Gap Training and Assessment Procedure

Policy code: AG1901
Policy owner: Director of Learner Experience and Excellence
Approval authority: Provost
Approval date: 23 May 2024
Next review date: 23 May 2027


Gap training and assessment assists with the management of transitioning students from superseded qualifications to updated versions and the recognition of current competencies. Gap training and assessment recognises that students are entitled to have previous study recognised in the event that qualifications or units are superseded. This occurs through the issuing of partial credits accompanied by relevant gap training to meet the new competency requirements.

This procedure describes the processes required for the mapping of superseded qualifications to new qualifications, the steps involved to ensure students are enrolled in the correct mode of learning, and are charged only for the training and assessment required.


This procedure applies to all VET students seeking recognition for any completed units from a previous non-equivalent qualification toward their current studies.

Legislative Context


Term Definition
AASN Australian Apprenticeships Support Network provider
Assessment The process of collecting evidence and making judgements on whether competency has been achieved, to confirm that an individual can perform to the standard expected in the workplace, as expressed by the relevant endorsed industry/enterprise competency standards of a Training Package or by the learning outcomes of an accredited course.
Assessment Tools Assessment tools include the following components: the context and conditions of assessment; tasks to be administered to the student; an outline of the evidence to be gathered from the candidate; and evidence criteria used to judge the quality of performance (ie. the assessment decision-making rules).
Assessors Assessors are persons who assess a learner's competence in accordance with clauses 1.11 to 1.13 of Standards for RTOs.
ATOM Apprentice and Trainee Online Management
Competency Competency is the consistent application of knowledge and skill to the standard of performance required in the workplace. It embodies the ability to transfer and apply skills and knowledge to new situations and environments.
Credit The value assigned for the recognition of equivalence in content and learning outcomes between different types of learning and/or qualifications. Credit reduces the amount of learning required to achieve a qualification and may be through credit transfer, articulation, recognition of prior learning or advanced standing.
Scope of Registration Scope of Registration specifies the Training Package/s, qualifications and/or units of competency for which the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) is audited and registered by the VET Regulatory (Registering Body) to deliver, assess and issue certification. An RTO's scope is noted on


1. The University must comply with the ASQA Publication - General Direction and Teach Out, related ASQA updates and current standards within the VET Quality Framework. Victorian government funding can also be affected through enrolment of students in superseded qualifications, and the VET Funding Contract should be referred to. Program Manager Refer to the VET Qualification Delivery Procedure for more detailed transition information.
2. Ensure that the new qualification that is replacing the superseded qualification is on University's Scope of Registration. Program Manager Refer to, the University RTO ID is 4909.
3. Creation of TAS A within the Curriculum Centre with the changes to the training package, including units identified for required for Gap training. Program Manager/Curriculum Quality Leader  
4. TAS A approved by the Head of Centre Head of Centre  
5. Create of a TAS B for each Unit of Competency showing the delivery plan for the gap hours only. Teacher  
6. TAS B uploaded into University’s Approved Record Management System. TAFE Compliance  
7. Creation of assessment tools, mapping  for the identified gap units in the new qualification must be created prior to delivery Trainer and Assessor Gap assessment should be conducted using tools developed specifically for the gap training. These tools should be clearly identified as gap training tools.
8. Assessment tools uploaded into University’s Approved Record Management System. TAFE Compliance  

Undertake mapping of superseded qualification against new qualification.

Mapping should be conducted using the "Qualification Mapping Guide" template.

All units should be mapped, including equivalent units where credits will be issued to students; and non-equivalent units where Gap Training & Assessment will be delivered.

Important: For apprenticeship or traineeship delivery, a copy of the mapping should be sent through to the ATOM team

Curriculum Quality Leader

Mapping of the units should be undertaken using the training package information to ensure that all criteria of the units has been met.

The "Qualification Mapping Guide" template must include the additional requirements students must achieve to obtain a competency for that unit.

A copy of this completed template should be placed in the Qualification File and copies in each student file who is receiving Gap Training & Assessment for this qualification.


Complete "Student Unit Selection Form and Enrolment Plan for Gap Training & Assessment" for each student transitioning for the superseded qualification into the new qualification.

This form should be completed in accordance with the instructions on the form.

Curriculum Quality Leader

The Gap and Credit unit details on the "Student Unit Selection Form and Enrolment Plan for Gap Training & Assessment" will be the same for all students transitioning from the same qualification.

Note: You are not required to also complete a unit enrolment sheet.


Ensure that the section for new units is completed.

New units are any full units that the student will be studying in the current year and that they will not be receiving any Gap Training & Assessment or Credit for.

Program Manager

As the "Student Unit Selection Form and Enrolment Plan for Gap Training & Assessment" will be used by Student HQ to enrol students in all units and issue credits, this form must completed fully and signed by a qualified assessor.

Note: Students transitioning midway through a qualification/unit of study will complete that qualification/unit of study under the superseded qualification. The end date of the qualification/unit must not exceed the Epsilon nominal completion date OR the transition/teach out qualification/unit date.

Steps 12-14 apply to Apprenticeship and Traineeship enrolments only, go to step 15 for general student cohort.
12. TAFE ATOM team provide Apprentice/Trainee list and letter templates to program manager for transition confirmation (10-12 weeks prior to transition date) ATOM Team  
13. Program area to confirm final transition list with ATOM team and send out transition notification letters to the Employer and Apprentice/Trainee at least 8 weeks prior to transition date Program Manger  
14. ATOM team to submit transition requests to AASN’s (no later than 4 weeks prior to transition date) for the ‘transitioning’ of the qual code on the Apprentice/Trainee’s training contract on EPSILON. The ATOM team will notify the Program Area once the transition has been processed on EPSILON – this must occur before proceeding to Step 15 ATOM Team  

The completed "Student Unit Selection Form and Enrolment Plan for Gap Training & Assessment" to be attached to the student's current enrolment form and sent to Student HQ for processing.

Schedule training and assessment into the timetable.

Trainer & Assessor

Student HQ will enrol all Gap Training & Assessment students as the enrolling of these students require the adjusting of a unit's hours.

Student HQ will also process all credits and enrol into all full units.

A copy of this form must also be placed in the student's file within the Department / College.

Supporting Documents



  • Provost (as the Approval Authority) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
  • Director of Learner Experience and Excellence (as the Document Owner) is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Provost.


The Gap Training and Assessment Procedure will be communicated throughout the University via:

  1. an Announcement Notice under ‘FedNews’ website and through the University Policy - ‘Recently Approved Documents’ webpage to alert the University-wide community of the approved Policy;
  2. inclusion on the University Policy, Procedure and Forms website; and/or
  3. distribution of e-mails to Program Managers / University staff; and/or
  4. documentation distribution, eg. posters, brochures.
  5. Other - please describe


The Gap Training and Assessment Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  1. Information Sessions; and/or
  2. Training Sessions; and/or
  3. Other - please describe

Forms/Record Keeping

Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Gap Student Enrolment Plan

Student Centre

(copy in Student File)

Manager, Student Administration

Program Manager

7 years after enrolment has expired
Gap Training Mapping Template Qualification File Program Manager 2 years after qualification has been superseded