Induction Procedure

Policy code: PC961
Policy owner: Director, People and Culture
Approval authority: Chief Operating Officer
Approval date: 13 November 2024
Next review date: 21 February 2025


To outline the processes undertaken to induct new staff members; apprentices/trainees and volunteers undertaking duties for the University and existing staff members who are commencing a new appointment in a new School or Portfolio.

Induction is aligned to the strategic goals and priorities of the University. It also supports the University’s Living Values Charter which staff are expected to demonstrate. The five values are comprised of Inclusion, Innovation, Excellence, Empowerment and Collaboration


For definitions, refer to the University’s Induction Policy HR960, Federation University Australia Union Enterprise Agreement 2019–2021, and Federation University Australia TAFE Teaching Staff Agreement 2019.


Staff newly appointed to the University are required to participate in an Induction program to assist them to adjust to their new responsibilities and work environment, and integrate them into the University brand, values, strategic priorities, and benefits.

The Induction program will be conducted over the employee's initial period of employment, with mandatory compliance training requirements to be refreshed annually thereafter.

1. Advice to new employees and supervisors

People and Culture will inform staff of the requirement to participate in Induction programs. Appropriate access and documentation will be provided to the staff member for timely completion.

People and Culture will provide support and advice to Supervisors regarding the importance of the Induction process and staff demonstrating alignment to the University’s five Living Values; Inclusion, Innovation, Excellence, Empowerment and Collaboration

2. Induction program

Staff will normally participate in a Corporate Induction program, a Local Induction program, and an Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Induction program.

All employees are required to be active participants throughout their Induction program including seeking additional information, assistance and clarification where required.

The Induction program will acclimate staff with their position responsibilities and work environment, and integrate them into the University brand, values, strategic priorities, and benefits. At the conclusion of the Induction program, staff should be able to demonstrate a working knowledge of the University’s strategic priorities, alignment to the Living Values Charters, and adherence to the University’s policies, procedures and governance.

Concurrent with induction, continuing and fixed-term staff will participate in a Probation process, followed by the Performance Review and Development Program.

2.1 Corporate Induction

All new staff are required to participate in the University's mandatory online Corporate Induction program within their first month of employment or within a month of enrolment in the program.

Exceptions apply to

  • returning staff who have less than 12-months break in service;
  • Casual and Sessional staff (who are only required to complete the Local and OHS inductions and Academic Induction where appropriate); and
  • Apprentices, Trainees and Volunteers (who are only required to complete the Local and OHS inductions).

The online Corporate Induction program consists of a series of online learning modules addressing our strategic priorities, Living Values Charter, workplace health and safety, fire and emergency management, equity and diversity, and compliance related topics. The total time commitment for this program is approximately two hours.

A number of other recommended learning programs, online or otherwise, may also apply for identified groups of staff. Staff members will be advised of these recommended programs by their Supervisor.

2.2 Local Induction

All staff must participate in a specific work area training, onboarding and orientation program, normally conducted by their Supervisor or on-campus delegate.

This program will cover issues specific to the work area and may vary depending on the location and the staff member's role within the work area and University. The participant should be given an opportunity to ask questions.

Supervisors must complete the Local Induction Checklist (available from People and Culture) to assist with this program and must ensure completion within the first week of commencement.

The completed Local Induction Checklist must be signed by the participant and their supervisor and sent to People and Culture within ten days of commencement.

The Local Induction applies to

  • new staff to the University;
  • staff who have moved to a new work area or campus;
  • Apprentices, Trainees and Volunteers; and
  • Adjunct, Honorary or Visiting appointees who will be based at, or who will work from a Federation University Australia campus.

2.3 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

All staff must be appropriately trained and briefed by their Supervisor on Occupational Health and Safety requirements and any additional specific training for their job before commencing work. For most staff, this means they must participate in an on-campus site-specific OHS Induction on their first day of employment.

The onsite OHS Induction must include all appropriate job specific training that the staff member may require to operate safely. Supervisors are encouraged to contact Health, Safety and Wellbeing for clarification of the training which may be required.

Supervisors must complete the Occupational Health and Safety Checklist (available from People and Culture) to assist with this program and must ensure completion within the first week of commencement.

The completed Occupational Health and Safety Checklist must be signed by the participant and their supervisor and sent to People and Culture within ten days of commencement.

The OHS Induction applies to

  • new staff to the University;
  • staff who have moved to a new work area or taken on a new role;
  • Apprentices, Trainees and Volunteers; and
  • Adjunct, Honorary or Visiting appointees who will be based at, or who will work from a Federation University Australia campus.

2.4 Academic Induction

The Academic Induction Program (Learning and Teaching) is a formalised support for higher education teaching staff new, or returning, to Federation University. All staff, whether sessional, contract or ongoing, are expected to complete this 15-hour blended program within their probation period.

Academic Induction is mandatory for:

  • all new, or returning, university academic as per the Academic Probation Procedure (HR955); and
  • teaching support staff.

Completion is preferable within the first semester of employment.

Centre for Academic Development CAD is responsible for facilitating and administering this program.

2.4.1 Academic Continuing and fixed-term teaching staff Induction

Designed and administered by CAD, a program to ensure that all new continuing and fixed-term teaching staff are provided with the essential inductions and support processes to enable successful undertaking of their teaching role, and engage in quality learning and teaching practices at the University.

A checklist is available from Centre for Academic Development to assist with this program.

2.4.2 Academic Sessional teaching staff Induction

Designed and administered by CAD, a program to ensure that all new sessional teaching staff are provided with the essential inductions and support processes to enable successful undertaking of their teaching role, and engage in quality learning and teaching practices at the University.

A checklist is available from Centre for Academic Development to assist with this program.

2.5 Compliance modules

Staff will be enrolled in various modules in addition to online corporate induction which forms part of the induction process. Staff must complete all compliance modules within a month of enrolment.

3.     Record of Induction

A record must be kept of all Induction training. Completion information will be stored by People and Culture and monitored through the University's annual performance review process.

CAD are responsible for administration and providing reports regarding completion of Academic Induction to People and Culture.

4.     Non-Completion

If the Online Corporate Induction and compliance modules are not completed within their first month of employment or within a month of enrolment in the program, supervisors will be advised and required to ensure completion.

Policy Base

  • Induction Policy.


The Induction Policy will be promulgated throughout the University via:

  1. an Announcement Notice on FedNews on the University website and through the University Policy - ‘Recently Approved Documents’ webpage to alert the University-wide community of the approved Policy; and
  2. inclusion on the University's online Policy Library


The Induction Policy will be implemented throughout the University via:

  1. an Announcement Notice on FedNews on the University website and through the University Policy - ‘Recently Approved Documents’ webpage to alert the University-wide community of the approved Policy; and
  2. inclusion on the University's online Policy Library; and
  3. information sessions advertised on FedNews and available on the Professional Development calendar provided by People and Culture to all recruiting managers and/or delegated approvers.