VET Teacher Qualifications and Competency Procedure

Policy code: CG1674
Policy owner: Director of Skills and Education Delivery
Approval authority: Pro Vice-Chancellor, VET and Pathways
Approval date: 26 November 2024
Next review date: 01 August 2024


The VET Teacher Qualifications and Competency Procedure details the training, assessing and vocational qualifications and competency requirements for staff delivering and assessing the University's Vocational Education and Training (VET), Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC), and Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major (VCE VM) and Vendor Accredited Programs.

The University is committed to, and values highly skilled teaching staff. As such the University requires and supports staff to pursue higher levels of teaching and assessing qualifications. In addition to this, the University requires staff to maintain current vocational competence and engagement with industry.

The University strongly encourages VET, VPC and VCE VM teaching staff to acquire higher level qualifications in teaching at degree level or higher.

The VET Teacher Qualifications and Competency Procedure also ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.


This Procedure applies to all VET, VPC and VCE VM teachers training and/or assessing the University's VET, VPC, VCE VM and Vendor Accredited programs or courses, regardless of the nature of their engagement and where and how training and assessment occurs. This includes, but is not limited to: permanent, contract and sessional staff, and approved teachers who deliver on our behalf as part of an Auspice or HESG approved sub-contracting arrangement either on or off shore.

This Procedure does not apply to Program Manager positions.

Legislative Context

  • National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
  • Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015
  • Education and Training Reform Act 2006
  • Education and Training Reform Regulations 2007 (Regulations 2007) Schedule 7
  • Department of Education and Training Contract (Dual Sector)
  • Education Services for Overseas Student Act 2000 (Amended 2007)
  • The National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018
  • VRQA Guidelines for Non-School Senior Secondary Education Providers: Minimum Standards for Registration to Provide and Accredited Senior Secondary Course 2017 (Vic)
  • VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers 2016 (Vic)
  • Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning 2017: Guidelines for new providers
  • VCAA annual VCE VET Administrative Handbook
  • Global Wind Organisation, Requirements for Training Providers



The Australian Skills Quality Authority ASQA is the national regulator for Australia’s vocational education and training sector.

ASQA regulates courses and training providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met.

Assessment Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgments on whether competency has been achieved, to confirm that an individual can perform to the standard required in the workplace, as specified in a Training Package or VET accredited qualifications and is conducted in accordance with the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence.
Adult education qualification

An adult education qualification has a focus on training and assessing adults. The qualification does not need to include the words ‘adult education’ in the title; however, units or subjects completed within the qualification need to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to train adults. The academic transcript or record of results for the qualification will provide the evidence to demonstrate this.

Examples of adult education qualifications include:

  • Graduate Diploma in Adult and Vocational Education and Training
  • Graduate Diploma of Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy
  • Master of Education or Doctoral degree with an adult education focus.
  • Degrees and Associate Degrees in adult and vocational teaching
Competency The consistent application of knowledge and skill to the standard of performance required in the workplace. It embodies the ability to transfer and apply skills and knowledge to new situations and environments.
Current industry skills

Current industry skills are the knowledge, skills and experience required by VET teaching staff and those who provide training and assessment under supervision in accordance with the National Standards for RTOs to ensure that their training and assessment is based on current industry practices and meets the needs of industry.

Current industry skills may be informed by consultations with industry and may include, but are not limited to:

a. having knowledge of and/or experience using the latest techniques and processes;

b. possessing a high level of product knowledge

c. understanding and knowledge of legislation relevant to the industry and to employment and workplaces;

d. being customer/client-oriented;

e. possessing formal industry and training qualifications; and

f. training content that reflects current industry practice.


Refers to bodies that have a stake in the services provided by RTOs. These can include, but are not limited to:

a) enterprise/industry clients, eg. employers;

b) group training organisations;

c) industry and employer organisations;

d) industry regulators;

e) skills service organisations or similar bodies;

g) unions

Industry engagement

May include but is not limited to, strategies such as:

a) partnering with local employers, regional/national businesses, relevant industry bodies and/or enterprise RTOs;

b) involving employer nominees in industry advisory committees and/or reference groups;

c) embedding staff within enterprises

d) networking in an ongoing way with industry networks, peak bodies and/or employers;

e) developing networks of relevant employers and industry representatives to participate in assessment validation; and

f) exchanging knowledge, staff, and/or resources with employers, networks and industry bodies

Standards for RTO's 2015

Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO's) 2015. The objectives of the RTO Standards are to ensure nationally consistent, high-quality training and assessment services within Australia’s VET system.

Continual compliance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO's) 2015 is a condition for all RTO's and for applicants seeking registration under the Act.

Professional Development

Activities that develop and/or maintain an individual's skills, knowledge, expertise and other characteristics as a trainer or assessor. This includes both formal and informal activities that encompass vocational competencies, currency of industry skills and knowledge and practice of vocational training, learning and assessment, including competency based training and assessment. Examples of professional development activities include:

a) participation in courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, or formal learning programs;

b) participation in mentoring, professional associations or other learning networks;

c) personal development through individual research or reading of publications or other relevant information;

d) participation in moderation or validation activities; and

e) participation in industry release programs

Registered Training Organisation RTO: Registered Training Organisation. A training organisation listed on the National Register, or by the relevant state-based authority, as a registered training organisation. Federation University/TAFE's RTO number is 4909.
Skill Set A single unit of competency or a combination of units of competency from a training package which link to a licensing or regulatory requirement, or a defined industry need.
VCAA The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
VCE VM - Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major: The VCE VM is a vocational and applied learning program within the VCE designed to be completed over a minimum of two years. Accredited and monitored by VCAA and VRQA. 
VET Teacher: For the purpose of this Policy, a VET Teacher is any person engaged to teach or assess the University VET (vocational education and training) programs.
VIT Victorian Institute of Teaching: :
Vocational Competency: Vocational competency is broad industry knowledge and experience, usually combined with a relevant industry qualification. Vocational competency must be considered on an industry-by-industry basis and with reference to the guidance provided in the Assessment Guidelines of the relevant Training Package.
VPC - Victorian Pathways Certificate: The VPC is an accredited foundation secondary qualification under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. It aligns to Level 1 in the Australian Qualifications Framework. While the VPC is not a senior secondary qualification, it can be a pathway to the VCE. Accredited and monitored by VCAA and VRQA. 
VPC and VCE VM Teacher: For the purpose of this Policy, a VPC and VCE VM Teacher is any person engaged to teach or assess within the VPC or VCE VM programs.

The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) is the Victorian statutory authority responsible for ensuring that employers of apprentices and trainees and providers of education and training (including course and qualification owners) meet quality standards, and that information is readily available to support informed choice in education and training.


  • registers certain education and training providers and awarding bodies
  • registers certain qualifications and accredits courses
  • regulates apprenticeships and traineeships in Victoria.

The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority VRQA also registers providers to deliver the Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major (VCE VM) and/or the Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) in full or single courses in a non-school setting.

The Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (the Act) lists the minimum standards (officially called the prescribed minimum standards) that senior secondary education providers must satisfy to be and remain registered.

Section 4.3.11 of the Act provides that the VRQA must not register a person, body or school as a senior secondary provider unless the VRQA is satisfied that the school person, body or school meets the relevant standards.

These Guidelines deal with the minimum standards that apply to non-school providers offering an accredited senior secondary course such as the VCE VM or the VPC.

Skills First Teacher - applicable to government funded students only

A Skills First Teacher is an individual who is a trainer and/or assessor who:

a. is employed:

i. directly by the RTO;

ii. engaged by the RTO as a sole trader; or

iii. engaged by the RTO through a subcontracting arrangement

b. is listed on the Register of Trainers and Assessors; and

c. has relevant training and vocational competency


Federation University is committed to providing quality training and assessment for its students, recognising the fundamental relationship between trainer and/or assessor qualification, current industry skill, vocational competency, professional development, and training and assessment outcomes.

Prior to the commencement of teaching and as required by ASQA (clause 1.14-1.15), teaching staff must hold a:

  1. TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or its successor, or
  2. TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or its successor, or
  3. TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, and one of the following:
    1. TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills or its successor or
    2. TAELLN401A Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills
  4. and one of the following:
    1. TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools or its successor or
    2. TAEASS502A Design and develop assessment tools or
    3. TAEASS502B Design and develop assessment tools.
  5. diploma or higher-level qualification in an approvedadult education qualification, or
  6. A credential issued by a higher education provider (as defined in section 16-1 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003) which would enable the individual to satisfy the academic requirements for registration as a secondary school teacher in accordance with the registration requirements in at least one following credentials, or the successor to one of the following credentials:
    1. TAESS00011/TAESS00019 - Assessor Skill Set; or
    2. TAESS00024 - VET Delivered to SchoolStudentsTeacher Enhancement Skill Set

Note: The units completed within the diploma or higher-level qualification need to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to train adults. An academic transcript or certified statement of results for the qualification needs to be provided as evidence to demonstrate this. The qualification should be mapped and evidence documented within the Trainer Skills Matrix.

In addition to the above ASQA clauses, clauses 1.13 also requires that all training and assessment must be delivered by those who have:

  1. vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed
  2. current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment being provided
  3. current knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning that informs their training and assessment.
  4. meet any specific Training Package / licensing requirements;
  5. through professional development activities, continuously develop and improve their vocational and teaching skills and knowledge;
  6. a current working with children (WWCC) check or be VIT registered, (for any exclusions and / or exemptions refer to the Working With Children (WWC) Check Procedure).

Teachers delivering any qualification from the TAE training package or its successor must hold:

  1. TAE50111/TAE50116/TAE50122 - Diploma of Vocational Education and Training; or
  2. (TAE50211/TAE50216 - Diploma of Training Design and Development or
  3. An approved higher-level qualification in adult education.

It is preferred but not mandatory that those delivering the qualifications from the TAE training package also hold the specific unit TAERES501 Apply Research to Training and Assessment Practice.

In certain circumstances, incremental progression will be contingent on teaching staff meeting the education qualification requirements as set out in the current relevant Enterprise Agreement in addition to other criteria.

Evidence in the form of academic transcripts, demonstrating compliance with the above requirements must be uploaded by teaching staff onto the University Human Resources Management System (Empower) if they are responsible for delivering and/or assessing the University's VET/VCE VM or VPC programs.

Qualification and vocational information for VET teaching staff must also be recorded in the Skills First Register of Trainers and Assessors.

This includes, but is not limited to ongoing, contract, and sessional staff approved to be delivering programs on behalf of Federation University under either Auspice, or approved subcontracting arrangements either on or off-shore.

VCE VM or VPC Requirements

Teachers delivering any VCE VM or VPC Strand must hold an appropriate AQF 6 qualification with specialist subject knowledge, be VIT registered or have Permission to Teach (PPT) and hold:

  1. TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or its successor, or
  2. TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or its successor, or
  3. TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, and one of the following:
    1. TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills or its successor or
    2. TAELLN401A Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills
  4. and one of the following:
    1. TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools or its successor or
    2. TAEASS502A Design and develop assessment tools or
    3. TAEASS502B Design and develop assessment tools.
  5. diploma or higher-level qualification in an approved adult education qualification, or
  6. A credential issued by a higher education provider (as defined in section 16-1 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003) which would enable the individual to satisfy the academic requirements for registration as a secondary school teacher in accordance with the registration requirements in at least one following credentials, or the successor to one of the following credentials:
    1. TAESS00011/TAESS00019 - Assessor Skill Set; or
    2. TAESS00024 - VET Delivered to School Students Teacher Enhancement Skill Set

Vendor Accredited Programs - Requirements

The University may have an arrangement with a vendor to deliver programs that are developed, accredited and maintained by the vendor. Teachers delivering these programs may require additional qualifications, training and/or skills to those listed above.

When planning the delivery of a vendor accredited program, all staffing requirements must be considered and any relevant program standards or other documentation must referenced to ensure teaching staff are suitably qualified and competent to deliver the program.

Working Under Supervision

In exceptional circumstance and only with prior written approval from the DVC Academic, the University may engage an individual who is not a trainer or assessor but who works under the supervision of a trainer/assessor but they do not determine assessment outcomes. Approval to train under supervision will require completion of a fully documented Direct Supervision plan approved by the DVC Academic.

The University must ensure that any individual working under the supervision of a trainer under Clause 1.17 -1.19 of the Standards holds one of the following:

  1. TAESS00003/TAESS00015 Enterprise Trainer and Assessor Skill Set;
  2. TAESS00007/TAESS00014 Enterprise Trainer - Presenting Skill Set;
  3. TAESS00008/TAESS00013 Enterprise Trainer - Mentoring Skill Set;
  4. TAESS00021 Facilitation Skill Set;
  5. TAESS00029 Volunteer Trainer Delivery Skill Set;
  6. TAESS00030 Volunteer Trainer Delivery and AssessmentContribution Skill Set;
  7. TAESS00020 Workplace Trainer Skill Set;
  8. TAESS00028 Work Skill Instructor Skill Set;
  9. TAESS00022 Young Learner Delivery Skill Set;


A credential issued by a higher education provider (as defined in section 16-1 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003); which would enable the individual to satisfy the academic requirements for registration as a secondary school teacher in accordance with the registration requirements in at least one State or Territory


Is actively working towards a training and assessment the following credential:

  1. TAE40116/TAE40122 - Certificate IV in Training  and Assessment;
  2. TAE50116/TAE50122 - Diploma of Vocational Education and Training; or
  3. TAE50216 - Diploma of Training Design and Development

In addition:

  • has vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed;
  • has current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment being provided;
  • the level of the supervision required;
  • any requirements, conditions or restrictions considered necessary on the individual’s involvement in the provision of training and collection of assessment evidence;
  • holds a current working with children (WWCC) check or be VIT registered, (for any exclusions and / or exemptions refer to the Working With Children (WWC) Check Procedure).

Any trainers employed under supervision must be included on a qualification’s documentation, including TAS Part A, Delivery Plan and Trainer Skills Matrix.  Details of the supervisor must be included in this documentation as well.

Industry experts may be involved in the assessment judgement, working alongside a qualified trainer/assessor to conduct an assessment.

As part of the formal industry engagement requirement of the 2015 Standards, the inclusion of industry experts is the only approved practice for utilising supervision arrangements.

Arrangements must be established to ensure qualifications are delivered and assessed by appropriately qualified staff in accordance with this Procedure. Evidence of this appropriateness must be maintained as per requirements described in the Record Keeping section of this Procedure.

For teachers of VCE VM or VPC who are not VIT registered at the time of registration a documented supervision arrangement must be put in place.

Professional Development of VET Teaching Staff

Opportunities for training, industry release and staff development will be made available to increase the vocational skills and pedagogical knowledge of VET and VCE VM or VPC teachers, and to engage with industry and broaden the areas in which individual teachers are qualified and competent to train and assess.

The University encourages VET and VCE VM or VPC teachers in the attainment of degrees or higher qualifications in education and training.

Professional development relates to the individual and qualifications, therefore formal professional development records must be documented on the following:

  1. Individual work plans as part of the Performance Review and Development Program;
  2. Updated on the Trainer Skills Matrix for each qualification taught; and
  3. Recorded in the Skills First Register of Trainers and Assessors.

Evidence of qualifications and certificates must be formally cited and authenticated by the Program Manager and uploaded on Empower as part of the individual teacher's personal information file.

The Performance Review and Development Program Policy and Procedure will be utilised to identify, plan and record evidence relating to professional development in training, assessment, current vocational competencies and teaching.  VET and VCE VM or VPC teaching staff will be expected to undertake a minimum level of professional development each year.

Skills First trainers and assessors may be required to undertake specific professional development as directed by the Department of Education and Training such as online learning.

Register of Trainers and Assessors

The Department of Education and Training requires all RTOs to establish and maintain a Register of Trainers and Assessors.  In accordance with the Skills First Funding Contract this Register must contain the following information for each individual employed by the University to train and / or assess for vocational education and training, including those engaged through a sub-contractor:

  • the individual’s name;
  • whether the University engages the individual as a trainer or assessor, or as both;
  • which qualifications the individual will be delivering training and / or assessment;
  • the title of the highest qualification in training and assessment that the individual has obtained, and the date on which it was obtained;
  • details of the individual’s vocational competencies for each industry area in which they will deliver qualifications, being either:
    • the title of the highest qualification in each industry area that the individual has obtained that is at least of the level being delivered, and the date on which it was obtained; or
    • confirmation that their vocational competencies have been mapped and determined to be equivalent to the level being delivered;
  • details of the individual’s current industry skills that are directly relevant to the training and / or assessment being delivered;
  • details of the individual’s participation in professional development, including:
    • in the fields of the knowledge and practice of vocational training, learning and assessment, including competency-based training and assessment;
    • the individual’s participation in professional development related to online delivery; and
  • whether that trainer or assessor is involved in the delivery of qualifications / courses on the Foundations Skills List or Training and AssessmentCourse List.

Teacher Induction

As part of the induction process, all qualifications, current industry skills and knowledge, and vocational competencies must be verified by the hiring manager or Program Manager, including comprehensive referee checks. Furthermore, the inductee is required to fill out a Trainer Skills Matrix prior to the receipt of their employment contract from HR.

New trainers and / or assessors must be enrolled in the University’s specified induction online training, which includes the Child Safe standards module.

Information regarding the regulatory requirements associated with the trainer and/or assessor role, and Federation University/TAFE management and administrative responsibilities towards managing qualification and competency evidence will be provided to the trainer and/or assessor on orientation.

Records Management

The Trainers Skills Matrix is completed/updated annually for each qualification and the trainer must provide current qualifications and industry currency in relation to each unit of competency taught.

Documentary evidence confirming vocational qualification(s), training and assessment qualification(s) and any professional development must be sighted and retained in each staff member’s file; this includes evidence such as transcripts, testamurs and/or industry associate membership cards.

On commencement with the University (or after 1st pay period to access Empower) all staff must upload (cited and signed by Supervisor) copies of their formal qualifications, licenses and competencies directly to the Human Resources portal, Empower.

Web link to instruction manual:

Web link to Empower:

It is the responsibility of staff to ensure that they continue to upload further cited qualifications, licenses and competencies as they receive these.

It is the responsibility of the Head of Centre/ Curriculum Quality Leader/ Program Managers to ensure all staff complete and keep their records updated.

Document Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Testamur / Statements

HR Empower

Staff Files

Program Manager 50 years after last contact
Victorian Institute of Teaching VIT Registration

HR Empower

Staff Files

Program Manager Period of registration
Working With Children Check



Staff Files

Program Manager Period of Registration
Trainer Skills Matrix Staff Files Program Manager 2 years after cessation of delivery / assessment activities
VetTAC Staff Files Program Manager 2 years after cessation of delivery / assessment activities
Register of Trainer & Assessors Faculties Executive Directors  
Direct Supervision Record Sheet Within Department Directors/Head of Centre/Program Manager 2 years after cessation of delivery/assessment activities

Records Disposal

University records must only be disposed of in accordance with the University’s Records Disposal Process as outlined in the Records Framework Procedure. Authorisation must be obtained from the Faculty/Centre/College, Records Management Services and the University Registrar or their delegate prior to disposal. Records must not be destroyed where it is known that those records may likely be required in evidence, either now or in the future.


The Executive Director/Directors/Program Managers are responsible for ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions of the VET Teacher Qualifications and Competency Procedure.

The Pro Vice-Chancellor, VET and Pathways, as the Approval Authority, is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.

The Director of Skills and Education Delivery, as the Document Owner, is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure.


The policy will be communicated throughout the University via:

  • Announcement the University’s News webpage;
  • Inclusion in the University Policy Library;
  • Annual professional development including assessment activities and workshops.


The VET Teacher Qualifications and Competency Procedure will be implemented throughout the University through completion and collection of appropriate forms as listed in this procedure.

Director of VET Operations will meet with key stakeholders to discuss this procedure and its requirements.