Project Management Framework Procedure

Policy code: OG1614
Policy owner: Director, ITS
Approval authority: Chief Operating Officer
Approval date: 24 September 2024
Next review date: 22 August 2026


This document describes the University's procedure regarding the essential elements in the management of all projects.

The objectives of this procedure are to ensure that:

  • Projects are effectively managed within the limitations of Scope, Quality, Resources (Time and Budget) and Risk;
  • Appropriate governance and control is established;
  • Communication, quality and risk management plans are developed and executed throughout a project’s life;
  • Appropriate authorisation and acceptance is established throughout the life of a project;
  • Stakeholder communication is inclusive; and,
  • Post implementation reviews are conducted and actively used to improve the conduct of project delivery.

In order to achieve these objectives the elements of this Project Management Framework Procedure must be included in the initiation, planning, and execution of all major projects.


All projects that are considered to be of ‘Medium’ or above risk level, at an institutional level via Audit and Risk Committee, as defined in the Risk Management Policy, are to comply with the Project Management Framework.

The Project Management Framework is based on the universal principles of the PMBOK®guide and PRINCEII ® methodology, in conjunction with the University’s policy, procedures and guidelines. This framework for Project Management is based on the generic process flows of Initiating, Planning, Executing, Controlling & Monitoring and Closing IPECC.

The Project Management Procedure is a University-wide procedure, to be applied across all University Portfolios for all University staff and Associates to comply with, regardless of monetary value and size.


Business Sponsor: The main business stakeholder who is responsible for initiating the Business Case for a project. They identify the business needs further to develop the Business Case based on risk and University requirements.
Business Case: A Business Case is based on an operational or strategic need that has been identified from within a business unit. A Business Case should detail and justify the baseline information about the project such as background, purpose, benefits, objectives and funding sources of the proposed project.
Change Management: The activity of assisting an organisation and individuals within an organisation to change from one process, system or structure to a new process, system or structure.
Change Request: Formal request to change the project management plan baseline. Change Requests may only be authorised by Steering Committees. Approved Change Requests are the documented authorised changes to expand or reduce project scope and may also modify University policies or procedures, the project management plan, costs, budgets or revise schedules.
Communication Plan: A plan for the communication activities of a project, implemented during particular phases of a project.
Project: A project is defined as a set ‘body of work’ with a defined start and end date, with a pre determined level of risk. The risk can be associated with human, government, financial/commercial, environmental, political, legal or business continuity factors. A project will be undertaken when the level of risk is considered ‘Medium’ or above, at an institutional level via Audit & Risk Committee and as defined in the Risk Management Policy.
IPECC: Five process groups within the management of the project:
Initiation, Planning, Execution, Controlling & Monitoring and Closing.
PMBoK®: Project Management Body of Knowledge. PMBOK® is a collection of processes and knowledge areas accepted as best practice within the project management discipline, world wide.
PRINCE-II®: PRINCE-II® is a structured approach to project management. It covers the management, control and organisation of a project. It provides a method for managing projects within a clearly defined framework. PRINCE-II® describes procedures to coordinate people and activities in a project, how to design and supervise the project, and what to do if the project has to be adjusted if it doesn't develop as planned.
Project: A project is defined as a set 'body of work' with a defined start and end date, and with a pre determined level of risk. The risk can be associated with human, government, financial/commercial, environmental, political, legal or business continuity factors. A project will be undertaken when the level of risk is considered 'Medium' or above, at an institutional level via Audit & Risk Committee and as defined as a risk in the Risk Management Policy.
Project Charter: The main purpose of the Project Charter is to formally acknowledge that a project has approval to begin. It is the authoritative document acknowledging the Project’s Executive Sponsor and the Business Sponsor sign off to initiate the project and the Project Managers acceptance to commence.
Project Executive Sponsor: The person given overall responsibility for ensuring that a project meets its objectives and delivers the projected benefits. They are considered the champion of the project and will have ongoing accountability for the outcome of the project.
Project Management Plan: The Project Management Plan is developed through a series of iterative processes until project closure. This process results in development of a Project Management Plan that is progressively elaborated by updates and controlled and approved by the Steering Committee.
Project Management Framework: A policy guideline and documented procedures for how projects are planned, executed and delivered based on proven project management methodologies, to ensure projects are completed on time and on budget.
Project Manager: The person responsible for the day to day management of the project objectives, tasks, progress and project team.
Project Proposal A Project Proposal is the initial formal document of the project. It specifies high level requirements of the project including background, purpose, benefits, objectives, scope, assumptions, constraints and costs of the project, from which an executive decision will be made to authorise the project.
Project Review A review after a project is completed to ensure that the project has met its objectives and that the outcome meets user requirements.
Project Steering Committee A group of high-level stakeholders who are responsible for providing guidance on overall strategic direction and endorsing recommendations from the Project Manager.
Project Team: Individuals, groups and/or organisations, including all consultants, who are responsible for undertaking project tasks as directed by the Project Manager.
Quality Management Plan:  A plan for all the activities related to the management of the quality of a project, including evaluation, procurement, testing and recommendations during the Controlling phase of a project.
Risk Management Plan A plan detailing risks identified in the planning process and those risks inherent in a project, prescribing the likelihood, consequences and mitigation strategy for each risk.

Status Report

Strategic Capital, Infrastructure and Projects

A status report provides a high level overview of the progress of the project against the authorised project management plan baseline. It details recent project activities, financial status, milestones and deliverables, forthcoming planned activities, current issues and resolutions and a review of project risks.

The Strategic Capital, Infrastructure and Projects Office (SCIP) defines and maintains the standards of processes related to project management, within the University. The PPO strives to standardise and introduce economies of repetition in the execution of projects. The PPO is the source of documentation, guidance and metrics on the practice of project management, project governance and execution.


Procedure Statement

  1. Projects require a Business Case to be documented prior to project funding being authorised.  The Business Case is completed by the Business Sponsor.
  2. The completed Business Case for a project requires the approval from the relevant Portfolio or School delegation.
  3. An approved Business Case triggers the development of a Project Proposal by SCIP, which is then approved with a Project Charter.
  4. A Project Charter is to be endorsed by the SCIP Office and authorised by either a Deputy Vice-Chancellor, based on the financial availability.
  5. A Project Manager must be appointed after the Project Charter is authorised. Project Managers are required to have experience, skills and available time to manage the project and are funded from the operational funds of the project.
  6. Projects require a Deputy Vice-Chancellor as the Project Executive Sponsor for the duration of the project, from initiation through to project closure.
  7. Projects require the establishment of a Steering Committee and a project team under the guidance of a Project Manager at the planning phase.
  8. Budget, Risk and Status reports must be sent to the Project Executive Sponsor and included at Steering Committee meetings. These reports will be tabled at appropriate senior team and University Committee meetings.
  9. Project Management, Communication, Risk and Quality plans are to be endorsed by Steering Committee.
  10. All projects will include a business/user acceptance phase.
  11. The Steering Committee, on advice from the Project Manager will determine the project closure.

Project Initiating

1. Authorised Business Case entered into project register database SCIP The business has access to the Business Case Template which is available.
2. Identify Stakeholders Business Sponsor/SCIP Identify parties being impacted by the project, detail relevant information pertaining to their interests and engagement towards project success.
Stakeholder Register Template & Guide is available.
3. Prepare Project Proposal SCIP

Project Proposal developed in consultation with Business Sponsor drawing on information provided within the authorised Business Case.

A Project Proposal Template & Guide is available.

4. Develop Project Charter SCIP Project Charter Template is available.
5. Recommend Project Proposal to VC or DVCs SCIP This includes sign-off of the Project Charter.
6. Appoint Project Manager Business Unit/SCIP  

Project Planning

1. Update status of Project Proposal to Approved Project SCIP  
2. Commence Project Management Plan Project Manager Project Management Plan Template & Guide is available.
3. Collect Requirements Project Manager Identify stakeholder needs.
4. Define Scope Project Manager Describe the project.
5. Create Scheduling Plan Project Manager Sub divide the project deliverables into smaller, more manageable component
6. Define Activities Project Manager Define specific actions to produce project deliverables
7. Sequence Activities Project Manager Define relationships between activities.
8. Estimate Activity Resources Project Manager Estimate the type and quantities of materials, people, equipment or supplies required for each activity
9. Estimate Activity Durations Project Manager Estimate the duration required to complete individual activities with estimated activity resources
10. Develop Schedule Project Manager Analyse activity sequences, resource requirements and scheduling constraints to create project schedule.
Schedule (MS Project) Template is available.
11. Estimate Costs Project Manager Approximate funds required to complete individual activities
12. Determine Budget Project Manager Aggregate the estimated costs to establish an authorised cost baseline.
13. Plan Quality Project Manager Identify quality requirements and/or standards for the project and define how these will be achieved.
Quality Management Plan Template & Guide is available.
14. Develop Human Resource Plan Project Manager/People and Culture Identify and define project roles, responsibilities and skills required.
15. Plan Communications Project Manager Determine stakeholder communication needs and a communication methodology.
Communication Plan Template & Guide is available.
16. Plan Risk Management Project Manager

Define how to conduct risk management activities for the project.

Risk Management Plan Template & Guide is available.

17. Identify Risks Project Manager Determine project risks and document their characteristics.
Risk Register Template & Guide is available
18. Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis Project Manager Prioritise risks for further analysis by assessing and combining their probability of occurrence and impact.
Risk Register Template provides tools for this analysis.
19. Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis Project Manager Numerically analyse the effect of identified risks on the overall project objective.
Reference PMBOK for further information and guidance.
20. Plan Risk Responses Project Manager Develop options and actions to enhance opportunities and to reduce threats to project objectives.
21. Plan Procurements Project Manager Document purchasing decisions in line with University's Procurement Policy and Procedures.
Additional procurement and evaluation templates are available from SCIP.
22. Establish Steering Committee Project Manager Membership sought from stakeholder register.
23. Finalise Project Management Plan Project Manager Finalised PMP to be endorsed by Steering Committee

Project Executing

1. Form the Steering Committee PPO/Project Manager

Form a Steering Committee and establish Terms of Reference for the group.

Steering Committee Terms of Reference Template is available.

2. Direct and manage project execution Project Manager Perform the work defined in the project management plan to achieve the project's objectives
3. Perform Quality Assurance Project Manager/PPO Audit the quality control measures to ensure appropriate quality standards are followed
4. Form Project Team Project Manager Confirm human resource availability and obtain the team necessary to achieve project objectives
5. Train Project Team Project Manager Assess project team skill levels and identify further training requirements if required
6. Manage Project Team Project Manager Track team member performance, provide feedback, resolve issues and manage change to optimise project performance
7. Manage Scope Project Manager Change Request Template & Guide and Issue & Action Register Template & Guide are available
8. Manage Stakeholders Project Manager Make relevant information available to stakeholders as planned in Communication Plan including working with stakeholders to meet their needs
9. Conduct Procurements Project Manager/Procurement Manager Perform procurement in line with University's Procurement Policy and Procedures.
PPO procurement assessment templates available to assist with this process

Project Controlling and Monitoring

1. Monitor and Control Project Work Project Manager Track, review and regulate the progress to meet the objectives defined in the Project Management Plan
2. Perform Integrated Change Control Project Manager/Steering Committee Review, recommend and manage changes to deliverables, documents and the Project Management Plan
3. Verify Scope Project Manager Formally accept the project deliverables
4. Control Scope Project Manager Monitor and manage the scope baseline
5. Control Schedule Project Manager Monitor the progress and manage the schedule baseline
6. Control Costs Project Manager Monitor the project costs and manage budget baseline
7. Perform Quality Control Project Manager Monitor the quality activities to assess performance and recommend actions
8. Report Performance Project Manager/Steering Committee

Collect and distribute performance information including status reports, progress measurements and forecasts.

Status Report Template & Guide are available.

9. Monitor and Control Communication Strategy Project Manager Monitor communication strategy ensuring engagement of stakeholders
10. Monitor and Control Risks Project Manager Implement risk response plans, track identified risks, monitor residual risks, identify new risks and evaluate risk process effectiveness
11. Manage Contractual Obligations Project Manager Manage procurement relationships and monitor contract performance

Project Closing

1. Close Project or Phase Project Manager/Steering Committee/Business Unit Finalise all activities of the project and obtain sign-off of deliverables from the business
2. Close Contractual Obligations Project Manager/Director, Finance, Reporting and Compliance Complete project procurement and contracts
3. Complete Project Review Project Manager

Conduct a post closure and impact review to formally close the project.

Project Review Template & Guide are available.

Project Review

1. Schedule review meetings with key stakeholders from project Project Portfolio Office/Stakeholders

Schedule for 3 - 6 months after closure.

A Project Review Template & Guide are available.

2. Complete Post Implementation Review Project Portfolio Office The Post Implementation Review Template & Guide are available.


  1. The Manager, Strategic Capital, Infrastructure and Projectswill be responsible for ensuring the Project Management Framework, including this Policy and the relating procedure, is applied to all UniversityProjects that are risk rated at 'Medium' or above.
  2. The relevant financial delegate is responsible for the approval of a Business Case.
  3. The Strategic Capital, Infrastructure and Projects Office is responsible for the development of a Project Proposal.
  4. A Deputy Vice-Chancellor is responsible for authorising a Project Charter.
  5. The Project Executive Sponsor will be accountable for the delivery of the project and the ongoing out comes after project completion.
  6. Project Steering Committees will be responsible for the oversight of each of their projects, ensuring that the project is being executed in line with the goals and objectives of the Project Charter.
  7. The appointed Project Manager will be responsible for the project team from the initiating phase through to the closing phase. They will be the point of contact for the project and will ensure each phase is managed in accordance with the University Project Management Framework.

Record Keeping

Project documentation for each project must be maintained by the Project Manager during the course of the project but is to remain as historical records with the PPO due to auditing requirements in future timeframes.

Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period
Business Case PPO Business Sponsor 7 years after Project completed
Project Proposal PPO Director PPO 7 years after Project completed
Project Charter PPO Director PPO 7 years after Project completed
Stakeholder Register PPO Project Manager 7 years after Project completed
Communication Plan PPO Project Manager 7 years after Project completed
Quality Management Plan PPO Project Manager 7 years after Project completed
Risk Management Plan PPO Project Manager 7 years after Project completed
Risk Register PPO Project Manager 7 years after Project completed
Project Schedule PPO Project Manager 7 years after Project completed
Project Management Plan PPO Project Manager 7 years after Project completed
Change Request PPO Project Manager 7 years after Project completed
Issue & Action Register PPO Project Manager 7 years after Project completed
Status Report PPO Project Manager 7 years after Project completed
Project Review PPO Project Manager 7 years after Project completed
Post Implementation Review PPO Director PPO 7 years after Project completed


The Project Management Procedure will be implemented throughout the University via:

  1. An announcement Notice under the University website and through the University Policy - 'Recently Approved Documents' webpage to alert the University-wide community of the approved Policy;
  2. Inclusion on the University Policy, Procedures and Forms website;
  3. Information sessions for Directors/Heads of Schools/Managers;
  4. Training sessions for staff needing guidance;
  5. Referenced from the PPO website;
  6. Document distribution, eg. PMF posters, PMF brochure.