Completion Within the Expected Duration of Study Procedure

Policy code: AG892
Policy owner: Dean, Quality and Accreditation
Approval authority: Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Global, Engagement and Quality
Approval date: 22 October 2024
Next review date: 11 June 2024


Standard 8 of the ESOS National Code 2018 requires Registered Providers:

  • to monitor the enrolment load of students at all times to ensure they are able to complete the course/qualification within the duration specified on their Confirmation of Enrolment CoE;
  • ensure students do not exceed the allowable portion of online or distance learning;
  • only extend the duration through the issuing of a new CoE in limited circumstances.

This procedure describes how the University meets these requirements.


This Procedure applies to all international students holding a Student Visa as a student of the University. This is irrespective of where the course/qualification is delivered.


Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances

Compassionate or compelling circumstances are generally those beyond the control of the student and which have an impact upon the student’s course/qualification progress or wellbeing. These could include, but are not limited to:

  • Serious illness or injury, where a medical certificate states that the student was unable to attend classes;
  • Bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents;
  • Major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel when this has impacted on the student’s studies; or
  • A traumatic experience which could include but is not limited to:
    • Involvement in, or witnessing of a serious accident;
    • witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime when this has impacted on the student. (Note these cases should be supported by police or psychologists’ reports)
  • Where the registered provider was unable to offer a core, pre-requisite or requisite unit; or
  • Inability to begin studying on the course/qualification commencement date due to delay in receiving a student visa.
Compulsory Study Period A compulsory study period is one in which the student must enrol unless granted a deferment or suspension from enrolment or leave from studies as per the Deferment, Suspension or Cancellation of a Student's Enrolment (ESOS Specific) Procedure. A compulsory study period does not include teaching periods in which the student can elect to undertake additional studies i.e. a summer teaching period is not compulsory unless it is the commencing teaching period of the student's enrolment in the course/qualification.
CoE Confirmation of Enrolment - A document provided electronically which is issued by the University to intending international students and which must accompany their application for a student visa. It confirms the student’s eligibility to enrol in the course/qualification of the University, at a specific teaching location.
Unit / Module Component of a course/qualification of education or training.
Credit Exemption from enrolment in a particular part of a course/qualification as a result of previous study, experience or recognition of a competency currently held. Includes academic credit and recognition of prior learning.
CRICOS The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) is the register prescribed under Division 4  of the ESOS Act.
Cross Institutional Enrolment When a Federation University student studies at another university in Australia for one or more individual units/modules.
Cross Provider Enrolment When a Federation University student studies at another Federation University teaching location for one or more individual units/modules.
Distance Learning Distance learning is any study in which the overseas student undertakes off campus and does not require the overseas student to physically attend regular study on campus. learning differs from online learning in that the study may be undertaken through written correspondence and exchange of hard copy materials.
Expected Duration

For the purposes of Standard 8, the expected duration of a course/qualification is the duration specified on the student's CoE.

The expected duration for overseas students should not differ from length of course/qualification as registered on CRICOS except where course/qualification credit has been approved.

fdlGrades Academic administrative support system.
HE Higher Education. Students studying in a higher education course by coursework or research.
Immigration Department of Home Affairs
Online Learning Online learning is study in which the teacher and overseas student communicate mainly through electronic technologies for the unit. Online learning does not include the provision of online lecturers, tuition or other resources that supplement scheduled classes or contact hours.
Partner Provider Educational institution providing units and courses/qualification of the University through an education agreement.
PRISMS Provider Registration and International Student Management System.
Course Course of education and training for HE. Defined as Course in the ESOS Act.
Qualification Qualification of education and training for VET. Defined as Course in the ESOS Act.
Research Graduate Research School
School School delivering courses/qualifications to international students.
Student International student enrolled in a University course at a University campus or at a Partner Provider.
TAFE Federation TAFE
Teaching Location Where Federation University courses/qualifications are delivered.
Teaching Location, Current Teaching location where a student is currently studying their University course/qualification.
VET Vocational Education and Training


A Monitoring student’s enrolment Student / Student HQ / Partner Provider (PP)/ Research / TAFE

1.     Student is enrolled as per the International Student Offer Letter & Acceptance Agreement and CoE. This establishes the planned study load.

2.     Student enrols in each study period as per their approved study plan.

3.     Student's enrolment will be monitored each semester/teaching period to ensure correct enrolment subject to any decision/action listed in Point 2.

For HE students, a student’s CoE is issued on the basis of a student studying 60 credit points in each compulsory semester/teaching period.

Students must not undertake more than one-third of the total course/qualification through online or distance learning.

Students must be enrolled in at least one unit that is not by distance or online learning in any compulsory semester/teaching period unless it is the student’s final unit.

B Student unable to complete their course/qualification within the expected duration School / Student HQ / PP / Research / TAFE / International Student Compliance / Student

4.     A decision / action has occurred as a result of either of the following but not limited to and affects the student’s ability to complete their course/qualification within the expected duration:

  1. Compassionate or compelling circumstances as listed in definitions;
  2. Monitoring course/qualification progression (Standard 8); or
  3. Deferment, suspension or cancellation of enrolment (Standard 9); or
  4. A unit/module not being able to be offered; or
  5. Student fails units.

Refer to procedures:

Where a unit/module is not being offered at the student’s current teaching location, cross provider enrolment should be considered where applicable to assist the student to complete within the expected duration.

Where a unit/module is not being offered at any University current teaching location, cross institutional enrolment should be considered where applicable to assist the student to complete within the expected duration.

C Review student’s study plan Student HQ / PP / Research / TAFE

5.     Student HQ/PP/Research/TAFE will monitor the study plan for students enrolled at their teaching location.

Review of students’ study plan to be conducted within add unit period to allow student to add to study load timely.

Changes in study load may require an extension to the duration listed on the CoE.

6.     Student HQ/PP/Research/TAFE will advise International Student Compliance if the student will not be able to complete the course/qualification within the duration on their CoE and will record notes relating to this on the student’s file or study plan in fdlGrades.

7.     Students who require an extension to their study plan will be advised to complete the Application for New Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) Form.

Records of notification/form must be kept in the student’s file.

D Applying for new CoE


PP / School / Student HQ / Research / TAFE

8.     Student fills out Application for New Confirmation of Enrolment CoE Form.

9.     Student will ask the Course Coordinator, Academic Coordinator, Student HQ, TAFE or Supervisor to complete Section 5 of form as applicable.

10.  Course Coordinator, Academic Coordinator, Student HQ, TAFE or Supervisor will complete Section 5 listing the reason why the student did not complete the course/qualification within the duration listed on the student’s CoE. Completed form will be sent to International Student Compliance.

E Issuing new CoE International Student Compliance

11.   Where the student has an approved reason for not completing their course/qualification within the duration of their CoE, a new CoE will be issued to the student through PRISMS.

12.   Students who do not have an approved reason for not completion their course/qualification within the duration of their CoE as per Point 2, will not be approved for a new CoE which may prevent them from completing their course/qualification.

13.   Reporting the student (issuing a new CoE) should occur as soon as it is known the student cannot reasonably complete their course/qualification within the expected duration as specified on the student’s CoE.

14.   New CoE is sent to student via email using approved template wording.

F Enrolling in a reduced load Student HQ / PP / Research / TAFE

15.   Students enrolling in a reduced load without prior approval are to be advised to enrol in correct load.

Failure to enrol in correct load after being requested to do so, may result in a refusal of extension to CoE.

Notification to be kept on student's file.

G Reporting early completion to Immigration via PRISMS International Student Compliance 16.   Where a student finishes study early, the University will notify this early completion to Immigration via PRISMS. The Student will be notified of this intention to report early completion.


  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global, Engagement and Quality) (as the Approval Authority) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
  • Dean, Quality and Accreditation (as the Document Owner) is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Approval Authority.
  • Policy Editor/s:
    - Coordinator, International Student Compliance


This procedure will be communicated throughout the University community via :

  1. A FedNews announcement and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the University’s Policy Central website.


This procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  1. A FedNews announcement and on the ‘Recently Approved Documents’ page on the University’s Policy Central website.
  2. Staff induction sessions.
  3. Training sessions.

Records Management

Variation to study load and reasons Student File School / Research / TAFE / PP / International Student Compliance / Student HQ 7 years after date of completion or withdrawal
Applications for new CoE Student File International Student Compliance 7 years after date of completion or withdrawal
Copies / Evidence of notification & communication to student of need for new CoE & reporting to Immigration Student File International Student Compliance / PP 7 years after date of completion or withdrawal