as well as their family and work commitments.

Once the timetable has been published, changes to the timetable will only be made in exceptional circumstances and may require approval by both the school Dean (or delegated officer) and Deputy Vice Chancellors (DVC’s).  

The following timetable changes must be approved after the timetable has been published:

  • Cancelling or closing classes due to lower than planned numbers and where there are students enrolled;
  • Unexpected staff turnover where a suitable substitute cannot be found;
  • Changes to mode of delivery for a unit offering;
  • Change to compulsory or elective units within a course structure;
  • Student timetable clash for compulsory units; or
  • To make reasonable adjustments to accommodate students and academic staff with special needs.

The following timetable changes do not require approval from the DVC’s after the timetable has been published:

Change of allocated location if suitable alternative location is available;

  • Cancelling or closing classes where no students are enrolled;
  • Increasing or decreasing a class size if less than capacity of the allocated location.
  • Adding additional classes due to higher than expected student numbers; or
  • Change of staff allocation where the identified staff member is available.

All post publication timetabling requests must be submitted to timetabling via the relevant change request within the Scheduling Portal.

The key steps to request a change to the published timetable is outlined in the procedure below.

A.       Submit timetable change request. Course Coordinator 
  1. Assesses whether requested timetabling change meets reasons outlined.
  2. If exceptional circumstance, submits appropriate timetable request in Scheduling Portal.
B.       School approval of timetable change request (if required) School Dean (or delegated officer)
  1. If approval is required, receives automatic approval request email.
  2. Performs assessment on change requested.
  3. Approves or rejects timetable change request.
    • If the timetable change is rejected, the change is not progressed any further.
C.      Assessment of timetable change request Team Leader, Timetabling
  1. Performs assessment of timetable change by reviewing the following:
    • Ensures requested timetabling change meets reasons outlined above.
    If the timetable does not meet a reason for change, the change is rejected, the change is not progressed any further.
    • Determines whether the change request can be accommodated.
    • Determines number of students affected and impact on student experience.
  2. If DVC approval required, sends approval request notification.
D.      Deputy Vice Chancellor DVC approval of timetable change request (if required). Deputy Vice Chancellor (DVC)
  1. Receives timetable change request DVC approval email.
    • Timetabling change requests that require approval are stated above.
  2. Performs assessment of change requested.
  3. Approves or rejects timetable change request.
    • If the timetable change is rejected, the change is not progressed any further.
E.       Actions timetable change request. Timetabling Officer
  1. Receives DVC approval for timetable request in Scheduling Portal.
  2. Conducts detailed assessment of whether the change request can be accommodated.
    • If the timetable change cannot be accommodated, timetabling will negotiate other possibilities with the staff member that made the request.
  3. Records which students are impacted (if any) by the timetable change and identifies any student timetable clashes and timetable allocation adjustments.
  4. Actions timetable change request in timetabling system.
    • The timetable change will then be updated in my Student Centre overnight.
  5. If required, adds HQ comments to Timetable Request in the Scheduling Portal and triggers task notification for HQ to action.
    • HQ will receive a task notification for timetable change requests that require a change to one or more student’s timetable allocations in my Student Centre or where there has been a change to one or more student’s timetables.
F.       Amends student enrolment allocations and notifies students of change. Student HQ
  1. If required, HQ receives a timetable change task email to action.
  2. If required, HQ updates student’s enrolment allocations that are required to be amended.
    • The changes to student enrolments will then be updated in the timetabling system overnight.
  3. Notifies the impacted students that there has been a change to their timetable.
  4. Completes email task.
G.      Closes Timetable Change Request Timetabling Officer
  1. Receives notification that a HQ task has been completed.
  2. If class is required to be closed or cancelled, confirms that all students’ have been removed from the appropriate class.
  3. Completes timetable change request in the Scheduling Portal.
    • When the timetable change request is completed, the staff member who submitted the request is notified that the change request has been completed.

3. Development and Publication of Annual TAFE Timetable

Scheduling Services will create a TAFE timetable for the forthcoming year on an annual basis which will be based on the information provided by TAFE Education Managers (or delegated officer).

The key steps to create a TAFE timetable are outlined in the procedure below. This procedure must be completed according to the TAFE Timetable Timelines published in the Scheduling Portal

A. Preparation for opening new timetable database. Team Leader, Timetabling
  1. Development of TAFE timetable timelines.
  2. Cleanup TAFE timetable data.
B. Preparing timetables. TAFE Education Manager (or delegated officer)
  1. Prepare timetables within departments.
  2. Submits TAFE timetable request in Scheduling Portal which includes the following class information:
  • National course code and description;
  • Teaching group (if required);
  • unit code and name;
  • Day/s and time;
  • Duration;
  • Dates;
  • Planned size;
  • Campus;
  • Classroom type or specialty space required; and
  • Teaching staff member.
C. Publishing draft timetables. Timetabling Officer
  1. Enter timetabling data into timetabling system.
  2. Schedule timetable data.
    • If a class submitted on the draft timetable cannot be scheduled, timetabling will negotiate other possibilities with the relevant Education Manager.
  3. Release draft timetable.
D. Reviewing draft timetables. TAFE Education Manager (or delegated officer)
  1. Review draft timetable on web timetable system.
  2. Submit changes or additions through meetings with timetabling or raising a TAFE timetabling request through the Scheduling Portal.
E. Publication TAFE timetable. Team Leader, Timetabling / Timetabling Officer
  1. Complete changes/additions to draft timetable in timetabling system.
    • If the requested timetable amendment cannot be accommodated, timetabling will negotiate other possibilities with the Education Manager.
  2. Publication of TAFE Timetable on web timetable system.
    • The TAFE timetable will be published in the first week of December. Once the TAFE timetable is published the room booking system will open and request submitted after this date may not be able to be accommodated.

4. TAFE Post Publication Changes

The TAFE timetable will be published in the first week of December for the following year.

Once the TAFE Timetable is published the room booking system will open and requests submitted after this date may not be able to be accommodated.

The key steps to request a change to a TAFE timetable are outlined in the procedure below.

A. Submit TAFE timetable change request. TAFE Education Manager (or delegated officer)
  1. Timetable changes to the published timetable can include amendments to:
    • National course code and description;
    • Teaching group (if required);
    • unit code and name;
    • Day/s and time;
    • Duration;
    • Dates;
    • Planned size;
    • Campus;
    • Classroom type or specialty space required;
    • Teaching staff member.
  2. Completes ‘Update TAFE Timetable Request’ in Scheduling Portal.
B. Actions timetable change request. Timetabling Officer
  1. Determines whether the change request can be accommodated and impact on student experience.
    • If the timetable change cannot be accommodated, timetabling will negotiate other possibilities with the relevant Education Manager.
  2. Actions timetable change requested in timetabling system.
    • The timetable change will then be updated on web timetables in approximately 10 minutes.
  3. Completes timetable change request in the Scheduling Portal.
    • When the timetable change request is completed, the Education Manager is notified that their change request has been completed.

5. Casual room bookings

All teaching and meeting spaces at Federation University Australia are administered by the University and will be centrally booked through the timetabling system either through the scheduling of teaching classes or in the web room booking system.

The web room booking system should be used for making meeting bookings and other casual room bookings.

The web room booking system should not be used to replace unit or ‘on-going’ teaching activities. Staff wanting to change an allocated room for a teaching class, are required to submit a ‘Change Location’ request in the Scheduling Portal.

Casual room bookings in teaching spaces for the forthcoming academic year will not open until both the Higher Education and TAFE timetables are published.  

The key steps for submitting or managing a casual room booking are outlined in the procedure below.

A. Submit a casual room booking All staff
  1. Request room for casual room booking using the web room booking system for the appropriate year.
    • The web room booking system and instructions can be found in the Scheduling Portal.
  2. If approval is not required, automatic email confirmation is received.
B. Approval of a casual room booking Timetabling Officer / Room booking approver

If a casual room booking requires approval, the following steps are completed:

  1. Timetabling check room booking details and requests approval from room booking approver.
  2. Room booking approver advises timetabling if room booking can be scheduled.
  3. If casual room booking request is approved, timetabling schedule room booking and an automatic email confirmation is sent to the staff member who made the booking.
  4. If casual room booking request is not approved, timetabling contact staff member submitted the booking to negotiate alternatives (if possible).
  5. An automatic email confirmation is sent (including the updated changes to the booking request) to the staff member who made the booking.
C. Requesting a change to an existing casual room booking All staff / Timetabling Officer

If the casual room booking requires changing (e.g. date, time, duration, room etc.) the following steps are completed:

  1. Request change to their existing casual room booking by submitting an ‘Update to Casual Room booking’ request in the Scheduling Portal
  2. Timetabling investigates and updates casual room booking in timetabling system if possible.
  3. An automatic room booking confirmation notification is received (including the updated changes to the booking request) to the staff member who made the booking.
  4. Timetabling close casual room booking change request in the Scheduling Portal.
  5. Scheduling request completed email notification sent to the staff member who submitted the casual room booking change request.
D. Cancelling a casual room booking All staff

If the room booking is required to be cancelled, the following steps are completed:

  1. Staff member cancels the room booking on the ‘my bookings’ page the web room booking system.
  2. An automatic room booking cancelation is emailed to the staff member that cancelled the booking.

6. Space utilisation and audits

This procedure outlines the process for conducting periodical space utilisation audits of teaching and meeting spaces.

Periodic space utilisation audits will be conducted to:

  1. Support the University plan and space management strategies by providing and maintaining fit for purpose learning and teaching spaces;
  2. Identify unused bookings and free space, especially at times or in locations that are under pressure;
  3. Identify under utilised facilities and provide data to support space planning initiatives and master planning;
  4. Assist with the education of users about space;
  5. Monitoring the use of space, used to make informed decisions about providing more space, withdrawing space from use, space repurpose etc; and
  6. Meet Tertiary Education Facilities Management AssociationTEFMA reporting responsibilities.

Scheduling Services will coordinate detailed space utilisation audits annually and will be conducted in accordance to the steps outlined in the procedure below.

A. Defining audit scope Scheduling Analyst, Data Analyst and Integrity
  1. Refer to the current edition of the TEFMA Space Planning Guidelines.
  2. Prepare audit scope document that includes a list of rooms to be audited (including location types and capacities details), budget and staffing requirements.
  3. Confirm audit dates and periods.
  4. Determine utilisation targets.
  5. Prepare a communication plan.
B. Audit preparation Scheduling Analyst, Data Analyst and Integrity
  1. Allocate/appoint audit staff
  2. Advise appropriate areas of the University of Space Audits being conducted according to communication plan.
    • Areas to be advised should include: schools, security and timetabling.
  3. Brief staff (at least two weeks prior to the audit) advising of room assignments, shifts and duties.
    • Teaching space inductions conducted (where required) for audit staff that are required to enter specialist teaching spaces.
  4. Supply audit staff with:
    • ID badge
    • Clipboard/pen
    • Audit record sheet
C. Conducting audit Audit staff
  1. Carry out space occupancy audit on allocated space on a shift basis for the audit period to assist with the management of those spaces.
  2. Minimise disruption to class as much as possible while moving through the room as required to ensure accurate count.
    • Count to take place from within 10 and 45mins of class starting time (to cater for late starts and early finishes)
    • Record student numbers in attendance each hour on supplied audit record.

Collection of feedback from staff and students is not required. Any issues are to be directed to the Scheduling Analyst.

D. Preparation of data analysis report Scheduling Analyst, Data Analyst and Integrity
  1. Prepare spreadsheet to record data and collect results.
  2. Carry out data analysis in the following categories as a minimum based on the period where the audit was conducted:
    • Total number of rooms audited;
    • Total number of timetabled/casual room bookings;
    • Percentage of timetabled/casual room bookings with no attendance;
    • Space utilisation by room;
    • Space utilisation by space type (audited); and
    • Space utilisation by space type and day.
    • The sections of the report above should be divided into timetabled use and non-timetabled use (e.g. casual bookings) and reported in two time periods: day sessions (8.30am – 6.30pm) and evening sessions (6.30pm – 9.30pm).
E. Distribution of final report Scheduling Analyst, Data Analyst and Integrity
  1. Final report and findings should be distributed to the following staff as a minimum:
    • Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Support and Services);
    • Provost;
    • Director, Facilities Services;
    • Manager, Strategic CapitalInfrastructure and Projects; and
    • Manager, Strategic Scheduling.

Supporting Documents


  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Student Support and Services is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of the Timetabling Policy and its accompanying procedure/s.
  • Manager, Strategic Scheduling is responsible for maintaining the content of the Timetabling Policy as delegated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Student Support and Services.
  • Team Leader, Timetabling is responsible for the administration support for the maintenance of the Timetabling Policy as directed by the Manager, Strategic Scheduling.


The Timetabling Procedure will be communicated throughout the University via:

  1. an Announcement Notice via FedNews website and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the ‘Policies, Procedures and Forms @ the University’ website to alert the University-wide community of the approved Policy;
  2. distribution of e-mails to Head of School / Head of Department / University staff; and
  3. notification to Schools


The Timetabling Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  1. an Announcement Notice via FedNews website and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the ‘Policies, Procedures and Forms @ the University’ website to alert the University-wide community of the approved Policy; and/or
  2. training sessions

Records Management

Document Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Timetabling requests Scheduling Portal (Service Now) Team Leader, Timetabling 3 years
All timetabling records University Timetabling System Manager, Strategic Scheduling 3 years
Space utilisation and audit report Scheduling Services Scheduling Analyst, Data Analyst and Integrity 3 years