Vocational Education and Training Delivered to Secondary Students (VETDSS) Course Development and Delivery Procedure

Policy code: AG1044
Policy owner: Deputy CE, TAFE
Approval authority: Provost
Approval date: 10 January 2024
Next review date: 23 November 2024


This procedure describes the Federation University Australia/TAFE process for the establishment and delivery of Vocational Education and Training Delivered to Secondary Students (VETDSS) programs.

It is the responsibility of Federation University Australia, regardless of the delivery arrangements, to ensure delivery, assessment and quality procedures meet the national Vocational Education and Training (VET) standards as regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority ASQA.


This procedure applies to all VETDSS programs where the University/TAFE is identified as the RTO. This includes programs where the University/TAFE and a Secondary College jointly deliver the VETDSS program, programs entirely delivered by the University/TAFE, and programs auspiced by the University/TAFE and delivered entirely by the Secondary College.

It includes -


Term Definition
Student Management System: Federation University Australia’s student management system.
Auspice: An arrangement between a Secondary School or School Cluster and the University where the Secondary School delivers the VET program entirely. The University has responsibility for quality assurance and issuing of the awards. Requirements of the auspice arrangements are specified in the VETDSS Agreement.
Standards for NVR RTOs: Standards for National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (NVR) Registered Training Organisations: are the legislative instruments used for the regulation of vocational education and training.  They are designed to provide nationally consistent, high-quality training and assessment services in VET.  These Standards are enforceable and are regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority
School Cluster: A group of Secondary Schools working together cooperatively to increase access to VET programs for students.
Cluster Coordinator: Officer employed by Cluster to be first point of contact between Secondary Schools and RTO.
University Faculty Delegated Approval Officer: University personnel approved by Director, Skills and Education Delivery/ relevant Head of Centre with authority to authorise enrolments, amendments to enrolments, and applications for awards.
Agreement: VETDSS Agreement between University and Secondary School outlining the rights and duties in relation to the delivery/auspice of a VETDSS Program.
Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator and Apprenticeship / VETDSS Liaison Officer: First point of contact for Secondary Schools or School Clusters wanting to establish a VETDSS program with the University. There are two VETDSS contacts, one based at the SMB Campus (Coordinator, VETDSS and School-based Apprenticeship Training) and the other at the Horsham Campus (Apprenticeship/VETDSS Liaison Officer).
HESG: Higher Education Skills Group. http://www.education.vic.gov.au/
Scope of Registration: The defined scope for which a training organisation is registered that identifies the particular services and products that can be provided. Federation University Australia’s Scope of Registration may be viewed at: http://www.training.gov.au
Secondary School: A Secondary School or College.
Shared delivery of a VETDSS program: Is an arrangement between the University and the Secondary School for a Secondary School to deliver components of training. Details of the delivery arrangements are specified in the VETDSS Agreement.
VETDSS Proposal: Details the training arrangements that have been negotiated between the Secondary School or School Cluster, and the RTO to facilitate the attainment of competencies for a particular qualification. These arrangements include: the selection and sequencing of units of competency and nominal hours of delivery.

Vocational Education and Training Delivered to Secondary Students (VETDSS). VET in the VCE or VCE VM allows students to include vocational studies within their senior secondary certificate. Students undertake nationally recognised training from accredited national training packages which may contribute to their VCE and/or VCE VM. There are two ways VETDSS programs can provide credit towards the VCE or VCE VM 

  • Approved suite of VETDSS programs designed to deliver a 1-2 & 3-4 sequence and which may have an external exam attached for an extra study score.
  • Block credit Recognition where students undertake a qualification not on the approved list. Credit is awarded on the basis of achieving units of competency and AQFlevel of units. http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au
RTO: Registered Training Organisation: Training organisation registered by a registering body in accordance with the ASQA, within a defined scope of programs.
VCAA: Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority is an independent statutory body responsible to the Victorian Minister for Education, serving both government and non-government schools. http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au


Establishment of a new VETDSS Program


Determine if request received for a new VETDSS program is:

  1. an approved VETDSS course
  2. a block creditarrangement,
  3. to be delivered at Federation TAFE
  4. an auspiced program
Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator and Apprenticeship/ VETDSS Liaison Officer
  • Requests are to be made to the Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator no later than the beginning of 4th term of the previous year. Requests made after this period cannot be actioned.

Confirm with the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority that the program is and approved VETDSS program. The VCAA holds a listing of all approved VETDSS programs.


2. Contact relevant Program Manager with request for VETDSS program. Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator
  • The VETDSS Coordinator will contact the relevant Program Manager with the request to deliver a nominate VETDSS Program.
  • The Program Manager will review and confirm if their Department has capacity to deliver the program.
  • The Program Manager will prepare a proposal utilising the Highlands LLEN Cluster document and forward to the TAFE VETDSS Coordinator.
  • The TAFE VETDSS Coordinator will forward the proposal to the Highlands LLEN Cluster Principals group seeking permission approval,
3. Confirm qualification is on Scope of Registration and determine appropriate delivery arrangement for VETDSS program. Program Manager in conjunction with the Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator
  • All qualifications must be listed on the University Scope of Registration. Refer to: Scope of Registration (VET) Procedure.
  • For new programs, Program Manager/ Head of Centre / and VETDSS Coordinator must determine capacity to deliver and determine appropriate delivery arrangements are available if a Secondary School is to deliver. Refer to Training Facility Checklist and the Trainer Skills Matrix
  • Proposal for delivery should be updated to reflect course delivery strategies and costings by no later than the 3rd week of December.
  • For auspice delivery, a detailed agreement outlining specific quality expectations of the ASQAstandards and audit dates are provided. Quality measures are provided as part of the business case to TAFE Executive for approval.
  • Refer to the Third Party Delivery of VET Training and Assessment Procedure for the completion of agreements and relevant checklists.
4. Confirm pricing for inclusion on VETDSS Schedule of Fees Director, Skills and Education Delivery
  • Program Manager will recommend fees to the Director, Skills and Education Delivery. Annual fees will be confirmed by May.
  • Material fees are determined by Federation TAFE. Material fees can only be charged for the actual cost of goods or materials retained by a student as his/her personal property.
5. Provide Secondary School or Cluster with a draft VETDSS Program Proposal for the delivery and price list for VETDSS program. Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator
  • Draft Program Proposal specifies units, delivery location and responsibility.
6. Confirm in principle the Draft Proposal. Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator in consultation with School/Cluster
  • Draft Program Proposal should be confirmed via email by the Cluster Coordinator no later than the 3rd week of June.
7. Confirm VETDSS program will run in accordance with Draft Proposal. Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator in consultation with School/Cluster
  • Confirmation of numbers by School/Cluster by the end of February reflecting the final agreement of Student numbers.
8. Notification to Quality Services of auspice delivery for reporting to ASQA VETDSS Coordinator and Quality Officer
  • Provide Quality Services with signed agreements of intended auspice delivery.
  • Quality Services to report auspice agreements via asqanet within 30 days of Federation TAFE entering into a written agreement with a third party (school).

Delivery of a VETDSS Program in Auspice Arrangement

1. Establish VETDSS delivery and results timeline of the VETDSS program as per the Federation TAFE Schedule and confirm and collate a document for Proposal and Delivery of VET Courses.

Secondary School

VETDSS Coordinator

Refer: VETDSS Delivery Results timeline to be submitted to Federation TAFE before December of year delivery.

  • Submit Federation TAFE Program Proposal and the auspice proce list document to schools in July prior to year of delivery.
2. Organise & conduct first contact with Secondary School on site at the University. (Aim to gather all Schools delivering that discipline together) Program Manager, Commercial and Corrections/VETDSS Coordinator
  • First (1st) contact should be conducted by late November, early Dec on site at the University where practicable or facilitated on line when required.
  • Enrolment forms given out for new year.
  • Follow steps & Record visit on VETDSS Preparation for Delivery Checklist 1.
3. VETDSS Agreement

Program Manager, Commercial and Corrections/VETDSS Coordinator/

Central Records

  • VETDSS Agreements for the new year are sent to Secondary Schools by the 1st December, to be signed and returned before VETDSS classes resume for the following year.
  • For the completion of agreements, refer to the Third Party Delivery of VET Training and Assessment Procedure.
  • Signed agreements forwarded to Central Records for notification to the Legal Department and Quality Assurance Services.
4. Authorise Enrolment Forms and send to Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator
  • Enrolment forms to be completed by Secondary School students, signed & returned to Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator for processing by census date.
  • VETDSS enrolments for new students are not to be taken after the second week in April.

Refer: VET Enrolment Procedure

5. Confirm student numbers with Program Manager OR nominee. Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator  
6. Finalise VETDSS Class Lists and forward to Federation TAFE Lead Program teacher Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator
  • VETDSS 4 Class Lists contain details of units, student auspiced school teacher names
7. VETDSS Class Lists forward to Secondary Schools. Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator
  • Schools to confirm student class by Census date by Close of Business - last day in February.
8. Provide schools assessment tools, inform students of auspice delivery and ensure teacher capacity and currency.

Program Manager/

Federation TAFE Lead Program Teacher/

VETDSS Coordinator and School

  • Assessment tools and Training and Assessment Strategies are provided to Schools by the Program Manager and Lead Program Teacher.
  • Schools to provide Program Manager with a current Trainer Skills Matrix for each teacher delivering VET subjects including detailed mapping at a unit level.
  • All teaching staff must provide evidence of their certified vocational certificates.
  • Students are to be provided with a training plan outlining their courses.
  • A student curriculum handbook developed by the school and provided to students must identify the auspice delivery arrangement.
  • A copy of the handbook must be provided to the VETDSS Coordinator and kept on file prior to commencement of delivery to confirm accuracy of auspice information.

The RTO must notify ASQA regarding third party agreements.

ASQA to be notified of new third party arrangements

Quality Assurance Services
  • Quality Assurance Services notifies ASQA of any written agreement entered into under Clause 2.3 of the Standards for RTOs for the delivery of services on its behalf within 30 days of that agreement being entered into or prior to the obligations under the agreement taking effect, whichever occurs first, and
  • within 30 calendar days of the agreement coming to an end.
10. Invoice Secondary School. Program Manager, Corrections and Commercial
  • Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator to complete debtor invoice request and forward to finance for processing as approved by the Director, Skills and Education Delivery.
  • Invoices distributed in May and the end of October.
11. Conduct second contact visit with Secondary School on site. Program Manager or Delegate
  • Second (2nd) contact to be conducted prior to end of Term 2.
  • Record visit on VETDSS Evidence of Student assessment & Attendance Checklist 2.
12. Conduct third (3rd) contact visit to Secondary School. Program Manager or Delegate
  • Third (3rd) contact to be conducted prior to end of Term 3.
  • Record on VETDSS Evidence of Student assessment & Attendance Checklist 3
13. Final exchange of results is completed Program Manager or Delegate
  • Reminder sent by Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator to all University Program Coordinators & Teachers in charge of an auspiced program by early October.
  • University Faculty Delegated Approval Officer in charge of VETDSS program to ensure Final results are obtained from Secondary School by mid-October.
14. Final assessment results to be entered into the University Student Management System. Program Manager or Delegate
  • Results are to be entered into the system no later than the last week in October to enable the potential graduate list to be generated. No changes will be allowed after this date. This allows VCAA Schools to enter results into VASS, by the deadline.
15. Complete and conferral eligible students in accordance with university VET Awards Procedure Graduations Office Refer to Vocational Education and Training (VET) Awards Procedure (federation.edu.au)
16. Secondary Schools contacted to confirm delivery of Awards from University. Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator
  • Liaise with Graduations Coordinator to confirm date awards/certificates will be available.
  • Checklist prepared for sign off on delivery of Awards to Secondary Schools.

Federation TAFE Delivery of a VETDSS Program

1. Establish delivery of the VETDSS program as per VETDSS Program Proposal, and in accordance with the Third Party Delivery of VET Training and Assessment Procedure. VETDSS Teacher
  • Refer to Schedule A
2. Student to complete the Federation TAFE enrolment form VETDSS Teacher/ Program Admin Support Officer
  • Ensure the student completes the enrolment form by the 2nd week of class in Term 1.
3. Forward authorised enrolment forms to Student HQ VETDSS Teacher/ Program Admin Support Officer
  • All enrolment forms must be at the Student HQ Enrolment Centre by the fourth week of delivery.
  • Refer to Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator for final withdrawals/census date.
4. Confirm student numbers with Program Manager or nominee and provide details of program for participating Secondary Schools. Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator
  • Student enrolled by the Census date will be included in all costings for participating Secondary Schools.
  • No VETDSS enrolments for new students are to be taken after the second week in April.
5. Invoice Secondary Schools Program Manager, Commercial and Corrections
  • Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator to complete debtor invoice request and forward to finance for processing as approved by the Director, Skills and Education Delivery.
  • Invoices distributed in May and the end of October.
6. Monitor student attendance and maintain appropriate attendance records using University Attendance Rolls and Cluster attendance Rolls VETDSS Teacher
  • Enter student attendance to Cluster attendance roll and Federation TAFE student attendance on Federation TAFE approved attendance roll - ATOM
  • Inform VETDSS Coordinator of any changes to enrolments.
  • Complete Enrolment, Variation and Withdrawal Form (available from Student Management System) as necessary.
7. Monitor 'Students at Risk' VETDSS Teacher

If through monitoring, a student is determined to be at risk, the following steps should be undertaken.

  • Issue a 'Students at Risk' form to Federation TAFE VETDSS Secondary School VETDSS Coordinator who forwards to the Cluster Coordinator.
  • Refer to Student at Risk form.
8. Provide mid-year report to Secondary Schools or Cluster. VETDSS Coordinator
  • University Delivery Teachers to use LLEN Cluster on-line reporting procedure.
  • Western Campus delivery teachers to use supplied proforma.
9. Provide final report to Secondary School or Cluster. Obtain assessment results from Secondary School where appropriate. VETDSS Coordinator
  • Final end of year student reports should be provided by early November. Refer to Cluster timelines.
  • VETDSS delivery teachers to use LLEN Cluster on-line reporting procedure.
  • Western Campus delivery teachers to use supplied proforma.
10. Enter Assessment results into University's Student Management System by end October VETDSS Coordinator
11. Complete and conferral eligible students in accordance with the University VET Awards Procedure Graduations Office
12. Secondary Schools contacted to confirm delivery of Awards from Federation University. Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator
  • Liaise with Graduations Coordinator to confirm date awards/certificate will be available.
  • Checklist prepared and completed for sign off on delivery of Awards to Secondary Schools.


  • The VET Quality Committee has the responsibility for the maintenance of this procedure.
  • Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinators and VETDSS teachers and other named parties are to use and follow this procedure.

Records Management

Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Roles & Responsibility Checklist
- Teacher Matrix and Facilities Check
VET School Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator 2 years after completion of course
Staff Qualifications


- on going University staff

VET School

-   sessional and


    School staff

Program Manager Current records must be maintained and held for 2 years
VETDSS Agreement Legal Office University Solicitor 2 years after VETDSS Agreement has expired
Draft Proposal VET School Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator Destroy after administrative use
VETDSS Preparation for Delivery Checklist 1 VET School Program Manager and Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator 2 years after completion of course
VETDSS Evidence of Student Assessment & Attendance Checklist 2 VET School Program Manager and Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator 2 years after completion of course
VETDSS Evidence of Student Assessment & Attendance Checklist 3 VET School Program Manager and Federation TAFE VETDSS Coordinator 2 years after completion of course


The VETDSS Course Development and Delivery TAFE Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  1. an Announcement Notice under ‘FedNews’ on the ‘FedUni’ website and through the University Policy - ‘Recently Approved Documents’ webpage to alert the University-wide community of the approved Policy / Procedure / Guideline;
  2. inclusion on the University's online Policy Library;
  3. training sessions with VETDSS Co-ordinators and Teachers; and
  4. documentation distribution.