VET Qualification Delivery Procedure

Policy code: AG1023
Policy owner: Director of Learner Experience and Excellence
Approval authority: Provost
Approval date: 13 August 2024
Next review date: 10 February 2024


This procedure describes the processes to be followed in the planning, delivery, evaluation, validation, continuous improvement and review of all VET programs, including VCAL, non-award and Vendor Accredited programs. It aims to ensure quality and compliant outcomes for all VET programs irrespective of the funding source.


This procedure applies to all University staff involved in delivery of any VET program.

The procedure addresses the five stages of the continuous improvement cycle:

  • Planning
  • Pre-training Preparation
  • Delivery
  • Transition and Teach Out
  • Validation, Continuous Improvement and Review

Legislative Context


Term Definition
Assessment The process of collecting evidence and making judgements on whether a competency has been achieved, to confirm that an individual can perform to the standard required in the workplace, as specified in the Training Package or VET accredited course and is conducted in accordance with the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence.
Assessment Tool Assessment tools include the following components; the context and conditions of assessment; tasks to be administered to the student; an outline of the evidence to be gathered from the candidate; and evidence criteria used to judge the quality of performance (i.e. the decision making rules).
AQF Australian Quality Framework is the framework for regulated qualifications in the Australian education and training systems.

Australian Skills Quality Authority is the national regulator for the Australia’s vocational education and training sector.

ASQA regulates qualifications and training providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met.


Federation University Apprenticeship and Traineeship Online Management ATOM system is a University endorsed data base for managing and tracking all VET students.

This data base does not replace the Student Management System but works in conjunction with it.  This custom designed tool allows University staff to manage administrative tasks, file management, training plan design and management associated with delivering VET qualifications.

Current Industry Skills

The knowledge, skills and experience required by VET trainers and assessors to ensure that their training and assessment is based on current industry practices and meets the needs of industry.

Current industry skills may be informed by consultation with industry and may include but is not limited to:

  1. having knowledge of latest techniques and processes
  2. possessing a high level of product knowledge
  3. understanding and knowledge of legislation relevant to the industry and to employment and workplaces
  4. being customer/client orientated
  5. possessing formal industry and training qualifications
  6. training content that reflects current industry practice
CRICOS Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students
Delivery Plan (TAS Part B) The Delivery Plan provides specific advice on how each unit will be delivered including what components of a unit or units of competency - elements, performance criteria and the required skills and knowledge will be covered in each session.  It describes the materials and resources that will be used to assist with facilitation, and clearly outlines when the learning is holistic, the elements, performance criteria and skills and knowledge that have been clustered.
Digital Capabilities The ability to use ICT based devices, applications, software and services relevant to the expectations of the program of study.
ESOS Education Service for Overseas (ESOS) the minimum standards that Australian educational institutes must adhere to when delivering education to international students.
Industry The bodies that have a stake in the services provided by RTOs. These include, but are not limited to: enterprise/industry clients such as employers; group training organisations; industry organisations; industry regulators; industry skills councils; industry training advisory bodies and unions.
Industry Engagement

May include, but is not limited to strategies such as;

  1. partnering with local employers, regional/national businesses, relevant industry bodies and/or enterprises
  2. involving employer nominees in industry advisory committees and/or reference groups
  3. embedding staff within enterprises
  4. networking in an ongoing way with industry networks, peak bodies and employers
  5. developing networks of relevant employers and industry representatives to participate in assessment validation
  6. exchanging knowledge, staff and/or resources with employers, networks and industry bodies
LLN Language, Literacy and Numeracy as defined by Australian Core Skills Framework which is a tool for reporting outcomes of adult English language, literacy and numeracy provision and assess levels of performance in the five core skills areas of learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy.
My Student Centre -Campus Solutions Federation University Australia’s student management system.  Students refer to this as My Student Centre.
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
Induction The process by which students are informed of essential information required under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations prior to the commencement of a particular program of study.
Practical Placement

Any structured workplace learning which is part of a documented agreement between the training organisation and an employer for VET programs.

Practical placement is an assessable component of a qualification, designed to provide students with the opportunity, and the means, to apply skills and knowledge obtained through the study of their qualification in a supervised and authentic environment.

Professional Development Activities that develop and/or maintain an individual's skills, knowledge, expertise and other characteristics as a trainer or assessor. This includes both formal and informal activities that encompass vocational competencies, currency of industry skills and knowledge and practice of vocational training, learning and assessment; including competency based assessment.
PRPD The Performance Review and Development Program (PRDP) is the University's performance management process whereby strategic priorities and objectives are aligned to the performance and professional development of employees.
RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) Is an assessment process that assesses an individual's formal, non-formal and in-formal learning to determine the extent to which that individual meets the requirements specified in the Training Package or VET accredited courses.
RTO Refers to a Registered Training Organisation registered by ASQA (or, in some cases, a state regulator) to deliver VET services.

The Scope of Registration details the nationally recognised training products for which an RTO is registered to issue AQF certification documentation. It allows the RTO to:

a) both provide training delivery and assessment resulting in the issuance of AQF certification documentation by the RTO; or

b) provide assessment resulting in the issuance of AQF certification documentation by the RTO.

Federation University’s Scope can be viewed at

Standard(s) Refers to the Australian Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015:
Trainer Skills Matrix (TSM) The Trainer Skills Matrix provides evidence of the qualifications, industry and vocational currency of trainers involved in program delivery, mapped to each unit they deliver and assess. The Trainer Skills Matrix should be updated whenever a trainer is initially allocated to deliver and assess a unit/s. Existing trainers’ allocated to a program should update their matrices at least annually to record additional industry experience, trainer qualifications changes/upgrades and relevant professional development.
Training & Assessment Strategy (TAS) The approach of, and method adopted by an RTO with respect to training and assessment designed to enable learners to meet the requirements of the Training Package or accredited course.
Training Plan A document outlining the program of training and assessment requirements. A training plan is required for all students accessing government funded training through the Victorian Training Guarantee.
Training Package The components of a training package endorsed by the Industry and Skills Council or its delegate in accordance with the Standards for Training Packages. The endorsed components of a Training Package are; units of competency; assessment requirements; qualifications; and credit arrangements.
Validation Is the quality review of the assessment process. Validation involves checking that the assessment tool/s produce/s valid, reliable, sufficient, current and authentic evidence to enable reasonable judgements to be made as to whether the requirements of the training package or VET accredited course are met. It includes reviewing a statistically valid sample of the assessments and making recommendations for future improvements to the assessment tool, processes and/or outcomes and acting upon such recommendations.
Vendor Accredited Programs Are programs that are developed, accredited and maintained by a vendor and delivered by the University through a formal arrangement.
VCAL Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning – Foundation, Intermediate and Senior
VET Vocational Education and Training

Vocational Education and Training Delivered to Secondary Students - VET in the VCE or VCAL allows students to include vocational studies within their senior secondary certificate. Students undertake nationally recognised training from accredited national training packages which may contribute to their VCE and/or VCAL. There are two ways VETDSS programs can provide credit towards the VCE or VCAL 

  • Approved suite of VETDSS programs designed to deliver a 1-2 & 3-4 sequence and which may have an external exam attached for an extra study score
  • Block credit Recognition where students undertake a qualification not on the approved list. Credit is awarded on the basis of achieving units of competency and AQF level of units.
Vocational Competency Broad industry knowledge and experience usually combined with a relevant industry qualification. Vocational competency is determined on an industry-by-industry basis and with reference to the relevant Training Package or VET accredited course.



  Actions Responsibility Steps
1. Determine if qualification is listed on the Federation University Scope of Registration for delivery. Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager / Coordinator
  1. Add to the Federation University's Scope of Registration or appropriate Internal Registers to ensure program is accurately listed.

If qualification needs to be added to the University’s Scope of Registration then the following documentation will need to be completed and submitted to the Course Approval Committee for approval:

  • Training and Assessment Strategy – Parts A and B
  • Trainer Skills Matrix
  • Two completed Assessment Tools - these tools must be from two different units within the qualification, one unit should be, if possible, a high risk unit.
Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager /Curriculum Quality Leader
  1. For more information on the correct process for adding qualifications to the University’s Scope of Registration, refer to the VET Program Approval and Maintenance Procedure.
3. Complete / modify the Training and Assessment Strategy – TAS Part A for each qualification and various delivery modes. Program Manager/Curriculum Quality Leader
  1. A Training and Assessment Strategy – TAS Part A must be completed for every qualification listed on the University's Scope of Registration. Qualifications with various student cohorts/modes of delivery require separate Training and Assessment Strategies to ensure the specific needs of each group are being met.
  2. A TAS Part A must be consistent with the training and assessment requirements of the relevant training package / accredited course.
  3. The training and assessment practices as outlined in the TAS Part A must be relevant to the needs of industry and informed by regular industry engagement.
  • Training and Assessment Strategy – TAS Part A
4. Complete / modify a Delivery Plan (TAS Part B) for each qualification and mode of delivery. Program Manager/Curriculum Quality Leader
  1. Delivery Plans must be completed for every qualification listed on the University's Scope of Registration. Those qualifications with various student cohorts/modes of delivery will require separate Delivery Plans for each cohort/mode of delivery to ensure the specific needs of each group are being met.
  • Delivery Plan – TAS Part B
5. Complete / modify Trainer Skills Matrix (TSM) for each qualification and ensure staff work plans and Performance and Professional Development Plans (PRDP) are current. Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager / Curriculum Quality Leader / Trainer / Assessor
  1. Prior to the marketing of a qualification and consistent with the requirements of the TAS Part A, there must be trainers and assessorsavailable for all offered units.
  2. Ensure training and assessment is delivered by trainers and assessors who:
    • hold the required training and assessment competencies;
    • hold relevant vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered or assessed;
    • can demonstrate current industry skills directly relevant to the training/assessment undertaken; and
    • continue to develop their VET industry, trainer/assessor and industry currency competency through professional development. Refer: Trainer Skills Matrix Form


6. Add, delete or modify Student Management System My Student Centre (MySC) program data. Program Manager / Program Administration
  1. Refer to VET Enrolment Procedure for setting up programs, syllabus, groups and courses
7. Ensure planned delivery to apprentices/trainees, overseas students studying on-shore and VETiS students meets the requirements of all additional VET Procedures. Program Manager
  1. Delivery must be compliant with the following policies / procedures:
8. Ensure assessment is planned according to the VET Assessment Procedure and all assessment tools are designed using the full current version of the Federation University Assessment Tools only. Program Manager / Curriculum Quality Leader
  1. All units from all qualifications listed on the University's Scope of Registration must have a complete set of assessment tools prior to the commencement of training.
  2. Assessment tools should be reviewed and updated on an annual basis.

Develop a Validation Schedule which should include all units from the qualification.

The Validation Schedule is a five year plan. 

High risk qualifications and units of competency are prioritised for validation and may be validated more frequently.

Program Manager / Head if Centre, Learner Excellence
  1. The purpose of conducting validation is to ensure:
    1. that the assessment tools are valid, reliable, sufficient, current and authentic to enable reasonable judgements be made as to whether the requirements of the Training Package or VET accredited courses are met. The validation process includes reviewing and making recommendations for future improvements;
    2. the effectiveness of the assessment tool and the assessment process;
    3. the standard of performance required to be achieved;
    4. the validity of the evidence collected;
    5. the accurate reporting and record keeping of assessment; and
    6. updates are made to the assessment tools in line with validation recommendations.

Refer to the VET Assessment Procedure.

10. For the addition of non-award and Vendor Accredited programs refer to the VET Program Approval and Maintenance Procedure Program Manager / Curriculum Quality Leader
  1. If there is a decision to proceed with a Vendor Accredited Program, it may be necessary to consult with the Legal Office to arrange a formal agreement for training delivery.
11. Develop a strategy for ensuring accurate student attendance/participation records are maintained. Program Manager
  1. Accurate attendance / participation records provide critical evidence for Evidence of Participation Audits. Refer Evidence of Student Participation / Engagement (VET) Procedure.
12. Arrange and / or ensure marketing materials are ethical, accurate and consistent with the Scope of Registration. Program Manager / Marketing Officer
  1. All marketing materials must comply with both HESG and ASQA requirements, which requires information to be current, accurate and reflect the University's Scope of Registration.
  2. Marketing materials include: all publications, brochures, flyers, TV and radio commercials, website, reports, signage and newspaper advertisements.

For more detailed information refer to:


Ensure students are informed about the training, assessment and support services to be provided and about their rights and obligations

RPL / Credit Transfer offered and recognised.

Program Manager / Coordinator / Trainer / Assessor
  1. Federation TAFE must provide an information package / Student handbook to prospective students, including information on RPL and Credit Transfers, refer:

VET Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer Assessment Policy

Student Attendance

  Action Responsibility Steps

Attendance rolls are to be completed at the commencement of each class.

ATOM is the University’s endorsed electronic attendance roll and should be used where possible.

Trainer/ Assessor

1.     Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes and excursions and to be punctual at all times.

2.     Any additional attendance requirements that may be mandated for a unit will be listed in the training package.

VCE Students only:

As VCE requires several of the learning outcomes to be completed through class participation and engagement, attendance is crucial.   This requirement is in addition to points 1 and 2 above.

2. Any absences from class must be recorded. Trainer / Assessor / Program Manager

1.     If a student does not attend class and does not notify the University of this absence, this is recorded as ‘absent’.

2.     If a student does not attend class and notifies the University of the absence, this is recorded as ‘absent with notification’.  Evidence of this notification should be filed in the student’s file.

3.     A medical certificate or other documentation will be required for approved absences.

VCE Students:

Students who are not meeting the qualification attendance requirements and / or expectations will be required to meet with the Program Manager to discuss and develop strategies to assist in achieving the learning outcomes.  This requirement is in addition to points 1, 2 and 3.

3. Vendor Accredited Programs Trainer / Assessor / Program Manager Vendor Accredited programs have additional student reporting requirements, vendor documentation and agreement should be referred to.

Pre-training Preparation

  Action Responsibility Steps
1. Administer the appropriate LLN and digital capability review. Trainer/Assessor or LLN Coordinator
  1. The appropriate LLN and digital capability review tool is selected depending on the program chosen by the applicant.
  2. The LLN and digital capability review must be conducted and results available prior to students completing the Pre-training Review.


VET Pre-Enrolment Procedure

2. Conduct Pre-training review to inform individual Training Plans. Program Manager / Trainer / Assessor / Authorised Delegate
  1. It is a requirement of both HESG and ASQA that all students undergo a pre-training review to ensure that students are receiving the training and support required to meet their individual needs and that they are enrolled in an appropriate qualification.
  2. The pre-training review identifies and records any gaps between the applicant’s LLN and digital capability skills and the required ACSFlevel.
  3. Any applicant identified to have more than one level of difference between the current and required ACSF levels may be recommended to apply for an alternative program of study such as an appropriate foundation skills program, and reapply to the intended program at a later date.

Refer :

VET Pre-Enrolment Procedure


3. Provide applicant with an individualised statement of fees Trainer/Assessor or Program Administration
  1. Each Statement of Fees must be individualised for each enrolling student, and include the student’s name.
  2. This must be provided to the student prior to enrolment.
  3. A dated copy of the Statement of fees with the student’s name on it must be filed in the Student’s File within the School.

VET Pre-Enrolment Procedure


  Action Responsibility Steps
1. Ensure all assigned trainers /assessors have access to the current qualification information as detailed in the VET Assessment Procedure. Program Manager / Trainer/Assessor
  1. All trainers / assessors need to be able to access the Training and Assessment Strategy, Assessment Tools, Unit Outline and Delivery Plan for every unit that they are involved with the training and/or assessing of.


2. Ensure all students are enrolled prior to the commencement of delivery. Trainer / Assessor
  1. A student enrolment must not proceed unless a full pre-training review has been conducted.


3. Ensure student induction is conducted and provide students with relevant Federation TAFE program information. Trainer / Assessor
  1. All students should participate in an induction to ensure that they are made aware of all the required information.

Induction and Learning Support Checklist

4. Ensure all students are issued with a Training Plan within the required timeframe. Program Manager / Trainer/Assessor
  1. The training plan unit enrolment form and unit outline for each unit the student is undertaking make up the training plan.
  2. This must be signed by both the student and the RTOdelegate and if applicable an employer of a student participating in workplace based training and filed with the student file in the School within 4 weeks of the commencement of training, or for workplace-based training within 60 days of the commencement date of the Training Contact (Epsilon).
  3. A signed copy must be provided to the student.


5. Deliver training as detailed in the Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS). Trainer / Assessor
  1. Trainers and Assessors need to ensure that the training and assessing is in line with the Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS). This document is a 'living' document and should be reviewed at least annually for accuracy and currency.
6. Ensure training and assessment is conducted in a manner that is safe and in accordance with relevant University, government and industry requirements. Program Manager /  Trainer / Assessor
  1. Refer: Federation University Australia Health Risk and Safety web link:,-health-and-safety


7. Manage issues associated with inappropriate student behaviour and maintain appropriate records. Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager / Trainer / Assessor
  1. Trainers should report any concerns to the Program Manager. Maintain records of inappropriate student behaviour and progress, together with the record of action taken.


8. Ensure timely, accurate management of student results and records. VET Funding Contract Program Manager / Trainer / Assessor
  1. Students must have timely access to current and accurate records of their participation and progress in accordance with HESG and ASQA requirements.
  2. Trainers must be aware of their resulting and record keeping responsibilities and the need to provide evidence of participation for all students.
  3. Refer to: Evidence of Student Participation /Engagement Procedure
  4. Students must be withdrawn within 2 months from the last date of engagement or receiving notification to withdraw.



Ensure transition and teach out requirements are adhered to. (Standard 1.26)

VET Funding Contract

Program Manager / Trainer / Assessor
  1. Refer VET Transition & Teach Out Section below.
  2. Delivery from Superseded Training Packages must be transitioned within 12 months of their publication so only Qualifications from current Training Qualifications are delivered.


10. Ensure excursions and practical placements are conducted in accordance with Policy and Procedure. Program Manager / Trainer / Assessor
  1. For information on requirement in relation to excursions, practical placements and work based training.


11. Approve the list of candidates for issuing of Awards. Program Manager


Validation, Continuous Improvement and Review

  Action Responsibility Steps
1. Collect and analyse feedback from all stakeholders, including industry, students and staff for each qualification. Program Manager
  1. Services offered by the University are continuously improved through the collecting, analysing and implementing of relevant data and information.
  2. Feedback is collected, reviewed and actioned regarding client services offered by the University.
  3. Refer to evidence such as Student Feedback, survey results, Industry Engagement and Continuous Improvement Log.
  4. Details of evaluation methods should be identified in the < of scope s>'>Training and < or practice and methods oral written range a include may outcomes learning expected achievement>'>Assessment Strategy and Industry Engagement and Continuous Improvement Log.
2. Conduct Validation for all qualifications that have a Training and Assessment Strategy and are listed on the Scope of Registration, at least once within a five year cycle. Program Manager
  1. Validation should be conducted in accordance with the Validation Schedule developed for each qualification. 
  2. ASQA requires validation to be conducted for all qualifications listed on the University’s Scope of Registration.
  3. Actions and recommendations from Validation sessions as recorded on the Validation of Assessment Record to be incorporated into an annual overview of outcomes of the Validations.


VET Assessment Procedure

3. Develop a collated overview of the recommendations and actions to be implemented for each qualification following the 12 month validation cycle. Director, Skills and Education Delivery /Program Manager / Coordinator / Head of Centre Learning Excellence / TAFE Compliance
  1. Qualification evaluation and validation is conducted as part of a systemic and continuous improvement approach which is applied to all VET qualifications at the University.
  2. Recommendations from the validations are used to modify qualifications to meet the changing needs of students, employers and other stakeholders.

Commence the qualification review process, using the VET Qualification Review Form (TAS – Part C).

This process allows for feedback and evaluation from various sources, including recommendations and actions from validations to be incorporated into learning and teaching resources and processes for the purpose of continuous improvement.

Director, Skills and Education Delivery /Program Manager / Coordinator / Head of Centre Learning Excellence / TAFE Compliance
  1. Ensure any improvements identified from the various forms of feedback received are incorporated into the review process to demonstrate the qualification has been modified to cater for the changing needs of students, employers and other stakeholders.
  2. This also provides record of any improvement actions undertaken.
  3. All qualifications, including non-award and vendor accredited programs should be included in the review process.
5. Submit and Forward the completed VET Qualification Review Form (TAS – Part C) to Course Approval Committee for noting. Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager / Coordinator Director, Skills and Education Delivery /Program Manager / Coordinator / Head of Centre Learning Excellence
  1. As the approving body for the University's VET curriculum, the Course Approval Committee should review all VET Qualification Reviews.

VET Transition and Teach Out

The overarching principle is that University will deliver the current training product to a student. All new students will be enrolled in the most current qualification available. This procedure is to be applied to all VET qualifications and students of the University, irrespective of delivery mode or location.

It is a condition of registration that the University complies with the ASQA Publication - General Direction and Teach Out, related ASQA updates and current standards within the VET Quality Framework. Victorian government funding can also be affected through enrolment of students in superseded qualifications and the VET Funding Contract should be referred to.

  Action Responsibility Steps
1. Refer to Standards RTOs 2015 and HESG funding contract. Program Manager / Coordinator / Trainer / Assessor

(Standard 1.26) Transition of training products

  1. Where a training product on itsscope of registration is superseded, all learners' training and assessment is completed and the relevant AQF certification documentation is issued or learners are transferred into its replacement, within a period of one year from the date the replacement training product was released on the National Register;
  2. Where an AQF qualification is no longer current and has not been superseded, all learners' training and assessment is completed and the relevant AQF certification documentation issued;
  3. Where a skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course or module is no longer current and has not been superseded, all learners' training and assessment is completed and the relevant AQF certification documentation issued within a period of one year from the date the skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course or module was removed or deleted from the National Register; and
  4. A new learner does not commence training and assessment in a training product that has been removed or deleted from the National Register.

(Standard 1.27) The requirements specified in Clause 1.26(a) do not apply where a training package requires the delivery of a superseded unit of competency.

2. Genuine Disadvantage Program Manager / Coordinator
  1. ASQA requires any extension applications to the transition period to be forwarded directly to them for approval.
  2. If an Program Manager believes a student would be genuinely disadvantaged by enrolling in the current version of a qualification they can submit an application to Deputy Vice-Chancellor (VET) using a "Request for Enrolment in Transitioning / Expired Qualification Form" to allow enrolment in a superseded qualification.
  3. This enrolment will only allow a student to continue training in a superseded qualification until the end of the transition period, at which time the student must either have completed or be transitioned into the new qualification.
  4. Any further extensions need to be raised with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (VET). These would then be presented in writing to Quality Services for processing and submission to ASQA.
3. New Student Program Manager / Coordinator / Trainer /Assessor
  1. All new students should be enrolled only into current Training Package / Accredited Course TP/AC
  2. No new students will be enrolled in an expired or superseded Training Package even within the transition/teach out period when a replacement training package is on Scope and available.
  3. The only exception would be if the University is waiting on a new qualification to be added to the Scope of Registration. New students may be enrolled into the superseded training package in the interim, with permission from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (VET). While new students may be enrolled into the superseded Training Package this can only occur for a period of up to 12 months after the release of the new Training Package.
4. Continuing Students. Program Manager / Coordinator / Trainer Assessor
  1. Departments must transfer continuing students out of the superseded Training Package as soon as practicable and no later than 12 months from the date of publication of the new TP/AC.
  2. Where a TP is deleted or an Accredited Course expires, the Department must provide timely and adequate advice to the student about the deleted qualification with the view to transferring the student to an alternative training package or accredited course.
  3. After this time, students who have not completed their studies in the superseded qualification must be transitioned.
  4. Once the TP has been deleted, no further enrolments can occur.
  5. Teach out of students enrolled in the deleted TP must occur within 12 months after the deletion date.
5. Superseded Training Packages and Accredited Courses – equivalent. Program Manager / Coordinator / Trainer Assessor
  1. Once a Training Package (TP) listed on the University’s Scope of Registration has been superseded by a new equivalent TP, ASQA will automatically add the new Training Package to the Scope of Registration.
  2. ASQA does not automatically add new equivalent Accredited Courses to the Scope of Registration. Departments must follow the normal program approval process to have any new Accredited Courses added to the University's Scope.
  3. Departments must still receive approval via Course Approval Committee in order for enrolments into the new Training Package to be enabled. Refer to the VET Qualification Approval and Maintenance Procedure for further information on adding Training Packages/Courses to Scope. 
6. Superseded Training Packages and Accredited Courses - non-equivalent. Program Manager / Coordinator / Trainer Assessor
  1. Once a Training Package (TP) or Accredited Course (AC) listed on the University’s Scope of Registration has been superseded by a new TP/AC, the Department must apply to have the new TP/AC added as soon as possible. Planning for this to occur should commence as soon as feasible. This must be completed no later than 12 months from the date of publication of the replacement TP/AC.
7. HESG Funding  
  1. Once qualifications have been superseded this can affect the funding received from HESG.  Following the 12 month transition period HESG will remove qualifications from the Funded Course List, which means the University will no longer receive funding for any eligible students enrolled in these units/qualifications.
8. Advice and Guidance for Students.  
  1. Federation TAFE must provide students with timely and adequate advice and guidance in relation to transition or teach out arrangements. Departments must ensure students are given the opportunity to transfer to the replacement qualification.
  2. Evidence of this advice and guidance being conveyed to the student must be kept on the student file and be available upon request.
9. Enrolments.  
  1. Student HQ will accept enrolments in accordance with the following:
  2. New students will only be accepted into Qualifications that have a current status. New students will only be allowed to enrol in a superseded qualification if evidence is provided via the “Request for Enrolment in Transitioning / Expired Qualification Form” that planning to have the replacement Qualification added to Scope is underway and that transition and teach out plans exist; 
  3. Continuing students will be accepted into the superseded qualifications only up to 12 months from the date of publication of the replacement qualification;
  4. Enrolments of students into Qualifications that have expired and are past the 12 month transition time will not be accepted; and
  5. No enrolments will be accepted into deleted Training Packages or expired Accredited Courses under any circumstances.
10. Completion of the Request for Enrolment in Transitioning / Expired Qualification Form Program Manager / Coordinator / Trainer Assessor
  1. If it has been decided that student/s have no alternative or would be disadvantaged by transitioning into a new qualification, then a Request for Enrolment in Transitioning / Expired Qualification Form must be completed.
  2. The completed form must contain the details of all students who the request applies to.
  3. The fully completed form must be approved by the Director, Skills and Education Delivery prior to submission to Quality Services for processing.
  4. Quality Services will register the request and forward to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (VET) for approval.
  5. Once the form is approved the details will be recorded and the information made accessible to Student HQ to allow


  • Provost (as the Approval Authority) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
  • Director of Learner Experience and Excellence (as the Document Owner) is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Provost.
  • Specific roles and responsibilities are listed in the actions section of the procedure.

Records Management

Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Roles and Responsibility Checklist (Commercial/ Third Party Agreements) Federation TAFE Program Manager / Coordinator 2 years after completion of course
Program Delivery Timetable Department Program Manager / Coordinator 2 years after completion of course
Attendance / Participation Records Department Program Manager / Coordinator / Trainer / Assessor 7 years
Flexible Delivery Participation Record – Individual Student Department Program Manager /Coordinator / Trainer / Assessor 7 years
Flexible Delivery Participation Record – Entire Class Department Program Manager /Coordinator / Trainer / Assessor 7 years
Practical Placement Agreement Form Department Program Manager /Coordinator / Trainer / Assessor 7 years after contract has expired. If legal proceedings arise, record to be kept permanently
Excursion Forms Department Program Manager /Coordinator / Trainer / Assessor No incident occurring – 7 years after excursion. Incident occurring – 20 years after excursion
On-going Assessment Records Department Program Manager /Coordinator / Trainer / Assessor 7 years
Unit/Module Outline Department Trainer/Assessor 2 years after completion of course
Assessment Tools Department Trainer/Assessor 2 years after completion of course

Request for Enrolment in Transitioning / Expired Qualification Form


The VET Qualification Delivery Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  1. Inclusion on the University's online Policy Library.
  2. Inclusion on Policy & Procedure / Operational agenda item on Executive / Leadership Meetings.
  3. Inclusion on Policy & Procedure / Operational agenda item on Learning & Teaching Meetings.


This Procedure will be communicated throughout the University community in the form of:

  1. an Announcement Notice via FedNews website and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the ‘Policies, Procedures and Forms @ the University’ website to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure;
  2. distribution of e-mails to Head of School / Head of Department / University staff; and/or
  3. documentation distribution, eg posters, brochures
  4. Notification to Faculties