Research and Research Training
Overarching Policy
Research and Research Training Policy RS2078
Governance documents
- Agent Appointment, Monitoring and Termination Procedure CG1440
- Ambassador of the University Procedure CG1521
- Applying for Research Funding Procedure (Pre-Award) RS1925
- Appointment and Assessment of Partner Teaching Staff Procedure CG1541
- Artificial Intelligence Guidelines CG2102
- Authorship Procedure RS1957
- Completion Within the Expected Duration of Study Procedure AG892
- Course Credit Transfer Application for International Students Procedure AG1459
- CRICOS Registration of Higher Education and VET Programs Procedure AG878
- Critical Incident Management - International Students Procedure ST889
- Disbursement of Net Revenue from Intellectual Property Commercialisation Procedure RS2033
- Disclosing and Exploiting Intellectual Property Procedure RS2027
- Distinguished Professor Procedure CG2105
- Establishment and Operational Requirements for Partner Provider Agreements Procedure CG1442
- Federation Alumni Procedure GC1959
- Foreign Arrangements Notification and Interactions Procedure CG2066
- Foreign Arrangements Notification Procedure CG2052
- Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Procedure RS2067
- HDR Admission and Induction Guidelines RS2099
- HDR Candidate Procedure RS2091
- HDR Candidature Guidelines RS2097
- HDR in Partnership Procedure RS1934
- HDR Scholarship Guidelines RS2098
- HDR Supervision Procedure RS2090
- Higher Education Awards Procedure CG2015
- Honorary Awards Procedure CG1996
- Intellectual Property Procedure RS2026
- International Admissions Procedure ST1484
- International Marketing Material Approval Process Procedure AG1439
- International Student Attendance Requirements Procedure AG1572
- Library Services at Partner Providers Procedure OG2042
- Management of Research Funding Procedure (Post-Award) RS1926
- Marketing Information and Practices Procedure AG876
- Monitoring Course/Qualification Progression Procedure AG879
- Partner Provider Agent Appointment, Monitoring and Termination Procedure CG888
- Partner Provider Exit Strategy Procedure CG1526
- Philanthropic Donations Procedure GC2012
- Research Compliance Committees External Members Allowance Procedure RS2063
- Research Data Management Procedure RS1836
- Research Data Repository (Federation.figshare) Procedure RS2100
- Research Ethics and Institutional Biosafety Procedure RS2096
- Research Export Controls Procedure RS2050
- Research Forms RS1884
- Research Funding Procedure
[Document not yet available: Sent For Approval - with Sponsor 11 October 2023] RS2095 - Research Integrity Advisor Procedure RS2103
- Research Integrity and Misconduct Procedure RS1502
- Research Publications Repository (Federation ResearchOnline) Procedure OG1525
- RTP and HDR Scholarship Procedure RS1931
- Sanctions Compliance Procedure RS2068
- Student Support and Orientation for International Students Procedure ST1581
- Transfer Between Registered Providers Procedure AG890
- Transfer Between Teaching Locations Procedure AG1472
- University Awards Guidelines CG1995
- University Medal Awards Procedure CG2034
- University Research Centres (URC) Procedure RS1346