Document Currently Under Consultation

Current Status: Sent For Approval - with Sponsor 17 June 2024

Withdrawal from All Studies Procedure (Higher Education)

Policy code: ST1717
Policy owner: Director, Student Services and Registrar
Approval authority: Chief Learner Experience Officer
Approval date: 03 January 2024
Next review date: 08 February 2024


To describe the process that staff and students are required to follow in order for a student to withdraw from Higher Education studies.

This procedure applies to both domestic and international students regardless of the training delivery mode; on-campus off-campus, online and students studying through partner providers.


This procedure relates to all domestic and international students studying higher education courses from the point of initial indication of a wish to consider withdrawal through to final processing.

Students intending to transfer into another FedUni course should refer to the Internal Program Transfer form not the Amend your program status form.

This procedure facilitates Regulation 5.2: Entry Quotas and Admissions.


Term Definition
Confirmation of Enrolment CoE: A document issued by the University to potential international student confirming the student's eligibility to enrol in the particular course at the University, subject to their successful application for a student visa.
CUP: Centre for University Partnerships
Deferral: Postponement of the commencement of studies at Federation UniversityAvailable only to commencing students who choose to defer the commencement of their studies until a later teaching period rather than accepting the offer to begin in the current teaching period
ESOS Act: Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, as amended on occasion
Immigration: Department of Home Affairs
Internal Transfer: A student enrolled in a FedUni course wishing to transfer to another FedUni course
Leave from Studies: A temporary absence from a course of study at any time after a student has commenced their course.  Commencing students who accept their offer and then decide that they don’t wish to commence their studies in the current teaching period should apply to defer their commencement.
Partner Provider: An approved educational institution that delivers university courses/units as part of an agreement with Federation University
PRISMS Provider Registration and International Student Management System. Student management system for creating and maintaining CoEs.
Course: A course of study leading to an official award or qualification of the University contained in University Schedule 5.1 or in Regulation 5.1
Course Coordinator: The member of staff who is the designated co-ordinator of the course from which the student wishes to withdraw  
Withdrawal: The complete cessation of enrolment in a course of study.  A student who withdraws from their course of studies forfeits their place in that course and must reapply for admission if they wish to resume in that course at a later date
Amend your program status form: The form used by a student to indicate that they wish to withdraw from their course of studies. Students are encouraged to withdraw using the Amend Course Status form in MySC. Where accessibility issues occur the Amend your Program Status form (pdf, 616kb) may be used, noting that this is a manual process and thus may take longer to process and finalise.


Students can express their intention to withdraw through a variety of methods, the completion of the withdrawal form, email or face to face communication.


Determine whether the student has accessed suitable intervention and support services and ensure the student is aware of the implications of their decision to withdraw.

FedUni or Partner Provider staff member who received intention to withdraw

Students intending to transfer into another FedUni course should complete the Internal Transfer form.

The contacted staff member must ensure that the student is aware of their options and has accessed the appropriate support services to make an informed decision.

If the student is unsure if they wish to withdraw, ensure the student is informed of their options and assist them in making an informed decision by referring to:

  • appropriate student support services;
  • Library Services (research and academic assistance);
  • Student Counsellor and/or member of Student Advocacy;
  • School support staff for support;
  • Student HUBs;
  • Alternative study options or programs that might be of interest.
  • Aboriginal Education Centre.

If the student has made their decision to withdraw and no further intervention is applicable, ensure the withdrawal form is completed and process as per below steps.

Current and upcoming teaching period census dates should also be provided so the student is aware of when they will become financially liable for the units.

2. If the student makes the final decision to withdraw, completion of Amend your program status form is required. Student

Student to submit Withdrawal from All Studies form online HE by logging into My Student Centre (MySC).

Where accessibility issues occur the Amend your Program Status form (pdf, 616kb) may be used and submitted via the Enquiry Portal or in person at Student HQ. Please note that this is not an automated and work flowed process and thus may take longer to process and finalise.

3. Where an offline form is submitted at a service point receive and date stamp the form provided as evidence of receipt. Student HQ/International Student Compliance/Partner Provider administrative support Student will receive system generated confirmation of form submission via MySC. Where MySC cannot be used and an offline form is used receive and date stamp the form and scan and log it via the CRM enquiry portal under the student’s ID as evidence of receipt and to commence processing.
4. Withdrawal requests for international students, including those study at a partner provider teaching location will have withdrawal considered for compliance with student visa conditions and ESOS Act where applicable International Student Compliance If further information / documentation required to approve request, deny application providing list of further information / documentation required.

Record withdrawal on student record in Student Management Systems.

Student HQ/International Student Compliance/CUP Ensure all appropriate fields are updated to reflect students withdrawal in Student Management Systems (MySC and fdlGrades)
6. Notification sent to student confirming the withdrawal has been processed. Student HQ/International Student Compliance/Partner Liaison Staff

Student will receive notification of withdrawal processed from Student Management system.

For international students, this notification includes that Immigration will be notified that the student is no longer a Federation University student.

7. File the withdrawal form. Student Management Systems, Student HQ/International Student Compliance/Partner Liaison Staff Student Management System records copy of the submitted form online. Where the offline form has been used a copy will be saved on the Student File and ECM.
8. Cancellation of student’s CoE. International Student Compliance Report student’s withdrawal in PRISMS for international students, including those studying at a partner provider teaching location.
9. Obtain list of withdrawals from Student Management System. School/ Centre Needed for noting at Programs Committees.


  • Chief Learner Experience Officer (as the Approval Authority) is responsible for monitoring the implementation, outcomes and scheduled review of this procedure.
  • Director, Student Services and Registrar (as the Document Owner) is responsible for maintaining the content of this procedure as delegated by the Approval Authority.


The Withdrawal from Studies Procedure will be communicated throughout the University via:

  1. Information sessions and/or other relevant presentations such as meetings specific for the University; and/or
  2. An announcement under News on the home page of the University website and on the PAMS web page.
  3. Inclusion on the University's online Policy Library; and/or
  4. Distribution of memo to Deans, Academic Services and Support, CUP, Student HQ, Student Experience and Partner Providers.


The Withdrawal from Studies Procedure Higher Education will be implemented throughout the University via:

  1. Training provided to staff in Student Services and Schools by their relevant Managers;
  2. the Information Brochure is still under development and will be made available once finalised.

Forms/ Record Keeping

Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Withdrawal From All Studies form HE


Management Systems

Manager, Student HQ

7 years after enrolment has expired
Internal Program Transfer form (HE)

Student Management Systems

Manager Student HQ

7 years after enrolment has expired