Australian Apprenticeship Traineeship Delivery (VET) Procedure

Policy code: AG1340
Policy owner: Director, Skills and Education Delivery
Approval authority: Pro Vice-Chancellor, VET and Pathways
Approval date: 27 January 2025
Next review date: 22 July 2027


This procedure describes the VET processes for the delivery of nationally accredited training to apprenticeship and traineeship students in line with the

  • Dual Sector VET Funding ContractSkills First Program between The State of Victoria through the Secretary of the Department of Education and Training and the University   
  • VRQA - Apprenticeship Administration Business Rules
  • Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015


This procedure applies to:

  • All students or legal guardians of students enrolling in an Apprenticeship or Traineeship program;
  • Employers/or host employers, Secondary School or other interested parties of students enrolling in an Apprenticeship or Traineeship;
  • University staff including administration and teaching staff involved with the commencement, delivery and completion of an Apprentice or Trainee enrolled in the University program;
  • The procedure addresses the following activities associated with delivery of Apprenticeships and Traineeships;
  • Confirm Training Details
  • Mandatory First Visit
  • Pre-Training Review
  • Enrolment
  • Delivery and Completion of Training
  • Displaced (unemployed) Apprentice/Trainees
  • Death of an Apprentice/Trainee


Term Definition
AA: Australian Apprentice A person who has entered into a Training Contract with an Employer, administered by an Australian Apprenticeship Centre and lodged with DJSIR.

AASN: Australian Apprenticeship

Support Network

Centres located throughout Victoria to provide Apprenticeship and Traineeship services to Employers and Apprentices and Trainees.

ASO: ATOM Support Officer

Federation University contact for DJSIR publications, AASN, Staff, Employers and Apprentices/Trainees.

Receives:- Updates from Australian Apprenticeships Traineeships information services

AO: Authorised Officer The AO is an officer of the State to regulate the Training agreement between Employers and Apprentices/Trainees within Victoria.
ATOM::Apprentice Training Online Management

ATOM is a Fed Uni endorsed data base for managing and tracking Apprentice's and Trainees as per the:

The Dual Sector VET Funding Contract Skills First Program  This data base does not replace CAMPUS SOLUTIONS but works in conjunction with CAMPUS SOLUTIONS. This custom design tool allows Fed Uni staff to manage administrative tasks, File management, Training plan design and Training Plan management associated with delivering Apprenticeship and Traineeship programs.


Australian Skills Quality Authority

The Australian Skills Quality Authority ASQA is the national regulator for Australia's vocational education and training sector.

ASQA regulates courses and training providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met.

Campus Solutions: Federation University Australia's student management system.


Competency Based Completion

Competency Based Completion is the system under which all Apprenticeships and Traineeships now operate. This means that Apprenticeships are no longer set to time and are deemed complete when the RTO and Employer agree on competence (this must not exceed the nominal duration of the contract unless an extension has been formally negotiated via the ASSN provider).


Disabled Australian Apprentice Wage Support

Disabled Australian Apprentice Wage Support (DAAWS)is an Australian Government incentive payable to an employer who employs an Australian Apprentice who satisfies the disability eligibility criteria in an Australian Apprenticeship.

This wage support is also available to an employer who employs an Australian Apprentice who becomes disabled during their apprenticeship or traineeship.


Department of Education and Training

The Government Department has five main responsibilities:

  • Provide policy advice to Ministers about education, early childhood development, children's services, higher education and training in general
  • Implement Victorian Government policy on early childhood services
  • Implement Victorian Government policy on school education for all school age students
  • Implement Victorian Government policy on training and higher education services
  • Manage and drive continuous improvement in the delivery of primary and secondary education in Victorian government schools.


Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions

The Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions facilitates participation and achievement in senior secondary and tertiary education and training by supporting partnerships between providers, employers and the community and advising on public funding and regulation. It manages the Government-funded training market, public provider governance and accountability, and the apprenticeship system.
Epsilon: The Software system used to register Apprentices and Trainees in Victoria.
Epsilon Notification: Notification that a training contract, meeting all regulatory requirements, has been provided by the ASSN to the VRQA, that the contract has been signed by the Employer and Apprentice/Trainee and that the University has been chosen as the Training Provider.
HSAT: An HSAT is a Head Start Apprentice/Trainee Apprenticeship undertaken by a student enrolled on VCE or VCAL, or in a program listed on the HSAT list through a HSAT school.

LL&N Assessment:

Language Literacy and Numeracy

LL&N Assessment is an evaluation used to measure the literacy and numeracy levels of commencing Apprentices and Trainees in order to provide learning support. This a requirement of the University's Agreement with the State Government.
Pre-Training Review Pre-training review is conducted and completed on the first Mandatory visit with the Employer and the Apprentice. This is completed on the University's Pre Training Review form.


Recognition of Prior Learning

Means an assessment process that assesses an individual's formal, non-formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual meets the requirements specified in the Training Package or VET accredited courses.

Refer to: VET Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer Assessment Procedure


Registered Training Organisation

Training organisation registered by a registering body (eg ASQA) to deliver training and/or conduct assessment and issue nationally recognised qualifications in accordance with the AQF.


School Based Apprentice or Trainee

An Australian Apprentice that is undertaking a secondary school certificate such as VCE or VCAL and incorporating an Apprenticeship or Traineeship as part of that program. The student must be released from secondary schooling for 13 hours per week to undertake their Apprenticeship. (6 hours training and 7 hours in the work place)
Training Contract: An agreement between an Employer and Apprentice/Trainee detailing training conditions and the type of training the Apprentice/Trainee will receive.
Training Plan: Details the training arrangements that have been negotiated between the apprentice/trainee, the employer and the RTO to facilitate the attainment of competencies for a particular AQF qualification. These arrangements include: the selection and sequencing of units of competency; timing; location; mode of delivery; and assessment details.


Victorian Assessment Software System

VASS is a web-based system that enables school-based users to administer their students' study programs.


Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority

The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA), a statutory authority, is responsible for:

  • The registration of education and training providers in:
    • Vocational Education and Training (VET) - who deliver accredited training to domestic students in Victoria only or Victoria and Western Australia only
    • School education - including approval for registration on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) for courses delivered by schools
    • Senior secondary education - both school and non-school providers - including approval for registration on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) for courses delivered by schools
    • Overseas Secondary Student Exchange Organisations.
  • The registration of children for home schooling in Victoria.
  • The accreditation of courses and the registration of qualifications for those providers who are registered by the VRQA.
  • The regulation of apprenticeships and traineeships in Victoria.


Notification of New Apprentice


Import Epsilon Notifications into ATOM

Notifications sent to relevant schools


Importing of Epsilon into ATOM is conducted daily

2. Verify the Qualification is listed on the University's scope of registration and it is the current Qualification Program Manager or Nominee

Staff are to check the qualification stated on the Epsilon notification is the most current qualification and is not expired/superseded.

School Based Apprentices: - check the Qualification stated on the Epsilon notification is not on the VRQA's list of "Qualifications not available for SBAT's. If this is the case advise the ASO.

If the qualification stated on the Epsilon notification is expired/superseded the ASO will notify the AASN provider and request they action a variation to the Epsilon registration to the most current Qualification. The University does not enrol students into superseded qualifications.

If the Employer and Apprentice do not agree to vary to the new qualification, the University should not accept the Epsilon contract enrolment, if accepted the University will be required to have a plan in place to transition (if applicable to the Qualification) the student within the 12 month transition period to the most current Qualification.

Any enrolments in superseded qualifications will place the University in breach of the ASQA requirements and the DJSIR funding for the student at risk.

For further information on ASQA-Transition Teachout requirements staff are to refer to:

VET Program Approval and Maintenance Procedure AG1334 


Accept or decline the request for training

Program Manager If declining training Program Manager is to notify ATOM Support Officer by completing the ‘Apprentice Notification of Declined Contract form’. ATOM Support Officer will notify the AASN provider.
4 Allocate staff member for initial contact Program Manager or Nominee Contact with Employer and AA MUST occur within 1 week of the receipt of the Epsilon Notification Form
5. Check Epsilon import into ATOM is correct Program Manager or Nominee Check student information on ATOM is correct - ATOM Link


1. Initial Contact: Program Manager or Nominee

Make contact with the Employer and Apprentice.

Employer/Apprentice to confirm a face to face visit/appointment within 2 weeks of receiving the ATOM notification

Discuss with the Employer information in preparation for your visit.

  • LLN, Pre Training review, customising the Training Plan - Units of Competency, on campus structured training - timetabling
  • Forward a confirmation email/letter with LLN link advising the Apprentice must complete this prior to staff meeting with Employer and Apprentice.
  • LL&N Assessment Tool 

Full time Apprentice Under the Age of 17

Discuss with the Employer and Apprentice guidelines and documentation required.

  • Ascertain if the Apprentice has not yet completed Year 10, if so you must sight and retain a copy of correspondence or a certificate signed by a Department Regional Director that exempts that individual from school attendance that clearly identifies the Training Provider and the training to be undertaken; or   
  • clearly identifies the relevant employer where the student is to undertake an apprenticeship or traineeship
  • If the Apprentice has completed Year 10, you must sight and retain a copy of a completed 'Transition From School Form', or correspondence or a certificate signed by the school principal or a Department Regional Director that exempts that individual from school attendance

Please note:- If the under 17 years Apprentice is enrolled in training on the basis that they have been granted an exemption from school attendance and stops attending training and is at that time still under 17 years, the Training Provider should notify the relevant Regional Office of the Department that the individual is no longer attending training.

2. Check the Literacy & Numeracy Assessment has been completed and feedback provided to the student prior to the Face to Face visit Program Manager or Nominee

Check the LL&N assessment has been completed, using the LL&N assessment tool

  • This must be completed before the Pre Training review is conducted and training starts
  • LL&N Assessment Tool
  • Record result on Pre-Training Review
  • Ensure that the proposed learning materials and strategies are appropriate.
  • Intervention support to be provided if results indicate. Possible support needed through Federation College.

To discuss options for relevant support needed to achieve competencies, contact:

  • Federation College: 53278240
  • Fed College will advise on support/course available.
  • For Apprentices with a diagnosed or medically supported disability, refer Apprentice to: their AASN provider
  • The AASN provider will discuss the DAAWS information and support available. And provide them with the necessary form to complete.
  • Disabled Australian Apprentice Wage Support (DAAWS) is an Australian Government incentive payable to an employer who employs an Australian Apprentice who satisfies the disability eligibility criteria in an Australian Apprenticeship.

For Students wishing to pursue further LL&N skills and development external to FedUni, staff are to provide the:

"Reading and Writing" hotline number to the Apprentice - 1300 655 506. The operator will advise on the programs available to the Apprentice


Pre Training review: Mandatory Face to Face visit.

Conduct the face to face Pre-Training review with the Employer and the Apprentice

Program Manager or Nominee

Conduct formal Pre-Training Review using the University's Pre-training review form:

  • Discuss with the Employer and Apprentice the online ATOM system demonstrating the functions of ATOM and the requirements of the Employer and the Apprentice.
    ATOM Link

Discuss with the Employer/Apprentice RPL:

  • If RPL is requested this must be conducted by a qualified assessor

Refer to: VET Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer Assessment Procedure AG1290

Credit Transfers:

  • Discuss with the Employer and Apprentice any qualifications the Apprentice may hold to ascertain any competencies that may be eligible for a credit transfer. Apprentice must supply an official Testamur with a full Transcript of results
4. Training Plan: Discuss and complete the Training Plan in ATOM Program Manager or Nominee

The following must occur when meeting with the Employer and Apprentice:

  • Outline the supervisor's responsibilities
  • Discuss Competency Base /progression with the Employer and Apprentice
  • Discuss all Qualification units of competency with the Employer and Apprentice.
  • Develop the Training Plan with the Employer and Apprentice. This may be developed and signed prior to training commencing but in any case it must be developed and signed no later than four (4) weeks after training commencing.
  • Agreement of the Training Plan is by way of signing the Training Plan, this must be undertaken within 90 days of the commencement date of Training Contract (Epsilon)
  • Signing of the Training Plan must be signed either online in ATOM or off line as a printed ATOM paper based Training Plan
  • Printed ATOM paper based Training Plans must be attached in the students ATOM file.

 ATOM Link

  School Based Apprentice/Head Start Apprentice Trainee Program Manager or nominee
  • IF SBAT negotiation and agreement by signing the Training Plan must be undertaken within 60 days of the commencement date of Training Contract (Epsilon)
  • Must be prior to the commencement of any training by the RTO.
  • A copy of the training plan must also be provided to the home school (Secondary School)All results must be submitted to the Fed Uni: Coordinator - VETis and School Based Apprenticeship Training - by the 20th October each year to meet the VASS deadline
  • If HSAT, this arrangement must be underpinned by a HSAT Pathway Plan with a detailed approach to the students learning including VCE,VCAL and VET.
  • The Training Plan must be developed in consultation with the employer/apprentice/trainee and the school to ensure all requirements are in place. This must take place within 60 days of the commencement date of the Training Contract (Epsilon).
  • The Training Plan must be attached to the Head Start Pathway Plan
  • For further reference: - see Guidelines About Apprenticeship/Traineeship Training Delivery
5. Distribute Training Plan Program Manager or nominee

Advise Employer and Apprentice of the Training plan is now sitting in ATOM to view at any time.

If a paper based Training Plan has been created/completed:

  • Upload as attachment into ATOM and advise the Employer and Apprentice to view in ATOM, place original in student file.

Enrol student:

Must be enrolled and Training commenced within 90 days of the Epsilon commencement date.

Program Manager or Nominee

Complete enrolment form:

  • Check all identification has been provided
  • Check all information provided is correct
  • Check all E-Selection Unit Start and End dates are correct. Check LLN has been completed
  • Check USI has been provided
  • Check students eligibility to funding - Eligibility Check-page 7 enrolment  form
  • Print and attach current Epsilon notification to the enrolment form
  • TAFE Enrolment Procedures

Non recoverable errors

Each unit enrolment must be processed and reported to DJSIR / SVTS error free otherwise the University foregoes funding

Program Manager or Nominee For SVTS Error advice contact Manager Data Reporting and Compliance.
8. Epsilon Errors - Apprentices and Trainees Program Manager or Nominee

Unit start and end dates must be within the Epsilon Agreement Commencement and Nominal completion dates for all apprentices and trainees. 

  • The University does not receive funding for any student where the unit dates fall outside the Epsilon Contract dates.
  • Default Campus Solutions unit start and end dates must be changed for all Apprentices / Trainees to reflect actual delivery for that student. 
9. Completing 1237 Forms Program Manager or Nominee

When request is received-check current Training plan is completed in ATOM or in Student file:

  • Complete and sign 1237 form and return the form to the ASSN provider this confirms that training has commenced.
  • This will enable the Employer to claim the commencement incentive.

Delivery of Training


Commence training as stated on the Training Plan

Training must commence on the Unit start date.

Program Manager or Nominee

Training is to commence as per the Training Plan

Monitor attendance at Trade school for training is occurring as agreed on the Training Plan:

  • Absence and late arrival of Apprentice - a notification is to be sent to the Employer
  • ATOM will send an absence notification via Email to the Employer once non attendance has been recorded.
  • Employers occurrence of unexplained or unjustified non release of Apprentice to training - a notification is to be sent to the Employer


For Full on-campus based delivery of Training and Blended delivery of Training ensure that:

A minimum of 4 contacts occur each year (ONE must be face-to-face)

if undertaking some Workplace based delivery proportional additional face-to-face visits to occur eg: additional face-to- face visit per 25% of Nominal Contact Hours delivered on the job.

    Program Manager or Nominee

For Fully Workplace Delivery of Training ensure that:

  1. A minimum of 4 face to face workplace visits per year are carried out as required. (This does not include the initial sign up visit)
  2. Monthly contact is occurring and logged to monitor progress against the Training Plan
  3. All delivery of training on the job from the RTO must be scheduled and given to the Apprentice/Trainee and Employer to advise on when to expect the RTO
  4. RTO is to deliver training to the Apprentice/Trainee as per training schedule/Training Plan
  5. Weekly withdrawal from normal work duties is occurring and logged using the Workplace Withdrawal Log
  6. Learning Resources are provided

Absence and Non Compliance Notification Form

  • All Employer non-compliance of non-release of Apprentice to trade school (as per Training Plan) are to be reported within 14 days to:
  • VRQA - Apprenticeship Administration Unit -1300 722 603 or go to:

Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority VRQA

2. Provide Employer and Apprentice with resources Program Manager or Nominee
  • Each AA and Employer is to be provided with a Training Plan that outlines the training they will be undertaking to successfully complete the Qualification they have been registered in.
  • Advise the Employer and Apprentice/Trainee of their ability to log into ATOM to review the Training Plan at any time.
3. Manage Training Plan by Years Program Manager or Nominee

To manage the Training Plan Years the following is required:

  • Once the Apprentice/Trainee has completed all required Assessment work for the Unit of Competency, record a preliminary grade "AC" in ATOM, a notification is then sent to the Employer requesting confirmation of the Apprentice/Trainees' competency on the job, an "AC"  indicates the RTO is awaiting employer confirmation.
  • Once the Employer confirms the Competency of the Apprentice/Trainee a CY final Grade will be automatically recorded in ATOM.
  • The final CY grade recorded in ATOM will automatically integrate into Campus Solutions and record the final Grade for the Apprentice/Trainee.
  • A CY grading code will not be recorded in Campus Solutions until the Employer confirmation has occurred.
  • Units of Competency not performed in the workplace can be resulted by the Trainer only if the Agreement has been made at the initial negotiation of the Training Plan with the Employer.
  • All updates and changes to the Training Plan are to be negotiated & agreed to by the Trainer, Employer and Apprentice/Trainee.
  • Updated copies of training plans are to be provided to the Apprentice/Trainee and Employer to ensure they are informed of all changes.
  • If the Training Plan includes any Workplace Based Delivery: The RTO is to inform the Employer of their obligation to:
  • Release the Apprentice/Trainee from regular duties to undertake training: Three hours per week minimum averaged over a four week cycle for Certificate III and above for full time Apprentice/Trainee
  • Pro-rata for part time (1.5 hours) Apprentice/Trainees: Only for the duration of the Year that includes Workplace Based Delivery.
  • Copies of all sent and received correspondence to be maintained in the ATOM student file
  • Employers and Apprentice/Trainee are to be informed at progression points of the Training Plan when reached.
4. Report changes of AA details Program Manager or Nominee

Advise Student HQ of:

  • Changes to Epsilon contract, forward updated Epsilon notification to Student HQ
  • Changes to enrolment
  • Changes of students personal details, VET Personal Details Amendment Form

Completion of Training and Apprenticeship Contract

1. Prepare for completion of Training contract Program Manager or Nominee

To complete the Training Contract and the Apprenticeship in full, the following must occur:

  • Check the Apprentice's current EPSILON is still active (in date) and not expired (If expired refer to point 6.)
  • Check the last Year in ATOM has been assessed and is at AC status.
  • Contact Employer to arrange a meeting to discuss final sign off of all documentation and the Completion of the Training Contract.
  • IF the Employer is a GTO (Group Training Organisation) the Final sign off of the Training plan must be signed by the GTO and not the Host Employer.
  • Advise the Employer the final Year of the Training Plan in ATOM is now complete and awaits the Employer's confirmation the Apprentice has reached competence.
  • Request the Employer to confirm last Units sitting in ATOM as "complete" in preparation for your visit.
  • Disputes of Completion from the Apprentice or Employer; Refer to point 5.

Meet with the Employer face to face for final Completion of Training and the Training Contract.

Final Completion of this must not be sent out in the mail.

Program Manager or Nominee

Meeting the Employer and Apprentice the following needs to occur:

  • Advise the Employer and the Apprentice all competencies have now been achieved, therefore this now completes the training and the training contract as an Australian Apprentice.
  • Request the Employer and the Apprentice to sign the signatory areas of the Training Plan. RTOstaff member is also required to sign this.
  • Final completion date must be on or before nominal completion date. All dates for final completion should be the same.
  • Completion date should not be forward dated in anticipation of completion.
  • Advise the Employer and Apprentice: as of the date stated as the "completion date", now completes the Training Contract as of that date. (The Employer or the Apprentice may have wage inquiries.)
  • Wage inquiries from Employers or Apprentices: Staff are to refer parties to Fair Work Australia: 13 94 94 or
3. Checking final results on Campus Solutions Program Manager or Nominee
  • Check all final results on Campus Solutions have been entered when final signing of the Training Plan has occurred.
  • Ensure date of actual completion is entered.
4. Final RTO completion

Program Manager or Nominee


Submit the completed Training Plan to the Program Administration team via service now at:

Completion details must be entered on Epsilon within two weeks of course completion.

You must ensure the following details are correct before submitting the training plan:

  • The Nominal Completion date on the current Epsilon notification is not before the completion date of the Training Plan. (Completions of Apprentices/Trainees must be within the Term of their contract)
  • All signatories have signed where required.
  • Note: A fully completed Training Plan is the only form of completion approved to demonstrate the completion of the Training and the Training Contract at the RTO.
  • Applications for Award of Qualification refer to:
    Vocational Education and Training (VET) Awards Procedure ST1710
  • PMC will finalise Epsilon and advise the Program Manager or nominee of completion

Manage disputes

Program Manager or Nominee

Where a dispute arises:

  1. Request a meeting with the Apprentice/Trainee and the Employer to discuss the Completion of the Training Contract/Training Plan.
  2. RTO staff member is to reiterate the CBC system to all parties.
  3. If no resolution is reached from this meeting refer Employer and Apprentice to: VRQA - AAU 1300 722 603 to seek advice from an AO.
  4. If required use the FedUni dispute resolution process:

    - Student Appeal Procedure

    - Complaints Management Procedure


The Training Contract will require an extension of term to complete training

Program Manager or Nominee

If AA is not able to complete by the Nominal Completion date: This needs to be discussed with the Employer & Apprentice eight (8) weeks prior to the nominal completion date

  • Contact Employer and advise the term of the Apprentices/Trainees contract will expire before training is completed.
  • Advise the Employer to lodge a request an: Application for approval to vary a training contract with the Employer/Apprentices AASN Provider.
  • Advise the Employer the time frame required for the Apprentice/Trainee to complete successfully, this should be relayed to the AASN Provider to indicate how much time is required for the extension of contract.
  • Staff will need to check Epsilon to ensure: the extension has been processed and is reflected in Epsilon, changes to the Nominal Completion date.
  • Staff are to notify Student HQ of extension to the Epsilon training agreement via the Apprentice change of Epsilon details form
  • This request and information must be file noted and added to the student file.
7. Apprentice Non- Completion of Course Program Manager or Nominee

The Apprentice/Trainee or Employer has stated to you they will not be completing the qualification they are enrolled in as an Australian Apprentice/Trainee at Fed Uni.

  • Notify ATOM Support Officer (employer confirmation will need to be obtained first if advice received from apprentice/trainee). ATOM Support Officer will update status in ATOM to Pending Cancellation and notify the AASN.
  • Check and ensure all results on Campus Solutions are up to date on the student's record.
  • Complete the "Apprentice Notification of Non Completion form", and submit to Student Admin for processing.

Unemployed Apprentices/Trainees

What does this mean for FedUni VET Apprentices?

What does this mean for Federation TAFE Apprentices/Trainees?

The Dual Sector VET Funding Contract Skills First Program between The State of Victoria through the Secretary of the Department of Education and Training and the University states:  

  • Unemployed Apprentices/Trainees

5.1 When an Apprentice becomes unemployed, you must notify the Apprenticeship Network provider of the loss of employment and whether the Apprentice has found a new employer.

5.2 If the Apprentice has not found a new employer, then you should:

a. Encourage the Apprentice to register with the Retrenched Apprentices and Trainees program.

b. Contact the Victorian Apprenticeship Support Program , to report the loss of employment and access support to re-engage the Apprentice.

c. Encourage the Apprentice to access the Victorian Skills and Jobs Centres for re- employment or further training advice.

5.3 You can continue to deliver Structured Training to an unemployed Apprentice (and report the training under the same funding source code) and must notify the VRQA by email that training is continuing.

5.4 You may provide a result for outstanding subjects after at least two attempts (one verbal and one written) have been made to gain the former employer's confirmation of competence for those subjects. Evidence of these attempts should be kept on file for auditing purposes.

5.5 You should monitor the progress of unemployed Apprentices to avoid completion of the program before re-engaging with another employer. Apprentices must be advised of the potential negative consequences of completing a qualification outside of an Apprenticeship including exclusion from licensing requirements, reduced employment opportunities and ineligibility for Trade Papers.

Unemployed Trainees

5.6 Where a Trainee becomes unemployed, you must notify the Apprenticeship Network provider of the loss of employment and whether the Trainee has found a new employer.

5.7 If the Trainee has not found a new employer, you should encourage the Trainee to register with the Retrenched Apprentices and Trainees Program.

5.8 You can continue to deliver Structured Training to an unemployed Trainee, (and report the training under the same funding source code) for three months, or to the end of the enrolment period for which tuition fees have been paid, whichever is the greater.

5.9 During this time you should provide additional support to help the Trainee to seek re- employment in order to complete their Traineeship, including encouraging them to access the Victorian Skills and Jobs Centre for re-employment or further training advice.

5.10 If, and only as a last resort, a Trainee successfully completes the Structured Training while unemployed, the words 'achieved through Australian Apprenticeship arrangements' should be omitted from the certificate. The Trainee must be made aware of this before completing their training, and that the VRQA will not recognise this as completion of a Traineeship in Victoria. You are not required to update Epsilon.

No. Steps Responsibility Action
1. Weekly report of Epsilon registrations with a status of "Cancelled" ASO

ATOM Support Officer will:

  • Forward the weekly list of cancelled Apprentices to the relevant Departments
2. Contact the Apprentices with the "cancelled" status. Program Manager or Nominee

Contact by telephone and discuss with the Apprentice the provision available to continue schooling as an "Out of Trade Apprentice"

  • i.e.:"an Apprentice may continue to receive training toward the qualification named on the Training Contract, subject to tuition fees being paid, until the nominal completion date of the training contract". Trainees may continue for a period of 3 months, or to the end of an enrolment period for which tuition fees have been paid, whichever is greater.
  • This also applies to School Based Apprentices
  • If the Apprentice is not able to be contacted by phone, contact by mail refer to: Unemployed Apprentice/Trainee letter
  • If the Apprentice indicates to continue with training, they should not be withdrawn on Campus Solutions and Training should continue as per Off the Job Training stated in their Training Plan. An Apprentice Notification of Displacement form is to be completed and submitted to ATOM Support Officer for recording.
  • As a Training Provider monitor the progress of the unemployed Apprentice to avoid completion of the program before re-engaging with another employer. Advise the Apprentice of the potential negative consequences of completing a qualification outside of an Apprenticeship including exclusion from licensing requirements, reduced employment opportunities and ineligibility for Trade Papers.
3. Apprentice is absent from class with no contact to advise of intentions

Program Manager or


Where the Apprentice has missed 2 or more consecutive scheduled classes, contact by telephone/email ascertain their status. Clearly outline their enrolment will be withdrawn if no response within 14 days.

  • If Apprentice confirms they no longer wish to continue, notify Student Admin by submitting the Apprentice Notification of Non-Completion form accompanied with relevant Withdrawal form.
  • If the Apprentice does not respond to attempts made to ascertain their status, proceed with withdrawal by submitting to Student Admin the Apprentice Notification of Non-Completion form accompanied with relevant Withdrawal form.
4. Completing an Unemployed Apprentice/Trainee Program Manager or Nominee

An Apprentice/Trainee is able to complete the Training/Qualification as an Unemployed Apprentice/Trainee

  • Staff are to advise the Apprentice on Completion of the Qualification, the Award will have the following words will removed from the Award: "obtained under an approved apprenticeship training scheme" OR:
  • at the Apprentices request, they can withhold the Award to allow for re-employment and completion of the Training Contract.
  • This is the Apprentices decision on receiving a Certificate at the end of the structured training or not.
  • Complete the Apprentice as per the Training Plan: however, ensure the words Unemployed is recorded. Apprentice/Trainee" must be entered in the signatory section where the Employer would traditionally sign to complete.

Death of an Apprentice/ Trainee

The Dual Sector VET Funding Contract Skills First Program between The State of Victoria through the Secretary of the Department of Education and Training and the University states:  

  • The RTO must notify the Manager of Apprenticeship Administration at the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and Apprenticeships Victoria by Email within 24 hours of being notified of the death of an Apprentice/Trainee.

Federation University staff are to notify the Federation University ATOM Support Officer immediately via Email if they have been advised an Apprentice/Trainee has passed away.

  • The ASO will check all information and officially advise the VRQA and Apprenticeships Victoria.
  • The ASO will conduct notifications as per the University's:- "Deceased Student Procedure"


  • Pro Vice-Chancellor (VET and Pathways) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
  • Director, Skills and Education Delivery (as the Document Owner) is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (VET and Pathways).
  • ATOM Support Officer has responsibility for the maintenance of this procedure.
  • Specific responsibilities are included under Actions.

Policy Base

  • Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015.
  • The Dual Sector VET Funding ContractSkills First Program Department of Education and Training and the University

Implementation and Communication

The policy will be implemented and communicated throughout the University via:

  1. Announcement on the University's News webpage;
  2. Inclusion in the University Policy Library;
  3. Referral in Staff inductions;
  4. Annual professional development including assessment activities and workshops.

Records Management

Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Epsilon Notification Form Student Administration

Manager - Student Administration

7 years after contract has expired
Enrolment Form



Manager - Student Administration

7 years after enrolment

has expired

Individual Student File contains:

  • Training Plan
  • Pre Training Review- Apprentice and Employers
  • Attendance required dates (Campus Delivery)
  • Evidence of visits & contact (Workplace Delivery)
  • Progressive assessment results
School Program Manager

7 years after completion

of training period

Student items:

Retention of all completed student Assessment items

School Program Manager 7 years
Final Assessment Results Campus Solutions



Manager - Student Administration Permanent