- Purpose
- Scope
- Legislative Context
- Definitions
- Options
- Option One: Training Package Qualifications and Nationally Accredited Qualifications
- Option Two: FedUni VET Training Qualifications (consisting of units of competency / national recognised modules)
- Option Three: Adding Units and Modules
- Option Four: Non-Award and / or Vendor Accredited Programs
- Option Five: Skill Set Training
- Section One: Training Packages / Nationally Accredited Qualifications
- A: Adding a New Qualification to Scope
- B: Adding a New Unit of Competency to Scope
- C: Transition Arrangements for Equivalent Superseded Qualifications
- D: Transition Arrangements for Non-Equivalent Superseded Qualifications
- E: Removing a Qualification or Unit of Competency from Scope
- F: Notification of Commencement of Delivery Outside of Victoria (Interstate or International)
- G: Notification of Ceasing Delivery Outside of Victoria (Interstate or International)
- H: Regular Review of the Scope
- I: Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Vocational Major
- J: Exceptions to the ASQA Delegate Status
- K: Changes to Existing Training and Assessment Strategies
- L: VET Loans Scheme
- Section Two: University VET Training Programs (consisting of Units of Competency / Nationally Recognised modules) / Short Courses
- Section Three: Adding Units / Modules
- Section Four: Non-Award and / or Vendor Accredited Programs
- Section Five: Skill Set Training
- Section Six: Award Courses Technical and Further Education / Non-Current Award Courses Technical and Further Education
- Responsibility
- Supporting Documents
- Records Management
- Promulgation
- Implementation
This procedure describes the processes required to extend, amend and review VET accredited and non-accredited qualifications and units approved by the University for delivery. The University has a Scope of Registration which details the VET qualifications the University is authorised to deliver in Victoria, interstate and overseas as approved by ASQA and the VRQA.
This procedure describes the process for obtaining approval for delivery of all VET Programs.
It details the selection and/or development processes for each of the following program types:
- Section 1: Training Package Qualifications / Nationally Accredited Programs - Scope of Registration
- Section 2: Federation University VET Training Program (consisting of Unit of Competency / Nationally Recognised Modules)
- Section 3: Adding Units / Modules
- Section 4: Non-Award and Vendor Accredited Programs
- Section 5: Skill Sets
- Section 6: AwardCourses Technical and Further Education / Non-Current Award Courses Technical and Further Education
All programs for which the University will issue an award must be developed and approved in accordance with appropriate external or internal policies and procedures.
Australian Qualifications Framework AQF
Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
Education Services for Overseas Student (ESOS) Act 2000
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
VET Funding Contract (Dual Sector)
Term | Definition |
Accredited Training | A structured sequence of vocational education and training that has been approved by a National VET Regulator (NVR) and leads to an Australian Qualifications Framework AQF qualification or Statement of Attainment. In this procedure the word qualification will be used for an accredited program. |
AQF | Australian Qualifications Framework. A nationally consistent set of qualifications for all post-compulsory education and training in Australia. |
ASQA | The Australian Skills Quality Authority. The national regulator for Australia's vocational education and training sector. ASQA regulates qualifications and training providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met. |
Commencing Enrolment | A student is considered to have a commencing enrolment if they are enrolled in a qualification or unit for the first time with the University. |
Continuous Enrolment | A student is considered to have a continuing enrolment in a qualification or unit if the qualification or unit was commenced in a previous year and has not yet been completed. |
Course Approval Committee (CAC) | The principal functions of the TAFE Course Approval Committee are— (a) to assess the financial viability of the University’s Scope of Registration; Federation University Australia (Operations) Regulations 2022 Part 4 — Intellectual Property 6 (b) to confirm that there is capability, capacity and resources to deliver a proposed course; (c) to recommend to the Curriculum Committee any additions to or removals from the Scope of Registration. |
CRICOS | Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students. |
Curriculum Committee | The Curriculum Committee is a standing committee of the Academic Board of Federation University Australia. It is responsible for reviewing and recommending the approval of proposed new programs and of all University and TAFE qualifications leading to a formal award under the AQF to the Academic Board. |
ESOS | Education Services for Overseas (ESOS) the minimum standards that Australian Educational Institutes must adhere to when delivering education to international students. |
Non-Award Programs | Non-award studies include programs for professional development, education development, general interest and preparation for study offered by the University. Non-award studies cater for a range of educational requirements outside of the University’s award programs (as listed on Current Award Courses Technical and Further Education) |
NVR Standards |
Standards for National VET Regulator Registered Training Organisations. The objectives of the NVR Standards are to ensure nationally consistent, high-quality training and assessment services within Australia’s VET system. Continual compliance with the Standards is a condition for all NVR registered training organisations and for applicants seeking registration under the Act. |
Qualification | Accredited programs and National Training Package qualifications are referred to as ‘qualification’ throughout this procedure. |
RTO | Registered Training Organisation. A training organisation listed on the National Register, or by the relevant state-based authority, as a registered training organisation. Federation University's RTO number is 4909. |
Scope | The Scope of Registration details the nationally recognised training an RTO is approved to provide. Federation University's Scope can be viewed on the https://www.training.gov.au website. In this procedure the University’s Scope of Registration will be referred to as "the Scope". |
Skill Sets | Single units or combinations of units which link to a licence or regulatory requirement, or defined industry need. |
Statement of Attainment | A Statement of Attainment is issued by a Registered Training Organisation when an individual has completed one or more units of competency from nationally recognised qualification(s)/courses(s). |
The Schedule | The Schedule, Current Award Courses Technical and Further Education, lists all current sealed awards which can be awarded by the University. The Schedule is maintained by the Senior Manager, Registrar Services and includes all qualifications listed on the Scope. |
SVTS | Skills Victoria Training System |
Training Package Qualification | A nationally endorsed, integrated set of competency standards, assessment requirements, Australian Qualifications Framework qualifications, and credit arrangements for a specific industry, industry sector or enterprise. In this procedure the word qualification will be used to refer to a training package qualification. |
University Governance and Management Committees | Relevant committees that support the academic, operational and quality governance of the University's Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education programs. |
Unit of Competency | A unit of competency is the smallest component of achievement which can be nationally recognised. In this procedure the word unit will be used to refer to units of competency from qualifications. |
Vendor Accredited Programs | Vendor Accredited Programs are programs that are developed, accredited and maintained by a vendor and delivered by the University through a formal arrangement. |
VET Accredited Course |
An accredited VET (Vocational Education and Training) course is:
VET Funding Contract | VET Funding Contract is the means through which RTOs are contracted to deliver training services to eligible individuals that may be subsidised by the Department of Education and Training through the VET Funding Contract. |
Wherever Training Package qualifications / nationally accredited qualifications have already been developed (available at https://www.training.gov.au) these must be delivered where they meet the training needs of any specified group. Contextualisation or customisation allowed within the packaging rules of a Training Package or accredited curriculum should always be the first option considered in targeting any additional training needs to a specific group. These two options can be considered without pursing internal program approval.
In order to deliver a nationally accredited qualification or Training Package qualification, the qualification must be listed on the University's Scope of Registration. This procedure details the processes required to modify the Scope of Registration.
Where contextualisation or customisation within the packaging rules of a Training Package are deemed insufficient for the training needs of a specific group, the below options are available.
Refer to Section One of this procedure for further information.
Programs or courses of study designed to meet the specific training needs of an industry or enterprise which do not meet full vocational outcomes (AQF qualifications), but which are comprised solely of nationally endorsed units of competency or nationally recognised modules.
Refer to Section Two of this procedure for further information.
Endorsed units of competency and / or accredited modules can be added to the delivery of qualifications without seeking external accreditation / approval provided the units are on the Scope of Registration.
Refer to Section Three of this procedure for further information.
This option is applicable where specific clients may require a training program that does not lead to a full vocational outcome (AQF qualification) and where national or state accreditation is not required. Where this training need cannot be met through the delivery of available nationally accredited units / modules, a program can be internally developed and accredited by the Academic Board.
Similarly the University may have an arrangement with a vendor to deliver programs that are developed, accredited and maintained by the vendor. An example of an arrangement to provide a program that has been designed and maintained by a vendor is the Licenced Electricians Assessment Training.
Refer to Section Four of this procedure for further information.
Nationally Endorsed Skill Sets
The Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 defines skill sets as single units or combinations of units of competency from a training package which link to a licensing or regulatory requirement, or defined industry need. They are not qualifications, but are a way of publicly identifying on a Statement of Attainment, groupings of units of competency which meet an identified need or industry outcome.
Nationally Endorsed Skill Sets are recognised throughout Australia and are listed within each Training Package. These Skill Sets are eligible for government funding.
Locally Approved Skill Sets
Locally Approved Skill Sets are developed for either of the following reasons:
- To meet a clearly defined local industry requirement
- To have a specific statement included on a Statement of Attainment identifying the units as meeting the requirements for a particular purpose
Locally Approved Skill Sets are not eligible for government funding which means that students would be enrolled as full fee paying. These Skill Sets are not recognised as Skill Sets outside of the University.
Refer to Section Five of this procedure for further information.
The University's Scope of Registration details the VET qualifications the University is authorised to deliver in Victoria, interstate and overseas as approved by ASQA.
The general compliance requirements for the Scope of Registration include:
- Federation TAFE must ensure qualifications are registered on the Scope of Registration prior to commencing marketing (refer to Course Finder Information Document), enrolment or delivery activities. It is an offence to undertake these activities for any qualifications not registered on the Scope.
- The University must not issue sealed awards or statements of attainment for qualifications not listed on Current AwardCourses Technical and Further Education. It is an offence to do so and can result in the University being fined.
- Federation TAFE must be able to demonstrate that they have the capacity to deliver and assess ALL of the qualifications on the Scope of Registration and meet the requirements of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 and the VET Funding Contract, including the Quality Charter, at all times.
As ASQA may undertake an audit of the University at any time, and has indicated that planned audits may occur upon receipt of applications to extend the Scope of Registration, all TAFE Program Areas must ensure that records and evidence of compliance with University policy and procedure are met at all times.
In accordance with the VET Funding Contract, HESG can audit the University at any time throughout the year to ensure compliance with the current Funding Contract.
The University may also conduct audits of TAFE Program Areas to confirm they have the capacity to deliver and assess qualifications on the Scope of Registration. It is the Program Areas responsibility to ensure that all the evidence requirements are met.
After the 12 month transition period, ASQA automatically removes superseded qualifications from the Scope of Registration unless ASQA advise of an approved teach out extension.
Use this section to add new qualifications to the Scope and where qualifications have been superseded and not replaced.
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Identify the qualification to be added to the Scope. | Head of Centre or Program Manager |
B. | Obtain current Training Package Purchasing Guide or curriculum documentation. | Head of Centre or Program Manager |
C. |
Complete the form below to provide a high level strategy for the proposed new course:
Program Manager |
D. |
Complete the form below to provide a the high level strategy for the proposed new course:
Program Manager |
E. |
Complete the forms below to determine capacity to deliver qualification:
Head of Centre/Program Manager/ Delegate |
F. |
Distribute the following to determine potential impacts on other areas of the University if the qualification is introduced:
Director, Skills and Education Delivery/Program Manager |
G. | Respond to Qualification Impact Statements. | Relevant Deans / Executive Directors / Directors / Program Managers |
H. | Respond to any identified impacts. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
I. | Qualification is added to the agenda of a schedule Course Approval Committee | Head of Centre Learner Excellence/Chair of Course Approval Committee |
J. | Program area are notified that all approvals have gone through and to commence work on Qualification documentation | Head of Centre Learner Excellence/Head of Centre/Program Manager |
K. |
Submit the completed application documentation to Quality Assurance Services for review prior to submission to the Course Approval Committee for approval:
Note: These documents must be from two different units within the qualification, one unit should be, if possible, a high-risk unit. |
Curriculum Quality Leader / Quality Assurance Services |
L. |
Submit the completed application to Course Approval Committee for approval:
TAFE Compliance/Federation TAFE Executive Officer |
Refer to Section J: Exceptions to the ASQA Delegate Status for further information on requirements where qualifications are excluded from ASQA’s Delegate status. |
M. |
Submit the completed application to the University Curriculum Committee for approval:
Schedule of proposed Qualification resource and assessment development. |
TAFE Compliance/ Federation TAFE Executive Officer |
Note: Approved programs will be forwarded to Academic Board and Council for addition to Current Award Courses Technical and Further Education Note: All VET Qualifications delivered at Federation University must meet the minimum hours outlined in the Purchasing Guide or be within a 5% tolerable threshold. Any Qualifications presented to Curriculum Committee under the 5% threshold will require a business case stating the reason/s for variance in hours supported by current statements (within the preceding 6 months) from Industry in support of the specific electives selected. |
N. | Curriculum Committee to consider application | Curriculum Committee |
O. |
Curriculum Committee Academic Secretariat Mailbox to notify:
if application is approved. |
Executive Officer, Curriculum Committee Academic Secretariat Mailbox |
P. |
DVC (VET) to sign:
Quality Assurance Services / DVC(VET) |
Q. | Quality Assurance Services to process applications for additions to Scope through ASQANet. | Quality Assurance Services |
R. | The signed Delegate Report Authorisation Form to be submitted to ASQA. | Quality Assurance Services |
*Refer to Section J: Exceptions to the ASQA Delegate Status for further information on requirements where qualifications are excluded from ASQA’s Delegate status. |
S. | ASQA to notify University of extension to Scope. | Quality Assurance Services |
T. | Undertake qualification implementation processes | Program Manager / Delegate |
U. | Update Student Management System | Student and Registrar Services |
V. | Update Current Award Courses Technical and Further Education | Student and Registrar Services |
W. | Add additional units to program | Program Manager |
X. | Update Student Management System | Students and Registrar Services |
A single unit of competency can be added to the Scope when a Statement of Attainment would be issued after the successful completion of the unit.
A single unit does not have to be added to the Scope it if is:
- included in a qualification that is already on the scope. By default the University is approved to deliver all units in all qualifications on its Scope.
- to be 'imported' from another Training package and it satisfies the packaging rules for importation of units.
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Identify unit. | Head of Centre or Program Manager Director |
B. | Access unit from training package or curriculum document to determine capacity to deliver. | Head of Centre or Program Manager Director |
C. | Ensure prerequisites and co-requisites can be met. | Head of Centre or Program Manager |
D. |
Complete the forms below and submit to Course Approval Committee (CAC) for approval:
Head of Centre or Program Manager |
E. |
Submit the completed application documentation to Quality Assurance Services for review prior to submission to the Curriculum Committee for approval:
Curriculum Quality Leader/CAC Executive Officer / Quality Assurance Services |
F. |
Submit the completed application to the Curriculum Committee for approval:
CAC Executive Officer |
G. | The Curriculum Committee to consider application. | Curriculum Committee |
H. |
DVC(VET) to sign:
Quality Assurance Services / DVC(VET) |
I. | Quality Assurance Services to process applications for additions to Scope through ASQANet. | Quality Assurance Services |
J. | The signed Delegate Report Authorisation Form to be submitted to ASQA. | Quality Assurance Services |
K. | ASQA to notify University of extension to Scope. | Quality Assurance Services |
L. | Update VET Unit / Course Register. | Students and Registrar Services |
M. | Update Student Management System | Students and Registrar Services |
This section applies when an existing qualification on Scope has been superseded by a new qualification which is deemed equivalent to the existing qualification.
If the training package information indicates that a new qualification is non-equivalent to the superseded version, then the Department will need to follow the steps as set out in this procedure under Section D: Transition Arrangements for Non – Equivalent Superseded Qualifications.
Information on how to enrol continuing students in a superseded qualification refer to the VET Enrolment Procedure.
ASQA will automatically add new equivalent qualifications to the University’s Scope of Registration. New qualifications will not be available for enrolments until approval from the Curriculum Committee is received and the qualification has been added to the Student Management System.
The transition period for superseded / expired qualifications must not exceed 12 months without formal written ASQA approval.
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Identify the qualification to be transitioned on the Scope of Registration. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
B. | Quality Assurance Services will notify Departments when ASQA has added new versions of equivalent superseded qualifications to the University’s Scope of Registration. | Quality Assurance Services |
C. | Obtain current Training Package Purchasing Guide or curriculum documentation. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
D. | If a qualification that has been automatically added to the University’s Scope by ASQA is deemed to be not required, the process to have it removed should commence. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
E. | Commencing Enrolments | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
F. | Continuing Enrolments | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
G. | Transition / Teach-out of Continuing Students. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
H. |
Complete the documents below:
Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
Note: All VET Qualifications delivered at Federation University must meet the minimum hours outlined in the Purchasing Guide or be within a 5% tolerable threshold. Any Qualifications presented to Curriculum Committee under the 5% threshold will require a business case stating the reason/s for variance in hours supported by current statements (within the preceding 6 months) from Industry in support of the specific electives selected. |
I. |
Submit the documents below to Course Approval Committee (CAC) for approval:
Curriculum Quality Leader/Program Manager |
J. |
Submit the completed application documentation to Quality Assurance Services for review prior to submission to the Curriculum Committee for approval:
TAFE Compliance/Federation CAC Executive Officer / Quality Assurance Services |
K. |
Submit the completed application to Curriculum Committee for approval:
Federation CAC Executive Officer |
Note: Approved programs will be forwarded to Academic Board and Council for addition to Award Courses Technical and Further Education. |
L. | The Curriculum Committee to consider application. | Curriculum Committee |
M. | Undertake qualification implementation processes. | Program Manager |
N. | Expired Qualifications. | Quality Assurance Services / Students and Registrar Services |
O. | Quality Assurance Services to advise Students and Registrar Services when new qualifications can be added to the Student Management System for enrolments. | Quality Assurance Services |
P. | Update Student Management System | Students and Registrar Services |
Q. | Update Award Courses Technical and Further Education |
Students and Registrar Services |
R. | Add additional units to program | Program Manager |
S. | Update Student Management System | Students and Registrar Services |
This section applies when a qualification has been superseded and the new qualification is deemed non-equivalent. In these circumstances the curriculum needs to be reassessed to ensure it can still be delivered.
The transition period for superseded / expired qualifications must not exceed 12 months without formal written ASQA approval.
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Identify the qualification to be transitioned on the Scope of Registration. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
B. | Ensure the qualification is not already on the Scope. | Head of Centre/Program Manager |
C. | Obtain current Training Package Purchasing Guide or curriculum documentation. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
D. |
Complete the documents below and submit to Federation Course Approval Committee (CAC) for approval:
Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager CAC |
Note: All VET Qualifications delivered at Federation University must meet the minimum hours outlined in the Purchasing Guide or be within a 5% tolerable threshold. Any Qualifications presented to Curriculum Committee under the 5% threshold will require a business case stating the reason/s for variance in hours supported by current statements (within the preceding 6 months) from Industry in support of the specific electives selected. |
E. |
Submit the completed application documentation to Quality Assurance Services for review prior to submission to the Curriculum Committee for approval:
TAFE Compliance, CAC Executive Officer / Quality Assurance Services |
F. |
Submit the completed application to the Curriculum Committee for approval:
Federation CAC Executive Officer |
Note: Approved programs will be forwarded to Academic Board and Council for addition to Award Courses Technical and Further Education. |
G. | The Curriculum Committee to consider application. | Curriculum Committee |
H. | Executive Officer, Curriculum Committee to notify Quality Assurance Services of approval. | Executive Officer Curriculum Committee |
I. |
DVC(VET) to sign:
Quality Assurance Services / DVC(VET) |
J. | Quality Assurance Services to process applications for additions to Scope through ASQANet. | Quality Assurance Services |
K. | The signed Delegate Report Authorisation Form to be submitted to ASQA. | Quality Assurance Services |
L. | ASQA to notify University of extension to Scope. | Quality Assurance Services |
M. | Undertake qualification implementation processes | Program Manager |
N. | Expired Qualifications. | Quality Assurance Services / Students and Registrar Services |
O. | Quality Assurance Services to advise Students and Registrar Services when new qualifications can be added to the Student Management System for enrolments. | Quality Assurance Services |
P. | Update Student Management System | Students and Registrar Services |
Q. | Update Award Courses Technical and Further Education | Students and Registrar Services |
R. | Add additional units to program | Program Manager |
S. | Update Student Management System | Students and Registrar Services |
T. | Commencing Enrolments. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
U. | Continuing Enrolments. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
V. | Transition / Teach-out of Continuing Students. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
ASQA will not automatically amend an RTO's Scope of Registration in response to changes to qualifications. The exceptions are:
- Superseded qualifications are automatically removed after the 12 month transition period from the University’s Scope of Registration unless the transition period is extended by ASQA.
- New equivalent qualifications are automatically added to the University’s Scope of Registration.
Use this section to remove current qualifications / units of competency Federation TAFE / the Department no longer intends to deliver.
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. |
Identify the qualification or unit to be removed from the Scope and complete the appropriate Removal from Scope memo as follows:
Program Manager |
B. | Complete qualification / unit administration processes to cease delivery. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
C. |
Submit the forms below to CAC for approval:
Program Manager |
D. |
Submit the completed application to the Curriculum Committee for approval:
TAFE Compliance |
Note: Approved will be forwarded to Academic Board and Council for removal from Award Courses Technical and Further Education and addition to Non-Current Award Courses Technical and Further Education. |
E. | Curriculum Committee to consider application. | Curriculum Committee |
F. |
Curriculum Committee Academic Secretariat Mailbox to notify:
if application is approved. |
Executive Officer, Curriculum Committee Academic Secretariat Mailbox |
G. |
DVC(VET) to sign:
Quality Assurance Services / DVC(VET) |
H. | Quality Assurance Services to process applications for deletions to Scope through ASQANet. | Quality Assurance Services |
I. | The signed Delegate Report Authorisation Form to be submitted to ASQA. | Quality Assurance Services |
J. | ASQA to notify University of amendment to Scope. | Quality Assurance Services |
K. | Update Award Courses Technical and Further Education | Students and Registrar Services |
L. | Update Student Management System | Students and Registrar Services |
The University can deliver a qualification / unit in other states and territories in Australia and overseas if it is on its Scope. The University must notify ASQA within a reasonable time frame of commencing delivery or assessment outside of Victoria.
This procedure outlines the process for informing ASQA of delivery outside of Victoria, it does not detail University processes for ensuring compliance with the NVR Standards for RTOs or ESOS.
The below process is not to used for Third Party Arrangements, refer to the Third Party Delivery of VET Training and Assessment Procedure for the requirements for Third Party delivery.
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Check qualification / unit is on Scope and determine capacity to deliver qualification / unit interstate or overseas. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
B. |
Complete and forward the following form to the DVC(VET) to endorse:
DVC(VET) / Program Manager |
C. |
Submit the form below to Federation Course Approval Committee for approval:
Program Manager |
D. |
Submit the following to the Curriculum Committee for approval:
Federation Course Approval Committee Executive Officer |
E. |
Submit the following to DVC(VET) for approval and signing:
Quality Assurance Services |
F. |
Forward approved documents to Quality Assurance Services for processing with ASQA:
G. | Quality Assurance Services to process applications for amendments to Scope through ASQANet. | Quality Assurance Services |
H. | ASQA to notify University of amendment to Scope. | Quality Assurance Services |
I. | Update Student Management System | Registrar Services |
The University must inform ASQA within a reasonable time frame of ceasing delivery or assessment outside of Victoria.
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Determine the qualification / unit that is no longer being delivered or assessed outside of Victoria. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
B. |
Complete the following and indicate on the form the delivery locations that are to be removed for the qualification / unit:
Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
C. |
Submit the following to the DVC(VET) for approval and signing:
Director, Skills and Education Delivery |
D. |
Forward approved documents to Quality Assurance Services for processing with ASQA:
E. | Quality Assurance Services to process applications for amendments to Scope through ASQANet. | Quality Assurance Services |
F. | ASQA to notify University of amendment to Scope. | Quality Assurance Services |
G. | Update Student Management System | Registrar Services |
Faculties should continually monitor and review all qualifications on the Scope.
To assist with this, Quality Assurance Services provides a regular status update on the University’s Scope of Registration.
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Scope of Registration Status Report, available through the University’s approved records management system. | Quality Assurance Services |
B. | Recommendations for action by Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Managers. | Federation Course Approval Committee |
C. | Complete paperwork to extend, amend or remove from the Scope. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
The University also has a State Register which is administered by the Victorian Registration & Qualifications Authority VRQA. This State Register provides details of units / qualifications that are authorised by the VRQA for delivery only in Victoria and the campuses that these units / qualifications are registered at.
Currently the only qualifications listed on the VRQA State Register are for VCE-VM as these are state based issued qualifications.
The State Register can be amended similarly to the National Scope of Registration through ASQA. Qualifications can be added or removed by lodging a request with the regulatory body.
All amendments to the State Register need to be submitted using Form B: Amending the Scope of Registration, these amendments include:
- To add new scope items or non-equivalent training package products or accredited course to scope.
- To add equivalent training package products without a standing application to scope.
- To remove items from scope.
Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Vocational Major qualifications are not issued by the University and are not added to Award Courses Technical and Further Education.
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Identify the qualification to be added to the State Register. | Head of Centre or Program Manager |
B. | Obtain current curriculum documentation. | Head of Centre or Program Manager |
C. |
Complete the forms below to determine capacity to deliver qualification:
Head of Centre or Program Manager/Delegate |
D. |
Distribute the following to determine potential impacts on other areas of the University if the qualification is introduced:
Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Progam Manager |
E. | Respond to Qualification Impact Statement. | Relevant Deans / Executive Directors / Directors / Program Managers |
F. | Respond to any identified impacts. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
G. | Qualification is added to the agenda of a schedule Course Approval Committee | Director, Skills and Education Delivery/Program Manager |
H. |
Submit the completed application to Quality Assurance Services for review and endorsement prior to submission to the Course Approval Committee for approval:
Note: these documents must be from two different units within the qualification, one unit should be, if possible, a high-risk unit |
Curriculum Quality Leader/Quality Assurance Services |
I. |
Submit the completed application to Course Approval Committee for approval:
TAFE Compliance/Federation TAFE Executive Officer |
J. | Program area are notified that all approvals have gone through and to commence work on qualification documentation | Head of Centre/ Learner Excellence/Head of Centre/Program Manager |
K. | Curriculum Committee to consider application. | Curriculum Committee |
L. |
Curriculum Committee Academic Secretariat Mailbox to notify:
If application is approved |
Executive Officer, Curriculum Committee Academic Secretariat Mailbox |
M. | DVC(VET) to sign Form B: Amending the Scope of Registration | Quality Assurance Services / DVC(VET) |
N. | Quality Assurance Services to lodge applications for additions to Scope to the VRQA. | Quality Assurance Services |
O. | Upon receipt of Form B and supporting evidence, the VRQA will send out an invoice for the application. | Quality Assurance Services |
P. | Once payment for the application has been received, applications are assessed using a proportional risk-based approach. | Quality Assurance Services |
Q. | VRQA to notify University of extension to Scope. | Quality Assurance Services |
R. | Add additional units to program | Program Manager |
S. | Undertake qualification implementation processes | Program Manager |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. |
Identify the qualification or unit to be removed from the Scope and complete the following:
Head of Centre / Program Manager |
B. |
Distribute to all Program Areas the following to determine potential impacts if the qualification is removed from Scope: |
Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
C. | Respond to Removal from Scope of Registration Impact Statements for All Schools & Centres (VET) | Relevant Deans / Directors / Program Manager |
D. | Respond to any identified impacts. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
E. | Complete qualification / unit administration processes to cease delivery. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
F. |
Submit the required forms below to Course Curriculum Committee for approval:
Program Manager |
G. |
Submit the completed application to Curriculum Committee for approval:
TAFE Compliance | Note: Approved will be forwarded to Academic Board and Council for removal from Award Courses Technical and Further Education and addition to Non-Current Award Courses Technical and Further Education. |
H. | Curriculum Committee to consider application. | Curriculum Committee |
I. |
Curriculum Committee Academic Secretariat Mailbox to notify:
If application is approved |
Executive Officer, Curriculum Committee Academic Secretariat Mailbox |
J. | DVC(VET) to sign Form B: Amending the Scope of Registration | Quality Assurance Services / DVC(VET) |
K. | Quality Assurance Services to lodge applications for deletions to Scope to the VRQA. | Quality Assurance Services |
L. | VRQA to notify University of extension to Scope. | Quality Assurance Services |
M. | Update Student Management System | Registrar Services |
The University has been granted delegate status from ASQA, which allows self-approval of amendments to its Scope of Registration. ASQA must be notified of any additions or deletions using the Delegate Report Authorisation Form.
There are exceptions to the authority the University has in its delegate status which means that there are qualifications that require approval by ASQA prior to being added to its Scope of Registration.
Due to the inherent risk involved with particular qualifications ASQA has removed the delegate status from these qualifications and additional application conditions have been included.
If applying for any qualifications that are not included in the University’s ASQA Delegate authority, Federation TAFE staff should contact Quality Assurance Services to ascertain whether there are any additional application conditions imposed by ASQA prior to submitting any application for addition to Scope. These applications to Scope should be treated as if they are new and non-equivalent, irrespective of whether they are replacing an existing qualification or not.
A Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) must be developed for every qualification that is listed on the University’s Scope of Registration; this includes any units or skill sets that have been registered with ASQA independently to a qualification. A separate TAS is also required for each student cohort.
If at any time following approval of a qualification’s documentation any of the below are amended or modified the TAS must be updated to reflect these alterations:
- the identified cohort or an additional cohort
- the units of competency to be undertaken
- mode of delivery
- the structure of how the qualification will be facilitated
- the assessments to be undertaken to achieve competency (other than assessment content)
- the materials and resources to be used; e.g. Introduction of newequipment requiring purchase or change / update to facilities
The TAS Part A and B must be updated to reflect the modifications to training, assessment and delivery. If the teaching staff have changed from the original submission, the Trainer Skills Matrix should also be updated to include staffing changes.
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Identify the Training and Assessment Strategy that requires reviewing and modifying. | Curriculum Quality Leader / Program Manager |
B. | Relevant amendments to the TAS to be incorporated. | Curriculum Quality Leader / Program Manager |
C. | Amended documentation to be submitted to Course Approval Committee for approval. | Curriculum Quality Leader / Program Manager |
D. | Approved documentation to be loaded into the University’s approved records management system. | TAFE Compliance |
E. | Update Student Management System | Registrar Services |
VET Student Loans are income contingent loans designed to provide financial support to students to undertake quality training for skills that are aligned to workplace needs.
The Commonwealth government currently determines which qualifications are eligible for the Student Loan Scheme and these approved qualifications appear on the VET Student Loans eligible courses list.
It is possible that a student may enrol in a qualification that does not appear on the VET Student Loans eligible courses list and may wish to apply for a VET Student Loan. In this case the University would need to submit an application to have a particular qualification added to the eligible courses list.
Any queries regarding program approval for the VET Student Loan Scheme should be referred to the Manager, Registrar Services.
These programs of study designed to meet the specific training needs of an industry or enterprise which do not meet full vocational outcomes (AQF qualification), and are comprised solely of nationally endorsed units of competency or nationally recognised modules. Such arrangements must be approved by Federation Course Approval Committee and the Curriculum Committee using the 'Federation University VET Programs Registration Form'.
Relevant units must fit within the packaging rules for qualifications that appear on the University's Scope of Registration. Any pre-requisites still must be met as part of any short course consisting of nationally recognised modules / units.
Where this option is adopted the group of units / modules should be marketed as a 'Training Program' e.g. 'Training Program in Header Operations'. These programs should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure currency.
A student who successfully completes this training option will receive a Statement of Attainment for the nationally endorsed units of competency or nationally recognised modules. The designated title for the Training Program may also be included on the Statement of Attainment.
Refer: Federation University VET Training Program Registration Form.
Endorsed units of competency and / or accredited modules can be added to the delivery of courses or Training Package qualifications without seeking accreditation / approval either at the state or local level provided the units are on the University's Scope of Registration. It may be possible to use an existing unit from another qualification; packaging rules should be confirmed to see if they allow a unit to be ‘imported’. If this is the case the unit does not need to be added to the Scope of Registration.
These additions are not a requirement of the qualification and are optional for student enrolment. Approval for this option must be sought from the Director, Skills and Education Delivery, Federation TAFE as there may be funding implications. A Statement of Attainment will be issued for any additional endorsed units of competency and / or accredited modules completed.
Refer to Section One, B: Adding a new Unit of Competency.
Specific clients may require a training program that does not lead to a full vocational outcome (AQF qualification) and where national or state accreditation is not required. Where this training need cannot be met through the delivery of available nationally accredited units / modules, a program can be internally developed and accredited by the Academic Board.
Similarly, the University may have an arrangement with a vendor to deliver programs that are developed, accredited and maintained by the vendor. An example of an arrangement to provide a program that has been designed and maintained by a vendor is the Licenced Electricians Assessment Training.
These programs do not lead to an AQF qualification.
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Consult with enterprise to discuss training needs and develop required program. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
B. | If decision is to proceed with a Vendor Accredited Program, it may be necessary to consult with the Legal Office to arrange a formal agreement for training delivery. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
C. | Either the Non-Award or Vendor Accredited Program Approval Form to be completed and distributed along with Qualification Impact Statements to determine potential impacts on others areas of the University if the qualification is introduced. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
D. | Respond to Non-Award or Vendor Accredited Program Approval Form and the Qualification Impact Statements. | Relevant Deans / Executive Directors / Directors / Program Managers |
E. | Respond to any identified impacts. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
F. | Federation Course Approval Committee to consider application. | Federation Course Approval Committee Executive Officer |
G. | Program delivery must be approved by Course Approval Committee | Federation Course Approval Committee |
H. | Submit the completed application documentation to Quality Assurance Services for review prior to submission to the Curriculum Committee for approval. | Federation Course Approval Committee Executive Officer / Quality Assurance Services |
I. | Curriculum Committee to consider application. | Curriculum Committee Executive Officer |
J. | Program delivery must be approved by the Curriculum Committee. | Executive Officer, Curriculum Committee |
K. | If approved by the Curriculum Committee, Executive Officer Curriculum Committee will notify Registrar Services to update the Non-Award Program / Vendor Accredited Program Register on the website. | Executive Officer, Curriculum Committee / Registrar Services |
L. | Update Student Management System | Registrar Services |
Nationally endorsed skill sets are identified in a training package or accredited program.
Training packages include nationally endorsed skills sets which compliment full AQF qualifications. These skill sets can be developed from one or more training packages and are supported by industry before they are nationally endorsed by the Industry and Skills Council.
If the Training Package containing the required Skills Set is not on Scope, refer to Section One, A. Adding a new qualification.
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Identify if there is a suitable nationally endorsed skill set. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
B. | Ensure skill set units are within qualifications on the University’s Scope of Registration. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
C. |
Complete Nationally Endorsed Skill Set Registration Form. Completed form to be forwarded to Federation Course Approval Committee for approval. |
Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
D. | Submit the completed application documentation to Quality Assurance Services for review prior to submission to the Course Approval Committee for approval. | Federation Course Approval Committee Executive Officer / Quality Assurance Services |
E. | Forward approved form and meeting minutes to Executive Officer – Curriculum Committee. | Executive Officer, Curriculum Committee Academic Secretariat Mailbox |
F. | The Curriculum Committee to approve the skill set. | Curriculum Committee / Registrar Services |
G. | The skill set will be given an approval number which will be used to process unsealed awards. | Registrar Services |
H. | The approved skill set documentation will be placed on the Skill Sets Register on the University website. | Registrar Services |
I. | Update Student Management System | Registrar Services |
J. | Undertake skill set implementation processes. | Program Manager |
Steps for setting up TAFE teaching groups;
It is University preference to use nationally endorsed skill sets. However, if the relevant training package does not provide skill sets, or they do not meet an identified enterprise/organisation need, the Program Area can develop a skill set.
As the wording on the Statement of Attainment will relate to a specific enterprise/organisation and skill set, the registration process below must be followed for each locally developed skill set for each enterprise/organisation.
Activity | Responsibility | Steps | |
A. | Consult with enterprise/organisation to develop skill set for enterprise/organisation need. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
B. | Confirm skill set units and wording on statement of attainment with enterprise/ organisation. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
C. | Ensure skill set units are within qualifications on the University’s Scope of Registration. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
D. | Complete Locally Approved Skill Set Form | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
E. | Forward completed form to Course Approval Committee for approval. | Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Program Manager |
F. | Submit the completed application documentation to Quality Assurance Services for review prior to submission to the Course Approval Committee for approval. | Federation Course Approval Committee Executive Officer / Quality Assurance Services |
G. | The Curriculum Committee to approve the skill set. | Curriculum Committee |
H. | The skill set will be given an approval number which will be used to process unsealed awards. | Registrar Services |
I. | The approved skill set documentation will be placed on the Skill Sets Register on the University website. | Registrar Services |
J. | Update Student Management System | Registrar Services |
K. | Undertake skill set implementation processes. | Program Manager |
Steps for setting up TAFE teaching groups;
The University can only issue awards that are listed on Award Courses Technical and Further Education and Non-Current Award Courses Technical and Further Education. As a result, all award programs listed on the Scope of Registration must go through the process of becoming listed on Award Courses Technical and Further Education.
The University's Schedules cannot be amended to add or remove VET qualifications until ASQA has amended the University's Scope of Registration.
- The Pro Vice-Chancellor, VET and Pathways and Chief Executive, TAFE (as the Approval Authority) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
- The Chair, Curriculum Committee (as the Document Owner) is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by Approval Authority.
- Specific responsibilities are designated throughout the procedure.
- VET Qualification Delivery Procedure
- Vocational Education and Training (VET) Awards Procedure
- CRICOS Registration of Higher Education and VET Programs Procedure
- Records Management Procedure
- VET Enrolment Procedure
- My SC User Guides – Setting Up A Teaching Group
- Federation University VET Training Program Registration Form (DOC 108.5kb)
- Impact statement (DOCX 85.6kb)
- Locally Approved Skill Set Form (DOCX 64.8kb)
- Nationally Approved Skill Set Form (DOCX 64.5kb)
- New Course Approval Executive Summary (DOCX 826.2kb)
- Non award Vendor Accredited Program Approval Form (DOCX 196.3kb)
- Notification of Amendment to Delivery Locations Form (DOCX 231.2kb)
- Qualification Concept & Business Case (VET) Form (DOCX 69.8kb)
- Removal from Scope of Registration (VET) Form (DOCX 173.6kb)
- Removal from Scope of Registration Impact Statements for All Schools & Centres (VET) (DOCX 98.4kb)
- Request for Enrolment in Transitioning Expired Qualification Form (PDF 114.4kb)
Document Title | Location | Responsible Officer | Minimum Retention Period |
ASQA CEO Declaration | The University’s approved records management system | Quality Officer | 2 years from last date of delivery |
Course Viability Analysis (CVA) (VET) Form | The University’s approved records management system | Program Area Administration | 2 years from last date of delivery |
Qualification Impact Statements | The University’s approved records management system | Federation TAFE | 2 years from last date of delivery |
Notification of Amendment to Delivery Locations | The University’s approved records management system | Federation TAFE | 2 years from last date of delivery |
Qualification Concept & Business Case (VET) Form | The University’s approved records management system | Federation TAFE | 2 years from last date of delivery |
Removal from Scope of Registration (VET) Form | The University’s approved records management system | Program Area Administration | 2 years from last date of delivery |
Removal from Scope of Registration Impact Statements for All Schools & Centres (VET) | The University’s approved records management system | Federation TAFE | 2 years from last date of delivery |
Registration Form: Nationally Endorsed skill sets | The University’s approved records management system | Registrar Services | Permanent |
Registration Form: Locally Endorsed skill sets | The University’s approved records management system | Registrar Services | Permanent |
Request for Enrolment in Expired Qualification (VET) Form | The University’s approved records management system | Quality Services | 2 years from last date of delivery |
Trainer Skills Matrix (VET) | The University’s approved records management system | Federation TAFE | 2 years from last date of delivery |
Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) | The University’s approved records management system | Federation TAFE | 2 years from last date of delivery |
VET Internal Program Application | The University’s approved records management system | Registrar Services | Permanent |
This Procedure will be communicated throughout the University community in the form of:
- an Announcement Notice via FedNews website and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the ‘Policies, Procedures and Forms @ the University’ website to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure;
- distribution of e-mails to Head of School / Head of Department / University staff; and/or
- documentation distribution, e.g. posters, brochures
- Notification to Faculties
The VET Program Approval and Maintenance Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:
- an Announcement Notice via FedNews website and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the ‘Policies, Procedures and Forms @ the University’ website to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure;
- Staff induction sessions
- Training sessions