Higher Education Academic Credit Transfer Procedure

Policy code: AG2031
Policy owner: Director, Student Services and Registrar
Approval authority: Chief Learner Experience Officer
Approval date: 02 July 2024
Next review date: 29 September 2025


This procedure supports Federation University Australia’s Application to Enrolment Guidelines. It mandates the processes the University will use to:

  • Assess and grantcredit towards awardcourses on the basis of formal learning through credit transfer.
  • Rescind credit previously granted.



This procedure applies to higher education students who seek to apply for credit in undergraduate and postgraduate (coursework)  courses at Federation University. This procedure is for recognition of formal prior coursework learning. This procedure should be read in conjunction with the Program Credit Application for International Students Procedure for international student credit applications.

This procedure applies to credit arrangements made on the basis of:

  • Formal credit agreements within Federation University
  • Formal credit agreements between Federation University and other tertiary institutions
  • Formal agreements between Federation University and industry partners; and
  • Credit granted by Federation University in response to applications from individual students

This procedure does not apply to students seeking credit transfer for higher degrees by research (refer HDR Candidate Selection Policy); nor VET students (refer LT1300 VET Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer Assessment Policy). It does not apply to applications for shorter form credentials, or Workplace Recognition of Prior Learning relating to HE courses, (refer HE Recognition of Prior Learning Procedure). Recognition of prior learning in the workplace may be considered for entry requirements into some courses.

It does not apply to students for whom credit is automatically granted on entry to a course as approved in the course rules.

  1. AQF Pathways Policy Principles
    1. Pathways for credit will be available into and between qualifications.
    2. Credit pathways may be horizontal across qualifications with outcomes at the same AQFlevel as well as vertical between qualifications with outcomes at different AQF levels.
    3. Such pathways will be clearly publicised on Course Finder.
    4. Credit is available for units/subjects.
    5. Decisions regarding applications for credit will be fair, transparent and evidence-based.
    6. Credit can facilitate student progress, completion and mobility however, the granting of credit should not negatively impact the integrity of the award or reduce a student’s likelihood of success in the course.
  2. Credit Transfer and Admission
    1. The approval of credit does not guarantee admission to any Federation University course and students are encouraged to apply for credit at the time of application.
  3.  Types of Credit
    1. In order to protect the integrity of awards and assessment, formal credit is only available for a unit/subject as a whole, not parts thereof.
    2. Credit may be given in the form of:
      1. Block credit– granted for whole stages or years of a course, such as semester, year or credit point equivalent.
      2. Specified credit– granted for a unit/subject deemed to be similar to that for which credit is sought.
      3. Unspecified credit – granted in the form of credit points where there is not an equivalent subject.
  4. Eligibility for credit
    1. A student is eligible for credit for learning that is:
      1. Relevant
      2. Equivalent (at least 80%) to current knowledge and/or practices; and
      3. Satisfies the current learning or competency outcomes of the unit/subject
    2. Credit is only available for learning that is deemed current by the credit assessor and will not be granted for study completed more than 10 years before the application for credit is submitted. A shorter time limit for availability of credit may be set by the School and approved by the Higher EducationCurriculum Committee (HECC) in disciplines where knowledge changes more rapidly and may also be shorter in post-graduate qualifications.
    3. Credit is only available towards unit/subjects that meet the requirements of the approved course structure.
    4. Credit is available towards a Federation University award regardless of the location at which the course is taught.
    5. When considering overseas qualifications, the awarding of credit must be guided by the Course Coordinator in the relevant School, who may consult with International Office credits for advice. Credit will be granted at the appropriate AQF level.
    6. Learning will be measured against the learning or skills outcomes of the unit/subjects for which the student has applied for credit
    7. Decisions regarding credit applications will be:
      1. Timely
      2. Evidence-based and transparent
      3. Fair and consistent
      4. Academically defensible
      5. Will take into account the student’s ability to successfully meet the learning outcomes of the qualification
    8. Credit will not be granted if it impinges upon the integrity of the award and requirements of the relevant discipline; and
    9. Students can only seek credit transfer for units/subjects they have successfully completed (credit transfer is not dependent on the grades achieved in the formal study). Credit will not be granted for:
      1. A failed unit/subject
      2. A conceded/School pass or equivalent
      3. Credit awarded towards a previous unit/subject on the basis of credit transfer
      4. Shorter form credentials applications
      5. Workplace recognition of prior learning (RPL)
    10. In the following circumstances students will be eligible for credit transfer on the basis of a unit for which credit has already been granted
      1. Course transfers (internal within Federation University and external from other institutions)
      2. Formal credit agreements
      3. Where a student discontinues a course without completing or graduating and instead enrols into another Federation University course that contains the same units/subjects with the same unit/subject codes as those for which the student has already received credit
      4. Where block credit is awarded on the basis of completed qualification as a whole
    11. Students apply for credit at the same time that they apply for admission to a course.
    12. Students have the right to apply for credit at any stage of their enrolment in a course. However credit applications should be submitted no later than two weeks prior to census date of the study period in which the student would otherwise enrol in the unit for which credit is sought. Submission of a credit application after this date will result in:
      1. the student incurring financial liability for subjects/units enrolled in for which credit is subsequently received and from which the student wishes to drop their subject/unit enrolment, noting that students are liable for all feesassociated with their unit enrolments after the relevant census date.
      2. impacting a student’s study plan/course duration, noting that students are unable to enrol in new subjects/units after Week 2. This may impact on study load and on academic progression, where there are pre-requisite and co-requisite progression requirements. This is particularly important for international students where maintenance of load and visa end date conditions apply.
      3. incurring a withdrawal grade if applied after census date. If a late withdrawal grade is awarded this may affect a student's GPA, eligibility for a Commonwealth Supported Place and HELP loan.
    13. The University may, in some instances, request additional information from the student to supplement that specified on the application form. Failure to supply this additional information within the timeframe requested in writing by the University may adversely impact the progress of the credit application, including, but not limited to, the application being considered to have been submitted later than two weeks prior to census date of the relevant study period and the consequences outlined in xii. may apply.
    14. Once a student is enrolled in a Federation University course, they must obtain prior approval in writing from the relevant Dean (or equivalent) to enrol in units/subjects offered by another institution in order to receive credit towards their Federation University course. In the absence of such approval, credit may be withheld.
  5. Articulation agreements and credit agreements
    1. The University may enter into articulation agreements and credit agreements with other tertiary institutions and with industry partners. Articulation agreements may include agreements to provide students with entry into and/or credit towards a course. To this extent, articulation agreements are considered credit agreements and the provisions of this procedure governing credit agreements apply.
    2. A credit agreement may be made within Federation University. Such agreements are only valid if approved through the relevant Board/Committee and are valid for the period of the contract/agreement and then reviewed.
    3. A credit agreement must include terms establishing the following aspects of the agreement:
      1. The courses and units/subjects between which credit is available
      2. Definitions of student eligibility for credit pursuant to the agreement
      3. The amount of credit and the nature of credit available pursuant to the agreement
    4. A domestic credit agreement may be made between Federation University and another Australian tertiary institution that issues AQF qualifications. Such agreements are only valid if approved by the relevant Board/Committee.
    5. An international credit agreement may be made between Federation University and an overseas tertiary institution. Credit will be offered at the appropriate and equivalent AQF level (as determined by the FedUni endorsed assessor of overseas qualifications). Such agreements are only valid if approved by the relevant Board/Committee, and are in accordance with the articulation agreement with the institutional partner.
    6. When negotiating credit agreements with other organisations, the University will consider whether the following aspects of courses involved in the credit agreement are comparable and equivalent:
      1. The learning outcomes of the qualification
      2. The volume of learning
      3. The AQF level
      4. The course of study and the content of the course
      5. Learning and assessment approaches
    7. All credit agreements with other institutions are valid only for the duration of the contract / agreement and are then reviewed to ensure the ongoing alignment of curriculum/learning outcomes; or state the process whereby the institution will notify Federation University of changes to courses/units/subjects for which credit is to be available.
    8. Eligibility for credit towards a course on the basis of an articulation agreement does not guarantee entry into the course.
    9. Students entering a Federation University course on the basis of an articulation agreement may be required to complete prerequisite unit/subjects where their enrolment in the previous course has not included content equivalent to these prerequisite units/subjects.
  6. Register of Credit Agreements and Credit Granted
    1. The University will maintain an up-to-date public register of valid credit agreements. Information is added when new agreements are approved by the relevant Board/Committee and removed when they expire.
    2. The University will maintain a public register of credit granted, which is the credit precedence system. Information is entered and updated into the credit precedence system after each HECC meeting.
  7. Restrictions on Credit Transfer
    1. In order to preserve the integrity of the University’s awards, learning outcomes and graduateattributes, no student shall be exempted from passing assessments from more than two-thirds of the course, but must achieve a minimum number of credit points in their course through study in the course.
    2. These requirements do not apply where a Federation University student:
      1. Transfers internally to another Federation University course without completing or graduating from the original course.
      2. Is part of a cohort of students transferred into a new course through a course transfer.
      3. Is re-admitted to a course or closely related course following a lapsed enrolment.
    3. The University may deny credit towards the final units/subjects in a course where these units/subjects are considered to be the culmination of the course and are essential to the student’s achievements of the award capabilities or learning outcomes.
    4. Requests to rescind credit will not be accepted after the commencement of the last semester of enrolment. Requests for the rescission of credit should be identified as early as possible to allow time for review, approval and adjustments to study planning and should be received prior to the end of the first semester of enrolment.  Rescission will only be approved for legitimate academic reasons such as, but not limited to, the following:
      1. The unit(s)/subject(s) are no longer required to meet course/accreditation requirements.
      2. The granting of credit will impact on the student’s ability to complete core course requirements.
      3. The student’s study plans have changed.
  8. Student Responsibilities
    1. Students are responsible for understanding the implications that the granting of credit will have on their visa and/or professional accreditation.
  9. Impact of credit upon grade point average
    1. A student’s grade point average (GPA) is calculated by results specific to the Federation University course enrolled in, and accordingly credits granted from other institutions and/or other Federation University courses, are not included in the GPA calculation.
  10. Appeal and Review
    1. A student may appeal a credit decision according to the process and grounds set out in the Student Appeal Procedure.
  11. Maintaining Quality of Credit Assessments and Agreements
    1. Credit assessments (including precedents), articulation, credit transfer and block credit transfer arrangements will be reported by School Boards to the HECC. Where a partner institution in a block credit transfer arrangement, or an award for which articulation, credit transfer or block credit is given, changes the curriculum substantially, the block credit transfer arrangement will be reviewed as soon as is practicable. At the latest, it will be reviewed within three months by at least one other academic within the discipline responsible for the unit or a cognate area. School Boards will annually review these arrangements and report any variations to HECC.
    2. Academic judgment is required for assessing credit. Credit assessments are reviewed and assessed by Course Coordinators to preserve the integrity of the courses and meet legislative requirements relating to learning outcomes.
  12. Oversight and Investigation
    1. Credit transfer matters requiring investigation relating to this suite of documents should be referred to the Chair, Academic Board.

Legislative Context

  • Federation UniversityAct 2010
  • Federation University Statute 2021
    • Part 5 - Division 1 - Academic Board
    • Part 6 - StudentAdmission, Conduct and Exclusion
    • Part 8 - Awards, Titles and Honorary Degrees
    • Federation University Australia Academic Regulations
    • Federation University Australia (Students) Regulations
  • Australian Qualifications Framework AQF
  • Tertiary Education Quality StandardsAgency (TEQSA) Threshold Standards 2021


A complete list of definitions relevant to this procedure is contained within the Application to Enrolment Guidelines


1. Applying for Credit

A Understanding the implications of credit transfer Student
  1. Prior to applying for credit transfer, students should be aware that credit approval may:
  • affect professional accreditation and seek appropriate advice from the accreditation body.
  • result in a shorter course duration.
  1. International students should be aware this may affect their visa conditions as the Universitywill be required to inform Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) of a revised course end date.
  2. Students should be aware that they may incur financial liability for units they are enrolled in for which credit is subsequently received if their credit application is submitted later than two weeks prior to census date of the relevant study period. Students may also be given a withdrawn grade which may affect their GPA, eligibility for a Commonwealth Supported Place and HELP loans. Credit applications submitted after this date may also impact a student's study plan/course duration.
B Submitting Higher Education Credit Application Form Student
  1. Students are encouraged to apply for credit at the same time that they apply for admission to a course.
  2. International students who apply for credit after commencing their courses may have visa implications.
  3. Students should submit their credit application (including all documentation specified on the application form) no later than two weeks prior to census date of the study period in which they would otherwise enrol in the unit for which credit is sought. Submission of a credit application after this date will result in:.
    1. incurring financial liability for subjects/units enrolled in for which credit is subsequently received and from which the student wishes to drop their subject/unit enrolment, noting that students are liable for all feesassociated with their unit enrolments after the relevant census date.
    2. impacting a student’s study plan/course duration, noting that students are unable to enrol in new subjects/units after Week 2. This may impact on study load and on academic progression, where there are pre-requisite and co-requisite progression requirements. This is particularly important for international students where maintenance of load and visa end date conditions apply.
    3. incurring a withdrawn grade if applied after census date. If a late withdrawal grade is awarded this may affect a student's GPA, eligibility for a Commonwealth Supported Place and HELP loan.
  4. Complete a Higher Education Credit Application Form available online.
  5. Students may seek informal advice from Student Administration (for domestic students), International Admissions (for international on-campus students) and Global Professional School (for international partner students) regarding the likelihood of being granted credit based on documented previous precedents. Such advice will be non-binding.
  6. Include all documentation specified on the application form. Where precedents do not exist, the University may, in some instances, request additional information from the student to supplement that specified on the application form such as a unit outline/description. Transcripts and other supporting documentation should be translated into English where appropriate.
  7. The student will be advised in writing of a timeframe within which the additional information needs to be submitted. Failure to supply this additional information within the timeframe requested in writing by the University may adversely impact the progress of the credit application, including, but not limited to, the application being considered to have been submitted later than two weeks prior to census date of the relevant study period and the consequences outlined in 1(B)(3) above failing to be avoided.
  8. Credit applications received no later than two weeks prior to census date of the relevant study period will be assessed and student’s enrolment details adjusted prior to census date. Credit applications received after this date will be assessed, but students should be aware of the potential consequences outlined in 1 (B) (3) above.

2. Assessing and Recording Credit Transfer Applications

A. Assessing Higher Education Credit Application Form

Student Administration for domestic students

International Admissions Officers (for international on-campus students)

Global Professional School (for international partner students)

  1. Determine whether the student has provided sufficient information to assess their eligibility for credit.
  2. Liaise with student if additional information is required to make a credit assessment.
  3. Advise the student in writing of a timeframe within which the additional information needs to be submitted. Failure to supply this additional information within the timeframe requested in writing by the University may adversely impact the progress of the credit application, including, but not limited to, the application being considered to have been submitted later than two weeks prior to census date of the relevant study period and the consequences outlined in 1(B)(3) above failing to be avoided.
  4. Determine whether the credit application meets transfer precedents already approved for the course. If it does, map student’s proposed credits onto their study plan, then proceed to 2 (D.) and then Section 3 Notifying Students and Recording Credit Transfer Decisions.
  5. If not, compile all relevant documents and send to the appropriate Course Coordinator (or nominee) for assessment.
  6. Forward the form for further assessment (usually within 3 University working days).
B. Assessing credit applications where precedents do not exist Course Coordinator (or nominee) for domestic and international students
  1. Make an assessment of the credit application based on the following:
    1. Checking whether it meets the criteria for credit transfer in the scope of this Procedure
    2. Checking the credentials of the provider institution by referencing the appropriate lists provided by TEQSA, training.gov.au and Australian Education International (AEI)
    3. Using the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) to compare the learning outcomes (Knowledge, Skills, Application of knowledge and skills) gained in previous study to those for which credit is being sought, taking into consideration the alignment of the curriculum (knowledge, application and skills) and assessment types for that particular unit/subject. The equivalence must be at least 80% for each unit.
    4. Ensuring the credits awarded can be mapped and fit against the course structure.
  2. Indicate approval/non-approval on the form.
  3. Notify Student Admissions (for domestic students), International Admissions (for international on-campus students) or Global Professional School (for international partner students) of outcome of provisional assessment. This  assessment should be made within 7 University working days.
  4. Where the assessment is particularly complex and this cannot be achieved, the student should be advised of a revised timeframe. Where additional information is required from the student, advise the student in writing of a timeframe within which the additional information needs to be submitted. Failure to supply this additional information within the timeframe requested in writing by the University may adversely impact the progress of the credit application, including, but not limited to, the application being considered to have been submitted later than two weeks prior to census date of the relevant study period and the consequences outlined in 1(B)(3) above failing to be avoided.
C. Approving and documenting new precedents Course Coordinator (or nominee)
  1. Table for ratification at Course Committee.
  2. Provide credit transfer decisions to Registrar Services for recording in an approved, university-endorsed record management system accessible by Student Admissions/International Admissions/Global Professional School staff to allow them to make future credit transfer decisions based on precedence.
  3. Ensure all relevant documentation is filed with copies of any emails.
D Recording credit transfer decisions

Student Admissions (for domestic students

International Admissions Officers (for international on-campus students)

Global Professional School (for international partner students)

  1. Amend student’s record in university-endorsed record management system to reflect the credit granted
  2. Place a copy of the credit outcome on the student’s file.

3. Notifying Students of Credit Transfer Decisions

A. Notifying domestic students credit transfer decisions Student Admissions or Global Professional School (for partner students)
  1. Email student advising whether their credit transfer application is successful/unsuccessful.
  2. Where successful, notification should include an updated study plan showing the requirements fulfilled by the credit and the requirements remaining to be filled for successful course completion.
B. Notifying international students

International Admissions Officers (for international on-campus students)

Global Professional School (for international partner students)

  1. Where credit is granted to international students after their enrolment, contact the student via email or letter, informing them of their credit status, normally before the end of the second week of study. The student is expected to reply within 10 working days authorising acceptance of the credit, however, if no response is received the credit will be granted and only rescinded if legitimate academic reasons are subsequently identified.
  2. Provide new ECOE if required.

4. Appealing Unsuccessful Credit Transfer Decisions

A. Appealing an unsuccessful credit transfer decision Student
  1. As per Student Appeal Procedure, within 7 days of being notified of the decision, appeal to Academic Board in writing addressed to the nominated officer.
B. Considering appeals Academic Board
  1. As per Student Appeal Procedure, appoint an Appeals Committee that, after allowing the person or student an opportunity to be heard or to make a written submission, may:
    1. Dismiss an appeal; or
    2. Make a recommendation regarding granting of credit to the appropriate Dean (or equivalent).

5. Rescinding Credit Previously Granted

A Applying for rescission of credit previously granted Student
  1. Apply in writing to Senior Manager, Registrar Services.
B Assessing rescission request Executive Dean or equivalent
  1. Determine whether to rescind credit based on scope section 7. iv of this procedure. policy
  2. Notify Student Administration of the outcome.
C Notifying student of rescission assessment

Student Administration

Global Professional School (for international partner students)

  1. Endeavour to keep student informed of progress at least every 10 Universityworking days.
  2. Notify student of decision as per the previous section: Notifying Students of Credit Transfer Decisions.
D Recording a rescission Student Administration Global Professional School (for international partner students)
  1. Amend student’s record in university-endorsed record management system to reflect the credit rescinded.
  2. Place a copy of the rescission outcome on the student’s file.

6. Cross-Institutional Credit

A Applying for cross-institutional credit Student
  1. Prior to commencing study at another university in Australia as part of their course students  must complete the Application for Cross Institutional Study (Outbound) form, (see Forms section below), and obtain approval for the requested study.
  2. Students who complete units (subjects) at other institutions without prior approval, may not be eligible for credit.
  3. Students will be notified of the outcome of their application for cross institutional studies in writing. Once approval has been granted, students will be issued with a cross-institutional studies notification, which includes the name of the host institution and the equivalent units being studied.
  4. On successful completion of the units, students must submit transcripts from the host institution for the credits to be applied.

7. Articulations




Responsibility Steps
A Initial business case proposal Proponent
  1. For new articulation agreements, complete Part A of the Articulation Agreement Proposal form.
  2. Submit to Director, Academic Operations and/or Deputy Dean, GPS/GRS for approval (see below).
B Assess initial business case proposal

Director, Academic Operations

Deputy Dean, GPS/GRS

  1. The Director, Academic Operations/Deputy Dean, GPS/GRS will assess and endorse or reject the initial business case proposal for a new articulation agreement into a course(s) owned by their Institute/School.
  2. Proposals to Institutes/GRS involving agreements with offshore or partner providers also require endorsement by the Deputy Dean, GPS.
  3. If endorsed, direct the proposer to liaise with the Manager, Global Professional Services or Senior Manager, Academic Courses and the course coordinator (see C and D below) to complete Parts B and C of the Articulation Agreement Proposal, to be submitted with Part A to Institute/School Board.
  4. If rejected, advise accordingly, including reasons.
C Complete due diligence

Manager, Global Professional Services (for agreements with offshore and partner providers)

Senior Manager, Academic Courses (for domestic providers)

  1. Complete Part B of the Articulation Agreement Proposal form.
D Complete credit mapping

Discipline lead

Course coordinator

  1. Complete Part C of the Articulation Agreement Proposal form.
  2. Mapping to be completed by a suitably qualified academic.
  3. Course coordinator reviews the credit mapping.
E Finalise and submit Articulation Agreement Proposal for endorsement Institute/School
  1. Where the agreement involves multiple disciplines/schools/institutes, the Manager, Global Professional Services or Senior Manager, Academic Courses will collate the articulation agreement proposal for submission.
  2. Submit the completed Articulation Agreement Proposal to Institute/School Board for endorsement. Articulation agreement proposals, including copies of the unit outlines from which the unit mapping was undertaken, should be submitted to the Institute/School Board that owns the course(s), except where the agreement is with an offshore or partner provider, in which case the articulation agreement proposal should be submitted to GPS Board for endorsement and the relevant Institute/School Board for noting.
D Endorse Articulation Agreement Proposal Institute/School Board
  1. Assess and endorse or reject the articulation agreement proposal.
  2. If endorsed, submit the articulation agreement proposal to Curriculum Committee for approval.
  3. If rejected, advise accordingly, including reasons.
E Approve Articulation Agreement Proposal Curriculum Committee
  1. Assess and approve or reject the articulation agreement proposal.
  2. If approved, submit to Academic Board for noting.
  3. If rejected, advise the Institute/School accordingly, including reasons.
F Finalise the articulation agreement contract with the provider

Manager, Global Professional Services/

Senior Manager, Academic Courses


  1. The Manager, Global Professional Services or Senior Manager, Academic Courses will prepare the articulation agreement contract.
  2. The DVC (G&E) or DVCA will sign the articulation agreement contract with the external provider.
  3. Lodge the signed articulation agreement, including the contract and approved articulation agreement proposal, in the relevant contract management system.
G Enter credit mapping into relevant systems Higher Education Enrolment and Progression
  1. Enter the approved credit mapping into relevant study plans in the student management systems.
H Publish the articulation agreement Course Management and Completions
  1. Publish the articulation agreement in relevant registers and websites.
I Apply credit to articulating students Federation University
  1. Where an articulation agreement is in place, the external provider may supply transcripts for a cohort of articulating students, or the articulating student may need to provide a testamur and transcript. Credit will be applied consistent with the agreement arrangement with the external provider.
  2. The student’s record will be amended to reflect the credit granted as per Item 2 (D) of this procedure.
  3. The student will be notified that credit has been applied as per Item 3 of this Procedure.
K Review articulation agreements Institute/School
  1. Prepare an annual report on the articulation agreement for noting by Institute/School Board and Curriculum Committee, detailing how many students have articulated that year and their results in their first semester of enrolment in their Federation University course.
  2. Articulation agreements must be reviewed, and credit mapping updated, when there are changes to the structures of the courses relevant to the agreement (external provider and Federation University).
  3. Articulation agreements should also be reviewed as part of the scheduled course review.


  • Chief Learner Experience Officer, as Approval Authority, is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
  • Director, Student Services and Registrar, as Document Owner, is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Approval Authority.


The Higher Education Academic Credit Transfer Procedure will be communicated throughout the University community in the form of:

  • An Announcement Notice via FedNews website and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page of the ‘Policies, Procedures and Forms to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure.


The Higher Education Academic Credit Transfer Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  • Information Sessions; and/or
  • Training Sessions

Records Management

Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Credit Application and Assessment Student Administration or the University's approved records management system Managers Student Administration/Global Professional School

Destroy 7 years after course completion, withdrawal or deferment

Dispose of hardcopy records as

per disposal process in records management procedure