Higher Education Enrolment Procedure

Policy code: AG1953
Policy owner: Director, Student Services and Registrar
Approval authority: Chief Learner Experience Officer
Approval date: 02 July 2024
Next review date: 06 July 2025


This procedure supports and mandates the implementation of the Federation University Australia’s Application to Enrolment Guidelines. It expands on the provisions outlined in the guidelines as they relate to Higher Education and provides guidance on the implementation and practical application of enrolment requirements.


This procedure applies to admission and enrolment of domestic students in undergraduate and postgraduate coursework, at all locations.

This procedure does not apply to students seeking to apply for higher degrees by research (refer HDR Candidate Procedure); nor International students (refer SS1484 International Admissions Procedure); nor VET students (refer SS1858 VET Enrolment Procedure). 

Legislative Context


A complete list of definitions relevant to this procedure is contained within the Application to Enrolment Guidelines.


1. Enrolling

  Activity Responsibility Steps
A. Determining eligibility Executive Dean/Dean or delegate
  1. A person can enrol in a Higher Educationawardcourse if they have: 
  • Received a formal offer to enrol in the course
  • Not been disqualified from enrolling
  • No outstanding fees or liability preventing them from enrolling
  • If a person identifies as an Aboriginal  and/or Torres Strait Islander person discuss the circumstances with the Aboriginal Education Centre prior to eligibility being excluded based on outstanding fees or liability preventing them from enrolling.
B. Enrolling Applicant
  1. Once an offer has been accepted students are required to enrol through the University’s approved online enrolment system, and commence in a course no later than the end of the second week of teaching.
  2. Students enrolling after second week of the teaching period must submit an Enrolment Amendment request as detailed on the University’s website.
  3. Students must enrol in units for their course by the timely enrolment date published on the Important Dates website to avoid a late enrolment fee.
C. Re-enrolling Student
  1. Students must re-enrol in units for their existing course by the timely enrolment date published on the Important Dates website to avoid a late enrolment fee.
  2. Students who believe they are not required to re-enrol as they have completed their course but have yet to receive official confirmation should contact Student HQ.
  3. Students enrolling after second week of the teaching period must enrol in accordance with processes as detailed on the University's website.
  4. Students will be unable to re-enrol where outstanding fees or liability exist on their student account.
    1. If a person identifies as an Aboriginal  and/or Torres Strait Islander person discuss the circumstances with the Aboriginal Education Centre prior to eligibility being excluded based on outstanding fees or liability preventing them from enrolling.
  5. Students who have not met the pre- requisite requirements to enrol in units will be required to enrol in alternative units.
D. Maintaining current enrolment Student
  1. To have current enrolment status, a student must:
    • Accept an offer of admission to a course
    • Complete Federation University’s
      • enrolment checklist
      • provided a verified Unique Student Identifier (USI)
    • Enrol in a set of units as per the course requirements; and
    • Accept the financial liability as per the Tuition Calculator's invoice.
    • Seek assistance from Student HQ if they experience any issues with the above.
E. Changes to Unit Offerings (inc additions, cancellations & changes in study mode) Institutes/Schools
  1. Institutes/Schools notify Timetabling of change to unit offering.
  2. Timetabling update Unit Offering.
  3. Timetabling confirm Unit Offering update with Institutes/Schools and Student Experience and Administration Services (SEAS).
F. Notifying students of changes to unit offering Institutes/Schools
  1. Timetabling notify Student HQ of approved changes to unit offerings.
  2. Student HQ will notify students of the changes to unit offering and, where possible, provide alternative enrolment options to affected students as required.
  3. Student HQ will amend affected students’ enrolment appropriately.

2. Attending

  Activity Responsibility Steps
A. Attendance Student
  1. All students enrolled in Higher Educationawardcourses are expected to attend all scheduled classes and associated activities including any online components.

3. Making an enrolment variation

  Activity Responsibility Steps
A. Adding units Student/Student HQ/CUP
  1. Studentsenrolled in a Higher Educationawardcourse are permitted to vary their enrolment in a teaching period by adding units, provided such variations are completed no later than the Friday of Week 2 of that teaching period.
  2. Units may be added through the University’s approved online enrolment system, subject to pre- requisite, co-requisite unit and course structure requirements.
B Dropping/Withdrawing from units Student
  1. Units may be dropped through the University’s approved online enrolment system.
Student HQ
  1. Where a student withdraws from a unit on or before the Census Date of a teaching period the enrolment for this unit will be removed from the student’s enrolment record and the student will not incur any academic or financial liability.
  2. Where a student withdraws from a unit after the Census Date the enrolment record for this unit will be retained on the student’s enrolment record and a withdrawal (W) grade will be recorded against this unit. The student will remain liable for the cost of undertaking this unit.
  3. Where a student withdraws from a unit prior to the last day of SWOTVAC for standard terms, a late withdrawal (LW) grade will be recorded on the student’s enrolment. For Spring, Winter and Late Summer terms this is 1 week prior to result publication. Students remain liable for fees and will incur an academic penalty via their GPA.
C Obtaining a refund Student
  1. Please refer to activity A and B in 3. Making an enrolment variation in this procedure for the conditions that apply to the refunding of fees.
  2. Please refer to the Higher Education Domestic Student Refund Procedure for how to apply for a refund.

4.Applying for Leave of Absence/Leave from Study

  Activity Responsibility Steps
A. Making an application for leave of absence/leave from study Student
  1. Complete the online process to apply for leave of absence/leave from study. This is available to Higher Education students at any time prior to the Census date, for a maximum of 12 months, without incurring a penalty.
  2. Studentscan apply for, and be granted, leave from study after the Census Date. Students whose leave is approved after the Census Date will remain liable for the debt incurred for their enrolment in that teaching period.
  3. Students will be withdrawn from all units in the period/s for which leave of absence/ leave from study has been granted.
  4. Leave of Study will be restricted to a maximum period of one year per application. Subsequent applications are permitted to a maximum of two years in total during one course.
  5. For further information on the process for requesting leave from studies, please refer to the Higher Education Deferral or Leave from Studies Procedure.

5. Cancelling an Enrolment

  Activity Responsibility Steps
A. Withdrawing from a course - Student Initiated Student
  1. Students wishing to withdraw from their course of study should do so before the Census Date of the enrolledunits in order to avoid financial and academic penalties.
  2. Students who wish to withdraw from their course of study must do so through the University’s approved online enrolment system.
  3. Students who withdraw from their course of study after the census date of the teaching period, and who meet the criteria for doing so, may seek to have their debt remitted. Details of the remission of debt criteria can be found at https://federation.edu.au/current-students/life-on-campus/services-on-campus/student-hq/remission-of-debt.
  4. Students who withdraw from their course of study forfeit their place in that course.
  5. Students who withdraw from their course, and who wish to be readmitted to that course at a later date, must reapply for entry through the relevant admission and selection processes.
  6. Students who transfer to another provider must formally withdraw from their studies at Federation University Australia.
B. Cancelling by the University Institute/School/Student HQ
  1. Federation University Australia may cancel a student’s enrolment when:
    1. Expelled from the University
    2. Excluded for failing to make satisfactory academic progress
    3. Cancelled by determination of the School or delegate
    4. Cancelled by determination of the Vice Chancellor
  2. Where a student identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person, the Aboriginal Education Centre must be informed prior to the cancellation of the students enrolment.

6. Enrolling concurrently

  Activity Responsibility Steps
A. Enrolling in two or more courses Course Coordinator
  1. A student is permitted to enrol in two or more courses concurrently provided that:
    • All entry requirements have been met
    • Satisfactory academic progress is maintained
    • Approval has been sought from the Course Coordinator for each course being enrolled in.

7. Lapsing Enrolment

  Activity Responsibility Steps
A. Lapsing of enrolment Student HQ
  1. Enrolment will lapse if a student fails to enrol by the prescribed date for enrolment/re-enrolment, without any deferment or approval for leave granted,
  2. Enrolment will lapse if a student fails to return from a period of leave of absence/leave from study.
  3. Students that have allowed enrolment to lapse will be required to apply for re-admission into the course. This does not automatically guarantee re-admission.
    Note: If course rules/structures have changed students may not be credited for all study prior to the lapsed enrolment.


  • Chief Learner Experience Officer, as the Approval Authority, is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure
  • Director, Student Services and Registrar, as Document Owner, is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure.


The Higher Education Enrolment Procedure will be communicated throughout the University community in the form of:

  • An Announcement Notice via FedNews website and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the ‘Policies, Procedures and Forms @ the University’ website to alert the University-wide community of the approved Procedure.


The Higher Education Enrolment Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  • Information Sessions; and/or
  • Training Sessions e.g. Local induction for Professional Staff who undertake or oversee application to enrolment related processes.

Records Management

Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Standard Enrolment Form Student HQ Manager Student HQ Destroy 7 years after course completion, withdrawal or deferment
Student admission and enrolment (including variations/ additions) Student HQ Manager Student HQ Destroy 7 years after course completion, withdrawal or deferment
Leave of absence Student HQ or the University's approved records management system Manager Student HQ Destroy 7 years after course completion, withdrawal or deferment