Use of Learning and Teaching Technology Procedure

Policy code: OG1955
Policy owner: Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching)
Approval authority: Pro Vice-Chancellor, Learning and Teaching
Approval date: 06 February 2025
Next review date: 14 October 2024


This procedure mandates the use of Federation University-approved learning and teaching technologies.

It is imperative that staff only use University-approved and supported technology. Doing so enables the University to:  

  • Provide teaching staff with clarity regarding which learning and teaching technology to use when developing and delivering courses/units.
  • Provide students with clarity regarding IT requirements and a consistent learning experience across all University courses/units.
  • Provide teaching staff with access to training and technical support when developing and delivering teaching material.
  • Ensure students have the required support and training on the use of learning and teaching technologies
  • Securely store teaching material and reuse/adapt where appropriate.
  • Ensure that it meets regulatory requirements including recording student participation and storing assessments.


This procedure applies to all Federation University and partner provider staff who develop, contribute to and/or use learning content/resources for the delivery of Federation University courses.

This procedure does not apply to Federation University's corporate website content, Library resources nor partner providers’ websites or learning and teaching technology applications.

Legislative Context

  • Australian Skills Quality Authority ASQAStandards for Registered Training Organisations 2015
  • Australian Qualifications Framework AQF
  • Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)
  • Dual sector VET Funding Contract 2021
  • Federation University Act 2010
  • National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
  • The Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021


Definitions relevant to this procedure are contained within both the Learning and Teaching Guidelines and Records Management Procedure.

A further list of definitions specifically relevant to this procedure is included below:

Term Definition
CAI Centre for Academic Innovation
Learning and teaching technology/ies Online technology tools for creating, storing and distributing learning content, facilitating communication and/or providing feedback and assessment
ITS Information Technology Services


1. Using approved learning and teaching technologies

A Using learning and teaching technologies Teaching staff
  1. Staff may only use University-approved learning and teaching technologies.  
  2. These are specified in the Learning and Teaching Technologies Guidance Note along with information on how each technology should be used.
  3. As per the Use of Computing and Communication Facilities Policy, staff may not install or download unauthorised software.

2. Adding learning content into learning and teaching technology platforms

A. Adding original learning content Teaching staff
  1. Use the Learning and Teaching Technologies Guidance Note to determine where to place the learning content according to purpose and format.
  2. All content must also align with library quality standards for supported material and abide by the Staff Code of ConductPolicy and Student Code of Conduct Policy and Student Code of Conduct Procedure.
B. Meeting copyright requirements for non-original learning content Teaching staff
  1. Before adding non-original learning content ,staff must comply with the Copyright and Takedown Procedure.
  2. Once copyright requirements are met, use the Learning and Teaching Technologies Guidance Note to determine where to place the learning content according to purpose and format.

3. Adding large files including multimedia and video files to learning and teaching technology platforms

A. Using large learning resource files including video (more than 10MB) Teaching staff
  1. Consider the student experience and cost to remote students of accessing large learning resources.
  2. Consider options for reducing the file size and seek advice from Centre for Academic Innovation (CAI)/Information Technology Services ITS if required.
  3. Consider whether video is the most appropriate and effective method of delivering learning content.
B. Storing large files and video correctly Teaching staff

4. Managing, archiving and deleting content

A. Managing and archiving content CAI/ITS
  1. Manage and retain records/student assessments/teaching materials in accordance with relevant policy documents as per the Records Management section below.
  2. When no longer required, archive content to the University's approved storage system. 
B. Deleting content CAI/ITS
  1. Periodically review the University's approved learning management system LMS for learning resources that may compromise the stability and integrity of the virtual learning environment (VLE).

Supporting Documents



  • Pro Vice-Chancellor, Learning and Teaching (as the Approval Authority) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
  • Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor, Learning and Teaching (as the Document Owner) is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Approval Authority.


The Use of Learning and Teaching Technology Procedure will be communicated throughout the University community in the form of:

  • An Announcement Notice via FedNews website and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the ‘Policies, Procedures and Forms @ the University’ website to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure.
  • Learning and Teaching Committee
  • Academic Induction Program


The Use of Learning and Teaching Technology Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

Records Management

Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Learning content (excluding assessment material and tasks) University approved Learning Management system LMS CAI/ITS

Higher Education -retain for 12 months after administrative use has concluded

VET - retain for 7 years after administrative use has concluded

Assignments/Submissions University approved LMS CAI/ITS Refer to the VET Assessment Procedure and the Higher Education Assessment Procedure
Assessment tasks University approved LMS CAI/ITS Refer to the VET Assessment Procedure and the Higher Education Assessment Procedure
VET Assessment tools University approved Records Management System CAI/ITS Refer to the VET Assessment Procedure