- Global Partners and Community Engagement Policy
- Research and Research Training Policy
- Printable PDF Version
Standard 2 of the National Code 2018 requires Registered Providers to have:
- Documented procedures for granting and recording course credit.
- Provided a record of coursecredit to the student, which must be signed or otherwise accepted by the student.
- Copy of student’s acceptance of course credit placed on student’s file.
This procedure describes how the University meets these requirements for international students.
This procedure applies to all international students of the University, irrespective of teaching location.
- Education Services for Overseas StudentsAct 2000.
- National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018
- Tertiary Education Quality and StandardsAgency Act 2011
- Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA) Threshold Standards 2021
Term | Definition |
Articulation Agreement | An arrangement between Federation University and other education providers that enables student to progress from a completed qualification to another with admission and/or credit in a defined pathway. |
CoE | Confirmation of Enrolment - A document provided electronically which is issued by the University to intending international students and which must accompany their application for a student visa. It confirms the student’s eligibility to enrol in the course/qualification of the University, at a specific teaching location. |
Course | Course of education and training for Higher Education. |
Course Credit | The value (exemption) assigned for the recognition of equivalence in content and learning outcomes between different types of learning and/or qualifications. Credit reduces the amount of learning required to achieve a qualification and may be through credit transfer or articulation. |
Credit Assessment | A process to determine the amount of credit an applicant is eligible for based on prior study, and/or relevant experience, course structure (core units/majors/minors, etc), student's choice of major and limits for credit. |
fdlGrades | A system which the University uses to monitor the progress of students through their courses/qualifications and maintains a record of articulation agreements May be abbreviated to FDL. |
IA | International Admissions |
Immigration | Department of Home Affairs |
International Student | A person holding an Australian student visa and defined as an ‘Overseas Student’ in the ESOS Act or studying at an off-shore teaching location. |
National Code | National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018, as amended from time to time. |
Partner Provider (PP) | Educational Institution providing units and courses of the University through an approved Education Agreement. |
PRISMS | Provider Registration and International Students Management |
Qualification | Qualification of education and training for VET. Defined as Course in the ESOS Act. |
School/Institute | School/Institute delivering a course to international students. |
StudyLink | International Student online application system. |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps |
Understanding the implications of credit transfer | Student |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps |
Submit intent to apply for credit at time of admission | Student | 1. Student applies for course credit in their application to study at Federation UniversityStudent to supply certified academic documentation translated into English, (including unit outlines) to support the credit application to the Partner Provider for inclusion in the application submission |
Credit application included in admission application | Partner | 2. Partner submits the application to study via StudyLink partner uploads documentation to support credit applicationPartner generates 9000 FDL StudyPlan, maps credit and uploads to StudyLinkPartner changes status to ‘pending credit’ |
Provisional credit is processed | IA |
3. IA issue Letter of Offer & Acceptance Agreement with provisional credit condition (PCA) via StudyLink. Course Coordinator retains discretionary authority to amend provision credit advice from partner |
Credit application assessed (where pre-approved articulation agreement or course precedence exists | IA/international Credit Officer | 4. a) IA determine sufficient documentation has been provided to assess eligibility for credit and Review credit application against articulation agreement register in FDL, or course precedence, if either exist proceed to 5. |
Credit application assessed (where no approved articulation agreement or course precedence exists) | Course Coordinator |
4. b) If no articulation/precedence exists IA forward to Course Coordinator for approval via StudyLink. Course Coordinator assesses partner recommendation for credit as per institute/school guidelines Confirms or remaps credit on the 9000 studyplan in FDL and approves Returns outcome via FDL and StudyLink |
Upon enrolment, credit is recorded in MyStudent Centre and advised to student | IA Credit Officer /Partner Liaison Officer |
5. Student enrols, credits approved on 9000 studyplan plan are cloned to the 3000 student plan. 6. IA credits officer generated credit letter and forward to partner for distribution to student. 7. Credits are entered onto students’ transcript through FDL and MySC integration. |
Activity | Responsibility | Steps |
Applies for credit at time of admission via StudyLink | Student |
Student applies for course credit in their application to study at Federation University Student to supply certified academic documentation (including unit outlines) to support the credit application at time of admission application |
Credit application assessed (where pre-approved articulation agreement or course precedence exists) | IA |
5. a) IA determine sufficient documentation has been provided to assess eligibility for credit. review credit application against articulation agreement register in FDL, or course precedence, if either exist, map credit to a 9000 StudyPlan Issue Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement with credit included |
Credit application assessed (where no approved articulation agreement or course precedence exists) | Course Coordinator |
8. b) If no articulation/precedence exists IA generate 9000 studyplan in FDL, link to StudyLink and forward to Course Coordinator for approval via StudyLink Course Coordinator assesses application as per institute/school guidelines Maps credit on the 9000 studyplan in FDL and approves Returns outcome via FDL and StudyLink recording remaining semesters of course and revised course duration. |
Review outcome | IA | 9. review outcome and issue Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement with credit included |
CoE issued | International Student Compliance | 10. CoE is issued reflecting the change of length of program study and listing credit approved (noting 9000 number from FDL). |
Recording of credit | Student Admin |
11. Student enrols, Student Admin clone credit from 9000 to 3000 student number and course credit is recorded in Campus Solutions and credit letter issued via FDL. Student will receive written notification of confirmed credit which will either include statement advising if the student has not contacted Student Admin by listed date it is assumed credit is accepted by student. 12. Credit letter is issued through fdlGrades. |
The Higher Education Academic Credit Transfer Procedure is inclusive of Federation Campus and Partner Provider Location students who apply for credit at time of enrolment or while enrolled.
Specific responsibilities are included under Actions
- Chief Learner Experience Officer (as the Approval Authority) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
- Director, Student Services and Registrar (as the Document Owner) is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Approval Authority.
- Academic Governance Policy
- Students and Support for Students Policy
- Application to Enrolment Guidelines
- Higher Education Enrolment Procedure
- Higher Education Guide
- Pre-Enrolment Appeal Procedure
- Higher Education Application for Credit Transfer
- Higher Education Recognition of Prior Learning Procedure
- Federation University Australia (Students) Regulation 2022
- Part 2 – Admission to become a Student
- Division 1 – Selection
- Division 3 - Enrolment
- Part 2 – Admission to become a Student
Title | Location | Responsible Officer | Minimum Retention Period |
Evidence of acceptance of credit | Student File | Institute/IA | 7 years after completion of course |
The Course Credit Transfer Application for International Students Procedure will be implemented throughout the University community via:
- An Announcement Notice on the FedNews webpage;and
- Inclusion in the University's online Policy Library.