VET Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer Assessment Procedure

Policy code: AG1290
Policy owner: Director of Learner Experience and Excellence
Approval authority: Provost
Approval date: 17 May 2024
Next review date: 16 June 2026


This procedure describes the process for managing all VET Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer applications.

This procedure will ensure compliance with the VET Assessment Procedure, Standards for National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (NVR), Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 and the Australian Qualifications Framework AQF.


This procedure is to be applied to all VET qualifications offered by the University, irrespective of delivery mode or location. This includes programs delivered by partner providers on behalf of the University.

This procedure applies to all students:

  • enrolled in courses (including government funded, fee for service, international, and third party provider delivery) leading to a nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification or statement of attainment; and
  • who seek recognition for skills and knowledge previously gained through experience in the workplace, volunteerwork, social or domestic duties or through formal and informal studies.
  • For RPL, there must be no training provided as part of the RPL assessment.

RPL is an assessment process and must adhere to the requirements of VET assessment: refer to the VET Assessment Procedure.

Assessor Qualification and Competence

Source: Standards for RTO’s 2015.

Assessment is only conducted by persons who meet the following requirements:

  1. Hold TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or its successor or
  2. TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment plus the following units:
    • TAELLN411 (or its successor) or TAELLN401A, and
    • TAEASS502 (or its successor) or TAEASS502A or TAEASS502B or
  3. A diploma or higher levelqualification in adult education.
  4. Hold relevant vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered or assessed;
  5. Meet any specific Training Package / licensing requirements;
  6. Demonstrate current industry skills directly relevant to the training / assessment being provided;
  7. Through professional development activities, continuously develop and improve their:
    • Vocational Education and Training (VET) knowledge and skills that informs their training and assessment
    • Vocational knowledge and skills relating to their relevant industry, and
    • Trainer/Assessor knowledge and skills
  8. Victorian Institute of Teaching VIT Registration – for staff delivering VCE Vocational Major Strand Units;
  9. Hold a current WWCC; and
  10. Staff delivering any qualification from the TAE training package or its successor must hold:
    • TAE5011 – Diploma of Vocational Education and Training or its successor; or
    • TAE50211 – Diploma of Training Design and Development or its successor; or
    • A higher level qualification in adult education.


These definitions apply specifically to VET assessments. They meet the requirements of the National Vocational Education and Training Act 2011, Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 and/or the VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers.

Term Definition
Academic misconduct Conduct that conflicts with the principles of academic honesty and academic integrity and leads to an unfair advantage. Types of academic misconduct include: plagiarism, contract cheating, examination cheating, duplicate submission, fabrication, impersonation, academic fraud, solicitation and promoting the breach of academic, collusion and non-compliance with examination instructions/requirements. Refer: Academic Misconduct Procedure
Applicant in this instance, is a person applying to undertake a recognition process to achieve a qualification or unit/s of competence by accessing the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Process with the intent of being granted AQF certified documentation.
AQF Australian Qualifications Framework.
AQF qualification AQF qualification is the result of an accredited complete program of learning that leads to formal certification that a graduate has achieved learning outcomes as described in the AQF.
Assessment Assessment means the process of collecting evidence and making judgements on whether competency has been achieved, to confirm that an individual can perform to the standard expected in the workplace, as specified in a Training Package or VET accredited program and is conducted in accordance with the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence.
Assessment system Assessment system is a coordinated set of documented policies and procedures (including assessment materials and tools) designed and implemented to ensure that assessment of learners conforms to assessment policy and procedures.
Assessment requirements Assessment requirements are the endorsed components of a Training Package that underpins assessment and sets out the industry's approach to valid, reliable, flexible and fair assessment.
Assessment tools Assessment tools include the following components: the context and conditions of assessment, tasks to be administered to the student, an outline of the evidence to be gathered from the candidate and evidence criteria used to judge the quality of performance (i.e. the assessment decision-making rules). Refer to the Assessment Tool Templates
Assessment Appeals

Assessment Appeals refer to the process whereby a student may appeal within 10 working days of official publication of the final grade on any of the following grounds:

  • The unit outline was not explicit i.e. did not detail how many assessment tasks were required to be undertaken, how students will be assessed, and/or when they will be assessed.
  • The assessor did not fairly and appropriately apply the assessment criteria as specified in the unit outline.
  • The assessor did not conduct assessment tasks as described in the unit outline.

Further information refer to Statute 5.3

Assessor: A qualified assessor is a person who has the competencies required under the Standards for RTOs and relevant Training Package or Curriculum Qualification who assess a learner's competence.

Cheating is the intention to gain an unfair advantage in the assessment of a unit. This may include (but is not limited to):

  • fabrication of data and/or results
  • colluding with others
  • allowing another person to complete an assessment on behalf of a student
  • accessing an advanced copy of a test paper
  • copying from others in an assessment
  • bringing into an assessment unauthorised material or information
  • knowingly helping others to cheat
  • taking actions which intrude on the ability of others to complete their assessment tasks.
Competency Competency means the consistent application of knowledge and skill to the standard of performance required in the workplace. It embodies the ability to transfer and apply skills and knowledge to new situations and environments.
Competency Based Completion (CBC) Competency Based Completion means the Apprentices are no longer locked into fixed time periods and can complete the apprenticeship at their own rate. The apprentice is completed when the RTO gets employer confirmation of competence in all areas required under the qualification. In some industries, wages are affected at progression points.
Completed student assessment items Completed student assessment items are the actual piece(s) of work completed by a student or evidence of that work, including evidence collected for an RPL process. An assessor’s completed marking guide, criteria, and observation checklist for each student may be sufficient where it is not possible to retain the student’s actual work. However, the retained evidence must have enough detail to demonstrate the assessor’s judgement of the student’s performance against the standard required.
Credit transfer Credit Transfer relates to institutional recognition of any unit of competency or module a student has successfully completed at any other Registered Training Organisation (RTO). Credit transfer is a process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes based on identified equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications.
Current Industry Skills

Current industry skills are the knowledge, skills and experience required by VET trainers and assessors and those who provide training and assessment under supervision in accordance with national Standards for RTOs to ensure that their training and assessment is based on current industry practices and meets the needs of industry.

Current industry skills may be informed by consultation with industry and may include, but are not limited to:

  • having knowledge of an/or experience using the latest techniques and processes
  • possessing a high level of product knowledge
  • understanding and knowledge of legislation relevant to the industry and to employment and workplaces
  • being customer/client orientated
  • possessing formal industry and training qualifications, and
  • training content that reflects current industry practice.

Industry engagement

Industry engagement may include, but is not limited to, strategies such as:

  • partnering with local employers, regional/national businesses, relevant industry bodies and/or enterprise RTOs
  • involving employer nominees in industry advisory committees and/or reference groups
  • embedding staff within enterprises
  • networking in an ongoing way with industry networks, peak bodies and/or employers
  • developing networks of relevant employers and industry representatives to participate in assessment validation, and
  • exchanging knowledge, staff and/or resources with employers, networks and industry bodies
Learner Learner means a person being trained and/or assessed by the RTO for the purpose of issuing AQF certification documentation.
Licensed or regulated outcome Licensed or regulated outcome means compliance with an eligibility requirement for an occupational license or legislative requirement to hold a particular training product in order to carry out an activity.
Moderation of assessment Moderation of assessment is the process of bringing assessment judgements and standards into alignment. it is a process that ensures the same standards are applied to all learner assessment results within the same units.
Official Publication of Results Official Publication of Results refers to when a student’s ratified results are entered into the Student Management System and published.
Professional Development Professional development means activities that develop and/or maintain an individual's skills, knowledge, expertise and other characteristics as a trainer or assessor. This includes both formal and informal activities that encompass vocational competencies, currency of industry skills and knowledge and practice of vocational training, learning and assessment, including competency based training and assessment.
Program Program is a series of courses (units of competency) of vocational education and training, or the modules of a VET accredited course / program that combine to become a qualification from an accredited Training Package or skill set.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL): Recognition of prior learning (RPL) means an assessment process that assesses an individual's formal, non-formal and in-formal learning to determine the extent to which that individual meets the requirements specified in the Training Package or VET accredited courses.
Skill Set Skill Set means a single unit of competency or a combination of units of competency from a Training Package that link to a licensing or regulatory requirement or a defined industry need.
Statement of attainment A statement of attainment recognises that one or more accredited units has been achieved.
Third Party (Subcontracting) Third Party means any party that provides services on behalf of the RTO but does not include a contract of employment between an RTO and its employee.
Training Package Training Package refers to a set of qualifications for a defined industry, occupational area or enterprise endorsed by the Industry and Industry Skills Council or its delegate in accordance with the Standards for Training Packages. The endorsed components of a Training Package are: units of competency; assessment requirements (associated with each unit of competency); qualifications; and credit arrangements.
Unit of competency Unit of competency is the unit of learning in a VET qualification including assessment requirements and the specification of the standards or performance required in the workplace as defined in a Training Package.
VET accredited course VET accredited course means a course accredited by the VET regulator in accordance with the Standards of VET Accredited Courses.
Vocational Competencies Vocational competencies as applied to trainers means broad industry knowledge and experience usually combined with a relevant industry qualification. Vocational Competency is determined on an industry-by-industry basis and with reference to the relevant Training Package or VET accredited program.

Assessment Principles

Assessment Principles as defined in Standards RTOs 2015
Principle Definition

The individual learner's needs are considered in the assessment process.

Where appropriate, reasonable adjustments are applied by the RTO to take into account the individual learner's needs.

The RTO informs the learner about the assessment process, and provides the learner with the opportunity to challenge the result of the assessment and be reassessed if necessary.


Assessment is flexible to the learner by:

  • reflecting the learner's needs;
  • assessing competencies held by the learner no matter how or where they have been acquired; and
  • drawing from a range of assessment methods and using those that are appropriate to the context, the unit of competency and associatedassessment requirements, and the individual.

Any assessment decision of the RTO is justified, based on the evidence of performance of the individual learner.

Validity requires:

  • assessment against the unit/s of competency and the associated assessment requirements covers the broad range of skills and knowledge that are essential to competent performance;
  • assessment of knowledge and skills is integrated with their practical application;
  • assessment to be based on evidence that demonstrates that a learner could demonstrate these skills and knowledge in other similar situations; and
  • judgement of competence is based on evidence of learner performance that is aligned to the unit/s of competency and associated assessment requirements.
Reliability Evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and assessment results are comparable irrespective of the assessor conducting the assessment.
Rules of Evidence
Validity The assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment requirements.
Sufficiency The assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence allows a judgement to be made of a learner's competency.
Authenticity The assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner's own work.
Currency The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. this requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past.

RPL Actions

The Program Manager / Coordinator in consultation with the Finance department will determine the RPL fees for the program as part of the Course Planning and Budgetary process. Refer to the University's Tuition Fees and Charges website.

RPL Actions Timeframe - There are five stages to complete the RPL Process. A reasonable assessment timeframe to complete all five stages is no longer than five weeks.

  • Stage 1 - Pre-Enrolment (Contact and Initial Discussion) - one week
  • Stage 2 - Enrolment - one day
  • Stage 3 - Plan and gather evidence - maximum period of 6 months as agreed in consultation with applicant
  • Stage 4 - Review and Determine Competency - maximum of one month after submission.
  • Stage 5 - Record and Report - maximum one week after determination.

Stage 1 - Pre-Enrolment (Contact and Discussion)

Stage 1: Pre-Enrolment (Contact and Initial Discussion)
  Steps Responsibility Comments
1.1 Online Applicants  

When an online applicant identifies that they may be eligible for RPL , the system will divert the application to the University Customer Relationships Management system CRM for actioning.

The CRM team will flag the application to the relevant Education Area for actioning.

1.2 Provide RPL information to prospective students. TAFE Department Education Manager or delegate

Refer to the VET RPL Assessment Tool Kit and:

Provide the applicant with the Student Information Guide and request they complete the Pre Information Form in Section 7.

Book an appropriate time to have an initial discussion with the applicant to determine capacity to undertake RPL and enrolment

Part A: Student Information Guide

1.3 Undertake initial discussion between Assessor and Applicant on the RPL process. Assessor
  1. Review the applicants completed Pre-Interview Information Form
  2. Discuss the RPL Process with the candidate using the Student guide and Student evidence guide to determine the applicants capacity to provide sufficient evidence to support RPL.
  3. Provide information on impact on course duration for International students studying onshore. (Refer to ESOS Compliance Framework Manual).
1.4 Determine and confirm preferred pathway with applicant from information provided during Initial discussion Assessor and Applicant

Based on the initial discussion, the applicant is advised to either proceed with the RPL application or offered an alternative pathway such as:

  • Apply for RPL against a lower AQFlevel qualification
  • Apply for RPL for some units and enrol in learning and assessment for others to complete a qualification
  • Enrol in the full qualification
  • Enrol in a pathway qualification/units that will meet the applicants needs.

Allow the applicant time to consider if they wish to undertake the RPL process and come to an agreement on a time frame should they wish to enrol.

1.5 Prepare RPL Assessment Tool Assessor

Down load and use the RPL Assessment Tool that has been developed for the nominated qualification/units.

These must be customised as appropriate for each student e.g., choice of elective units and removing units they are not applying for.

Evidence of student participation, at unit level, must be maintained.

Stage 2 - Enrolment

Stage 2: Enrolment
  Steps Responsibility Comments
2.1 Federation University staff enrolments Director, TAFE Learning, Teaching and Quality/RPL Assessor

Federation University staff may access programs of study including government funded places in the same way as other students provided they meet the following criteria:

  • Federation staff cannot enrol in a program or subject within their own Department of employment. It is recommended they enrol with an external provider.
  • Federation staff cannot enrol in a program or subject within Federation TAFE if they have access to assessment tools.
  • Federation staff RPL applications must be conducted in accordance with the Federation Staff RPL Guidelines.
2.2 Enrol into qualification indicating units for which RPL is being applied. Education Manager/Assessor in conjunction with the student/CRM team

Confirm students understanding that RPL entails no training and is an assessment process only.

Confirm students understanding that the Assessor will be available for support to provide clarity on evidence requirements and submission of assessments.

For Online applicants - Once the applicant has confirmed they wish to proceed with RPL. The Assessor will advise the student that their online application will be processed.

The Assessor must refer the application back to the CRM team confirming the RPL application approval for processing.

For paper based applicants - Qualification/units enrolled in as advised by the Assessor.

RPL applications can only be accepted from students who are enrolled in the units for which they are seeking RPL.

2.3 Provide qualification/unit specific RPL Evidence Kit. Education Manager/Assessor

Provide student with Part B, Student RPL Evidence Kit and provide the following advice/support:

  • Ask student to identify and confirm referees/third party reports.
  • Provide student advice for support touch points where required
  • Discuss and confirm evidence requirements to ensure the applicants understanding.
  • Provide clear advice regarding timelines for submissions.
  • Organise and/or identify where 'Challenge Tests' or on site visits will be required with the applicant

Stage 3 - Plan and Gather Evidence

Stage 3: Plan and gather evidence
  Steps Responsibility Comments
3.1 Portfolio of evidence collated Student/Assessor
  • Student to commence gathering evidence as identified in the guide as to the type of evidence required outlined in the Part B, Student RPL Evidence Kit.
  • Assessor to contact student at agreed touch points to ensure the student is making progress.
3.2 Referees/third party contacts briefed and provided with report for completion. Assessor
  • Assessor to confirm third party/referees capacity to provide valid and authentic third party reports.
  • Assessor to authenticate and confirm all third party verifications with their signature and date of verification.
3.3 Plan the time, place and resources for the student to demonstrate practical task/s (if required) Assessor
  • Contact student to confirm time and place for the demonstration of practical tasks.
3.4 Conduct observation of practical tasks (if required). Assessor
  • Document observation of Practical task/s using the - Assessor observation checklist template in Part B, Student RPL Evidence Kit,

Review the student’s evidence:


Assessor to evaluate sufficient evidence provided by the Student as outlined in the Part B, Student RPL Evidence Kit which may include but is not limited to:

  • Portfolio of evidence
  • Documented observations of candidates demonstration of workplace tasks
  • Authenticated Third party reports
  • Responses to knowledge questions
  • Any other evidence submitted to meet requirements.
3.6 Conduct Final Interview Assessor
  •  Assessor is to review and confirm sufficient evidence has been provided as mapped and recorded in the Students RPL Evidence kit.
  • Assessor is to identify questions to ask applicant to complete and/or provide further evidence to support any gaps in evidence such as required skills and knowledge including identifying specifically where additional evidence may need to be provided.

Schedule and conduct a final interview with the Applicant.

  • Ask and record responses to identified questions that support RPL application
  • Identify and confirm with the applicant if any further evidence needs to be submitted to complete the process.
  • Advise the applicant of expected timeframe for the assessment to be completed.

Stage 4 - Review and Determine Competency

Stage 4: Review and Determine Competency
  Steps Responsibility Comments
4.1 Assessment of all RPL requirements mapped against the unit/s of competency. Assessment decision made competent/not yet competent. Assessor
  • Evidence provided by the candidate is reviewed and assessed.
  • The Assessorwill determine if the evidence provided meets the evidence requirements as outlined in the RPL Evidence Mapping and Recording Matrix of the RPL Assessment Tool kit - Part C Section 2
  • The Assessor will make a decision of competency and document accordingly.
4.2 Federation staff completed applications to be reviewed for transparency Director, TAFE Learning, Teaching and Quality or nominee

Internal staff wishing to undertake RPL must be advised that an Independent Validation of the RPL outcome will be conducted by the Director, TAFE Learning, Teaching and Quality (or nominee). The Director, TAFE Learning Teaching and Quality (or nominee) will convene a panel comprising the Director, TAFE Learning, Teaching and Quality (or nominee), a TAFE Education Manager and TAFE teacher approved to assess RPL.

Prior to enrolling internal RPL applicants, assessors must complete the Intent to undertake Internal RPL form which must have approval from the Director, TAFE Learning, Teaching and Quality.

  • The Assessor will forward the completed application and RPL decision to the Director, TAFE Learning, Teaching and Quality or nominee for final review and approval to assure authenticity and transparency of any internal RPL application.
  • The Director or nominee will confirm/deny the rigour and completeness of the application and forward the result to the relevant Education Manager.
  • The Education Manager will provide the Assessor with the outcome of the Internal review and advise to record and report accordingly as directed by the Federation Staff RPL Guidelines.

Stage 5 - Record and Report

Stage 5: Record and Report
  Steps Responsibility Comments

Provide feedback to student on RPL assessment outcome.


For RPL, obtain signed acknowledgement from international students studying onshore and forward to International Student Programs Office (ISP).

  • Provide the candidate with specific feedback in relation to the evidence that has been presented.
  • Advise the candidate of the assessment outcome and which Award they will be receiving such as a full Qualification or a Statement of Attainment.
  • Advise students that their result will not be official until it has been entered into My Student Centre and that they will receive email advice when this has been actioned.
  • Identify where applicable - students that may wish to enrol in further studies should they wish to complete any units in which they were not granted RPL and provide advice on how to do so.
  • Complete all RPL assessment documentation with required signatures and dates to finalise the RPL Application.

International on shore students only: RPL may impact on the student’s visa status which they must acknowledge, in writing. A copy of this acknowledgement and advice on change of course duration must be forwarded to the Centre for University Partnerships (CUP) for further action.


International off shore students only: If RPL is being offered without the option of gap training this must be clearly stated in the student information.

5.2 Record RPL result directly on Campus Solutions for ratification with all student results. Assessor

Refer to VET Assessment Procedure.

RPL can either be Granted or Not Granted for a unit.


RPL Granted:

Internal administration code: EX  |  Statement of Results code: CY

RPL Not Granted:Internal administration code:

NG  |  Statement of Results code: NG

The following result should be entered if RPL documentation has not been submitted by a student:

For a unit where a student has applied for RPL, but has not submitted any of the required documentation/evidence for assessment, a WN result should be entered against that unit. An NG result should not be entered.

5.3 Notify the student of the live RPL result Assessor
  • The assessor will officially notify the student of the RPL result by email or mail, as soon as the result is assessed and has been published in My Student Centre.
  • The student can then log onto My Student Centre to view their results and/or follow University Appeals Procedure.
5.4 Retain supporting documents / student evidence. Assessor

Retain completed student assessment evidence. Retain master copies of RPL Assessment Tools.

Refer to General direction: Retention requirements for completed student assessment items.

5.5 RPL not granted – appeal assessment decision Student

Where students disagree with the assessment outcome:

  • Students may submit a written appeal within 10 days of official publication.

Refer to: Regulation 5.3 – Assessment.

5.6 Re-enrol, if required. Student

If RPL is not granted, students may choose to enrol in units they were not granted RPL.

Additional fees and charges will apply.

Credit Transfer Actions

  Steps Who is responsible Comments
  Credit Transfer query for a full AQF qualification Education Manager The University reserves the right to ensure that Federation University Australia AQF certification is only granted to a learner whom it has assessed as meeting the requirements of the training product as specified in the relevant training package or VET accredited course. Therefore, a student seeking credit transfers for all units of competency to gain a Federation University Australia certified qualification, with units completed at another RTO, will be required to enrol and complete at least one unit of competency as a student of Federation University Australia, before a full qualification will be granted.  Current enrolled students of Federation University, in a qualification transition arrangement will be exempt.
1. Determine Credit Transfer fees General Manager,TAFE
  • No fees are applied to Credit Transfers
  • All other funding: Director of VET. Refer Statute 9.2 Fees and Charges TAFE.
2. Provide Credit Transfer information to prospective students Program Staff / Education Manager

Credit Transfer information must be included in marketing materials eg. Course Finder, websites, brochures, student diaries.

International on shore students: Granting of a Credit Transfer must be consistent with the requirements of the ESOS Act.

3. Determine Credit Transfer status and advise all staff who enrol students Education Manager

To confirm status refer to mapping document in Training Package, curriculum or purchasing guides.

4. Review copy and file certified copies of Credit Transfer evidence in the Student File Student
  • The student must provide an original or certified copy of their Statement of Results as evidence.
  • The student will be asked to either provide access to view their USI information to authenticate their documents or sign an agreement that allows the assessor to contact the issuing RTO to authenticate their documents.
5. Grant Credit Transfer and seek acknowledgement from student (where required) Assessor

International on shore students only:

A granted Credit Transfer may impact on the student’s visa status which they must acknowledge in writing. A copy of this acknowledgement and advice on change of course duration (total number of weeks) must be forwarded to ISP for further action.

6. Select Credit Transfer on the Unit Selection enrolment choice on Campus Solutions Assessor Enrol student in all units of the course and calculate enrolment fees. Print Unit Selection, signed by assessor and student and keep a copy in student file.
7. Process enrolment and Credit Transfer Student HQ Process enrolment and Credit Transfer
8. Enter results onto Campus Solutions and organise official publication of results Student HQ

Credit Transfer Granted.

• Internal administration code: TR

• Statement of results code: CR

9. Appeal assessment decision Student

A student may submit a written appeal within 10 days of publication of final results. Refer: Regulation 5.3 Assessment.

RCC Actions

Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) applies to Fee-For-Service enrolments only, and only applies if a learner has successfully completed the requirements previously for a unit of competency or module and is now required to be reassessed to ensure that current competence is being maintained. (Both the qualification and current competency must be within the past three years, or as stipulated in the regulatory license) In the case of RCC - no extra skill or competencies are recognised.

RCC is an assessment process that may be required for licensing purposes (such as trade license) or defined units of competency where skill requirements are regularly updated (such as some First Aid).The Education Manager / Coordinator in consultation with Finance / Business Manager will determine the RCC fees for the program as part of the Course Planning and Budgetary process.

RCC Actions Timeframe - There are five stages to complete the RCC Process. A reasonable assessment timeframe to complete all five stages is no longer than three weeks.

  • Stage 1 - Pre-Enrolment (Contact and Initial Discussion) - one day
  • Stage 2 - Enrolment - one day
  • Stage 3 - Plan and gather evidence - one week
  • Stage 4 - Review and Determine Current Competency - one week
  • Stage 5 - Record and Report - one day

Supporting Documents

University Statutes and Regulations

Forms and Templates

RPL Tool Part A

RPL Tool Part B

RPL Tool Part C

Form - Authority to authenticate transcripts


Implementation and Communication

The procedure will be implemented and communicated throughout the University via:

  • Announcement the University’s News webpage;
  • Inclusion in the University Policy Library;
  • Annual professional development including assessment activities and workshops.


  1. Provost is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
  2. Director of Learner Experience and Excellence is responsible for maintaining the content of the procedure as delegated by Provost.
  3. Program Coordinators / Managers are responsible for submitting the adjusted VET Assessment and VET RPL Assessment Tools through the internal School approval/validation process to ensure it meets the required assessment needs of each unit/qualification.
  4. Directors are responsible for the operational implementation of this procedure.

Records Management

Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Master Copy:
RPL Assessment  Tool
Faculty/Centre/College Director / Education Manager Permanent
RPL Assessment Evidence Faculty/Centre/College Assessor/Education Manager 7 years
RCC Assessment Evidence Faculty/Centre/College Assessor/Education Manager 7 years
Credit Transfer Faculty/Centre/College Assessor/Education Manager 7 years

Records Disposal

University records must only be disposed of in accordance with the University’s Records Disposal Process as out- lined in the Records Framework Procedure. Authorisation must be obtained from the Director of VET, Records Management Services and the Director of Academic Services or their delegate prior to disposal. Records must not be destroyed where it is known that those records may likely be required in evidence, either now or in the future.