CRICOS Registration of Higher Education and VET Programs Procedure

Policy code: AG878
Policy owner: Manager, International Regulatory Services
Approval authority: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global, Engagement and Quality)
Approval date: 22 October 2024
Next review date: 08 November 2026


To ensure that University Higher Education courses, delivered on-shore and offered to on-shore international students are registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).

To ensure that University VET Programs delivered to international students onshore are registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and programs for Overseas Students (CRICOS) and meet the requirements for registration and for the issuing of a student visa.

The University, its partner providers and education agents must not promote a program to onshore international students unless it is registered on CRICOS.


This procedure applies to all Higher Education and VET programs offered to international students studying on-shore in Australia.

It covers the stages of:

  • Adding new courses for Higher Education to the CRICOS Register.
  • Amending and discontinuing Higher Education courses listed on the CRICOS Register.
  • Review of Higher Education course listings on the CRICOS Register.
  • Adding newTAFE programs to the CRICOS Register.
  • Review of TAFE Programs Listings on the CRICOS Register.


Term Definition
Course A full-time registered course of education or training registered on CRICOS for the attainment of a testamur or certificate.
CRICOS Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Programs for Overseas Students.
International Student A person holding an Australian student visa, enrolled in a CRICOS registered course, at the University or its Partner Providers, onshore. Students on other visa subclasses are not included.
Partner Providers Educational Institution providing programs and programs of the University through an approved Education Agreement.
Program TAFE A full-time registered program of education or training registered on CRICOS for the attainment of a testamur or certificate. Defined as Course in the ESOS Act. Also known as program or qualification at the University.
TEQSA Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Authority. The Commonwealth authority for processing higher education CRICOS applications.
TGA is the national register for training in Australia.

CRICOS Registration for Higher Education Courses

Adding New Courses for Higher Education to the CRICOS Register

1. All courses to be CRICOS registered must be listed on the University's Schedule 5.1 Institute/School

Federation University can apply for CRICOS Registration of a Higher Education HE Course at any time during the course lifecycle. The application must be submitted to TEQSA for approval at least 30 days prior to the time at which those changes are proposed to take effect.

2. Courses for delivery at partner provider locations must be approved by the Global Professional School Board Global Professional School GPS  
3. Executive Dean of Institute/School will approve the Higher Education course - CRICOS Application, Amendment or Discontinuation Form and return the completed form to QAS (International) via ServiceNow. Institute/School

A HE unit that has been approved as an exit unit from an undergraduate unit or a postgraduate HE unit should also be CRICOS registered. Submit Higher Education course - CRICOS Application, Amendment or Discontinuation Form to P&QAS (International) via ServiceNow

The course's tuition fee must be listed on the International Fee Schedule for teaching location. Refer point 4.

Course structure: No more than one third of the course can be delivered online or by distance education. Students must study at least one unit face to face each semester unless it is their final unit in their final semester.

Early submission of documentation is recommended as approval can be a lengthy process.

4. Institute/School/QAS (International) will confirm with the Student Finance Department that the course is listed on the University's international fee schedule for appropriate teaching location. Finance/Institute/School/QAS (International)

A memo requesting additions to the Fee Schedule is to be forwarded to the Manager, Student Finance, listing:

  • course title
  • FedUni course code
  • international tuition fee and
  • teaching locations.

The approval process for proposed international fees involves authorisation by the Provost.

5. CRICOS application is completed and submitted to TEQSA and invoice provided to Institute / School for payment. QAS (International) / Institute / School TEQSA will not process CRICOS applications prior to payment of invoice.
6. TEQSA will assess the application and attach a CRICOS code to the course and record the details on the CRICOS register. TEQSA All CRICOS approved courses for the University can be found on the government CRICOS Register and the University's internal CRICOS register.
7. All relevant parties will be advised of the approved CRICOS registration. QAS (International) Once a CRICOS code has been allocated for the course, the CRICOS code, the University's CRICOS provider code (00103D) and TEQSA Provider Number and Category (PRV12151 - Australian University) should appear on all promotional material generated across the University for the course.

Amend or Discontinue Course Listings on the CRICOS Register

1. Following a course Modification, Institutes/School to complete the CRICOS Higher Education Course – CRICOS Application Amendment or Discontinuation form and return to QAS via ServiceNow. Institute/School
  1. Changes to a registered unit must be submitted to TEQSA at least 30 days prior to the change taking effect. Therefore, details must be updated promptly to ensure that prospective overseas students have up to date and accurate information.
  2. Changes to a unit that require an update of CRICOS details include:
    1. change to unit title
    2. change to unit duration
    3. change in WIL
    4. change to unit fees
    5. change of delivery location for overseas students studying onshore
    6. unit suspension
    7. unit deletion
    8. no longer delivered to international students. (If no longer delivered to International Students, contact International Student Compliance if students are currently enrolled in the course or may have received an offer into the course.
2. QAS (International) review application for amendment/discontinuation and provide feedback to Institute/School QAS (International) For changes to course other than change to fee, complete the Higher Education Course - CRICOS Application, Amendment or Discontinuation Form.
3. Upon completion of review, P&QAS (International) submit course amendments or discontinuations to TEQSA portal QAS (International) All requested course modification documentation to be submitted with application. If the course is to be discontinued, Institutes/Schools to provide detailed teach out arrangements.
4. CRICOS application amendments and discontinuation request assessed by TEQSA. TEQSA  
5. All relevant parties will be advised of the approved amended/discontinued CRICOS registration. QAS (International)  

Annual Review of Higher Education Course Listings on the CRICOS Register

1. Initiate annual review of CRICOS register and forward relevant CRICOS Schedules to each Institute/School seeking amendments QAS (International)

This process commences in November each year

2. Institute/School review and provide advice regarding changes to courses. For changes to courses other than a change to fee e.g. change in title or duration, WIL Requirements, complete the Higher Education Course - CRICOS Application, Amendment or Discontinuation Form Institute/School

If a course is delivered at a partner location and has a title change, an amendment to the Education Agreement must be made before the CRICOS amendment application can be lodged.

Change of fee: Changes to fees is advised by Student Finance following approval process.

3. QAS (International) submit course changes to TEQSA portal and upload CRICOS fee schedule annually via PRISMS    
4. CRICOS application assessed TEQSA. TEQSA  

CRICOS Registration for VET Programs

Adding New Programs to the CRICOS Register

Note: If a program is delivered in conjunction with another provider, one provider only is responsible for CRICOS registration.

1. Ensure required program/s are listed on the University's Scope of Registration. Director, Learner Experience and Excellence.
  • All nationally recognised programs must be listed on the Scope of Registration before applying for CRICOS registration.
  • The process for adding a program to the Scope of Registration is detailed in the VET Program Approval and Maintenance Procedure.
  • The University's current Scope of Registration can be viewed at

2. Identify which of the programs currently listed on the University’s Scope of Registration are to be offered to international students Director, Skills and Education Delivery, Federation TAFE An application for a program to be added to the CRICOS Scope of Registration may trigger an ASQA compliance audit.
3. Comply with registering body timelines. Program Managers, Federation TAFE Applications for a program to be added to the CRICOS register, or any proposed changes to a program registration must be submitted to ASQA at least 30 days prior to the time at which those proposed changes are to take effect.
4. Identify if the desired programs meet the full-time study requirements for CRICOS registration. Program Managers, Federation TAFE

A full-time program for CRICOS registration must have:

  • minimum 20 contact hours per week (as an average for a term/semester) unless specified by an accrediting authority; and
  • the 20 contact hours includes all scheduled program activities that a student must participate in to satisfactorily meet the requirements of the program. These can include program orientation, teaching, supervised study sessions, exhibitions, practical placements and examinations.
  • No more than one-third of the program is to be delivered by online or distance learning
  • In each compulsory study period of the program, international students are studying at least one unit that is not by online or distance learning, unless the student is completing the last unit of their program.
5. Identify program duration. Program Manager, Federation TAFE

The registration of a program on CRICOS must include its expected duration. The registered duration cannot exceed the time required for completing the program on the basis of the normal amount of full-time study (this includes term/semester/holiday breaks).

The expected duration must not include any period of work -based training unless it is a mandatory requirement of the program that is necessary for the student to gain the qualification.

6. Ensure program resourcing meets required criteria Program Manager

To successfully deliver the program all required physical resources must be available to the students, including all education resources, facilities, equipment, learning and library resources and appropriate premises as are needed to successfully complete the program.

Resources also refer to and incorporate all required human resources who will deliver and assess the program. Teaching staff must be suitably qualified and experienced in accordance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOS) 2015 Clauses 1.13 – 1.16.

7. Ensure a process for the monitoring and recording of student program progress has been implemented. Program Manager

A documented policy and process for the monitoring and recording of student program progress is required and must contain:

  • processes for recording program progress
  • details of the intervention strategy to identify, notify and assist students who are at risk of not meeting program progress requirements in sufficient time for those students to achieve satisfactory program progress
  • processes for determining the point at which a student has failed to meet satisfactory program progress.
8. Ensure all programs at Partner Providers have written agreements in place. Director, Skills and Education Delivery; Dean, Global Professional School

VET programs to be delivered at Partner Provider locations must be approved by the Dean, Global Professional School prior to being added to the CRICOS Register.

A written agreement with the Partner Provider Education Agreement as drafted by Legal must be in place prior to a CRICOS application being submitted.

Complete CRICOS Amendment documentation if the new VET program is additional to an existing Partner Provider Education Partner Agreement in consultation with the Manager, Global Professional Services.

9. Identify appropriate fees to be charged for the program. Director, Skills and Education Delivery

For additions to the International Fee Schedule, provide a memo requesting an addition to the International Fee Schedule to the Director, Skills and Education Delivery, Manager, Student Finance TAFE listing the program title, the University program code and/or the National program code and title, the tuition fee and teaching location/s and the Contact hours.

Proposed program fees must be processed through an approval process that involves authorisation by the Vice- Chancellor and the University Council.

10. Identify any Work Based Training. Program Manager, Federation TAFE. If Work based training is a COMPULSORY component of the program, this information must be provided in the Request for a Program to be Registered on CRICOS form.
11. Complete VET Request for CRICOS Registration form, CRICOS timetable summary form and TAS Part D and forward to Manager, International and Strategic Compliance with information listed in Point 9. Program Manager, Federation TAFE.

Contact Manager, International and Strategic Compliance for Request for a VET Program to be Registered on CRICOS form.

The VET Request for CRICOS Registration form must contain the following additional information:

  • marketing material (location specific)
  • program structure
  • annual timetable
  • class sizes
  • trainer/assessor arrangements
  • compulsory work-based training information
12. Apply for CRICOS registration and advise School when program has been successfully registered. QAS (International) Once a CRICOS code has been allocated for the program, the CRICOS code and the provider code should appear on all promotional material generated across the University for the program.

Review of TAFE Program Listings on the CRICOS Register

1. Initiate annual review of CRICOS register. QAS (International)  
2. Review CRICOS register and identify programs to remain listed, programs to be added and programs to be deleted and changes to fees in conjunction with Director, Skills and Education Delivery. QAS (International) / Director, Skills and Education Delivery / Director, Learner Experience and Excellence

Ensure all programs remaining on register are the current training package.

All programs remaining on register continue to meet full-time study requirements.

3. Comply with registering body timelines. Director, Skills and Education Delivery Applications for a program to be added to the CRICOS register, or any proposed changes to a program registration must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the time at which those proposed changes are to take effect.
4. Advise the Manager, International and Strategic Compliance of required changes. Director, Skills and Education Delivery To add new programs refer to Adding New programs to the CRICOS Register of this procedure.
5. Lodge application to ASQA for changes to current TAFE CRICOS registration and advise TAFE program area when program has been successfully registered. QAS (International) The CRICOS code, the University's CRICOS provider code (00103D), RTO Code (4909) and TEQSA Provider Number and Category (PRV1215 - Australian University) should appear on all promotional material generated across the University for the program.


The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Global, Engagement and Quality is responsible for ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions of the CRICOS Registration of VET Programs Procedure.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Global, Engagement and Quality is the Approval Authority and is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.

The Manager, International Regulatory Services as the Document Owner is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure and CRICOS register.

Supporting Documents


Forms/Record Keeping

Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Higher Education Course - CRICOS Application, Amendment or Discontinuation form Manager, International and Strategic Compliance Manager, International and Strategic Compliance 7 years
VET Request for CRICOS Registration Form Manager, International and Strategic Compliance Manager, International and Strategic Compliance 7 years


This Procedure will be implemented using the following strategies:

  1. An Announcement Notice on the FedNews website;
  2. Inclusion in the University's online Policy Library.