Revocation of Awards Procedure

Policy code: AG1603
Policy owner: Director, Student Services and Registrar
Approval authority: Chief Learner Experience Officer
Approval date: 01 April 2025
Next review date: 18 October 2026


This procedure provides a framework for the revocation of an award – degree, advanced diploma, diploma, certificate or other award conferred by Federation University Australia or the issuance of an unsealed award or statement, obtained through either fraud or administrative error. It incorporates the actions required for investigating, notifying and recording revocation processes.


This procedure applies to all awards conferred or granted by Federation University Australia or an antecedent or affiliated institution.

Legislative Context

  • Federation University Australia Act 2010
  • Federation University Australia Statute 2021
  • Federation University Australia AcademicRegulations 2023
  • Federation University Australia (Students) Regulations 2023


A list of definitions specifically relevant to this procedure is included below:

Term Definition
Academic Board (AB)

'The objective of the Academic Board is to establish and maintain academic leadership at an institutional level.'

Link to University Statute

Administrative Error Administrative errors are non-fraudulent errors that have occurred in the conferring of a University degree, diploma, certificate or other award. These include but are not limited to incorrect badged stream, incorrect name, or completion date.

A degree, diploma, certificate or other award (sealed or unsealed) conferred or granted by the University or an antecedent institution that has been obtained by a person as a result of fraud or improper means.

Fraud includes but is not limited to:

  1. the use of material in any thesis or work which was knowingly false or fabricated;
  2. appropriating the ideas or work of another person and misrepresenting them as one’s own;
  3. transgression of ethical research practice; and
  4. knowingly misrepresenting previous qualifications, experience, achievement or any other attribute in order to gain entry to a course.
Council The governing authority of Federation University Australia responsible for its direction and superintendence.
Revocation of Award The permanent destruction by the University of a degree, diploma, certificate or other award conferred or granted by Federation University Australia or an antecedent or affiliated institution.
Sealed Awards HE Issued to recognise successful completion of qualifications prescribed in the University’s Statute (Part 8).
Sealed Awards (VET) Issued to recognise successful completion of nationally recognised whole AQF qualifications listed on the University’s Scope of Registration and the University's Statute (Part 8).
Unsealed Awards (VET) Includes all certificates which do not require the University seal, and are signed by an Executive Director, and where assessment has been undertaken, signed by the Chair, Academic Board.  (Refer to Schedule of Certificates).
Shorter Form Credentials Includes other types of credentials such as short courses and micro-credentials for which completion is recognised with a certificate of completion/attainment.


Revoking Sealed and Unsealed Awards - granted where conditions for admission to the award have not been fulfilled.


Investigating revocation of a sealed or unsealed degree, advanced diploma, diploma, certificate or other award if:

  1. the University is made aware that it may have been conferred or granted to a person because of fraud or improper means
  2. the University is made aware that it may have been conferred or granted to a person who had not fulfilled the conditions prescribed for admission to the award
  3. Graduation Office will provide details to the Executive Dean of Institute or Chief Executive TAFE for investigation
Executive Dean of Institute, Chief Executive TAFE (or delegate)
  1. Notify Graduation Coordinator of potential investigation so a hold can be put on transcript/graduation documents
  2. Undertake initial investigation of circumstance surrounding the issuing of the award in consultation with the Graduation Coordinator if necessary
  3. Advise Graduations Coordinator of result of investigation.
B. Verifying details Graduation Coordinator
  1. Ensure the following details are correct:
    • Student name
    • Student number
    • Unit/course name
    • Unit/course code
    • Conferral date
    • Completion date
    • Award number
    • Council List ID
  2. Confirm if the award has been issued/collected/student invited to graduate
  3. Add appropriate agency debt/negative service indicator to the student's details within the University’s approvedStudent Management System to prevent the student from obtaining an academic transcript during the investigation period NOTE: if a transcript is requested during this time, seek advice from the Vice-Chancellor's office
  4. Attach documentation to a Revocation of Award memorandum summarising details of the revocation request
  5. Return Memorandum to Executive Dean of Institute or Chief Executive TAFE (or delegate) to support their notification to the Vice-Chancellor
C. Notify the Vice-Chancellor Executive Dean of Institute or Chief Executive TAFE (or delegate) Send prepared Memorandum to Vice Chancellor in support of notification.
D. Making an initial determination Vice-Chancellor
  1. Determine if a prima facie case exists for revoking a person’s award, based on the evidence provided in the recommendation.
  2. Refer the matter with supporting evidence provided by the Institute to the Chair, Academic Board via for investigation/examination if revocation is required.
E. Determining circumstance of issuing of the award Chair, Academic Board
  1. Determine if the degree, diploma, certificate or other award was obtained by a person as a result of fraud or improper means; OR
  2. If the award has been conferred or granted to a person who has not fulfilled the conditions prescribed for admission to the award.
F. Notifying of proposed revocation Chair, Academic Board
  1. Notify the student of the impending investigation and possible revocation of award. In the case of possible fraud, provide the student with an opportunity to respond to the claim within 20 University working days and refer them to the StudentAppeal Process, if required.
  2. NOTE: do not contact the student if they have never been notified that they have qualified for the award.
G. Reporting to Council Executive Officer, Academic Board
  1. Compile a summary report on the investigation, findings and recommendation of the Chair, Academic Board to refer to Council for consideration.
H. Notifying outcome Council Secretary or delegate
  1. Notify Chair, Academic Board of Council resolution and their authorisation to request return of the Testamur to the Graduations Office if the decision is for revocation. The Chair, Academic Board to notify the student of the outcome in writing.
  2. NOTE: do not contact the student if they have never been notified that they have qualified for the award.
  3. Notify University Registrar of Council's decision.
  4. Notify Senior Manager, Registrar Services of Council's decision.
  5. Notify relevant Institute of Council's decision and action taken.
  6. Attach a copy of the relevant extract of Council minutes to documentation and forward to Graduations Coordinator.
I. Assisting the student Executive Dean of Institute or Chief Executive TAFE (or delegate)
  1. Endeavour to assist the student to complete the award in a timely fashion when Council revokes an award.
J. Updating Award Records

Graduation Coordinator

  1. Ensure student's graduation details are removed from
    • Graduation Program
    • Council List
    • Academic Award Register
K. Updating systems

Graduation Coordinator

  1. Update the University’s approved Student Management System if revocation is approved, adding comments such as: ‘Extract of Council minutes dated … confirming revocation of award of …for student ID no … received by Graduation Office.
  2. Revoke the electronic copy of the award in the MyeQuals system if revocation is approved.
  3. Follow up with the student to return the original testamur to the Graduation Office
  4. Note the date the testamur was returned, in the Student Management System
  5. Remove the negative service indicator from the student's record
L. Destroying the original physical testamur Graduations Coordinator
  1. Destroy the original physical testamur, on its receipt, in the following manner: shred and place the shredded contents in a university supplied locked confidential waste destruction bin in accordance with the University's approved records disposal process.

Revoking Sealed and Unsealed Awards - Administrative error

A. Once the University becomes aware that an award may have been issued due to an administrative error, verifying details Graduation Coordinator
  1. Ensure the following details are correct:
    1. Student name
    2. Student number
    3. Unit/course name
    4. Unit/course code
    5. Conferral date
    6. Completion date
    7. Award number
    8. Council List ID
  2. Confirm if the award has been issued/collected/student invited to graduate
  3. Add appropriate agency debt/negative service indicator to the student's details within the University’s approvedStudent Management System to prevent the student from obtaining an academic transcript during the investigation period.
  4. NOTE: if a transcript is requested during this time, seek advice from the Senior Manager, Registrar Services.
  5. Attach documentation to a Revocation of Award memorandum summarising details of the revocation request.
B. Request University Registrar endorsement Graduation Coordinator and University Registrar

If a testamur must be revoked and reissued due to an administrative error unrelated to volume of learning such as an incorrect badged stream, incorrect name, or completion date the following actions will apply.

  1. Provide Memorandum to University Registrar for endorsement
  2. University Registrar forwards endorsed recommendation to Executive Dean of Institute (or delegate) for information and to the Chair Academic Board via for approval.
C. Advise of determination Chair Academic Board
  1. Chair Academic Board to provide signed form to Graduation Coordinator confirming the authorised outcome of the request.
D. Updating systems Graduation Coordinator
  1. Update the University’s approved Student Management System as required to rectify the administrative error.
  2. Revoke the electronic copy of the award in the My eQuals system if revocation is approved.
  3. Follow up with the student to return the original testamur to the Graduation Office, if required.
  4. Note the date the testamur was returned, in the Student Management System.
  5. Remove the negative service indicator from the student's record.
E. Destroying the original physical testamur Graduations Coordinator Destroy the original physical testamur, on its receipt, in the following manner: shred and place the shredded contents in a university supplied locked confidential waste destruction bin in accordance with the University's approved records disposal process.
F. Testamur reissue Graduations Coordinator Reissue a corrected Testamur to the student if required.


  • Chief Learner Experience Officer, as the Approval Authority, is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
  • Director, Student Services and Registrar, as the Document Owner, is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Approval Authority.
  • Senior Manager, Registrar Services is responsible for the administration support for the maintenance of this Procedure as directed by the Director, Student Services and Registrar.


The Revocation of Awards Procedure will be communicated throughout the University via:

  • A FedNews announcement and on the 'Recently Approved Documents'page on the University's Policy Central website.
  • Academic Board meetings
  • Institute meetings


The Revocation of Awards Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  • A FedNews announcement and on the 'Recently Approved Documents'page on the University's Policy Central website;
  • inclusion on the University's online Policy Library; and/or
  • distribution of e-mails to Executive Deans/Executive Directors and other relevant University staff.

Records Management

Document Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Written notification and evidence re proposed revocation of sealed award Vice-Chancellor’s Office Executive Officer Retain until organisational use has concluded
Report on investigation findings and recommendation Council minutes Executive Officer, Council Permanent
Written notification and evidence re proposed revocation of unsealed award Institute Executive Director Retain until organisational use has concluded
Report on investigation findings and recommendation University’s approved records management system Executive Officer, Academic Board Retain until organisational use has concluded
Awards Register Graduation Office Senior Manager, Registrar Services Permanent